
Cessation Week 201911/18/2019 – 11/22/2019DateMessagingImageMonday, 18th It is Cessation Week and we will be sharing resources, stories, and information that will help you quit smoking. Visit the#QuitNowNebraska website to see events near you!Website: Monday, 18th Making the decision to quit can improve your health. The image below highlights how your body recovers after quitting.If you are thinking of quitting call 1-800-QUIT-NOW#QuitNowNebraska Thinking about quitting? Below is a list of resources that will help you quit so you will not go at it alone!#QuitNowNebraska, 19th Have you thought about calling the Quitline? Here are “Five Reasons Why Calling a Quitline Can Be Key to Your Success”#QuitNowNebraska, 19thAs part of Cessation Week, we are sharing the stories of former smokers. In this video, Beatrice discusses the triggers she faced and the techniques she used to overcome them. If you are thinking of quitting call 1-800-QUIT-NOW#QuitNowNebraskaVideo : describes some of the techniques she used to recognize and avoid her smoking triggers that helped her to quit smoking. Even though it was hard to do, by making a plan and sticking to it, she beat her addiction to cigarettes and stopped smoking for good. This video is part of CDC's campaign, "Tips From Former Smokers."Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: video can also be viewed at , 20th Thinking about quitting? Visit this website for tools to build your quit plan! Preparation is Key!#QuitNowNebraska, 20th As part of Cessation Week we are sharing the stories of former smokers. In this short commercial, Tiffany discusses cessation methods. If you are thinking of quitting call 1-800-QUIT-NOW#QuitNowNebraskaVideo: this commercial, Tiffany encourages smokers get help to quit for good, using proven methods like smoking cessation counseling and nicotine replacement therapy, before they need to have their voice box removed like ments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy:... This video can also be viewed at, 20thThinking About Quitting? Talk to your provider about cessation options, resources, and a quit plan.Visit the DHHS website for resources.#QuitNowNebraska, 21st GASOIf you are thinking of quitting call 1-800-QUIT-NOW#QuitNowNebraskaGaso Flyer: , 21st As part of Cessation Week, we are sharing the stories of former smokers. In this video, Rebecca discusses her journey through depression and smoking. If you are thinking of quitting call 1-800-QUIT-NOW#QuitNowNebraskaVideo: struggled with depression. In this video from CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Rebecca explains how she used to smoke to cope with her depression, but ended up feeling more depressed. She realized that cigarettes weren’t helping her and knew she had to quit. In her words, “It’s about taking control of your life.” She quit and found that there is life beyond ments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: video can also be viewed at , 22ndLuncheonPictures from LuncheonFriday, 22nd As part of Cessation Week, we are sharing the stories of former smokers. In this video Tiffany discusses her “aha” moment that changed her life path. If you are thinking of quitting call 1-800-QUIT-NOW#QuitNowNebraskaVideo: many smokers, Tiffany had seen an older family member harmed by smoking, yet she kept buying cigarettes for herself. In this emotional TV ad from CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Tiffany talks about the "aha" moment that sent her on a different, healthier path for her own ments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: video can also be viewed at : : ................

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