Tabular Summary of DMAs Worksheet B-1 - San Diego

[Pages:10]DMA Unique Identifier

Area (acres)

Tabular Summary of DMAs

Impervious Area


% Imp


Area Weighted

Runoff Coefficient

DCV (cubic feet)

Worksheet B-1

Treated By (BMP Pollutant Control Drains to




Summary of DMA Information (Must match project description and SWQMP Narrative)

No. of DMAs

Total DMA Area


Total Impervious

Area (acres)

% Imp

Area Weighted

Runoff Coefficient

Total DCV (cubic feet)

Total Area Treated (acres)

No. of POCs

Where: DMA = Drainage Management Area; Imp = Imperviousness; HSG = Hydrologic Soil Group; DCV= Design Capture Volume; BMP = Best Management Practice; POC = Point of Compliance; ID = identifier; No. = Number

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B-1 | January 2018 Edition

Design Capture Volume

1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1

2 Area tributary to BMP (s)


Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)

Trees Credit Volume

4 Note: In the SWQMP list the number of trees, size of each tree, amount of soil volume installed for each tree, contributing area to each tree and the inlet opening dimension for each tree.

Rain barrels Credit Volume

5 Note: In the SWQMP list the number of rain barrels, size of each rain barrel and the use of the captured storm water runoff.

6 Calculate DCV = (3630 x C x d x A) ? TCV - RCV

Worksheet B.2-1










cubic-feet cubic-feet

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.2-1 | January 2018 Edition

Harvest and Use Feasibility Checklist

Worksheet B.3-1 : Form I-7

1. Is there a demand for harvested water (check all that apply) at the project site that is reliably present during the wet season?

Toilet and urinal flushing Landscape irrigation Other:______________

2. If there is a demand; estimate the anticipated average wet season demand over a period of 36 hours. Guidance for planning level demand calculations for toilet/urinal flushing and landscape irrigation is provided in Section B.3.2. [Provide a summary of calculations here]

3. Calculate the DCV using worksheet B-2.1. DCV = __________ (cubic feet) [Provide a summary of calculations here]

3a. Is the 36-hour

demand greater than or

equal to the DCV?


/ No

3b. Is the 36-hour demand greater than 0.25DCV but less than the full DCV?

Yes /


3c. Is the 36hour demand less than 0.25DCV?


Harvest and use appears to be feasible. Conduct more

Harvest and use may be feasible. Conduct more detailed evaluation and sizing

detailed evaluation and

calculations to determine feasibility.

sizing calculations to confirm that DCV can be

Harvest and use may only be able to be used for a portion of the site, or

used at an adequate rate to (optionally) the storage may need to be

meet drawdown criteria.

upsized to meet long term capture targets

while draining in longer than 36 hours.

Is harvest and use feasible based on further evaluation? Yes, refer to Appendix E to select and size harvest and use BMPs.

No, select alternate BMPs.

Harvest and use is considered to be infeasible.

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.3-1 : Form I-7 | January 2018 Edition

Simple Sizing Method for Infiltration BMPs

Worksheet B.4-1

1 DCV (Worksheet B-2.1) 2 Estimated design infiltration rate (Worksheet D.5-1) 3 Available BMP surface area 4 Average effective depth in the BMP footprint (DCV/ABMP) 5 Drawdown time, T (Davg *12/Kdesign) 6 Provide alternative calculation of drawdown time, if needed.

DCV= K design= A BMP = D avg =


cubic-feet in/hr sq-ft feet hours

7 Provide calculations for effective depth provided in the BMP: Effective Depth = Surface ponding (below the overflow elevation) + gravel storage thickness x gravel porosity (0.4)

Notes: 1.

2. 3.

Drawdown time must be less than 36 hours. This criterion was set to achieve average annual capture of 80% to account for back to back storms (See rationale in Appendix B.4.3). In order to use a different drawdown time, BMPs should be sized using the percent capture method (Appendix B.4.2). The average effective depth calculation should account for any aggregate/media in the BMP. For example, 4 feet of stone at a porosity of 0.4 would equate to 1.6 feet of effective depth.

This method may overestimate drawdown time for BMPs that drain through both the bottom and walls of the system. BMP specific calculations of drawdown time may be provided that account for BMP-specific geometry.

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.4-1 | January 2018 Edition

Sizing Method for Pollutant Removal Criteria

1 Area draining to the BMP

2 Adjusted runoff factor for drainage area (Refer to Appendix B.1 and B.2) 3 85th percentile 24-hour rainfall depth

4 Design capture volume [Line 1 x Line 2 x (Line 3/12)]

BMP Parameters

5 Surface ponding [6 inch minimum, 12 inch maximum]


Media thickness [18 inches minimum], also add mulch layer and washed ASTM 33 fine aggregate sand thickness to this line for sizing calculations

Aggregate storage (also add ASTM No 8 stone) above underdrain invert

7 (12 inches typical) ? use 0 inches if the aggregate is not over the entire

bottom surface area


Aggregate storage below underdrain invert (3 inches minimum) ? use 0 inches if the aggregate is not over the entire bottom surface area

9 Freely drained pore storage of the media

10 Porosity of aggregate storage

Media filtration rate to be used for sizing (maximum filtration rate of 5


in/hr. with no outlet control; if the filtration rate is controlled by the outlet use the outlet controlled rate (includes infiltration into the soil and

flow rate through the outlet structure) which will be less than 5 in/hr.)

Baseline Calculations

12 Allowable routing time for sizing

13 Depth filtered during storm [ Line 11 x Line 12]


Depth of Detention Storage [Line 5 + (Line 6 x Line 9) + (Line 7 x Line 10) + (Line 8 x Line 10)]

15 Total Depth Treated [Line 13 + Line 14]

Option 1 ? Biofilter 1.5 times the DCV

16 Required biofiltered volume [1.5 x Line 4]

17 Required Footprint [Line 16/ Line 15] x 12

Option 2 - Store 0.75 of remaining DCV in pores and ponding

18 Required Storage (surface + pores) Volume [0.75 x Line 4]

19 Required Footprint [Line 18/ Line 14] x 12

Footprint of the BMP BMP Footprint Sizing Factor (Default 0.03 or an alternative minimum

20 footprint sizing factor from Line 11 in Worksheet B.5-4) 21 Minimum BMP Footprint [Line 1 x Line 2 x Line 20] 22 Footprint of the BMP = Maximum (Minimum (Line 17, Line 19), Line 21) 23 Provided BMP Footprint

Is Line 23 Line 22? 24 If Yes, then footprint criterion is met.

If No, increase the footprint of the BMP.

Worksheet B.5-1 sq. ft.

inches cu. ft.

inches inches


inches 0.2 in/in 0.4 in/in







cu. ft. sq. ft.

cu. ft. sq. ft.

sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft.

Yes No

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.5-1 | January 2018 Edition

Sizing Method for Volume Retention Criteria

1 Area draining to the BMP 2 Adjusted runoff factor for drainage area (Refer to Appendix B.1 and B.2) 3 85th percentile 24-hour rainfall depth 4 Design capture volume [Line 1 x Line 2 x (Line 3/12)]

Worksheet B.5-2 sq. ft.

inches cu. ft.

Volume Retention Requirement Measured infiltration rate in the DMA


When mapped hydrologic soil groups are used enter 0.10 for NRCS Type D 5 soils and for NRCS Type C soils enter 0.30


When in no infiltration condition and the actual measured infiltration rate is unknown enter 0.0 if there are geotechnical and/or groundwater hazards identified in Appendix C or enter 0.05

6 Factor of safety 7 Reliable infiltration rate, for biofiltration BMP sizing [Line 5/ Line 6]

Average annual volume reduction target (Figure B.5-2) 8 When Line 7 > 0.01 in/hr. = Minimum (40, 166.9 x Line 7 +6.62)

When Line 7 0.01 in/hr. = 3.5%

2 in/hr.


Fraction of DCV to be retained (Figure B.5-3)


When Line 8 > 8% = 0.0000013 x Line 83 - 0.000057 x Line 82 + 0.0086 x Line 8 - 0.014

When Line 8 8% = 0.023 10 Target volume retention [Line 9 x Line 4]

cu. ft.

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.5-2 | January 2018 Edition

Volume Retention from Biofiltration with Partial Retention BMPs

1 Area draining to the BMP 2 Adjusted runoff factor for drainage area (Refer to Appendix B.1 and B.2) 3 85th percentile 24-hour rainfall depth 4 Design capture volume [Line 1 x Line 2 x (Line 3/12)]

BMP Parameters

5 Footprint of the BMP


Media thickness [18 inches minimum], also add mulch layer and washed ASTM 33 fine aggregate sand thickness to this line for sizing calculations

7 Media retained pore space [50% of (Field Capacity-Wilting Point)]


Aggregate storage below underdrain invert (3 inches minimum) ? use 0 inches if the aggregate is not over the entire bottom surface area

9 Porosity of aggregate storage

Measured infiltration rate in the DMA

10 Note: When mapped hydrologic soil groups are used enter 0.10 for NRCS Type D soils and for NRCS Type C soils enter 0.30

11 Factor of safety 12 Reliable infiltration rate, for biofiltration BMP sizing [Line 10/ Line 11]

Evapotranspiration: Average Annual Volume Retention

13 Effective evapotranspiration depth [Line 6 x Line 7]

14 Retained pore volume [(Line 13 x Line 5)/12]

15 Fraction of DCV retained in pore spaces [Line 14/Line 4]


Evapotranspiration average annual capture [use ET Nomographs in Figure B.5-5, Refer to Appendix B.5.4]

Infiltration: Average Annual Volume Retention

17 Drawdown for infiltration storage [(Line 8 x Line 9)/Line 12]

Equivalent DCV fraction from evapotranspiration 18 (use Line 16 and Line 17 in Figure B.4-1; Refer to Appendix B.4.2.2)

19 Infiltration volume storage [(Line 5 x Line 8 x Line 9)/12] 20 Infiltration storage: Fraction of DCV [Line 19 /Line 4] 21 Total Equivalent Fraction of DCV [Line 18 + Line 20]


Biofiltration BMP average annual capture [use Line 21 and 17 in Figure B.4-1]

Fraction of DCV retained (Figure B.5-3) 23 0.0000013 x Line 223 - 0.000057 x Line 222 + 0.0086 x Line 22- 0.014

Volume retention achieved by biofiltration BMP 24 [Line 23 x Line 4]

Worksheet B.5-3 sq. ft.

inches cu. ft.

0.05 0.4

sq. ft. inches in/in inches in/in


2 in/hr.

inches cu. ft.



cu. ft.


cu. ft.

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.5-3 | January 2018 Edition

Alternative Minimum Footprint Sizing Factor for NonStandard Biofiltration

1 Area draining to the BMP

Worksheet B.5-4 sq. ft.

2 Adjusted Runoff Factor for drainage area (Refer to Appendix B.1 and B.2)

3 Load to Clog (default value when using Appendix E fact sheets is 2.0)

lb/sq. ft.

4 Allowable Period to Accumulate Clogging Load (TL) (default value is 10)


Volume Weighted EMC Calculation

Land Use

Fraction of Total DCV

Single Family Residential



Education (Municipal)


Multi-family Residential

Roof Runoff

Low Traffic Areas

Open Space

Other, specify:

Other, specify:

Other, specify:

5 Volume Weighted EMC (sum of all products)

TSS EMC (mg/L)

123 128 125 132 78 40 14 50 216

Product mg/L

Sizing Factor for Clogging

Adjustment for pretreatment measures


Where: Line 6 = 0 if no pretreatment; Line 6 = 0.25 when pretreatment is included; Line 6 = 0.5 if the pretreatment has an active Washington State

TAPE approval rating for "pre-treatment."

Average Annual Precipitation [Provide documentation of the data source in

7 the discussion box; SanGIS has a GIS layer for average annual


8 Calculate the Average Annual Runoff (Line 7/12) x Line 1 x Line2


Calculate the Average Annual TSS Load (Line 8 x 62.4 x Line 5 x (1 ? Line 6))/106

10 Calculate the BMP Footprint Needed (Line 9 x Line 4)/Line 3


Calculate the Minimum Footprint Sizing Factor for Clogging [ Line 10/ (Line 1 x Line 2)]



cu-ft/yr lb/yr sq. ft.

The City of San Diego | Storm Water Standards Worksheet B.5-4 | January 2018 Edition


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