Name: My Math Homework - 1 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find the product: 23 x 536=Find the product:54 x 653=Find the product:76 x 327=Find the product:94 x 845=Find the quotient: _______ 8 ) 240Find the quotient: _______ 3 ) 927Find the quotient: ________ 12 ) 3624Find the quotient: ________ 7 ) 2114Find the sum: 2.56 + 4.83Find the sum: 93.5 + 8.7 Find the sum: 714.29 + 98.65Find the sum: 59.34 + 1.85= Find the difference: 58.84 - 2.78Find the difference: 528.77 - 41.68Find the difference: 1.76 - .98Find the difference: 34.59 - 6.84=Simplify each fraction: 5_10 4_12_3 9Simplify each fraction: 6_ 9 2_161040Simplify each fraction: 2_ 4 6_18 4_20Simplify each fraction: 9_27 727 8_ 36List the first 5 multiples of:1:4:5:List the first 5 multiples of:12:10:3:List the first 5 multiples of:6:9:7:List the first 5 multiples of:11:8:2:Find the products:9x8=7x9=6x8=7x8=6x9=7x6=7x7=List the factors of:24:36:27:7:List the factors of:12:2:45:50:List the factors of:48:18:5:16:Solve the expression. Use Order of Operations 6x7-8÷4Solve the expression. Use Order of Operations 3x(20-5)Solve the expression. Use Order of Operations (24+2)÷2Solve the expression. Use Order of Operations [2+(9x3)]x3Add parenthesis to the expression below. 25-6x2Add parenthesis to the expression below. 4+3x2-4÷2Write two expressions where the solution is 19.Write two expressions where the solution is 41. Name: My Math Homework - 2 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find the product: 18 x 342=Find the product:88 x 664=Find the product:43 x 823=Find the product:98 x 920=Find the quotient: _____ 13 ) 325Find the quotient: _______ 14 ) 1162Find the quotient: ________ 9 ) 549Find the quotient: _____ 15 ) 1005Find the sum: 4.22 + 8.13Find the sum: 92.9 + 9.2 Find the sum: 199.13+75.2= Find the sum: 55.14+7.82= Find the difference: 98.19 - 14.03Find the difference: 64.09 - 8.8=Find the difference: 29.9 - 18.82=Find the difference: 75.11 - 4.4=Simplify each fraction: 810 2 8Simplify each fraction: 7_21 312Simplify each fraction: 610 921Simplify each fraction: 520 324Find the Product:7x7=7x9=7x3=7x6=7x12=7x11=Find the Product:9x7=9x9=9x3=9x6=9x12=9x11=Find the Product:8x7=8x9=8x3=8x6=8x12=8x11=Find the Product:12x7=12x9=12x3=12x6=12x12=12x11=List the first 5 multiples of:2:4:6:List the first 5 multiples of:3:5:7:List the first 5 multiples of:8:9:10:List the first 5 multiples of:15:22:30:List the factors of:36:7:List the factors of:9:33:List the factors of:41:50:List the factors of:12:30:Solve.82 + 3(36 ÷ 6) - 2Add parenthesis to the expression below.7 – 3 x 4 + 6Solve.300 – 7[4(3 +5)] + 33Write two expressions where the solution is 28.What multiplication and division problem does this model represent?What multiplication and division problem does this model represent?Draw a model to represent the following problem.12x6Draw a model to represent the following problem.42÷7 Name: My Math Homework - 3 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find the product: 54x523=Find the product:76x468=Find the product:12x937=Find the product:76x759=Find the quotient: _____ 12 ) 672Find the quotient: _______ 15 ) 375Find the quotient: ________ 8 ) 288Find the quotient: _____ 7 ) 3801Find the sum: 24.75 + 12.45Find the sum: 23.8 + 3.5 Find the sum: 65.53+4.85= Find the sum: 467.4+9.7= Find the difference: 12.67 - 10.54Find the difference: 36.47 - 34.89=Find the difference: 126.78 - 65.98=Find the difference: 23.91 - 17.99=<, >, or =12.56 ______ 125.674.3 _____ 7.43 <, >, or =10.01 ______ 10.1055.56 _____ 55.65<, >, or =678.05 _____ 67.80530.30 _____ 30.03<, >, or =56.53 ______ 565.344.65 _____ 44.650Simplify each fraction: 4 8 5_ 20Simplify each fraction: 8_24 3_15Simplify each fraction: 9_27 2_22Simplify each fraction: 6_30 728Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS (32÷4)+3Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS (4+5)÷3x4Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS[3x(6+6)]-2Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS 72÷9+4x4What division problem does this model represent?19240533020-1905642620What multiplication and division problem does this model represent?Draw a model to represent the following problem.5x3Draw a model to represent the following problem.12÷6What is 43.78 in word form?What is 78.6 in word form?What is 32.043 in expanded form?What is 8.478 in expanded form?Find the Product:8x8= 9x9= 7x8= 6x7= 4x8= 7x6=7x7=9x7=Label the place value: 12,354.8972: thousands4:5:8:9:7:Label the place value: 7,854.2092: tenths0:9:4:5:7:Label the place value: 987,164.3020: hundredths 1:4:3:6:9: Name: My Math Homework - 4MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find the product: 18x524=Find the product:16x48=Find the product:103x91=Find the product:91x548=Find the quotient: _____ 12 ) 996Find the quotient: _______ 15 ) 1230Find the quotient: ________ 8 ) 544Find the quotient: _____ 7 ) 1106Find the sum: 22.66 + 1.40Find the difference: 29.22 - 27.54Find the sum: 88.51+4.8= Find the difference: 16.98 - 11.08=<, >, or =33.88 ______ 33.8062.90_____ 62.09 <, >, or =99.01 ______ 99.1055.405 _____ 55.045<, >, or =31.010 _____ 31.0149.220 _____ 49.22<, >, or =10.001______ 10.0120.10 _____ 20.1Solve.(7+5) ÷ 6 + 102Add parenthesis to the expression below.63 – 15 + 4 x 5Solve.4[5(12+3) -2] - 7Write two expressions where the solution is 4.Find the factors? Prime or Composite?16:Find the factors? Prime or Composite?21:Find the factors? Prime or Composite?42:Find the factors? Prime or Composite?83:Order the numbers from greatest to least.56.01, 56.10, 56.011Order the numbers from greatest to least.44.012, 44.102, 44.120Order the numbers from greatest to least.6.002, 6.200, 6.020Order the numbers from greatest to least.73.05, 74.01, 73.50What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321Find the Product.8x8=7x7=8x9=9x9=7x6=Find the Product. 12 12 12 12X10 x 1 x0.1 x0.01Find the Product. 6 6 6 6X10 x 1 x0.1 x0.01Find the Product. 33 33 33 33X10 x 1 x0.1 x0.01Solve.7.4 x 1 = ______7.4 x 10 = ______7.4 x 100 = ______7.4 x 1,000 = ______Solve.45.3 ÷ 1 = ______45.3 ÷ 10 = ______45.3 ÷ 100 = ______45.3 ÷ 1,000 = ______Solve.3.28 x 10 = ______3.28 x 102 = ______3.28 x 103 = ______3.28 x 104 = ______Solve.73.1 ÷ 10 = ______73.1 ÷ 102 = ______73.1 ÷ 103 = ______73.1 ÷ 104 = ______ Name: My Math Homework - 5MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Solve the problem 27x506=Find the quotient: _____ 18 ) 756Find the product:70x114=Find the quotient: ________ 15 ) 2145Find the sum:2.5 + 3.03Find the difference:58.84 - 2.78Find the sum:714.2 + 9.65Find the difference:50.04 - 1.103Sandra and her friend went to the candy store. Each of them purchased a bag of jelly beans. Sandra’s bag weighed 1.25 pounds. Her friend’s bag weighed 1.05 pounds. Who bought more candy?Jessie enjoys running every day for exercise. On Monday he ran 3.30 miles, on Tuesday he ran 3.09 miles, and on Wednesday he ran 2.98 miles. On what day did Jessie run the farthest?Jonathan is looking for a part-time job in order to make some extra money after school. The shoe store wants to pay him $7.85 per hour, the clothing store wants to pay him $7. 58 per hour, and the pet store wants to pay him $7.65 per hour. Where will Jonathan make the most amount per hour?Jose and Donald are having a bubble gum stretching contest to see who can stretch their bubble gum the farthest. Jose stretches him gum 10.5 inches, and Donald stretches him gum 10. 50 inches. Who stretched their gum the farthest? <, >, or =34.653 ______ 3.46531.25 _____ 12.5589.1 _____ 58.9117.88 ______ 33.8063.90_____ 63.990 <, >, or =9.21 ______ 9.2456.1 _____ 465.13.13 _____ 3.1299.04 ______ 99.04055.33 _____ 55.033<, >, or =3.01 ______ 3.1011.250 _____ 11.259.401 _____ 9.41031.01 _____ 31.01949.20 _____ 49.22<, >, or =6.5 ______ 6.5030.50 _____ 3.50 723.022 ____ 723.20210.01______ 10.00142.1 _____ 24.1What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321What is the value of the underlined digit?5,678.321Order the numbers from greatest to least.56.2, 56.32, 56.321Solve.0.45 x 10 = ______0.45 x 102 = ______0.45 x 103 = ______0.45 x 104 = ______Order the numbers from greatest to least.2.2, 3.200, 3.020Solve.89.4 ÷ 10 = ______89.4 ÷ 102 = ______89.4 ÷ 103 = ______89.4 ÷ 104 = ______Write the following decimals in order from least to greatest.0.7, 1.4, 3.9, 2.2, 1.8Using the numbers from yesterday, place each number on the number line below.Round each number to the nearest whole number.0.7________1.4 ________3.9 ________2.2 ________1.8 ________Answer the following using the number line.<, >, or =0.7 ______ 1.42.2 ______ 1.83.9 ______2.2 0 1 2 3 4 Name: My Math Homework - 6MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find the product: 35x867=Find the product:52x438=Find the product:58x888=Find the product:12x354=Find the quotient: _____ 13 ) 1979Find the quotient: _______ 9 ) 7488Find the quotient: ________11 ) 3553Find the quotient: _____ 7 ) 6279Find the sum:543.5+2.3=Find the sum: 25.1+1.9=Find the sum: 111.2+9.8= Find the sum: 53.21+4.652=Find the difference: 33.2 - 5.3=Find the difference: 554.3 - 15.3=Find the difference: 1.3 - .7 =Find the difference: 653.12 – 43.9=<, >, or =4.01 ______ 4.1123.23_____ 23.32 <, >, or =11.4 ______ 11.4053.11 _____ 53.011<, >, or =983.9 _____ 9.83935.1 _____ 35.100<, >, or =28.40______ 28.4004.2 _____ 42.0Draw a model of the following problem.20 ÷ 5Mrs. Rivera baked 112 cookies. There are 28 students in her class. If she passes out all of her cookies, how many cookies will each student receive?Draw a model of the following problem.6 x 2Mrs. Rivera wants to bake cookies for the class. There are 28 students in the class. She wants each student to have 5 cookies. How many cookies will she need to bake?Order the numbers from greatest to least.4.1, 4.01, 4.009, 4.085Order the numbers from greatest to least.16.4, 1.64, 1.6, 16.099Order the numbers from greatest to least.6.54, 6.098, 6.908, 69Order the numbers from greatest to least.1.001, 1.100, 1.01, 1.101What is the value of the underlined digit?12,532.628What is the value of the underlined digit?12,532.628What is the value of the underlined digit?12,532.628What is the value of the underlined digit?12,532.628 = 1 whole = .1 (1 tenth) = .01 (1 hundredth)(Use this for tomorrow)Model (using the information on the left)2 x .8Draw a model for .4 x .5Draw a model for .3 x .7Find the Product. 7 7 7 7X 100 x 10 x0.1 x0.01Solve the following: 5.4 x 7.8Solve the following: 6.9 x 8.6Solve the following: 9.6 x 3.7 Name: My Math Homework - 7MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFind the quotient: ______ 13 ) 11089Find the quotient: _______ 9 ) 4878Find the quotient: ________8 ) 52176Find the quotient: ______ 7 ) 39088What division problem does this model represent?18What multiplication and division problem does this model represent?Draw a model to represent the following problem.2x7Draw a model to represent the following problem.10÷2Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS 1.2 x 7.5 - 8 ÷4Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS 3.2x(2.3-.5)Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS (3.4+0.6)÷2Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS [2.1+(9.2x3.3)]x0.8Solve the following problem:1.34 x 103Solve the following problem:4.39 x 102Solve the following problem:6.304 x 104Solve the following problem:2.004 x 103Order the numbers from greatest to least.3.01, 3.10, 0.31, 0.13Order the numbers from least to greatest.9.201, 9.210, 9.012, 9.0Order the numbers from greatest to least.33, 33.10, 33.01, 34Order the numbers from least to greatest.44.22, 44.20, 44.02, 44Model .4 x .5Model .2 x .9Model .1 x .8What problem is being modeled?Solve the following: 1.34 x 4.09Solve the following: 3.58 x 0.08Solve the following: 36.7 x 8.6Solve the following: 1.26 x 0.79Solve the following: 1.04 x 2.25Model .6 ÷.3Model .8÷.2Solve the following:3.6 ÷ 0.6 Name: My Math Homework - 8MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFind the quotient: ______ .3 ) .129Find the quotient: _______ .11 ) 5.973Find the quotient: ________ 1.5 ) 8.145Find the quotient: ______ .07) .623Find the sum:112.1 + 1.2=Find the sum: 32.923+54.2=Find the sum: 1.44+24.2= Find the sum: 432.1+5.353=Find the difference: 15.5 – 7.46=Find the difference: 3.52 – 1.426=Find the difference: 35.2 – 4.42 =Find the difference: 345.3 – 5.42=Solve the following: 7.36 x .5Solve the following: 23.5 x 4.9Solve the following: 86.4 x .58Solve the following: .537 x 0.98Susie has $15.66 to spend on lunch for herself and her friend. If she spends an equal amount on each person. How much will Susie spend on each of them?Joe bought 5.8 pounds of grapes to have as a snack with his 10 friends. If he shares his grapes evenly, how many pounds of grapes will each of his friends get?Monday through Friday Ms. Carter ran a total of 25.5 miles. If she ran the same number of miles all 5 days, how many miles did she run in one day?Every weekend Ms. Sunshine bakes 195 cookies for her class. If she has 25 students in her class, how many cookies will each student receive?Susie wants to take her and her friend out for lunch. She wants to spend 9.75 per person. How much will she spend in all?Joe needs to buy snacks for the chess club. There are 12 people in the club and he wants each person to receive .5 pounds of grapes. How many pounds of grapes should he buy?Ms. Carter runs 7.3 miles a day for 14 days. How many miles did she run in all?Ms. Sunshine is going to bake cookies for her students. She wants each student to receive 2.5 cookies. If she has 25 students in her class, how many cookies does she need to bake?Mrs. Rivera ran 2.3 miles and Ms. Carter ran 5.3 miles. How many miles did they run total?Ms. Sunshine had $10.00. She purchased milk for $2.35 and apples for $1.95. How much money does she have left?Emily has $1.24. Joey has $5.36. Maria has $2.42. Do they have enough money to purchase a CD for $9.00?Jose walked 5.3 miles to school. After school he walked 4.52 miles to the library. Finally he walked 2.89 miles home. How far did he walk total?What problem is being modeled?What problem is being modeled?Model .1 x .8 =Model .6 x .3 =What problem is being modeled? What problem is being modeled? Model the following problem: 1.2 ÷ 0.3= Model the following problem: 1.5 ÷ 0.3= Name: My Math Homework - 9MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayCircle the numbers that are odd and composite.2, 14, 23, 24, 25, 31, 45Circle the numbers that are odd and prime.2, 14, 23, 24, 25, 31, 45Write an equivalent fraction.24Write an equivalent fraction. 515Alicia is purchasing groceries. She bought tomatoes for $2.54, apples for $3.53 and pretzels for $2.49. Which item was the most expensive? Which items was the least expensive?Angel walked 1.34 miles from home to school. He then walked 2.12 miles from school to the park. Finally he walked 1.94 miles from the park back home. Which trip was the furthest distance? Which was the shortest distance?Anthony goes to the library every 4th day, and Giovani goes to the library every 6th day. When will they go to the library on the same day?Ms. Rivera has art for specials every 2nd day, and Ms. Sunshine has art every 9th day. When will both classes have art on the same day?Find the factors.24Find the factors.36Find the factors.48Find the factors.99Find the quotient: _____ 7 ) 24.15Find the quotient: ________ .06 ) .5334Find the quotient: ________ 10 ) 75.10Find the quotient: ______ .009 ) 7.668Itzel has $10.25 to spend at the book fair. She wants to purchase 3 books that cost $2.45, $3.15 and $4.30. Does she have enough money to purchase all 3 books?Ashley had 5.6 pounds of fruit. She gave Aliyah 1.3 pounds of strawberries, Brendan 2.4 pounds of grapes and Arley 1.2 pounds of bananas. How much fruit does Ashley have left?McKalen has 3.6 pounds of jellybeans. He wants to split them evenly between 6 people. What amount of jellybeans will each student receive?Jennifer has $5.55 in her piggy bank. She decides to split it even among her 5 brothers and sisters. How much money will each sibling receive? Solve the following:12.45 x 6.5Solve the following:2.87 x 7.8Solve the following:0.66 x .9Solve the following:0.98 x .05Jatonia plans to purchase 4 pencils for her friends. Each pencil costs $.35. How much money will Jatonia spend?Ms. Carter is purchasing books for her class. She needs to buy 24 books. Each book costs $3.45. How much money will Ms. Carter spend on books?Christian’s lunch costs $1.75. He bought lunch 8 days in a row. How much money did Christian spend on lunch?Roslyn has $25.65 in the bank. She purchased a new shirt for $10.83 and shoes for $8.96. Then she babysat, making $20.35, which she added to the bank. How much money does she have in the bank?What problem is being modeled?Model the following problem: .3 x .4What problem is being modeled?Model .4 ÷ .2 =Model the following fraction 2/5Model the following fraction 3/6 Model the following fraction 1/4 Model the following fraction 2/3 Name: My Math Homework - 10MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find all factors of 16. Find all factors of 12. Find all factors of 40. Find all factors of 10.Find the product.8.43 x .06Find the product.34.8 x .007Find the product.77.22 x .8Find the product.100.7 x .009Jessica bought 12 pieces of candy at the store for $0.65 each. How much did she spend in all?Susie has 8 pieces of string. Each string measures 6.5 inches long. How many inches of string does Susie have all together?Susie has 8 pieces of string. 3 pieces are 7.8 inches long, and 5 pieces are 9.2 inches long. How many inches of string does Susie have all together? Mrs. Rivera bought 5 pounds of bananas for $0.45 per pound. How much did she spend in all?Find the quotient. _________9.9 ) 80.19Find the quotient. _________6.7 ) 643.2Find the quotient. _________.88 ) 84.48Find the quotient. ______.45) 225Jessica bought 10 pieces of candy at the store. She spent $8.60. How much did each piece of candy cost?Susie has 8 pieces of string that measured a total of 58.4 inches. If each piece of string is the same length, how long is each piece of string?Mrs. Rivera went to the store and spent $10.00 on apples. Apples are on sale for $2.00 per pound. How many pounds did Mrs. Rivera buy?Mrs. Rivera went to the store and spent $9.45 on apples. Apples are on sale for $1.35 per pound. How many pounds did Mrs. Rivera buy?Simplify each fraction 8_1024 9_12Write each improper fraction as a mixed number.13 38710 8Simplify each fraction 3 15 8_243240Write each improper fraction as a mixed number.765232Write in >, <, =1.24 ___ 2.14____Write in >, <, =8.33 ___ 8.03____Write in >, <, =12.05 ___ 12.5____Write in >, <, =5.334 _____ 5.33____Shade the fraction model to show 2Shade the fraction model to show 3Find the sum. + Find the sum. + Decompose the fraction below.=Example:=+Decompose the fractions below.Find the difference. - Find the difference. - Name: My Math Homework - 11MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFind the Least Common Multiples of 3 and 4.Find the Least Common Multiples of 2 and 5.Find the Least Common Multiples of 6 and 10. Find the Least Common Multiples of 7 and 6.Find the product.7.9 x .34= Find the product.2.6 x .5.9= Find the product.89.2 x .45= Find the product.6.75 x .04= Find the quotient: ______ 7 ) 44.94Find the quotient: _______ .5 ) 2.675Find the quotient: ________ 1.1 ) 38.72Find the quotient: ______ .6 ) .1518Decompose the fractions below.Decompose the fractions below.Decompose the fractions below.Decompose the fractions below.Write in >, <, =_____ 3.66 _____ 36.66Write in >, <, =_____ 11.1 _____ 11.100Write in >, <, =_____ 80.08 _____ 800.08Write in >, <, =_____ 5.74______5.47Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Find the sum + 2 + 1Find the difference. - - Find the difference. - - Find the difference. - - Mrs. Rivera ate 3/8 of a pizza and Ms. Carter ate 4/8 of a pizza. How much pizza did they eat all together?Mrs. Rivera ran 5 1/4 miles and Ms. Carter ran 4 3/4 miles. How many miles did they run in all?Antonio ate 9/10 of a pizza on Monday. On Tuesday, he ate 3/10 of a pizza. How much pizza did Antonio eat on Monday and Tuesday?Jose and Frank made 3 1/5 pounds of pasta. They ate 1 2/5 pounds for dinner. How much was left over? Name: My Math Homework - 12MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFind the Greatest Common Factor of 12 and 24.Find the Greatest Common Factor of 16 and 28.Find the Greatest Common Factor of 10 and 8.Find the Greatest Common Factor of 18 and 36.Find the product.6.9 x .35= Find the product.8.6 x 2.9= Find the product.80.2 x .05= Find the product.2.5 x .08= Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Simplify the fractionChange the Improper fraction to a mixed number.Find the quotient. _________0.07 ) 0.21Find the quotient. _________0.12 ) 24.12Find the quotient. _________0.5 ) 0.15Find the quotient. ________0.3) 6.12Compare Using >, <, =1.24 ___ 2.14____Compare Using >, <, =8.33 ___ 8.03____Compare Using >, <, =12.05 ___ 12.5____Compare Using >, <, =5.334 _____ 5.33____Find the sum. + = Find the difference. - = Find the sum. + = Find the difference. - = Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Name: My Math Homework - 13MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySimplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Find the Product. 6.54 x 8.2Find the Product. 6.5 x 8.22Find the Product. 9.14 x 6Find the Product. 22.84 x .9Find the Quotient. _________0.08 ) 0.24Find the Quotient. _________0.3 ) 0.24Find the Quotient. _________0.7 ) 0.21Find the Quotient. __________0.09 ) 0.0027Write in >, <, =1.04 ___ 2.04____Write in >, <, =8.03 ___ 8.03____Write in >, <, =22.05 ___ 22.5____Write in >, <, =5.34 _____ 5.304____Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS (20.3÷.7)+7Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS(5.5+2.5)÷2x4Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS[3.2x(6.1+6.3)]-2.8Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS 7.2÷.9+4x4I bought 2 ? gallons of paint but I only used 2/4gallons of the paint. How much paint do I have left?My recipe calls for 2/3 cups of white flour and 2 1/5 cups of whole wheat flour. How much flour do I need in total for my recipe?In my garden, I planted 1 2/3 rows of seeds. The crows came along and ate 1 1/5 rows of the seeds. How many rows are left?I need to drink 8 2/4 cups of water and 2 1/5 cups of milk every day. How much fluid do I have to drink?Label the place value: 12,354.8972: 4:5:8:9:7:Label the place value: 7,854.2092: 0:9:4:5:7:Label the place value: 987,164.3020: 1:4:3:6:9:Label the place value: 2,405,008.0972:4:5:8:9:7:Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Name: My Math Homework - 14MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySimplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Find the Product.1.45 x 3.8Find the Product.7.6 x 0.38Find the Product.12.89 x 7Find the Product.324.6 x 0.12Find the Quotient. _________ 0.24 ) 0.912Find the Quotient._________ 1.5 ) 9.75Find the Quotient. _________ 0.04 ) 0.552Find the Quotient.__________ 2.8 ) 68.88Find the Sum.743.89 + 32.4Find the Sum.647.2 + 12.88Find the Sum.3.89 + 43.9Find the Sum.378.03 + 17.5Find the Difference.345.4 – 43.8Find the Difference.7,392.005 – 438.9Find the Difference.389.05 – 19.488Find the Difference.18.398 – 4.37Write in >, <, =4.38 ___ 4.39____ Write in >, <, =6.392 ___ 63.92____Write in >, <, =8.38 ___ 8.38____Write in >, <, =28.590 _____ 28.59____Solve.(38 + 10) ÷ 12 + 52Add parenthesis to the expression below.14.5 – 12 + 1.2 x 2Solve.1.5[ 3(14.5+7) -3] – 7.4Write two expressions where the solution is 30.? of the garden is tomatoes, and 1/3 of the garden is carrots. How much of the garden is tomatoes and carrots?Amy ate 2 ? cookies after lunch, and 1 2/5 cookies after dinner. How many cookies did she eat altogether?A recipe calls for ? cups of flour, and 1 1/8 cups of sugar. How much flour and sugar does the recipe need altogether?Janie ran 3 ? miles on Monday, and 4 ? miles on Tuesday. How many total miles did she run?Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Name: My Math Homework - 15MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find all factors of 13. Find all factors of 20. Find all factors of 27. Find all factors of 21.Find the product.2.25 x .04= Find the product.8.9 x .05= Find the product.19.6 x .7 = Find the product.78 x .04= Kianna bought 5 apples at the store. Each apple cost $.39. How much money did Kianna spend on apples?Kobe wants to purchase 8 marbles from the store. Each marble costs $.29. He has $2.00 in his pocket. Does Jose have enough money to buy ALL 8 marbles?Jesus purchased cookies for a party. He bought 11 cookies for $.51 each and 12 cookies for $.62. How much money did he spend on cookies? Alyssa spent $5.25 at the store buying bags of chips for her classroom celebration. Each bag costs $.25. How many bags of chips did she purchase?Find the quotient. ________1.2 ) 182.4Find the quotient. _______3.2 ) 251.2Find the quotient. ______5.1 ) 11.73Find the quotient. _______.59) 2.419Keyla has one pizza. She wants to share her pizza with her 5 friends (and herself). How much pizza will each person receive?Dana colored 1/6 of her picture, and Brendan colored ? of his picture. Who colored more?Jordy looked at a package of M&M’s. He realized 1/3 of the M&M’s were blue, ? were red and 1/8 were yellow. What color M&M’s did Jordy have the most of? Aliyah ate 2/5 of her lunch, and Chanel ate 1/3 of her lunch.Which girl ate more lunch?Simplify each fraction 4 61015Write each improper fraction as a mixed number. 13 1092Simplify each fraction 721 6_24Write each improper fraction as a mixed number.15 91812Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Find the product. Simplify the answer.2 x Draw a picture to model your answer:Find the product. Simplify the answer.4 x Draw a picture to model your answer:Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Model your answer:What problem does the model show?Find the product. Simplify the answer.3 x Find the product. Simplify the answer.5 x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Name: My Math Homework - 16MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFind the Sum. 4,389 + 8,038Find the Difference. 5,173 - 2,349Find the Sum. 3,873,089 + 2,038,203Find the Difference. 3,823,000 - 2,045,128Find the product.0.20 x 0.023= Find the product.0.6 x 0.05= Find the product.2.9 x 0.33 = Find the product.4.42 x 0.34= Find the quotient. _______1.0 ) 462Find the quotient. _________1.2 ) 251.2Find the quotient. _________0.9 ) 14.63Find the quotient. ________.04) 43.20Complete the pattern.3.221 x 10 = 32.23.221 x 100 = 322.13.221 x 1,000 = ______Complete the pattern.432.1 ÷ 10 = 43.21432.1 ÷ 100 = 4.321432.1 ÷ 1,000 = ______Complete the pattern.3.9 x 10 = 393.9 x 100 = ______3.9 x 1,000 = 3,900Complete the pattern.1.4 ÷ 10 = .141.4 ÷ 100 = ______1.4 ÷ 1,000 = .0014Use order of operations to solve the problem.17 + 44 x 10 ÷ 2Use order of operations to solve the problem.104 – 15 x 3Use order of operations to solve the problem.2(42 -3) -7Use order of operations to solve the problem.4-2+[3x2-(4-2)]Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - Find the sum. + + Find the difference. - - What problem does the model show?What problem does the model show?What problem does the model show?What problem does the model show?Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Find the product. Simplify the answer. x Name: My Math Homework - 17MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySolve the problem and draw a picture.You and your friend are baking some cookies for your classmates. The recipe you have calls for ? cup of sugar. If you don’t have a ? measuring cup, what is another measurement you can use to equal ?. Solve the problem and draw a picture.Pearl has half of a tablespoon of food coloring and a third of a tablespoon of vanilla extract. How many more tablespoons of food coloring than vanilla extract does she have?Solve the problem and draw a picture.You and your friend are having a party. You are expecting 12 guests at this party. You would like everyone to have 4/5 of a cup of juice. How many cups of juice will you need to purchase for the party?Solve the problem and draw a picture.You and your friend are going to eat some candy. You eat 3/4 of a box of candy. Your friend eats ? as much candy as you do. How much of a box of candy does your friend eat?Solve the problem and draw a picture.You are remodeling your bathroom and you need to buy tile for the floors. You know you want the biggest tile possible. One tile you find measures 5 3/8 inches wide. Another tile you find measures 5 4/10 inches wide. Which tile should you purchase?Solve the problem and draw a picture.Jose has 3/5 kilogram of peppermints and 2/3 kilogram of candy canes. How many kilograms of candy does he have?Solve the problem and draw a picture.Marley went to the candy store to buy her family some peppermints. All 4 members of her family each want 1 ? pound of peppermints. How many total pounds of peppermints must Marley buy? Solve the problem and draw a picture.You and 4 of your friends want to make some soup for lunch. Each person would like to eat 1 1/3 cup soup. How many cups of soup will you need to make? Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using adding or subtracting fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using multiplying or dividing fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using multiplying or dividing fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: My Math Homework - 18MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Find the Greatest Common Factor of 20 and 40. Find the Greatest Common Factor of 18 and 36. Find the Greatest Common Factor of 12 and 16.Find the Greatest Common Factor of 15 and 25.Find the product.55.5 x .08=Find the product.3.9 x .05=Find the product.13.22 x .7 =Find the product.2.28 x .04=Find the Product. Simplify the answer.3 x =Find the Product. Simplify the answer.2 x Find the Product. Simplify the answer. x Find the Product. Simplify the answer. x Find the quotient. _________0.08 ) 0.24Find the quotient. _________0.02 ) 1.46Find the quotient. _________0.04 ) 0.24Find the quotient. ______0.02) 1.44Write in >, <, =4.56 _____ 3.56______Write in >, <, =1.22 _____ 1.02______Write in >, <, =78.90 _____ 78.9______Write in >, <, =7.201 _____ 7.210______Simplify each fractionSimplify each fractionSimplify each fractionSimplify each fractionFind the Product. Simplify the answer.1 ÷ Find the Product. Simplify the answer.2 ÷ Find the Product. Simplify the answer. ÷ Find the Product. Simplify the answer. ÷ What problem does each of these models represent? Complete on Tuesday and Wednesday! Name: My Math Homework - 19MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFind the Greatest Common Factor of 5 and 10Find the Greatest Common Factor of 30 and 18Find the Greatest Common Factor of 22 and 48Find the Greatest Common Factor of 4 and 12Find the product.14.5 x .8=Find the product.9.9 x .005=Find the product.93.2 x .07 =Find the product.2.8 x .006=Find the Product. Simplify the answer.5 x =Find the Product. Simplify the answer.2 x Find the Product. Simplify the answer. x Find the Product. Simplify the answer. x Find the quotient. _________0.08 ) 0.32Find the quotient. _________0.02 ) 2.44Find the quotient. _________0.04 ) .480Find the quotient. ________0.02) 3.988Write in >, <, =4.06 _____ 4.006______Write in >, <, =1.020 _____ 1.200______Write in >, <, =70.90 _____ 70.9______Write in >, <, =7.012 _____ 7.210______Simplify each fractionSimplify each fractionSimplify each fractionSimplify each fractionAdd or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Find the quotient. Simplify the answer.6 ÷ Find the quotient. Simplify the answer.5 ÷ Find the quotient. Simplify the answer. ÷ Find the quotient. Simplify the answer. ÷ Name: My Math Homework - 20MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySusie is having a party with 15 guests. She wants to feed everyone sandwiches. If Susie buys 7 ? pounds of meat, how much meat will each guest get on their sandwich?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one).+ - x ÷Solution:You purchased 7 ? pounds of candy for your party. You are expecting to have 10 guests attend your party. How much candy will each guest get?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one).+ - x ÷Solution:Jonathan is making his favorite pasta dish. He serves his mom 1/12 of the pot of pasta and his brother 1/6 of the pot. How much of the pot is left over?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________At the zoo, the yellow birds are fed 1/3 of a bag of seed each day. The blue birds get fed ? as much as the yellow birds. How much of a bag of seed do the blue birds eat each day?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________You and your two friends are sharing a large candy bar (see below). If you want to share the candy bar equally among you and your friends, how many squares of the candy bar will each person receive?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one)+ - x ÷Solution:You and your friend are sharing 3/8 of a bag of candy. How much of the bag will each of you get if you share it evenly?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one)+ - x ÷Solution:Jonathan is making his favorite pasta dish. His mom ate 2/7 of the pasta, and his brother ate 1/6 of the pasta. How much did they eat in all?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sandra is cooking her famous brownies for her class. For her recipe, she needs 5/7 of a cup of sugar, and 1/8 as much salt as sugar. How much salt does she need for her recipe?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: My Math Homework - 21MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayJonathan and his two friends want to share 2 ? pounds of gum balls. If they share the gum balls evenly, how many pounds of gum balls will each of them get?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one).+ - x ÷Solution:Throughout the week, Emma reads ? hour on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She also reads ? hour on Tuesday and Thursday. How many hours does Emma read each week?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one).+ - x ÷Solution:Sandra’s dog weights 3 ? pounds. Each week he gains 2/3 of a pound. If he continues to gain this much weight each week, how much will he weight in 8 weeks?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Grace needs enough wood to make a frame for a picture. She needs the two sides to measure 12 ? inches, and top and bottom to measure 7 ? inches. How much wood will she need to purchase all together?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In art class, Kerion is coloring a pattern where half of the squares on her paper are being colored blue. Of the blue squares, 1/3 of them will also have stripes. What fraction of squares will be blue with stripes?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one)+ - x ÷Solution:Francisco had 2 ? pizzas left over after his birthday party. The next day him and his family ate 1 ? of the left over pizza. How much of the pizza is now left over?Which operation will you use for this problem (circle one)+ - x ÷Solution:Kristin bought 3 ? pounds of apples today at the grocery store. She wants them to last the entire week (7 days), so she is going to split them up evenly. How many pounds of apples will Kristin be able to eat each day?Solution:How did you solve this problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cameron baked two pans of brownies for the school bake sale. She couldn’t wait and ended up eating 1/6 of a pan. How many pans of brownies does she have left?Solution:How did you solve this problem? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write your own story problem using fractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: My Math Homework - 22MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySimplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Simplify the fractions Find the Product. x 42.56 x 9.1Find the Product. x 7.1 x 9.7Find the Product. x 8.65 x 8Find the Product. x 7.58 x .9Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.6 ) 0.12Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.02 ) 0.14Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.8 ) 7.2Find the Quotient. ÷ __________0.07 ) 0.056Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Solve.(2+3) x (6-2)4.5 x 102Solve.3(9 - 4) ÷ 522.5 x 103Solve.2.2 + 7 x 311.34 ÷ 102Solve.25 + 33 – 6 x 284.05 ÷ 103375285104775MONDAY: Write the ordered pair for each coordinate.A = ( , )B = ( , )C = ( , )D = ( , )WEDNESDAY: Explain the process you use to plot a point on a coordinate plane.TUESDAY: Plot the following coordinates on the plane.E = (3,2)F = (7,9)G = (10,3)H = (5,7)THURSDAY: Define the words below.y-coordinate – x-coordinate-origin - Name: My Math Homework - 23MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySolve the expression. Use PEMDAS 6x7-8÷4Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS 3x(20-5)Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS (24+2)÷2Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS [2+(9x3)]x3Find the Product. x 7.45 x 8.2Find the Product. x 9.8 x 5.7Find the Product. x 6.47 x 3Find the Product. x 16.3 x .8Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.3 ) .33Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.04 ) 0.36Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.9 ) 7.2Find the Quotient. ÷ __________0.08 ) 0.064Add or Subtract the fractions. + -Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Mrs. Rivera’s class has been keeping track of their recycling for the past four weeks. During the first week of the school year, they only managed to recycle 4 pound of paper. On week two, they recycled 8 pounds of paper. On week three, they recycled 12 pounds of paper. Finally, on week 4 they recycled 16 pounds of paper. If this pattern continues, how much will they recycle on week 6?Monday: Fill in the table for the problem. WeekPounds Tuesday: Fill in the coordinate plane to represent this story problem. Label the x and y axis.Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)4116158191215Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)356117131023Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)39525274964Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)15315420359Rule: Name: My Math Homework - 24MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySolve the expression. Use PEMDAS 8x7-12÷6Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS 7x(33-18)Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS (8+40)÷3Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS [8+(2x12)]x2Find the Product.x 1.4 x 0.1Find the Product.x 0.8 x 9Find the Product.x 3.0 x 8.7Find the Product.x 2.24 x 0.08Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.9 ) .0054Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.02 ) 0.640Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.5 ) 55Find the Quotient.÷ __________0.03 ) 0.012Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Sandra and Jake are having a competition to see who can run the most in one week. Each day after school, they both go for a run. Jake runs 2 miles on Monday, 4 miles on Tuesday, 6 miles on Wednesday, and continues this pattern until Sunday. If Sandra runs 6 miles each day, who will run more?Monday: Create an Input/Output machine to help solve the problem.Show your work:DaySandraJakeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayWho ran more?Tuesday: On a separate sheet of paper, create a line plot to show the data from the table.Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)15315420775Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)1539411727Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)1238472029Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)103446720Rule:Name: My Math Homework - 25MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySolve the expression. Use PEMDAS12.3 - 2.2 x 8.4 ÷ 2Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS(4.8+2)x5.1Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS6.6÷2.2+(3.2+4)Solve the expression. Use PEMDAS[6.2-0.4+(8x3.2)]-3.1Find the Product.x 3.4 x 3.1Find the Product.x 4.8 x 9.88Find the Product.x 3.43 x 8Find the Product.x 12.2 x 0.8Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.9 ) .36Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.02 ) 0.86Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.5 ) 7.5Find the Quotient.÷ __________0.03 ) 0.063Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)4365871213Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)2549511821Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)14310516934Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)27522627847Rule:Label the shapes’ lines and angles.acuteobtuseacuteExample: obtuseLabel the shapes’ lines and angles.Draw the shape and list its attributes.Regular Polygon:Square:Rectangle:Draw the shape and list its attributes.Rhombus:Regular Pentagon:Hexagon: Name: My Math Homework - 26MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday<, >, or =34.653 ______ 3.46531.25 _____ 12.5589.1 _____ 58.91 <, >, or =9.21 ______ 9.2456.1 _____ 465.13.13 _____ 3.12<, >, or =3.01 ______ 3.1011.250 _____ 11.259.401 _____ 9.410<, >, or =6.5 ______ 6.5030.50 _____ 3.50 723.022 ____ 723.202Find the Product.x 2.6 x 0.4Find the Product.x 3.8 x 5Find the Product.x 2.6 x 8.17Find the Product.x 6.29 x 0.07Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.9 ) .0072Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.03 ) 0.039Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.6 ) 66Find the Quotient.÷ __________0.02 ) 0.082Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Answer the following problems by moving the decimal.5.34 x 100 =5.34 x 10 =5.34 x .1 =5.34 x .01 =Answer the following problems by moving the decimal.5.34 ÷ 100 =5.34 ÷ 10 =5.34 ÷ .1 =5.34 ÷ .01 =Answer the following problems by moving the decimal.2.3 x 100 =2.3 x 10 =2.3 x .1 =2.3 x .01 =Answer the following problems by moving the decimal.2.3 ÷ 100 =2.3 ÷ 10 =2.3 ÷ .1 =2.3 ÷ .01 =Do all Quadrilaterals have right angles?What quadrilaterals are also parallelograms?What two parts of a regular polygon are congruent?Are squares rectangles?What is the difference between a hexagon and an octagon?Draw a picture of each.Draw and label the three types of triangles. What shape can be classified as a quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, and rhombus?What attributes does a rhombus have?Can a right triangle be both scalene and isosceles? Explain. Name: My Math Homework - 27MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayWhat is 1/2 of 1/5?What two fractions are being multiplied in this model?What is 1/4 of 1/2?What two fractions are being multiplied in this model?Find the Product. x 42.56 x 9.1Find the Product. x 7.1 x 9.7Find the Product. x 8.65 x 8Find the Product. x 7.58 x .9Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.6 ) 0.12Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.02 ) 0.14Find the Quotient. ÷ _________0.8 ) 7.2Find the Quotient. ÷ __________0.07 ) 0.056Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Draw a regular polygon.Draw a shape with 4 congruent angles, but only opposite sides are congruent.Draw an obtuse isosceles triangle.What is a Quadrilateral?7?= 12?=15?= 4?=3?= 11?=6?= 10?=What tool is used to measure weight?What tool is used to measure length?What tool is used to measure capacity?What tool is used to measure time?What units do we use to measure weight?What units do we use to measure length?What units do we use to measure capacity?What units do we use to measure time?How many seconds are in a minute?How many seconds are in an hour?How many inches are in a foot?How many feet are in a mile?How many ounces are in a pound?How many ounces in a cup?How many cups in a pint?How many pints in a quart?How many quarts in a gallon?How many ounces in a gallon?Frank wrote ? of his book report before dinner. He wrote another 1/8 of the report after dinner. What fraction of the report did he finish?Sopie takes tap and ballet. Today she practiced tap for ? hour and ballet for ? hour. How many hours did Sophie spend practicing dance?Marlon has ? pound of sliced cheese. He uses 1/8 pound of cheese on each sandwich that he makes. How many sandwiches can Marlon make with the cheese?In a vegetable garden, ? of the plants are peppers. Of the pepper plants, 1/3 are yellow peppers. What fraction of the plants are yellow peppers? Name: My Math Homework - 28MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayWhat is 1/2 of 2/8?What two fractions are being multiplied in this model?What is 1/3 of 6/9?What two fractions are being multiplied in this model?List 4 equivalent fractions to = = = =List 4 equivalent fractions to = = = =Convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers: Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions: List all of the prime numbers between 10-20 List all of the composite numbers between 20-30Circle the prime numbers:1, 2, 6, 21, 17, 15, 23, 54, 71, 99Circle the composite numbers:2, 4, 76, 41, 25, 7, 49, 63, 55, 93Add or subtract the decimals:3.4 + 2.35 =12.43 - 6.02 =Add or subtract the decimals:.54 + 1.95 =37.536 – 7.6 =Add or subtract the decimals:6.78 + .193 =3.2 - .98 = Add or subtract the decimals:4.23 + 49.8 =.74 - .136 = Add or Subtract the fractions. + -Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Add or Subtract the fractions. + - Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)15315420775Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)1539411727Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)142547711Rule:Fill in the table. Find the Rule:X(input)Y(output)103243710Rule:7?= 10?=8?= 5?=9?= 3?=6?= 12?=How many seconds are in one minute?How many seconds in one hour?How many minutes in a day?How many inches in a yard?How many yards in a mile?How many feet in a yard?How many millimeters in a centimeter?How many centimeters in a meter?How many centimeters in 5 meters?How many meters in one centimeter?How many centimeters in 5 millimeters?Draw Gallon Man on a separate sheet of paper!Which is true?5 qt = 7 pt1 g = 4 qt16 c = 32 oz8 qt = 3 gWhich is true?12 g = 32 qt40 oz = 3 pt128 oz = 1 g1 g = 14 cWhich is true?2 g = 12 pt5 pt = 3 qt4 g = 300 oz12 qt = 3 g Name: My Math Homework - 29MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayWhat is 243 multiplied by 10?24.3 C. 24,3002,430 D. 243,000What is 85 multiplied by 0.01?850 C. 0.858.5 D. 0.085Susie ran 2.35 kilometers. What is the value of the 3 in 2.35?3 tens C. 3 hundredths3 tenths D. 3 thousandthsWhat is the product of 63 x 1,000?0.063 C. 6,300630 D. 63,000What is 18.6 ÷3?6.2 C. 15.36.6 D. 18.2What is 12.08÷4?3.4 C. 3.043.2 D. 3.02Which expression shows how to find the product of 7 x 0.45?7 x 4 x 5 (7x5)+(7x4)(7x0.5)+(7x4)(7x0.05)+(7x0.4)Which expression shows how to find the quotient of 4.8 ÷2?(4÷2)+(0.8÷2) (4÷2)+(0.08÷2) (0.4÷2)+(8÷2) (0.04÷2)+(0.8÷2) What is the result when 0.5 is multiplied by 1.1?0.55 C. 5.55.05 D. 55What is the product of 38.27x1.5?57,405 C. 57.405574.05 D. 5.7405What is the result of multiplying 35.8 by 7.9?2.8282 C. 282.8228.282 D. 2,828.2What is the product of 1.508x0.7?10,556 C. 1.505610.556 D. 1.0556Find the quotient. _____ 0.5 )3.757.0 C. 707.5 D. 75What is 76.8 divided by 3.2?28 C. 2426 D. 23What is the result of dividing 691.2 by 7.2?96 C. 9.690 D. 9.0Cheese costs $4.20 per pound. If Ms. Rivera spent $6.30 on cheese, how many pounds did she buy?15 C. 1.0510.5 D. 1.5Tara needs to find a fraction that is equivalent to 1/2. Which method could she use to find an equivalent fraction?She can multiply 1/2 x 1/2 to get 1/4, because 1/2=1/4She can divide 1/2÷1/2 to get 1, because 1/2=1She can multiply 1/2x2/2 to get 2/4, because 2/2=1 and multiplying a fraction by 1 does not change its value.She can divide 1/2÷1 to get 1/2, because dividing a fraction by 1 does not change its value.Which model shows 1/3 of 6 shaded?A.B.C. D.Which fractions are NOT equal?2/5 and 5/8 1/2 and 4/81/3 and 3/93/4 and 12/16 Simplify the fraction 15/503/10 5/10 3/51/15Which expression is equal to 7/2?7 + 2 C. 7 x 27 - 2 D. 7 ÷ 2What is the quotient of 5/4?5/4 C. 1 1/51 1/4 D. 1 3/4Which of the following is equal in value to 9/7?1 2/7 C. 21 1/2 D. 2 2/7What is the quotient of 81/9?8 1/9 C. 9 1/99 D. 72What is 1/2 of 1/5?1/10 C. 2/101/7 D. 2/7How many 1/8 pieces are there in 3/4?2 C. 43 D. 6What is the product of 4/5 x 6/7?10/35 C. 5/624/35 D. 14/15What is the quotient of 4/7 ÷ 2/3?2/7 C. 6/71/2 D. 1Mark the statement that is true.A. Volume is the same as capacity.B. Volume is the amount a container can hold.C. Volume is measured in liquid units such as cups and quarts.D. Volume is the space that can be occupied by an object.Use the formula V=LxWxH to find the volume of the rectangular prism.Use the formula V=LxWxH or V= B x H, to find the volume of the rectangular prism.Find the Volume. Name: My Math Homework - 30MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayWhat is 32.508 written in word form?A thirty-two and five hundred eight thousandthsB thirty-two thousand, five hundred eightC thirty-two and fifty-eight hundredths D thirty-two, five hundred eight Which is the best estimate for the quotient of 2÷ ?1369If d represents a number, which of the following expressions represents 5 less than d?5d C. d-5 B. d÷5 D. 5-dWhat is the value of the expression 2w-2 when w=5?381223What number sentence does the model show?7 x 3 = 21.7 x .3 = .21.7 x .3 = .021.7 + .3 = 1.0 Miss Yu’s ClassOrchestraBand25810How many students are in Miss Yu’s class?10152325What is the volume of the prism below?17 yds?40 yds?100 yds?160 yds?4 yards5 yards8 yards Which is the best estimate for the area of the figure above?18 in?20 in?22 in?24 in?Which is NOT a way to find an equivalent fraction for ?A divide both the numerator and the denominator by 6.B divide both the numerator and the denominator by 3.C divide the numerator by 6 and the denominator by 9.D Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 2.Which container could logically have a capacity of 1,000 liters?kitchen sinkbathtubmeasuring cuphot tubWhy is 59.47 > 59.3?A because the tenths digit in 59.47 is greater than the tenths digit in 59.3B because 59.47 has more digits after the decimal point than 59.3C because the last digit in 59.47 is greater than the last digit in 59.3D because there are 4 digits in 59.47 and only 3 digits in 59.3 What of the following fractions is equivalent to ?Which of the following is a common denominator for and ?3 151824Which is NOT a factor of 60?481215What is .7 x .26? of the following is NOT a composite number?4556221Find the Volume.Find the Volume.Find the Volume.Find the Volume. Name: My Math Homework - 31MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayWhich is the greatest fraction? C. D. Which is the least fraction? C. D. Which sentence is true?A > C. =B < D. >Which sentence is true?A > C. =B < D. >What is +? C. D. What is +? C. D. What is -? C. D. What is -? C. D. Frank wrote ? of his book report before dinner. He wrote another 1/8 of the report after dinner. What fraction of the report did he finish? C. D. What division problem does the model show?÷ =6 9 ÷ = 6 ÷ =6 ÷ =In Ms. March’s class, 7/10 of the students walk to school. Another 1/5 of the students ride their bikes. The other students ride on the school bus. What fraction of the class rides on the school bus? C. D. What multiplication problem does the model show?A. X = B. X = C. X = D. X = What is the best estimate for the product of X ?2 C. 43 D. 5What is X ? C. D. What is X ? C. D. What is ÷ ? C. 84 D. 20In a vegetable garden, ? of the plants are peppers. Of the pepper plants, 1/3 are yellow peppers. What fraction of the ENTIRE garden are yellow peppers? C. D. Marlon has ? pound of sliced cheese. He uses 1/8 pound of cheese on each sandwich he makes. How many sandwiches can Marlon make with the cheese? 4 C. 10 6 D. 12Sophie takes tap and ballet. Today she practiced tap for ? hour and ballet for ? hour. How many hours did Sophie spend practicing dance?A hour C. hourB hour D. hourLaura and Rob need to find a decimal equivalent to 39/50. Laura said she could write an equivalent fraction with 100 as the denominator and convert it into a decimal. Rob said he could divide the numerator by the denominator. Who is correct?They are both correctNeither are correctOnly Laura is correctOnly Rob is correct What is ÷ ? C. 4 D. 9What is the best estimate for the quotient ÷ ?3 C. 106 D. 12What is the best estimate for the quotient ÷ ?1 C. 1510 D. 25Which decimal is equivalent to ? A .11B .44C .51D .55 ................

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