General Classroom Rules

General Classroom Rules

Ms. Hardy

1. Be respectful. NO profanity, racial, sexual, or other discriminatory remarks will be tolerated. Many remarks can be construed as harassment or discrimination. They are also a sign of ignorance and a general disregard of your fellow students and your own self-esteem. Students violating this rule will be dealt with accordingly.

2. NO food or drinks will be permitted in the classroom. This includes gum and candy. This is a school rule as well. Only bottled water and breath mints without wrappers will be allowed.

3. NO personal electronic devices will be allowed in the classroom during class instruction time, unless directed to do so by the teacher.

4. Passes will be issued only in case of an emergency. Passes to guidance will not be issued. You must sign up for an appointment with guidance on your time, not class time.

5. Lavatory use is a privilege, and the responsibility of the student. If it becomes abused, the privilege will be removed. Also, the lavatory pass may not be signed out during the first and last 10 (ten) minutes of class. Students who do not have their homework will not be allowed to sign out for the lavatory during that class period.

6. Announcements must be heard! Block 2 classes must be in their seats and ready to listen to morning announcements. Important information is given during that time. Please be courteous to yourself, others, and me in listening to these announcements every morning.

7. Keep the room neat. Please leave the room as you found it. Pick up all personal trash and leave the environment clean before exiting the room.

8. Attendance and Cheating. Issues concerning tardiness, cuts, and cheating are addressed in the student handbook, in the class guidelines given on the first day of class and on my school website.

Revised 8/30/2013


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