Chapter 1

Unit 8 – STUDY GUIDENonrenewable & renewable energy sourcesName: ___________________________Period: ______Chapter 12Chapter 12Nonrenewable Energy ResourcesCHAPTER LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter reading this chapter, you should be able to…Module 34: Patterns of Energy Usedescribe the use of nonrenewable energy in the world and in the United Statesexplain why different forms of energy are best suited for certain purposesunderstand the primary ways that electricity is generated in the United StatesModule 35: Fossil Fuel Resourcesdiscuss the uses of coal and its consequencesdiscuss the uses of petroleum and its consequencesdiscuss the uses and natural gas and its consequencesdiscuss the uses of oil sands and liquefied coal and their consequencesdescribe future prospects for fossil fuel useModule 36: Nuclear Energy Resourcesdescribe how nuclear energy is used to generate electricitydiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear fuels to generate electricityKey Termsfossil fuels (p. 399)nonrenewable energy resource (p. 399)nuclear fuel (p. 399)turbine (p. 405)electrical grid (p. 405)combined cycle (p. 406)capacity (p. 406)capacity factor (p. 406)cogeneration (or combined heat and power) (p. 407)coal (p. 409)petroleum (p. 411)crude oil (p. 411)oil sands (p. 414)bitumen (p. 414)coal to liquid [CTL] (p. 415)energy intensity (p. 415)peak oil (p. 416)fission (p. 418)fuel rods (p. 419)control rods (p. 420)radioactive waste (p. 421)curie (p. 422)nuclear fusion (p. 423)Chapter 12 – Guiding Questions1.How does energy use vary across the world?2.Which factors contribute to increasing the amount of energy used by a country’s population?3.Describe how the types of energy consumed in the U.S. has changed over time.4.Explain what is meant by Energy Return On Energy Investment (EROEI). Why is it important?5.Explain some of the ways that transportation can be more efficient. (More specifics given in PowerPoint notes.)6.Describe how electricity is generated. You can include a labelled diagram if it helps.7.Many times we will talk about a power plant running at “capacity” or “full capacity”. What does this mean?plete the following chart with information regarding COAL:How is it formed & Which countries produce the most?Advantages & UsesDisadvantages & Environmental Impacts9.List the types of coal in order from lowest energy content to highest.plete the following chart with information regarding OIL/PETROLEUM:How is it formed & Which countries produce the most?Advantages & UsesDisadvantages & Environmental Impacts11.What happens at a refinery? What are some products that can be generated by refining crude oil?More specifics given in the notes PowerPoint.plete the following chart with information regarding NATURAL GAS:How is it formed & Which countries produce the most?Advantages & UsesDisadvantages & Environmental Impacts13.Why are people especially concerned about the method of natural gas extraction called fracking? (Much more information given on p. 1-2 in the textbook.)14.How does fission work and what fuel is used? Give the big picture, don’t worry about the reaction series or specific isotopes.15.What is the difference between fuel rods and control rods in a nuclear reactor and how do they work together?16.What is a meltdown?plete the following chart with information regarding NUCLEAR FISSION:Advantages & UsesDisadvantages & Environmental plete the following chart with information regarding each of the nuclear accidents:Describe/discuss the event/accidentThree Mile Island, Pennsylvania1979Chernobyl, Ukraine1986Fukushima, Japan201119.Summarize the current situation regarding the storage/disposal of radioactive wastes.20.Explain how fusion power would work. Why is this technology still likely several decades away?Chapter 13Chapter 13Achieving Energy SustainabilityCHAPTER LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter reading this chapter, you should be able to…Module 37: Conservation, Efficiency, and Renewable Energydescribe strategies to conserve energy and increase energy efficiencyexplain differences among the various renewable energy resourcesModule 38: Biomass and Waterdescribe the various forms of biomassexplain how energy is harnessed from waterModule 39: Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and Hydrogenlist the different forms of solar energy and their applicationdescribe how wind energy is harnessed and its contemporary usesdiscuss the methods of harnessing the internal energy of the Earthexplain the advantages and disadvantages of energy from hydrogenModule 40: Planning Our Energy Futurediscuss the environmental and economic options we must assess in planning our energy futureconsider the challenges of a renewable energy strategyKey Termsenergy conservation (p. 433)tiered rate system (p. 434)peak demand (p. 434)passive solar design (p. 435)thermal mass (p. 437)potentially renewable (p. 438)nondepletable (p. 438)renewable (p. 438)biofuels (p. 441)modern carbon (p. 441)fossil carbon (p. 441)carbon neutral (p. 442)net removal (p. 442)ethanol (p. 442)biodiesel (p. 443)flex-fuel vehicle (p. 444)hydroelectricity (p. 445)run-of-the-river (p. 445)tidal energy (p. 446)active solar energy (p. 450)photovoltaic solar cells (p. 452)wind energy (p. 453)wind turbine (p. 454)geothermal (p. 456)ground source heat pumps (p. 456)fuel cell (p. 457)electrolysis (p. 458)smart grid (p. 462)Chapter 13 – Guiding Questions1.How are the concepts of energy conservation and energy efficiency related?2.How can house be designed to take advantage of passive solar energy?3.What is the difference between potentially renewable and nondepletable resources?plete the following chart with information regarding BIOMASS:How does it work?What are the different types?AdvantagesDisadvantages & Environmental Impacts5.Explain how the burning of biomass (modern carbon) does NOT lead to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels (unlike fossil carbon).6.Describe the issues surrounding the production and use of ethanol.plete the following chart with information regarding HYDROELECTRIC:How does it work?What are the different types?AdvantagesDisadvantages & Environmental plete the following chart with information regarding (ACTIVE) SOLAR:How does it work?What are the different types?AdvantagesDisadvantages & Environmental Impacts9.What is a photovoltaic cell? How does it work?plete the following chart with information regarding WIND:How does it work?What are the different types?AdvantagesDisadvantages & Environmental Impacts11.Geothermal energy used to heat/cool a building (like a school) is often confused for sources that can create electricity. Explain how they are different from each other:Geothermal Electricity ProductionGeothermal Heating/Cooling(Using a heat pump)12.What are fuel cells and how do they work?13.Hydrogen has been hyped as the “energy of the future” for over 50 years. Why not? What major hurdles does hydrogen have to overcome in order to be a viable/realistic energy source?14.What improvements could be made to the electrical grid in order to improve efficiency?15.What are the major practical barriers to the widespread adoption of renewable energy? ................

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