Exercises on Adjectives and Adverbs

A. Say whether the underlined adverbials are adjuncts, disjunts or conjuncts by ticking the appropriate box.

| |Adjunct |Disjunct |Conjunct |

|1) Naturally, he didn’t come. | | | |

|2) I am, moreover, usually somewhat depressed. | | | |

|3) John greatly admires Bob. | | | |

|4) They only want the car for an hour. | | | |

|5) That’s precisely what I said, frankly. | | | |

|6) He angrily shouted at the noisy children. | | | |

B. Fill in the correct form of the adjective or adverb. Write your answers in the table below.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs who wanted to see the world. When the they left home, their mum gave them some advice: Whatever you do, do it the (good) _____(1)______ you can. So the three pigs wandered through the world and were the (happy) ______(2)______ pigs you've ever seen. They were playing (funny) _____(3)______ games all summer long, but then came autumn and each pig wanted to build a house. The first pig was not only the (small) ______(4)______ but also the (lazy) ______(5)_______ of the pigs. He (quick) ______(6)_______ built a house out of straw. The second pig made his house out of wood which was a bit (difficult) ______(7)_______ than building a straw house. The third pig followed his mum's advice and built a strong house out of bricks, which was the (difficult) ______(8)______ house to build. The pig worked very (hard) ______(9)_______, but finally got his house ready before winter.

C. Circle the letter of the sentence with the most natural position for the adverb.

1) Quickly

a. I quickly opened and read the letter before they returned.

b. I opened and read quickly the letter before they returned.

c. I opened and read the letter before they returned quickly.

2) Always

a. Always I am happy when it's my birthday.

b. I am happy always when it's my birthday.

c. I am always happy when it's my birthday.

3. Hardly

a. I want to go and speak to that man - hardly I know him.

b. I want to go and speak to that man - I know him hardly.

c. I want to go and speak to that man - I hardly know him.

D. Circle the letter of the phrase that contains an adverb.

1. a. full house b. three women c. was dirty d. very funny e. early morning

2. a. rich man  b. study hard  c. one time d. easy job e. hard life  

3. a. went quickly  b. friendly people  c. good question  d. fast food e. free time

E. Do as required.

1. Use the adjective 'old' as (a) an inherent adjective and (b) a non-inherent adjective.

a. _____________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________

4. Rewrite the following sentences correcting any mistakes

a. She was a nicely person to have in meetings as she's very clear thought.


b. This is a beautiful kept garden; someone must spend a lot of time working on it.


F. Specify the lettered, underlined words by circling the appropriate letter (NB. : More one choice can be correct)

1. The small businessman made a little profit this year.


|A |a. Predicative adjective |B |Collective noun |

| |b. Attributive adjective | |Uncountable noun |

| |c. Inherent adjective | |Count noun |

| |d. Non-inherent Adjective | |Proper noun |

| | | |Abstract noun |

|C |Mono-transitive verb |D | Subjective case |

| |Di-transitive verb | |Accusative case |

| |Complex transitive verb | |Dative case |

| | | |Genitive case |

| | | |Vocative case |

| | |E |a. Noun phrase |

| | | |b. Adjective phrase |

| | | |c. Adverb phrase |

G. Put the following words in the correct order:

a. traditional - songs - beautiful - Spanish - some


b. shoes - tennis - dirty - plastic


c. interesting that film German


d. English – a – silly – man – young


H. Fill in the blank with either the present participle or the past participle of the verb shown in brackets.

1. The play is ________________. (to entertain)

2. The ______________ picture hung on the wall. (to complete)

3. The king sat on a _______________ chair. (to raise)

4. The situation is _______________. (to alarm)

5. A ______________ walkway joined the two buildings. (to cover)

I. Do as required:

a. Circle the letter of the sentence(s) in which usually appears in an appropriate position.

A. She usually shops for clothes at the local thrift store.

B. Usually she shops for clothes at the local thrift store.

C. She shops for clothes at the local thrift store usually.

b. Circle the letter of the sentence with the most appropriate order of adverbial phrases.

A. Fatma prays in her room excitedly for her grandmother's recovery.

B. Fatma prays excitedly for her grandmother's recovery in her room.

C. Fatma prays excitedly in her room for her grandmother's recovery.

c. Underline the appropriate alternative from those between brackets in the following sentences.

A. Nicole grew (tired/tiredly/tiring) from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite (clear/clearly/clarity) that she needed a long vacation.

B. What is (far, farther, the farthest) distance you have ever run?

4. Circle the letter of the correct order.

A. a cotton dirty old tie

B. a dirty cotton old tie

C. an old cotton dirty tie

D. a dirty old cotton tie

J.   Circle the letter of the phrase that does not contains an adverb.

1. a. very late dinner b. come too early c. early bird d. woke up early e. came late

2. a. sincerely yours b. drive safely c. ate fast d. too easy e. my supply

K. Choose the right word. Underline it.

1. I will (sure – surely) have the answer tomorrow.

2. She felt (nervous – nervously) about the play.

3. All the students study really (good – well).

4. Her hair is so lovely and (soft – softly) … like a baby's hair.

5. The crowd remained (clam – calmly).

6. Although the food tasted (good – well). It wasn't (good – well for you).

7. This is very (bad – badly) coked.

8. The corn grew (slow-slowly).

9. She looked (calm – calmly) around the room.

10. The car performed (bad – badly) on the trip.

11. When she did notice him, he cleared his throat (loud – loudly).

12. Great works of art seem to look (different – differently) every time one stands before them.

13. That perfume smells (strong – strongly).

14. He dived (deep – deeply) into the lake.


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