5 - Loudoun County Public Schools

5.1 & 5.2 Study Guide

Fractions and Decimals

Learning Goals

5.1 given a decimal through thousandths, round to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth.

5.2 - a) recognize and name fractions in their equivalent decimal form and vice versa; and

b) compare and order fractions and decimals in a given set from least to greatest and greatest to least.


Place value – the value a digit represents depending on its place in the number

Example: the digit 6 represents the hundredths place

Value – how much a digit is worth according to its place in a number

Example: the value of the 6 is 0.06 (six hundredths)

Digit – there are 10 digits: - 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Rounding – reducing the digits in a number while trying to keep the value similar

Comparing – seeing whether two numbers are greater than, less than, or

equal to each other

Whole Number – the counting numbers plus zero (0, 1, 2, 3, 4…)

Greater than - >

Less than - <

Equal to - =

Practice at Home

• Rounding decimals: Underline the place that you are rounding to. Look to the place to the right to determine if you should round up or down.

Example: 5.829 rounded to the nearest whole (ones): 5.829 = 6

rounded to the tenths place 5.829 = 5.8

rounded to the hundredths place 5.829 = 5.83

• Converting fractions to decimals: Some fractions are easy to remember….

[pic] = 0.50 or 0.5 [pic] = 0.25 [pic] = 0.20 or 0.2 [pic] 0.1

Other fractions can be converted to decimals by looking at the fraction as a division equation.

Students may use a calculator to perform these equations.

[pic] = 0.33 (repeating decimal) [pic] = 0.125

• Ordering fractions and decimals: First convert all of the fractions to decimals. Line them up vertically to compare them. Determine the correct order (least to greatest or greatest to least).

[pic], 0.56, [pic], [pic]= 0.50 least to greatest: [pic], [pic], 0.56

0.56 = 0.56

[pic] = 0.375 greatest to least: 0.56, [pic], [pic]

Sample Questions

1 Round 5.693 to the nearest whole.

A 5

B 5.7

C 5.69

D 6

2. Which decimal is equal to [pic]?

A 0.8

B 0.45

C 0.08

D 0.045

3. Which set of numbers is ordered from least to greatest?

[pic], [pic], [pic], 0.35

A [pic], [pic], [pic], 0.35

B [pic], [pic], 0.35, [pic]

C [pic], [pic], 0.35, [pic]

D [pic], 0.35, [pic], [pic]

4. Which statement below is true?

A 25.34 > 25.6

B 25.34 < 25.021

C 25.34 < 25.314

D 25.34 > 25.334

5. When rounded to the nearest tenth, which of the decimal numbers below rounds to 546.7?

A 546.772

B 546.64

C 546.681

D 546.75

6. Which set of decimals is in order from greatest to least?

A 2.002, 2.02, 2.220, 2.2

B 2.002, 2.02, 2.2, 2.220

C 2.220, 2.2, 2.02, 2.002

D 2.220, 2.002, 2.02, 2.2


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