Joe Cross

14 VIDEO SERIES1. Who can Reboot?I get this question all the time – “Joe, can anyone do a Reboot?” The answer is that just about anyone can do a Reboot! A Reboot is great for losing weight and jump-starting a healthy lifestyle. However, if you are pregnant or nursing, you should not Reboot. Instead of replacing meals with juice, supplement a plant-based diet with fresh vegetable juices and smoothies. Also, if you have any health conditions or are taking a prescription medication, you should consult with your doctor before undertaking a Reboot. If you are Rebooting for 15 days or longer, we recommend that you are supervised by a medical practitioner. You can find more information on talking to your doctor at?.If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, you can Reboot but will need to pay close attention to your blood sugar levels and will want to make sure you are consuming juices that are lower in sugar. If you are on insulin, you must be supervised by your medical doctor while Rebooting. We have more information on Rebooting with diabetes If you have a thyroid condition, you can Reboot but you are advised to avoid raw cruciferous veggies like kale, cabbage, and broccoli alone and in your juices. We have more information on Rebooting with thyroid conditions at?.Even if you have to make a few modifications, a Reboot generally is a great option for just about anyone!2.??????Get Ready to RebootOnce you have decided to start a Reboot, it is important to prepare your body to make your Reboot go as smooth as possible.The first step is to clean up your diet. The cleaner your diet is going into a Reboot, the better you’ll feel. What’s that mean? Lots of veggies, fruit, and fiber rich grains like quinoa and sprouted grains. Get rid of the processed food in your house, as well as meat and dairy products.What’s the second step? Start incorporating a daily juice into your diet. It doesn’t have to replace a meal, but simply add a juice to your day either between or on the side of any meal.Also, start to gradually eliminate your caffeine intake. If this is too difficult at first, try substituting with green tea.The best tip to prepare for before your Reboot is to not do what I did the night before! If I had known to clean up my diet beforehand, the first 3 days would have been much easier! For more information on how to prepare before your Reboot, follow the “Transition In” diet, included in the meal plans in this App and those available at?. 3.??????Set Yourself up for SuccessTake the time before your Reboot to set yourself up for success. My first tip is to plan on undergoing a Reboot for a shorter time. Say 3 or 5 days. If you’re feeling good, you can always extend your Reboot a bit longer! It feels better to succeed with your initial goal than to cut a Reboot short.My second tip, is to pick a time period that is relatively free of other engagements (Instead of Rebooting during a holiday or stressful event, choose a time when you can let the body relax and receive the nutrients you are feeding it.And lastly, look for community & support – let your friends, family & co-workers know what you are doing and ask for support. Share your journey on social media like I did! You can also join our online community and Reboot along with others at 4.??????Dealing with “Detox” – headaches, dizzinessIf you are dealing with “Detox” symptoms, You may not feel great the first few days of your Reboot..But the good news is that most people report feeling great after days 4 or 5 days!If you have headaches, are dizzy, light-headed, nauseous, or have low energy, getting plenty of fluids and electrolytes can help! You can use this app to make sure you are getting enough water, coconut water and juice everyday. You can always drink more coconut water and juice than is listed on the plan, plus you can track it under “I also had” under the Daily Nutrition.And remember, if you are feeling extremely dizzy or light-headed, please consult with your medical doctor.5.??????Will I get enough protein?One of the most common questions regarding a reboot is “Will I get enough protein” The short answer is that you don’t really need to worry about protein on short Reboots. It is unlikely you will develop a deficiency on short Reboots and good news is that leafy greens actually have a surprising amount of protein!I did not supplement with protein on my 60 day Reboot but my Medical Advisory Board recommends to include a protein supplement for Reboots lasting longer than 15 days.Look for Vegan powders such as pea, hemp, or brown rice powders with no added flavors or sweeteners and add 15 to 20 grams to your daily juice.You can also use the Reboot with Joe Protein powder that is specially formulated for Rebooting and is available at?6.??????How About Bottled JuiceYou may be wondering if you can buy juice when on a Reboot. The answer is Yes, but look for fresh cold-pressed juice available to order at a juice bar. If you are looking for a juice bar, Use the juice bar locator at?The next best thing to fresh pressed juice is bottled juice that is HPP pasteurized. HPP is a method of pasteurization that uses pressure rather than heat to retain more of the enzymes and good stuff in your juice. A popular brand you can find is Evolution Fresh sold at many Starbucks.Bottled juice that is heat pressurized is not advised for Rebooting. So if you’re in a pinch without juice, don’t be afraid to eat some veggies, this won’t blow your Reboot! 7.??????Dealing with CravingsWhen it comes to your Reboot, it is no doubt you might have intense cravings. Especially if you turn on the TV or are forced to drive past fast food restaurants everyday.But Good news! You can conjure your cravings! Go for a walk, get moving, try a sweeter dessert juice to help with sugar cravings and make sure you’ve had enough water. Take an alternate route to avoid seeing or smelling fast food restaurants, and try reading a book or listening to music instead of watching TV. Often Rebooters report a craving not for specific food but just to chew, you can try carrots or celery to give relief for a “crunch”. Eating a fresh fruit or vegetable will not break your Reboot and may help to reach your Reboot goal.All of these tips can help battle dealing with cravings on your Reboot.8.??????Exercising while RebootingWhen it comes to exercising while rebooting, for the?first few days take it easy. Be kind to yourself.After the initial few days, you may feel a surge of energy from the flood of micronutrients, so get moving!It doesn’t need to be anything intense, but get plenty of walking and daily movement. If you already exercise, you may want to be less intense and make sure you are getting plenty of fluids. Increase your intake of coconut water and add an extra juice to your day. You can track additional fluids under “I also had” in the Daily Nutrition.Despite your route of exercise, with the extra energy you will experience on your Reboot, it is hard not to want to move more!9.??????Travelling while RebootingWhen it comes to traveling while rebooting – you can definitely make it work! I rebooted for 60 days on the road! You can travel but just need to think ahead like I did.First, plan out where to get your juice ahead of time – we have a juice bar locator at? and you can always do an internet search or reach out to social media to find your next juice.Consider shipping – search the web for the term “juice cleanse” and you’ll find many companies that can ship juice to your final destinationIf you’re not flying – make your juice a few days ahead of time, freeze it and then carry it a cooler to take on the road, or better yet, Bring your juicer with you like I did! If all else fails, and you are in a pinch, eat some fresh fruit and veggies, it’s better than breaking your Reboot!10.???What if I’m not losing weight?If you are concerned that you are not losing weight, know that the average weight loss is 1 lb/day. This is an average, and the longer you Reboot, and for those with more weight to lose will tend to have higher weight loss.It is natural to hit weight loss plateaus, in which you may want to add in some moderate exercise, but there are a few questions you may want to ask yourself…First, are you drinking enough juice? – The minimum of amount of juice to have in 1 day is 4, 16 oz juices, but there’s no maximum! I had about 5-6 juices a day when I did my 60 days of just juice.Also, are there enough veggies in your juice? – Strive for 80% of your juice to be made up of vegetables and 20% of fruitIf weight loss is your goal and you are still not losing weight, talk to your medical doctor as you may have an underlying medical condition.11.???After Your RebootCongratulation on completing your Reboot! I hope you have a new love of fruits and veggies!It’s now time to gradually reintroduce foods into your diet. This next phase is very important - you can follow the “Transition out” guidelines included in the meal plans in this app and on our website?.Once reintroducing foods to your diet, in order to sustain your weight loss and health gains, it is important to continue to eat lots of plants!! If you’ve reached your goals, you don’t need to remain on a “plants only” diet. For some, you may actually decide you want to remain on a plants only diet after your Reboot, and that is a great option! But it is not the only one.? Today I eat mostly plants with some animal products and some processed foods too– I love chocolate ice cream so I find a way to have that as a treat- but I try to stick to mostly plants!I also still drink lots of juice. I reckon that there is rarely a day that goes by when I don’t have at least one juice or smoothie. I find that once I get into a routine of this way of eating, the easier it is! Whether you decide to have a juice or smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a healthy plant-based meal for dinner, this new lifestyle can soon be adopted – especially with the help and support of getting others in your food environment including family and friends involved!You can get more great tips on how to sustain your new healthy lifestyle at?SMOOTHIE APPGet your Greens SmoothieHow to Make a Smoothie:The first step to making a smoothie is finding a blender. Higher-powered blenders are faster and are better at breaking down leafy greens.Today I am making a smoothie with coconut water, kale, apple, celery and banana called ======Always be sure to wash your produce before placing it in the blender, I have washed all of my ingredients and now they are ready to go!I like to start by adding the liquid first so that I can use the measurements on the side, and then put the leafy greens in which I blend for 30 seconds before adding the remaining ingredients. This step works best to make sure your greens are broken down and fully incorporated.Frozen fruit is a great is an excellent choice for smoothies – It is usually cheaper than buying fresh and gives a great consistency. For example, today, I am using a frozen banana which are great in smoothies! Don’t let your bananas go bad, peel them and put in a bag to toss in the freezer for your smoothies.Now that we added our coconut water and kale, I will put in the reminaing ingredients and hit blend!Now give it a taste test and see if you want ito make any adjustments by adding additional ingredients like Ice to make it colder, another apple or lemon to give it a bit more sweetness, or an avocado to make it thick and creamy.Finally it’s time to drink Up! Once you have everything blended, you can store your smoothie for up to 24 hrs but I find fresh always tastes better! Once pouring your smoothie, wash up your appliances using hot soapy water and leave out to air dry for your next use.Some Helpful take-away tips for making a smoothie are to Frozen fruit is an excellent choice – it’s often cheaper than fresh and frozen fruit creates a great consistency???????????????????????????????????????????????????ii.?????Freeze your bananas – don’t let them go bad, peel them and put in a bag and toss in the freezer. They are great in smoothies??????????????????????????????????????????????????iii.?????I like to juice some veggies first like carrots and beets. I prefer the texture of juiced carrots. You can also freeze juice in ice cubes and then throw in your smoothies??????????????????????????????????????????????????iv.?????Add a handful of ice – cold smoothes taste better I think??2.??????Superfoods & Nut Milksa.??????What I love about blending is that you can include foods in your smoothie that can’t be juiced like bananas, avocados, nut milks and superfoods.b.??????Nut milks – made from cashews, hemps, almonds are a great substitute for dairy. They are used interchangeably. When selecting nutmilks, look for unsweetened and plain options with as few additives as possible. We also use a lot of coconut water and coconut milk in the recipes in this book. As with nutmilks, coconut water and milk should be unsweetened and plain. Look for the coconut milk in cartons, not cans.?A superfood is generally any food especially high in nutrients that may improve your health. They can range from potent powders, to antioxidant-rich berries, to tiny yet powerful seeds. When you add these types of superfoods to your smoothies in addition to fruits and veggies, you’re adding more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavor, and variety into your glass. You can find them at many grocery stores, health food stores and online. Here is a list of the ones most commonly found in our smoothie recipes.????????????????????????????????????????????????????i.?????Acai The acai berry comes from the Amazon rain forests and has been used for years because of its high amounts of antioxidants and phytonutrients that help protect the cells and tissues of the body against diseases.???????????????????????????????????????????????????ii.?????Cacao (nibs and powder)Cacao nibs and cacao powder come directly from the cacao bean, making them the purest form of chocolate and super high antioxidant foods.??????????????????????????????????????????????????iii.?????Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants to help balance blood sugar, support anti-aging, and enhance energy.??????????????????????????????????????????????????iv.?????Flax (oil and seeds) is a good source of plant omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, potassium, and other nutrients.???????????????????????????????????????????????????v.?????Goji berries have nutrients that can help protect vision, prevent heart disease, and support anti-aging and immune-boosting properties.??????????????????????????????????????????????????vi.?????The hemp seed is technically a nut that has been a source of nutrition for thousands of years. They’re an excellent source of plant-based protein.????????????????????????????????????????????????vii.?????Maca is a nutrient-dense superfood loaded with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids with properties that may fight stress, increase stamina, provide energy, and boost the libido as a natural aphrodisiac.???????????????????????????????????????????????viii.?????Spirulina is known as one of the most potent nutrient sources. A natural algae powder, it’s incredibly high in protein and essential amino acids, iron, and anti-inflammatory properties.?3.??????How to Prepare Produce for Blendinga.??????Always Wash Your Produceb.??????Green Leafy Greens – Just put in the blender. If you don’t have a high powered blender and you have a juicer, you may want to juice them first for a smoother consistencyc.??????Citrus Fruits should be peeled, you may also want to juice them first.d.??????Squash, pumpkins and sweet potatoes need to be cooked first. Canned pumpkin is a great option.e.??????Beets – peel them first to avoid an earthy tastef.???????Peppers – remove the core and seedsg.??????Mangoes and Papayas – peel and remove stone in Mango and seeds in Papayah.??????Apples and pears – you can leave the skin on but core themi.???????Melons – remove the rind and seeds. With watermelons you can blend the seeds.j.???????Pineapple – remove the rind and core ................

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