RCMS, 7th Grade Social Studies

RCMS, 7th Grade Social Studies

Lesson: The Population of Rome & Spartacus

Objective: I can…

• interpret non-fiction texts about the major groups in the Roman population and construct a pie chart from the information

• evaluate the actions of a historical figure according to my own beliefs and values

|Population Pie Chart page 133 |Spartacus, Rebel Gladiator page 134 |

|Read the sources listed below to draw an annotated (captions, color, and images) pie chart of the |Participate in our Readers Theatre of “Spartacus, Rebel Gladiator”. During and after the performance, |

|different groups that existed in Rome: |please answer the questions below: |

| | |

|Chapter 13, Lesson 4 in your Social Studies book (pages 453-454) |Who were the gladiators and what did they do? |

|Roman Citizenship non-fiction text |Where and how did Romans obtain slaves? |

|Slavery in Ancient Rome non-fiction text |What is a centurion? |

| |Why did the Senate send Crassus to attack the slaves? |

|First, divide the pie chart into the percentages listed below: |What signs of trouble in the Roman Republic does this story point out? |

|30% slaves |Construct a simple timeline of the events of this story. |

|50% children |Participate in our class discussion centered around the question: |

|10% citizens |As a historical figure, do you believe Spartacus was courageous or foolish? |

|5% freed people (former slaves) | |

|5% other (including foreigners) | |

| | |

|Second, add facts/notes inside each “slice” of the pie chart describing each group within the population. | |

|(You can write them outside of the pie chart if there isn’t enough room.) | |

| | |

|Third, add images and color to the pie chart. | |

I can interpret non-fiction texts about the major groups in the Roman population and construct a pie chart from the information

I can evaluate the actions of a historical figure according to my own beliefs and values

Narrator- Odd Pages

Narrator- Even Pages



Short Man

Slaves (other gladiators)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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