Classroom Rules - Scio School District

Classroom Expectations for Mr. Davis

BE ON TIME: This means be ready to go when class starts. Daily warm-up assignments will be posted. You are to begin these as soon as you come to class. School policies on tardies will be followed. Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action. Detentions will be at lunchtime only. See school policies for more details.

BE PREPARED: Have the supplies you need for class. Please make sure that you have:

1. Pen or pencil (blue or black ink)

2. Notebook or 3 ring-binder with paper

3. Any homework that is due.

4. Any other supplies that you may need for class.

5. Planner

Make sure that all electronic devices are turned off and put away before you come to class.

You may bring water to class. No food or other drinks are allowed unless permission is given.

BE POSTIVE: You will get out of class what you put into it. If you have a positive attitude and participate, you will learn. The opposite of this is also true.

BE COURTEOUS: We are here to learn in a positive setting. Those who chose not to participate/cooperate will be asked to leave the room, will have their grade penalized and will receive disciplinary action. If you receive a referral from a substitute teacher, you will automatically receive an In-School Suspension.

HALL PASSES: If you need to get a drink or use the restroom during class, please wait until there is a pause in the lesson, and then ask. You will not be excused during the first or last ten minutes of class.

*You will need to have your PLANNER filled out in order to leave class.

You need to put the date, time and destination in the hall pass portion of your planner. I will not fill out your planner for you.

SEATING ARRANGEMENTS: You will have assigned seats within this class.


You will be given a Warm-up folder at the beginning of the semester/year. During passing time, you are to pick up your Warm-up folder and go to your assigned seat. When the bell rings, you are to complete the Warm-up question that is posted.

At the beginning of each week, that week’s warm-ups will be by the Warm-up in-basket. You are to pick up a Warm-up and then put it into your folder.

If you are absent, you will need to get the warm up question from a classmate.

DO NOT simply write ABSENT on your Warm-up sheet. You WILL NOT receive points if you do so.

At the end of the period, you are to return your Warm-up folder to the Warm-up In-Basket.

Warm-up folders need to stay in the classroom.


Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due at the beginning of the period. Students who pre-arrange are responsible to have any work due upon their return, completed and ready for submission upon their return. NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR LATE ASSIGNMENTS UNLESS PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE WITH ME.

Students who have Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) may have extended time to complete assignments (as expressed in the IEP) provided that they do not waste class time and that they discuss the matter with me BEFORE the assignment is due.

Assignments for this class should be:

1. Properly headed: (see example below)


Class and Period

Date turned in

Assignment Name

2. Legible (write neatly using a blue or black pen or pencil ONLY)

3. Answered using complete sentences (unless noted).

4. Papers are to be in good condition (no crumpled or folded papers)—and no assignments with stringy paper hanging off of the paper.

5. Typed assignments in this class will utilize the same heading. Papers/essays need to be completed using Times New Roman 12-point font—Typed papers are to be double spaced with no more than 1 inch margins.

Assignments should be completed to the best of your ability. Assignments that do not meet the requirements above will not be accepted.


Students who are absent on the day of a test are responsible to make up their test within 1 week. Make up tests (from absences) may be taken either during Study Hall or after school. Class time will not be given to do these tests.

The teacher, in the case of a prolonged illness, or other extenuating circumstances may make exceptions to this policy.

Students who are truant will receive ZERO CREDIT for the day(s) in which they were truant.

Plagiarism: NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following:

*Copying an assignment or test answers from another student.

*Allowing another student to copy an assignment or test answers.

*“Cutting and Pasting” off of the Internet or another source (without proper documentation).

*Other instances of academic dishonesty.

Incidents of plagiarism will result in a ZERO for the assignment, as well as other disciplinary action.


A running total will be kept throughout the semester. Grades are available via Student/Parent Portal online.

A=89.5% and above




F=Less than 59.5%

Student Name(please print):________________________________

Class Period:


By signing the following, I state that I have read and understand Mr. Davis’ classroom expectations. I understand that failure to comply with these expectations may result in disciplinary action, and possible removal from class.

Student Signature:_______________________________ Date:__________

Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________ Date:__________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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