It was credited with losing the Republicans several seats in the House in the 1798 elections after the Federalist policy won popular support. Charles Pinckney had replied, "Not a sixpence," to demands that the U. S. pay $250,000 to Talleyrand in order to open negotiations with the French government. FTP, what Adams administration foreign policy scandal is known by the code names of three French agents?

XYZ Affair


Its original name was the Aphrodite and the Cypriot Mandria helped to purchase it. The book begins in Famagusta with journalist Mark Parker, who bumps into an old American friend, Kitty Fremont. Kitty happens to be a nurse and thus finds herself a source of interest to Mossad Aliyah Bet member Ari Ben Canaan (Kuh-NAHN). FTP, name this fictional ship that transports 300 Jewish children refugees to Palestine after World War II, the title of a book by Leon Uris.



Approximately 15,000 species of these multicellular organisms are known to exist. They are hermaphroditic, and fossils date back to the Late Precambrian. They feed by pumping water through their bodies where cells lining their body cavities filter out food particles, but they lack specialized organs, more closely resembling colonies of individual cells than other animals. FTP, give the common name for this group of primitive creatures, which make up the phylum Porifera.

Sponges (accept Porifera before mention)


He appears as the central character in Tom Stoppard’s The Invention of Love. His failure of his college final exams, likely due to his infatuation with Moses Jackson, drove him to take his studies of classics more seriously, and he would hold a Latin professor at Trinity College at the time of his death. A prolific translator of Lucan and Euripides, his classical bent is reflected in the parodic “Fragment of a Greek Tragedy.” FTP name this creator of the poem cycle A Shropshire Lad which contains “To An Athlete Dying Young.”

Alfred Edward Housman


He split from the crumbling Federalist party in the late 1810’s and aligned himself with the Jacksonian Democrats, heavily supporting Jackson’s 1824 Presidential bid. Appointed Jackson’s Attorney General in 1831, he helped to dismantle the Second Bank of The United States. When Jackson appointed him Secretary of the Treasury, he became the first cabinet appointee rejected by the Senate. FTP name this Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who presided over the 1857 Dred Scott case.

Roger B. Taney (tawny)


There are differential scanning types and x-ray types, but more often they are of the constant-pressure kind, and simple ones consist solely of a thermometer attached to an insulated container. Measurements are taken before and after its use in order to find an enthalpy change. FTP, what is this laboratory device used for heat measurement that comes in coffee cup and bomb varieties?



Charles Cheswick dies while swimming in a pool, a possible suicide, and another character cuts his own throat after being found in bed with a woman named Candy. The narrator often recalls his experiences in war and his past life among his Native American family, especially when his head is being brutally shaved. FTP, name this book, narrated by “Chief” Bromden, set in a mental institution, that focuses on McMurphy’s battle against the manipulative Big Nurse, written by Ken Kesey (KEY-see).

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


When it gained independence from France in 1960 it was known as the Sudanese Federation, but it acquired its present name after dissolving a federation with neighboring Senegal. The ancient civilization of this name was at the center of the salt-gold trade, and was led by ruler such as Mansa Musa (MAHN-suh MOO-suh). FTP, what nation bordered by Algeria, Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast, and Guinea, has its capital at Bamako and includes the ancient city of Timbuktu?

Republic of Mali


Czar Alexander replaced General Barclay with the more aggressive Kutusov before this engagement, in which the French sought to capture a large supply depot located in and around the city. It resulted from a frontal assault on Kutusov’s defensive position by Napoleon’s forces, and caused numerous casualties on both sides. FTP, name this tactically indecisive battle that led to the French capture of Moscow, the core of the events of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace.

Battle of Borodino


Also produced under the trade name Twaron, this material was originally developed in

the 1960s by Stephanie Kwolek. A copolymeric aramid, it is roughly five times stronger

than steel and has a high degree of thermal resistance. FTP, name this synthetic

fiber, produced and trade-marked by the du Pont corporation, used in aerospace

composites and bulletproof vests.




The main character comes upon a Dutch couple who ask him if he agrees that the Pope is the antichrist, and on the next day sees his former master ravaged with syphilis, which he contracted from a maid named Paquette (pah-KET). Beginning with the title character’s expulsion from Thunder-ten-tronckh, his world-spanning journeys end when he decides to tend his garden. FTP name this satiric repudiation of the optimistic philosophy expounded by Pangloss, a novel written by Voltaire.

Candide, or, Optimism


Born in Cambridge, Ohio, he graduated with a degree in Engineering from Muskingum

College and served as a fighter pilot in both the Second World War and the Korean War.

He sought the Democratic nomination for president in 1984, but lost to Walter Mondale, despite the near simultaneous release of the film adaptation of a Tom Wolfe novel that portrayed him in an appealing light. FTP, name this former Ohio senator, who served from 1974 to 1999, the oldest man to fly in space, and the first American to orbit the Earth.

John Herschel Glenn


Pencil and paper ready. In a circuit, 5 resistors with resistances 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 ohms are placed in parallel. To find the net resistance of this circuit, one could take the inverse of the sum of the inverses of these resistances, but using the formula for the partial sum of a geometric series simplifies the calculation. FTP, find the net resistance of this circuit. You will have 10 seconds.

16/31 ohms


It uses the Latin text, "Veni, Creator Spiritus" (VAY-nee kray-AH-tor SPEE-rih-tus), as well as the closing scene from Goethe's (GER-tuhs) Faust, sung by Angels, the Chorus of Blessed Boys, and the More Perfect Angels. Its two movements together last ninety minutes, and a performance of it requires two full choirs, a boys' choir, eight soloists, and a pipe organ. FTP, what Mahler work originally premiered with 1029 musicians?

Symphony No. 8 in E-flat Major or Symphony of a Thousand


It was tested on animals and cadavers before being approved for human use. Called fallbiel (fall-beel) in German, the Nazis used it on possibly several thousand people during World War II. It was last used on September 10, 1977, on an immigrant named Hamida Djandoubi (hah-ME-dah john-DO-bee) in a prison at Marseilles (mar-SAY). FTP, identify this swift, painless execution device infamous for its use during the French Revolution.



Though his name means “father of peace,” he murdered his half brother Amnon to avenge the rape of Tamar. After this, he lived outside the palace, acting as a vigilante judge, and eventually declared rebellion against his father. He was advised by Ahitophel and Hushai (WHO-shy), whose bad advice bought David time to escape. During a retreat from battle, he was entangled in the branches of a tree by his long hair, where he was found and killed by darts. FTP, name this rebellious son of David whose name is found in the title of a Faulkner novel.

Absalom or Avshalom


Its genesis was in Veneziano’s (veh-NET-see-AH-nose) discovery that the Euler (oiler) Beta function aptly describes several properties of the strong nuclear force. Recent studies of duality transformations have allowed a more mathematically exact picture to emerge. Though a setback in its application to hadronic theory, the massless spin two state was found to correspond to the graviton, making it a possible Grand Unified Theory. FTP, name this physical theory, which represents elementary particles as vibration modes of one dimensional strands or loops.

Superstring theory


Though the idea had previously been suggested by the Islamic economist Ibn Khaldun, it bears the name of a 20th century American. A qualitative understanding of its most notable prediction can be derived from Rolles’ Theorem, since none will choose to earn money if their earnings will all go to the government. A mathematical model that relates the total revenue of the government to the imposed tax rates, its parabolic shape indicates that moderate tax rates result in the most revenue. FTP name this graphical model, initially scrawled on a napkin, often used to support the ideas of supply side economics.

Laffer Curve


In Roald Dahl’s Going Solo, Miss Trefusis pronounces her to be “completely dotty.” She wrote her works first in English and then translated them into Danish, her mother tongue. She owned a coffee plantation and wrote under several pseudonyms, including Osceola and Pierre Andrezel, but her real name was Karen Blixen. Her famous short story collection includes “The Old Chevalier,” “The Deluge at Norderney," and “The Supper at Elsinore.” FTP, name this baroness, author of Seven Gothic Tales and Out of Africa.

Isak Dinesen (accept Baroness Karen Blixen before mention)


The largest ethnic group in the Great Lakes region, they arrived there in the first century AD and displaced the Twa peoples. Dominating the region until the 1600s, they were then overpowered by an Ethiopian group. Civil war in the mid-90s led to the slaughter and expulsion of their former oppressors, as well as the election of Rwandan President Greg wa Kayabanda (KYE-uh-BAHN-duh). FTP, name this ethnic group of Rwanda and Burundi (buh-RUNE-dee), who wrested political power from the Tutsi (TOOT-see).

Hutu (HOO-too)



As an art student, he became fascinated by the circus, and along with sketches and paintings he made a few wire-frame sculptures of circus animals. He eventually moved them about in shows to simulate a real circus, hanging some from wires. Some of his creations influenced by Miro include Fish Tail and Lobster Trap. FTP, name this originator of the free hanging sculpture form which Marcel Duchamp termed the “mobile.”

Alexander Calder


His architectural projects were designed by Mimar Sinan (me-MAHR see-NAHN) and included mosques named for himself and his father Selim. He led the siege of Belgrade that opened up central Europe to Ottoman expansion, and ruled an empire spanning from Baghdad to Oran. FTP, name this Ottoman Emperor who ruled from 1520-1566, a patron of the arts known as “The Lawgiver.”

Suleyman: {I or the Magnificent or Kanuni} (accept Suleyman the Lawgiver before mention)


In Book Three, he erroneously believes that Apollo wants the Trojans to sail to Crete instead of to Italy. Although he dies soon after at Drepanum (dreh-PAH-nuhm), it is not until Book Five that he is honored with funeral games. When his son visits him in the underworld, he describes the future glories of Rome. FTP identify this lover of Venus, grandfather of Ascanius, and father of Aeneas.

Anchises (an-KYE-seez)



Name these losers of multiple presidential elections from their opponents, FTPE.

10: Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman

Thomas E. Dewey

10: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Aaron Burr

10: William McKinley, twice

William Jennings Bryan


FTPE, identify the mitotic phase in which each event occurs.

10: The chromosomes align along the equatorial plane and the spindle fibers attach to the kinetochores.


10: The nuclear envelope disintegrates and the chromosomes condense.


10: The spindle fibers contract, separating the sister chromatids and drawing them to opposite poles of the cell.



FTPE, name the Shakespearean plays given their first lines.

10: “Two households, both alike in dignity / In fair Verona where we lay our scene...”

Romeo and Juliet

10: “Boatswain!” (BOE-zun)

The Tempest

10: “If music be the food of love, play on...”

Twelfth Night


FTPE, identify the following measures of chemical concentration.

10: Moles of solute divided by liters of solution.


10: Moles of solute divided by kilograms of solvent.


10: Moles of solute divided by kilograms of solution.



Identify the famous men with which these ships are most closely associated 5-10-15:

5: The Niña (NEEN-yah)

Christopher Columbus

10: The Golden Hind

Sir Francis Drake

15: The Endurance

Sir Ernest Shackleton


5-10-15, name the Longfellow poem from lines.

5: “By the shores of Gitchee-Gumee, / By the shining Big-Sea-Water...”

The Song of Hiawatha

10: “This is the forest primeval / The murmuring pines and the hemlocks…”


15: “Under a spreading chestnut tree...”

The Village Blacksmith


FTPE, answer these questions about Calvin Coolidge

10: In what state was Coolidge born?


10: When Coolidge died, what humorist remarked, “How can they tell?”

Dorothy Parker

10: Once at a party, a woman told Coolidge she had made a bet that she could get him to say three words to her. What was Silent Cal’s famous response?

“You lose.”


FTPE, name these American writers of nonfiction novels from works.

10: The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The Right Stuff

Tom Wolfe (DO NOT accept Thomas Wolfe)

10: The Naked and the Dead, Armies of the Night

Norman Mailer

10: Hells Angels, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Hunter S. Thompson


According to feudal tradition, French society was divided into three Estates, made up of various classes. FTPE, name the class associated with each Estate.

10: First Estate

Clergy (accept equivalents)

10: Second Estate

Nobility (accept equivalents)

10: Third Estate

Bourgeoisie or merchant class (prompt on middle class)


Several countries have moved or considered moving their national capitals. Answer the following questions about these countries or their capitals FTPE.

10: What country’s national assembly moved its capital from Dar-es-Salaam to Dodoma in 1996?

United Republic of Tanzania

10: In 1997 Kazakhstan’s government moved its capital from Almaty to what city due to fears of a major earthquake?


10: Malaysia announced a measure in 1995 to move its capital to Putrajaya (POOT-rah-ZHYE-uh), a technology industrial complex fifteen miles south of what current capital?

Kuala Lumpur


FTPE, name these African writers.

10: This South African, awarded the 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature, wrote The Conservationist, July’s People, and Burger’s Daughter.

Nadine Gordimer

10: This founder of the South African Liberal Party is chiefly known for Cry, the Beloved Country.

Alan Paton (PAY-ton)

10: This Algerian existentialist is known for the play Caligula, and the novels The Stranger and The Plague.

Albert Camus (cam-OO)


Pencil and paper ready. Consider the function f(x) = x3+1. ( f of x equals x cubed plus 1) FTPE, find:

10: All real zeros of f(x). You will have 5 seconds.

x = -1

10: The quadratic factor of f(x). You will have 10 seconds.

x2-x+1 [x squared minus x plus one]

10: The 2 complex zeros of f(x). You will have 10 seconds to begin your answer

(1±i√(3))/2 (one plus or minus i times the square root of 3, all over 2)


Name the phobias evoked by the following situations.

10: The death of the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz.

Hydrophobia or Aquaphobia

10: The title character’s retreat into his coffin at break of day in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Photophobia or Heliophobia or Eosophobia or Phengophobia

10: Franklin Roosevelt’s 1st inaugural address.



FTPE identify the type of minor scale.

10: This minor scale shares its key signature with its relative major, without any accidentals.

Natural minor

10: This minor scale is identical to the natural minor except for the seventh note, which is raised by one half step.

Harmonic minor

10: The ascending half of this minor scale includes a sharp sixth and seventh note, while the descending half is the natural minor scale.

Melodic minor


FTPE, name these plays of Henrik Ibsen.

10: This play about an anti-hero who in the end is deemed unworthy of damnation has incidental music by Edvard Grieg (GREEG).

Peer Gynt (PAIR GOONT) (accept reasonable pronunciation attempts)

10: This drama takes place within the living room of Torvald and Nora Helmer and ends with their separation.

A Doll’s House

10: Halvard Solness, an architect, assesses his own obsessive drive to succeed.

The Master Builder


[Read slowly and clearly.] FTPE, state the normal form of a function, given the first four terms of its Maclaurin series.

10: 1+x+x2+x3 (One plus x plus x squared plus x cubed)

1/(1-x) (One over the quantity one minus x)

10: 1+x+x2/2!+x3/3! (One plus x plus x squared over two factorial plus x cubed over three factorial)

ex (e to the x)

10: 1-x2/2!+x4/4!-x6/6! (One minus x squared over two factorial plus x to the fourth over four factorial minus x to the sixth over six factorial)

cos(x) (cosine of x)


Identify these electronic components FTPE.

10: A primitive model of one of these charge-storing devices consists of two conducting plates separated by a dielectric.


10: These allow the flow of electric current in one direction only.


10: These solid-state devices have collectors, bases, and emitters, and generally act as current amplifiers.



Name the cities in which you’d find the following museums FTPE.

10: The Queen Sofia Museum, The Prado


10: The Hermitage (AIR-me-TAHZH)

St. Petersburg

10: The Musee d’Orsay (mew-ZAY door-SAY), The Louvre (LOOV)



FTPE, given the quantity, state its time derivative.

10: Linear momentum.


10: Angular momentum.


10: Kinetic energy.



FTPE name the Chinese dynasty which reigned in the given year.

10: 1 AD

Han Dynasty

10: 1500 AD

Ming Dynasty

10: 1600 AD

Qing Dynasty or Manchu Dynasty



Identify the following concerning displeasing combinations from literature, FTPE

10: These human-orc crossbreeds from the Lord of the Rings are bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than regular orcs, and loyally serve their creator, Saruman.


10: These fusions of men and animals in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series are among the lowest of The Dark One’s servants.


10: A deranged doctor creates crosses of humans and animals on the titular island in this H.G Wells novel.

The Island of Dr. Moreau


Name these Catholic sacraments FTPE.

10: In this sacrament, a person receives the title of deacon, priest, or bishop.

Holy Orders (prompt on ordination)

10: This sacrament involves admitting one’s sins to a priest and receiving a task to complete in order to obtain forgiveness from God.

Reconciliation (accept Penance, Confession or equivalents)

10: Administered to those that are seriously ill, this sacrament can be received as often as the believer desires.

Anointing of the Sick or Extreme Unction or Last Rites


FTPE, name these modern Egyptian dictators.

10: He seized power from King Farouk and nationalized the Suez canal, laying the foundation of the modern Egyptian state.

Gamal Abdel Nasser

10: Nasser’s successor, he signed a peace accord with Israel which cost him his life.

Anwar Sadat

10: He is the current president of Egypt, having succeeded Sadat in 1982.

Hosni Mubarak


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