Compound Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions …


Compound Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS)

• A coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) has an independent clause (a simple sentence with a subject and verb) on both sides of the coordinating conjunction. This makes a compound sentence.

o Subject + verb, [coordinating conjunction] subject + verb.

• Use the acronym FANBOYS to remember the coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

• Be sure to put a comma before the coordinating conjunction.



F – for I drank some water, for I was thirsty.

She put on a sweater, for it was cold outside.

*for means the exact same thing as because. The only difference is that when you use for to join two sentences together into one compound sentence, you need to use a comma before it. When you use because to join to sentences, you don’t use a comma before it.

A – and He was tired, and he had a headache.

N – nor She doesn’t drink milk, nor does she eat butter.

I can’t whistle, nor can I sing.

He didn’t study last night, nor did he read his book.

They were not wearing jackets, nor were they carrying umbrellas.

*nor means “also not”. Nor requires unusual grammar. The first sentence will contain a negative verb.

B – but Tom studied a lot, but he didn’t pass the test.

O – or He can buy the book, or he can borrow it from the library.

Y – yet Tom studied a lot, yet he didn’t pass the test.

*yet means the same thing as but.

S – so Maria was thirsty, so she drank some water.

It was cold outside, so she put on a sweater.

Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS) Practice

Part 1: Use a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) to combine the sentences below and make a compound sentence.

for and nor but or yet so

1. I wanted to backpack through Europe last summer. My mom told me I couldn’t. 


2. Maria didn’t have her English homework. She did her math work instead. 


3. Julie bought her mom a sweater. Her mother loved it. 


4. Jill spent all her money at the H&M sale. She went back the next day for more bargains. 


5.Ted didn’t have enough money to fly to Boston. He took the train. 


Part 2: Write three compound sentences using a coordinating conjunction. You must use a different coordinating conjunction for each sentence.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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