FLYER - Judge Advocate General's Corps, United States Army


Charge I:

The Specification: In that Specialist Patrick A. Garrett, U.S. Army, did, on or about 4 July 2000, at or near Fort Drum, New York, wrongfully possess approximately 45 grams of cocaine, with the intent to distribute the said controlled substance.

Charge II:

The Specification: In that Specialist Patrick A. Garrett, U.S. Army, did, on or about 1 July 2000, at or near Fort Drum, New York, steal a ¾ inch drive socket set, military property, of a value of over $100.00, the property of the United States.

Charge III:

The Specification: In that Specialist Patrick A. Garrett, U.S. Army, did, on or about 3 July 2000, without authority, absent himself from his unit, to wit: A Company, 2d Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, located at Fort Drum, New York, and did remain so absent until he was apprehended on or about 4 July 2000.


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