Speech # 2

Speech # 4

Persuasive Speech

100 Points

Time Requirement: 7-10 Minutes

For this assignment you will prepare a 7-10 minute speech with the specific purpose of trying to persuade your audience to either

1. Change their attitudes;

2. Reinforce their existing attitudes; or

3. Change their behavior.

Decide which of these goals best describes your topic, and incorporate this into your specific purpose statement. You may do a sales speech if all criteria (including 3 basic sources) are met.

Topics may be categorized as Fact, Value, or Policy:

Fact speeches advocate that something is true or false. Focus on historical or scientific facts in dispute.

Examples: There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

John F. Kennedy was not killed by a lone assassin.

There is life on other planets.

Value speeches place a good or bad label on something. Based on opinion, supported by evidence.

Examples: Modern art is decadent.

The Rolling Stones is the greatest rock band of all time.

Titanic is the greatest movie of all time.

Policy Speeches advocate that something should or should not be done. You must show two things:

1. A problem exists; and

2. Your solution solves the problem better than any other solution.

Examples: You should vote for Candidate X.

The school bond referendum should be approved.

There should not be a ban on smoking in public buildings in Illinois.

You should meet the following general criteria:

1. Use a minimum of 3 basic sources from the list below, and turn in a properly typed bibliography listing the sources at the bottom of your outline. You must also mention your 3 sources by name during your speech (using “oral footnotes” page 138).


2. Conform to the time limit of 7-10 minutes. Practice at home and aim for an 8 ½ minute speech. Points will be deducted for speeches that are too long or too short.

3. Turn in your TYPED outline on the day or your speech. On the outline you should clearly identify the title, general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, body, conclusion, bibliography and visual aids. Also be sure to identify whether your speech is fact, value or policy (see sample outline). Mark where you will mention your three sources. Again, I will NOT accept handwritten outlines.

4. Effectively utilize at least one form of audiovisual aid (not including the white board). Be certain that the audiovisual aids you select are consistent with and supportive of your purpose. Remember, posters and PowerPoint slides can serve as giant note cards during your speech! Don’t just hold up books you’ve used; that is not an effective visual aid. Ask me to show you how to use the equipment in the classroom prior to your speech. If you have no visual aid, 10 points will be deducted from your speech.

5. Speak extemporaneously using speaker’s notes on a maximum of THREE note cards (do not just use your outline on a piece of paper, you will lose points!) Don’t say “today I am going to persuade you…” Do not read your speech!! Reading your speech will lower your grade by two letter grades.

On your topic approval day you will be asked to turn in the following information:

1. Your name

2. Title of your speech

3. General purpose

4. Specific purpose

5. Central idea

6. Identify the speech as fact, value or policy

Also, on that day please bring with you an idea for an attitude question that you can ask the class. The purpose of this question is to allow you an opportunity for audience analysis. Usually, simply asking the class if they agree or disagree with your specific purpose statement will work. You should find it useful to learn if the class agrees or disagrees with the position you intend to present in your persuasive speech.

Be sure to read Chapter 16, “Speaking to Persuade” and Chapter 17 “Persuasive Strategies”, in your textbook before you finalize your presentation for this assignment. Also useful are the lists on the handout called “Finding Topics”.

All speeches must be completed by the final speaking day, which is _________________.

If you have not given your speech by the final speaking day, you will receive a “0”.

This will have a significant negative impact on your course grade.


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