
 Week 13 Questions: I John 5: 1-12 - Living and Loving - Part 1We begin the final chapter, John revisits some of the important truths that have already been laid out throughout the previous chapters, but with a sense of urgency. In many ways this is a chapter of summation because everything is “repeated” again in a straightforward, unapologetic way with the purpose of driving home the points and solidifying the believers' understanding. It is almost as if John says, “If you missed everything I have already said, here it is in a nutshell!” Bible study tip:As you read a passage like this one from I John, look at the sentence structure. Each sentence contains at least one word from the previous sentence. This is actually a writing strategy that is used by all good writers but in the case of biblical passage, this can be used as a way to glean more meaning from the verses. Look for the key words that are repeated and write those down. You should seek to understand in the context of the passage the meaning of these keywords. Often the meanings can be found right in the text or you can cross reference and read the word in another place in the Bible to get additional understanding. What does believing in Jesus mean according to verse 1? Explain what this means in your own words.In the second part of verse 1, what does John say loving the Father automatically means?In verse 2, what can we know and how can we know it?How is love of God described in verse 3? What does John mean by commandments? Why are the commandments not burdensome?How can we overcome the world according to verse 4-5? What specifically is needed to overcome the world? Read John 16:33. What does Jesus say here? Make a connection between these verses.What is the Spirit and what does it do according to verse 6?When studying verses that have been translated, it is sometimes difficult to get a completely clear understanding of the writer’s intended meaning. In verses 7-8, the Spirit, water and blood are mentioned which is a bit confusing and has been a passage debated by theologians throughout the centuries. However, read John 3:5 and make some notes on what could be one of the possible meanings. Verse 9-11 discuss the testimony of God. What is meant by the testimony of God and how does it relate to us? In verse 10, John explains the consequences of not believing in the testimony of God. What is this? Verse 12 contains a very important “truth statement” about life. What is this? This truth will carry over into the next set of verses, but consider what this tells you about your life? ................

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