
828100-22247700 Elder Class Learning ActivitiesThursday 4th February 2021SubjectLesson discoveryLesson break downReading(30 minutes)Picture News based on Sir Captain Tom MooreFollowing the sad news of Captain Tom Moore’s passing, picture news has developed some resources to get children talking about the impact an individual can have. I thought this was particularly important in key stage 1 as part of our history curriculum is looking at significant individuals and their impacts on the world. There is a overview of some activities you can complete, as well as a resource teaching the children about Sir Tom Moore. The children can complete the challenges set or they can create their own fact file on his life and the impact he made for the NHS as well as inspiriting many people across the country.English writing (45-60 Minutes)Grammar lesson on coordinating conjunctions Today the children are having a standalone grammar lesson looking at coordinating conjunctions. These are conjunctions that join two main clauses together. The words we are looking at are and, but, or. There is a teaching video to go with this because it can be a confusing concept to understand. This is because there are another type of conjunctions – subordinate conjunctions, we will be looking at these next week. There is a PowerPoint to go through, you may need to watch it as a powerpoint for it to work correctly. There is then an activity sheet to work through with 4 challenges. There is an extra challenge sheet if the children want to do some further work on conjunctions.Maths (45-60 Minutes)Pictograms with symbols representing 2, 5 or 10.Optional Starter – do a daily 10 activity online - It can also be found by googling daily 10. The children will need to choose level 2.Today we are building on what we have covered so far in our statistics concept with pictograms with symbols representing 2, 5 or 10. There is a video that goes for this lesson. One point that children can struggle with is when they need to draw half a picture to represent half an amount (half a picture representing 1 when the picture represents 2 for example). There is 3 challenges (challenge 3 has two parts, plus an additional optional challenge.PE (45 Minutes)Complete a fitness or a yoga routine Make sure you warm up before today’s session. You can warm up by choosing three different stretches or running on the spot. Today there is a choice of a yoga activity, or a fitness session.Watch one of the followingAlice in wonderland yoga - at home - Activities(Some things to do if you want toVisit the twinkl home learning hub - something deliciousDraw a portrait of yourselfPractise your handwriting. ................

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