
Maths Planning 11th JanuaryMondayGreen groupWrite a 6-digit number All digits must be different, e.g. 741 356.How can you change each digit in turn to 0. Test your ideas on the calculator and record the subtractions, This is what you should be recording e.g. 741 356 – 700 000 = 41 356; 741 356 – 40 000 = 701 356; 741 356 – 1 000 = 740 356; 741 356 – 300 = 741 056; 741 356 – 50 = 741 306 then finally 741 356 – 6 = 741 350.Do this for your own numbersDo 7 different 6-digit numbers as shown above.Then do the abacus below to question 11Abacus Y5 TB2 p5left6985Light blue groupAbacus Y5 TB2 p5Abacus Y5 TB2 p6left31115306324012065Dark blue group Abacus Y5 TB2 p6 HYPERLINK "" Abacus Y6 TB2 p701905Red groupWrite a 7-digit number Each digit must be different Find ways to add and subtract from your starting number so that each digit is 4E.g. 37465983746598 + 1000000= 47465984746598 – 300000= 4446598Repeat this until all digits become 4Do this for 7 different 7digit numbers – check your answers on a calculatorThen complete:Abacus Y6 TB2 p8TuesdayGreen groupwrite a 6-digit number, all digits different. Then 10, then 100, 1000, 10 000, then 100 000 to this number recording each addition. Do the same fo 3 different numbersWith a new 6-digit number subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000. Do the same for 3 different numbersCheck your answers on a calculator.Make sure you have another go at any you got wrong.Light blue groupYou will need a dice to play this gameIf you don’t have a dice then use this link to an online dice:Roll a Die! Online Dice! (online-)write 111 111 roll a 1 to 6 dice. If you roll 1, you add 1, if you roll 2, add 10, roll 3, add 100, 4 add 1000, 5 add 10 000, 6 add 100 000 (you must write each addition). Your aim is to get as close to 1 million as you can but you must not go over or you lose! You can decide to stick at any point. Repeat this 4 timesCheck your answers with a calulatorDark Blue and Red groupsYou will need a dice to play this gameIf you don’t have a dice then use this link to an online dice:Roll a Die! Online Dice! (online-)If there is another person who can play this game with you then please do so!If not try and beat your attempts each time!write 10 000 000. Take it turns to roll a 1 to 6 dice. If you roll 1, you subtract 10, if you roll 2 you subtract 100, if you roll 3 you subtract 1000, 4 you subtract 10 000, 5 you subtract 100 000, 6 you subtract 1 000 000 (you must write each subtraction). Your aim is to get as close to 1 million as you can but you must not go under or you lose! You can decide to stick at any point. TThe person/attempt with the number closest to 1 million wins.Repeat this game 4 timesCheck your answers on a calulatorWednesdayGreen groupAbacus Y5 TB2 p8left198120Light blue groupAbacus Y5 TB2 p9lefttopDark blue groupAbacus Y6 TB2 p10Red groupWrite the following numbers:2 345 670, 6 432 400, 9 623 000, 3 450 000, 7 600 000 and 4 000 000. For each number above, you are going to be using your knowledge of rounding to do the following:E.g. Starting number: 2 345 670, Work out a number when rounded up to the nearest 10 then makes the starting number e.g. 2 345 668 rounded up makes 2 345 670Then work out a number when rounded down to the nearest 10 then makes the starting number e.g. 2 345 674 rounded down makes 2 345 670Now find numbers when rounding up and down to the nearest 100, 1 0000, 10 000, 100 000 and 1 000 000Do this for each of the numbers above.Thursday358902016383000When completing today’s work, you might find it useful to draw numberlines vertically which represents a thermometer as shown here. This might help you when 1645920444500calculating differences.Green groupAbacus Y5 TB3 p28 Resource sheet 1709).right2895600-1270Light blue groupright244475Abacus Y5 TB3 p29Dark blue groupRed group-144780293370Abacus Y6 TB1 p59Abacus Y6 TB1 p6030632407620Friday (Both cards needed are below the tasks set and linked to negative numbers which you worked on yesterday)Green groupCard 6 Feeling the coldHave a go at T and SLight blue groupCard 6 Feeling the coldHave a go at all questions (T,S,D)Dark blue groupCard 4 What’s the difference?Have a go at questions T and SRed group Card 4 What’s the difference?Have a go at all questions (T,S and D)-100012519431000-718820139065000 ................

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