
My Trip Planner and Journal

Je m’appelle :

Mon pays:

Part I

Plan your trip! En Français!

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|Method of transportation : | |

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|Time period of trip : | |

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|Route : |HTF ( |

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|Approximate Cost : | |

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|Approximate Travel Time : | |

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|Additional Information? | |

Part II

Research and Discover

10 Things to Know Before You Go! En Français!

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|Major Religion(s): | |

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|Location: | |

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|Population : | |

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|Time Zone |Time Zone is called: |

|(and hours difference from | |

|CT) |How many hours different is it from CT? |

| |(specify plus ___ hours or minus ____ hours) |

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|Capital City | |

|and other major cities | |

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|School System: | |

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| |Is it an important industry for this country? |

|Tourism : | |

| |What are some famous/historic/important places to visit while you are here? |

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|Weather |Winter |

|General Info for each season | |

|(Temperature and Condition) | |

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| |Spring |

| |Summer |

| |Fall |

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|Currency |Name: |

|And conversion rate to US $: | |

| |Conversion: ___________ = 1 US Dollar |

| | |

| |1 __________ = $______.____ |

Part III

Travel and Experience the Culture

Unique Cultural Observations

Some things to think about as you experience the culture..

▪ How are these things different to the United States? How are they different?

▪ What strikes you the most?

▪ Why is this important to the culture?

▪ How did this begin?

▪ Who participates?

▪ When does it happen?

▪ How do you think it affects the country as a whole?

**Choose 5** To discuss in depth. 4 en Anglais! 1 en Français!

1. Holidays & Traditions

2. Movies & Theatre

3. Dance

4. Fashion

5. Foods

6. Sports

7. Music

8. School

9. Daily Routine & Typical Housing

10. Current Events

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|Cultural Observation #1 = ______________________________________________________________ |

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|Cultural Observation #2 = ______________________________________________________________ |

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|Cultural Observation #3 = ______________________________________________________________ |

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|Cultural Observation #4 = ______________________________________________________________ |

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|Cultural Observation #5 = ______________________________________________________________ |

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Part IV


X. Plan your trip!

A. “10 things to know before you go”

- Be sure you have completed the research on these 10 facts

- Compile the information, en français, in an easy to read chart

B. Find 3 – 5 pictures that are most meaningful and representative of your “trip”. Try to find pictures that represent your cultural observations, or other traditions, popular tourist destinations, traditional foods, celebrations, etc..

C. Choose either 1 or 2 or 3 from the choices below:

1. Find a traditional poem from your country’s culture. (preferably in French) Display it and provide a short summary in English of its meaning and importance

2. Find a traditional song from your country’s culture. (preferably in French) Display it and provide a short summary in English of its meaning and importance

3. Find a traditional short story from your country’s culture. (preferably in French) Display it and provide a short summary in English of its meaning and importance

D. Choose to create either I or II or III from the choices below:

I. to create a costume that represents a facet of your country’s culture – Provide a short paragraph describing its meaning and importance

II. to make a traditional food to share with the class - Provide the recipe and how the food serves as a tradition in the culture

III. to create an artifact that represents a tradition or other important part of the culture – provide a short summary on its meaning and importance

Part V: Presentation

During your short presentation please share with us the following:

1. Point out the location of your country on a world map: IN FRENCH

2. Tell us the route and how you got there: IN FRENCH

3. Hand-in your chart of the 10 basic facts

4. Explain and Share the important information from your 5 cultural observations: 1 IN FRENCH

5. Present and explain your 2 additional creations (part C and D from the section above)

6. Share your 3-5 pictures

Name: Country:

|Requirement |Self Evaluation |Teacher Evaluation |

|Along the Way.. | | |

| | | |

|Each section of the trip was done on time |/10 |/10 |

|and time in class was used efficiently | | |

| | | |

|After returning from your trip… | | |

| | | |

|The location of your country on a world map is indicated |/5 |/5 |

| | | |

|The route of your trip is clearly explained |/5 |/5 |

|(How you got there) | | |

| | | |

|Your “Know Before You Go” 10 Basic Facts chart |/10 |/10 |

|is complete, accurate, and easy to read | | |

| | | |

|The important information from your |/20 |/20 |

|5 Cultural Observations is complete and demonstrates a solid understanding (4 points | | |

|each) | | |

| | | |

|The 2 additional creations are completed with effort and presented with a genuine |/30 |/30 |

|understanding of their importance (15 pts each) | | |

| | | |

|The 3-5 pictures represent your francophone country |/10 |/10 |

| | | |

|Your presentation was completed on time in a professional manner with all necessary |/10 |/10 |

|information | | |

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| | | |

|Total Points: |/100 |/100 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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