New Program INFORMATION: - Accrediting Bureau of Health ...

APPLICATION FOR NEW PROGRAM APPROVALThis application is to be submitted prior to implementation of a new program. Please review carefully and provide all the information requested. Incomplete applications (i.e., blank areas, missing narrative responses, exhibits) will be returned for resubmission, which could delay the review process and/or lead to the application being rejected where a new application and fee may be required. Allow up to eight* weeks for review and approval. This application is required for:A modification from a currently approved program to a higher degree*.A modification of more than 50 percent of currently approved program content (total hours or courses).The addition of a new program*, or reactivation of a discontinued program.*The addition of courses or programs that represent a significant departure from the existing offerings of educational programs, method of delivery, or programs of study at a degree or credential different from that which is included in the institution’s current of accreditation are considered substantive changes and will need to be reviewed and approved by the Commission’s Substantive Change Committee. In this case, the review time may take up to 12 weeks. The following information must be completed in accordance with what is currently approved as reflected in the ABHES Directory.NAME OF INSTITUTION: FORMTEXT ?????ABHES ID: FORMTEXT ?????ADDRESS: FORMTEXT ?????CITY: FORMTEXT ?????STATE: FORMTEXT ?????ZIP: FORMTEXT ?????NAME OF ON-SITE ADMINISTRATOR (SPECIFY DR., MR., MS., MRS.): FORMTEXT ?????TITLE: FORMTEXT ?????EMAIL ADDRESS: FORMTEXT ?????DIRECT PHONE #: FORMTEXT ?????Is the application in response to a Commission directive or finding from an on-site evaluation? (NOTE: applications should be submitted under separate cover and NOT as part of response materials.)?yes? noHas a similar program ever been taught out or discontinued due to poor program outcomes (i.e., retention, placement, credentialing)? ?yes? noIf yes, when? FORMTEXT ????? (month & year) and briefly identify the modifications that have been made to support improved program outcomes for this new program? (Details to be included as part of the market study required in Exhibit 3) FORMTEXT ?????New Program INFORMATION:Program Name*In Class Clock HoursRecognized Outside Clock Hours**Total Clock HoursLengthIn Weeks(Day/Eve/ Wknd)AcademicCredit Hours***?Quarter?SemesterMethod ofDelivery****CredentialAwardedCIP Code FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? *Program title must match the state approval provided with this application (as applicable) as Exhibit 13.**Recognized Outside Hours: The ‘Recognized Outside Hours’ (i.e., student preparation, homework) column is NOT applicable to clock-hour only programs; thus, the column must be marked ‘N/A’, and the hours noted in the ‘In Class Clock Hours’ column and in the ‘Total Clock Hours’ column must be the same. IMPORTANT NOTE: Recognized outside hours are based upon required academic clock-to-credit-hour conversions described in standard IV.G.1 of the Accreditation Manual. Programs with Recognized Outside Clock Hours will be required to provide a detailed analysis of how these hours were derived, how they complement the given coursework, and how students benefit from the respective assignments during the on-site evaluation visit.***Based on required academic conversions outlined in Chapter IV, Section G.1., of the ABHES Accreditation Manual.****Chapter III.B.4.D. of the Accreditation Manual defines the applications required for the implementation or expansion of distance education for a new program, which must be submitted separately with appropriate fee.Does the institution request recognition of outside (student preparation) hours as part of the total hours for the program? ?yes? noIf no, the column in the above chart should be blank.If yes, as part of its application the institution must provide the following: Exhibit 1, justification to support that the additional outside hours included in the program length meet commonly accepted standards in higher education and are necessary to enable students to achieve program objectives.If the new program is in a non-allied health field, place a check mark next to applicable criterion below in accordance with Chapter II.A.1.a. of the Accreditation Manual which applies to the institution as a whole (main, non-main, and/or SEC, as applicable):? 70% or greater of the students are enrolled in allied health programs; or? 70% of active programs are in the allied health education field, with a majority of the institution’s students enrolled in those programs. A program is active if it has current student enrollment and is seeking to enroll more students.PROJECTED START DATE*: FORMTEXT ?????PROJECTED FIRST CLASS ENROLLMENT: FORMTEXT ?????TUITION AND FEES FOR THE PROGRAM: FORMTEXT ?????AVERAGE SALARY FOR ENTRY-LEVEL EMPLOYMENT (LOCAL): FORMTEXT ?????APPROVALS:List any oversight/regulatory agency providing required approval to operate the new program (e.g., state, board of nursing, etc.). Agencies/OrganizationsExpiration Dateenter name of agency/organizationMM/DD/YYYYenter name of agency/organizationMM/DD/YYYYThe institution must provide the following: Exhibit 13, a copy of the approvals provided by noted oversight/regulatory agencies. The program information identified in the program chart must be consistent with such approvals. (NOTE: Any institution operating by licensure by means of accreditation must submit documentation to support this process; and institutions located in the state of Florida must submit documentation to evidence that the institution is on provisional licensure, annual licensure, or licensure by means of accreditation as part of Exhibit 13).Goals and Oversight:The institution must demonstrate the following:Program enrollment is justified through the community demand for employment in the field. (Standard V.A.5)How did the institution determine there is community demand for employment in the field? FORMTEXT ?????The institution must provide the following: Exhibit 3, a comprehensive Market Survey that minimally includes all requirements outlined on the Guidelines for Conducting a Market Survey form available for download at forms. Resources exist to meet the educational goals and objectives of the program, and the allocation of sufficient resources is available to support the new program’s curriculum, as well as equipment, supplies and instructional resources. (Standard V.A.3)What if any new resources are needed to implement the new program (e.g., new space, construction, supplies/equipment, faculty procurement, etc.)? FORMTEXT ?????The institution must provide the following: Exhibit 4, a list of equipment and supplies for the new program.There is an active advisory board of in-field specialists, current in the applicable specialty, representing its communities of interest, to assist administration and faculty in fulfilling stated educational objectives. (Standard V.A.5.a; and additional standards may apply in Chapters VII and VIII)Complete the information below for the community representatives, not employed by the institution, serving on the new program’s advisory board: NameTitle & EmployerRole (e.g., in-field, distance education, master’s degree specialist, student, graduate, practitioner, public, etc.)Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter textClick or tap here to enter textClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter textClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter textClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter textClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter textClick or tap here to enter text.When did the advisory board last meet? FORMTEXT ?????If the advisory board has not yet met, please describe in detail the institution’s plans and timeline to comply with Standard V.A.5.a of the Accreditation Manual? FORMTEXT ?????The institution must provide the following: Exhibit 5, detailed meeting minutes that include member participation, topics discussed, summary of significant outcomes and activities, areas of unfinished business with projection for completion, and a list of recommendations made by the advisory board, and the program’s or institution’s response to these recommendations. Curriculum, Competencies, Clinical Experience:The institution must demonstrate the following:Program curriculum is structured, and students are scheduled to ensure a sequence of instruction that validates the curriculum’s defined competencies. (Standard V.B.1; and additional standards are applicable to programs featured in Chapters VII and VIII of the Accreditation Manual)Describe how the program was designed to ensure a sequence of instruction that validates defined program competencies? FORMTEXT ?????The institution must provide the following: Exhibit 6, a draft catalog addendum outlining the new program offered which includes program objectives, schedule, course descriptions and program delivery, as well as tuition and fees; Exhibit 7, admission requirements and procedures for the new program; and, Exhibit 8, program syllabi that meet all requirements of Appendix F, Course Syllabi of the Accreditation Manual.Exhibit 11, completed Program Profile Grid available for download at 12, course-mapping to demonstrate that the depth and breadth of the program’s curriculum enables graduates to acquire the knowledge and competencies necessary to become an entry-level professional in the field External clinical experiences are available to serve the diverse needs of the new program (as applicable). (Standard V.B.4.a)Complete the grid below if the new program has an external clinical experience.Externship Length in Clock-hours:Individual responsible for supervision and evaluation of students Educational and/or occupational experience in the field. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????List of clinical externship site experiences: Name of External Clinical SiteAddress# of Student SlotsClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.If external clinical sites have not yet been secured, please describe in detail the institution’s plans and timeline to comply with Standard V.B.4.a of the Accreditation Manual? FORMTEXT ?????The institution must provide the following: Exhibit 2, copies of the signed affiliation agreements (as applicable) for sites noted above.Personnel responsible for recruiting and admissions are trained and monitored to present accurate information in an ethical and responsible manner. (Standard IV.E.2.b) Is a credential required for graduates of the program to work in the field??yes? noIf yes, identify the necessary credential and describe how the curriculum will prepare graduates to successfully challenge the credentialing exam? FORMTEXT ?????Describe how personnel responsible for admission of students are trained to provide prospective students with information on the new program, student services, and post-graduation credentialing requirements if applicable. FORMTEXT ?????For degree programs only: A program meets the required minimum level of credit hours (or its recognized equivalent) in total content and hours of occupational and general education courses. (See Standards in Chapter VI of the Accreditation Manual for specific curriculum requirements)What degree is awarded by the institution upon program completion (identify full name, do not use abbreviations)? FORMTEXT ?????Describe the program content relative to academic rigor and structure that would not be included in a lower degree, certificate, and/or diploma program. FORMTEXT ?????Program Administration:The institution must demonstrate the following:The new program is managed. (Standard V.E.1.a)Identify the individual(s) that provide for full-time, on-site program oversight, which may be met by one or a combination of qualified individuals:Name Educational and Occupational/Teaching ExperienceClick or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.The institution must provide the following: Exhibit 9, a resume supporting the qualifications and signed job description for each individual named above.Program Instruction:The institution must demonstrate the following:Faculty consists of qualified individuals who are knowledgeable and current in the specialty field. (Standard V.E.2.a; and additional Standards may apply in Chapters VI, VII, VIII and IX)Have new faculty been hired for the new program? ?yes? noIf no, please explain and identify the timeline and plans to hire new faculty in relation to the projected start date. Plans should address how faculty will be sufficient to ensure sound direction and continuity of development for the new educational program. FORMTEXT ?????If yes, the institution must provide the following: Exhibit 10, resumes of new faculty hired outlining educational and/or occupational experience.Student Services:The institution must demonstrate the following:A program provides a variety of student support services. (Standard V.G.1.; and additional standards may apply in Chapters VI and IX)Describe the student services offered and the qualifications of the individuals who oversee such services. FORMTEXT ?????The new program demonstrates that graduates are successfully employed in the field for which they are to be trained. (Standard V.I.1.d) Describe the system in place to assist with the successful initial employment of new program graduates. FORMTEXT ?????REQUIRED EXHIBITSApplications will be returned if submitted without the required exhibits and/or exhibit contents do not match the information provided on the application. Exhibit 1For programs with Recognized Outside Clock Hours, a detailed analysis of how these hours were derived, how they complement the given coursework, and how students benefit from the respective assignments.Exhibit 2Copies of signed affiliation agreements (as applicable).Exhibit 3A comprehensive Market Survey that minimally includes the requirements outlined on the Guidelines for Conducting a Market Survey form available for download at forms. Exhibit 4A list of equipment and supplies for the new program.Exhibit 5Detailed meeting minutes that include member participation, topics discussed, summary of significant outcomes and activities, areas of unfinished business with projection for completion, and a list of recommendations made by the advisory board, and the program’s or institution’s response to these recommendations.Exhibit 6A draft catalog addendum outlining the new program offered which includes program objectives, schedule, course descriptions and program delivery, as well as tuition and fee.Exhibit 7Admissions requirements and procedures for the new program.Exhibit 8Program syllabi that meet all requirements of Appendix F, Course Syllabi of the Accreditation Manual.Exhibit 9A resume outlining the educational and previous teaching and/or occupational experience; and signed job description for each individual identified to be managing the program.Exhibit 10Resumes of faculty hired outlining educational and/or occupational experience.Exhibit 11A completed Program Profile Grid available for download at forms. Exhibit 12Course-mapping to demonstrate that the depth and breadth of the program’s curriculum enables graduates to acquire the knowledge and competencies necessary to become an entry-level professional in the field (as applicable for new programs for which ABHES has program-specific standards – Medical Assisting, Medical Laboratory Technology, Surgical Technology, Dental Assisting. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Pharmacy Technician, Radiologic Technology/Radiography, etc.).Exhibit 13A copy of all applicable authorizing bodies’ approvals for the new program (e.g., state, Boards of Nursing, institutional accreditor, etc.) NOTE: Schools operating by licensure by means of accreditation must submit documentation to support this process. Schools located in the state of Florida must submit documentation to evidence that the institution is on provisional licensure, annual licensure, or licensure by means of accreditation. SignatureI certify that the information submitted within this application is current and accurately reflects the details of the proposed new program.Signature of On-Site Administrator: Date: NAME:(SPECIFY DR., MR., MS., MRS.) Title: NOTE: Once approved, if the program does not commence within one year of the approval date, the institution must notify ABHES of this in writing. Please be advised that any approved new program and/or delivery method within a program that has not been in operation for a continuous 12-month period is considered discontinued and reapplication is required. (See III. B.4.C.c. of the Accreditation Manual).SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTSThe application must be submitted as one seamless Portable Document Format (.pdf) file. The file name is to include the institution’s ABHES ID#. The application may not be submitted to the Commission via e-mail. It is imperative that the USB is correctly labeled with the (1) institution’s name, (2) city/state, (3) ABHES ID #, (4) “Application for New Program Approval.” Submit the completed application on a USB drive and the non-refundable application fee, in accordance with Appendix G, Fees, of the Accreditation Manual, to:ABHES7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314 NorthFalls Church, VA 22043If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact ABHES at 703-917-9503.NOTIFICATION OF THE DECISIONABHES will notify the individual noted on the application in writing of the status of the application within eight (8) weeks of receipt of the completed application. An Application for New Program Approval representing a substantive change may take up to twelve (12) weeks for review. ................

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