Format for proposal for changing scenario input data of ...

Change log – PRZM 3.2.1 ( PRZM 4.3.1

1. Current instrument version: FOCUS_PRZM_SW v3.2.1

tested with: FOCUS_SWASH v3.1




2. New instrument version: FOCUS_PRZM_SW v4.3.1

3. Change in model shell or scenario input ? Change in shell and code

4. Initiator for change: Neil Mackay

E-mail: neil.mackay@gbr.

Telephone: + 44 1223 440 220

5. Is initiator part of team that developed

the instrument ? no

6. Does the new version comply with the installation and communication requirements for FOCUS_SWASH and FOCUS_TOXSWA ?


7. When did initiator send proposal to chairman ? May 2015

8. When did chairman forward latest proposal to workgroup ? 6 May 2015

9. Deadline for reactions by workgroup members:

(within two weeks after receipt; no reaction will be

interpreted as approval)

10. Which independent expert has performed the quality check ?

P. Rainbird (email: peter.rainbird@)

N. Mackay (email: neil.mackay@gbr.)

11. Proposed change:

The install package was modified to accommodate a broader range of input parameterization possibilities arising as defined by SPIN input ranges. Coding changes made to address bugs with application dates extending over two years during winter months.

12. Only if scenario input data change, the following questions have to be answered:

- is proposal change to underlying scenario definition ? no

- is proposal change to interpretation of existing scenario definition ? no

13. Would changes be needed as a result of this proposed change to:

Generic Guidance Document ? no

Model parameterisation document for MACRO_SW ? no

Model parameterisation document for PRZM_SW ? no

Model parameterisation document for TOXSWA ? no

Technical guidance report for SWASH ? no

14. Comparison between old and new SWASH output for a standardised set of test results for changes in model and shell

Testing focusing upon expanded data ranges that may be delivered from SPIN highlighted deficiencies with the previous GUI have been carried out to confirm correct operation. Further testing conducted to confirm correct running with corrected application framework

15. Include here below comparisons between old and new SWASH outputs for those combinations of scenarios, crops, waterbodies and application patterns that are of relevance for the changes proposed, and which are not covered by the checks under point 14.

Not relevant – expanded data ranges would not operate correctly with previous GUI and code.

16. Can the new version run on a machine on which also one or more earlier versions are still running ?

Installation of parallel versions of PRZM within the FOCUS-SW framework requires careful management of databases, access to databases and operation paths to overcome constraints associated with SWASH. This is a constraint associated with SWASH and the associated modeling suite framework rather than a limitation with PRZM itself. Such manipulations of databases and operational paths are not recommended for all but advanced users.


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