
Quiz Standard 1 Answer KeyTeacher Name: Quiz Generated On: 04-28-20161)Identify the number of neutrons in one atom of sulfur with an isotopic mass number of 34 amu. A)16B)18C)32D)34E)None of the aboveExplanation:One atom of sulfur with an isotopic mass number of 34 has 18 neutrons. 34 (total) - 16 (protons) = 18 (neutrons). 2) Which is true of ionic compounds? A)They are good conductors as solids.B)They are made by sharing electrons.C)They are made of metals and nonmetals.D)They are electrically neutral when dissolved in a solution.E)None of the aboveExplanation:They are made of metals and nonmetals is true of ionic compounds. They usually form between elements on opposite sides of the periodic table. Ionic compounds are only good conductors when molten or dissolved. When dissolved, they form ions, charged particles. Ionic compounds transfer electrons. 3) Which is true of all covalent compounds? A)They share electrons in bonds.B)They are electrically charged.C)They are good conductors in water.D)They are usually made of a metal and a nonmetal.E)None of the aboveExplanation:All covalent compounds share electrons in bonds. They are made of two or more nonmetals which share electrons. They do not form ions, charged particles, so they are not good conductors in water. 4) A positively charged ion will bond with A)a negatively charged ion.B)a neutral atom.C)another positively charged ion.D)nothing else.E)None of the aboveExplanation:A positively charged ion will bond with a negatively charged ion. Have you ever heard the phrase "opposites attract"? 5) The electrical charge on an atom as a whole is A)negative.B)neutral.C)positive.D)dependent upon the atomic number.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The electrical charge on an atom as a whole is neutral. The number of positive protons and negative electrons is equal. 6) The atomic number of magnesium is 12. Its nucleus must contain A)6 protons and 6 neutrons.B)6 neutrons and 6 electrons.C)12 neutrons and no protons.D)12 protons and no electrons.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The atomic number of magnesium is 12. Its nucleus must contain 12 protons and no electrons. The atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of protons. Electrons are not in the nucleus. 7) When K+ and I- combine, a(n) _________ bond results. A)covalentB)ionicC)metallicD)polyatomicE)None of the aboveExplanation:When 2 ions such as K+ and I- combine an ionic bond results. 8) In ____________, electrons are gained by atoms and lost by others. A)ionic bondsB)covalent bondsC)metallic bondsD)polyatomic bondsE)None of the aboveExplanation:Ionic bonds occur between metals and nonmetals. Metals have fewer valence electrons than nonmetals and will give their valence electrons to a nonmetal in order to become more stable. 9) ___________ are bonds in which valence electrons are shared. A)Ionic bondsB)Atomic bondsC)Covalent bondsD)Hydrogen bondsE)None of the aboveExplanation:When nonmetals combine in covalent bonds they share valence electrons. 10)What is the number of protons in an atom of sodium? A)11B)11.9897C)12D)23E)None of the aboveExplanation:Sodium has 11 protons. The atomic number is the same as the number of protons for each element. From the periodic table, the atomic number is the whole number that is used to put the elements in order. For sodium, it is 11. 11) Electrons are transferred in the formation of ______________ bonds. A)ionicB)covalentC)metallicD)all chemicalE)None of the aboveExplanation:In ionic bonds, electrons are transferred to satisfy their outer energy level. Electrons are shared in covalent bonds. 12) A carbon-12 atom has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. How many protons does a carbon-14 atom have? A)6B)8C)12D)14E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct number of protons is 6. All isotopes of any element have the same number of protons. 13) Which statement is the BEST definition of an atom? A)Anything that has mass and occupies space.B)The smallest particle that has the properties of an element.C)A substance that cannot be broken down chemically into simpler substances.D)The smallest unit of a substance that exhibits all of the properties characteristic of that substance.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The smallest particle that has the properties of an element, is the correct definition of an atom. A is the definition of matter; C is the definition of an element; and D is the definition of a molecule. 14)This image is an example of a(n) A)atom.B)compound.C)mixture.D)molecule.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct answer is atom. It is the smallest unit of an element, all of the others require more than one element. 15)Order these elements from LEAST to GREATEST atomic mass. A)Li, He N, SB)He, Li, N, SC)N, He, Li, SD)S, N, Li, HeE)None of the aboveExplanation:He, Li, N, S orders these atoms from LEAST to GREATEST atomic mass. Atomic mass is the average atomic mass of the most abundant isotopes of an element. Simply add the number of protons and neutrons. 16) Describe the composition of the nucleus of an atom. A)It is composed of protons.B)It is composed of protons and neutrons.C)It is composed of protons and electrons.D)It is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.E)None of the aboveExplanation:An atomic nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. The electrons are located in the outer electron cloud. 17)The compound formed has a(n) ___________ bond and is a(n) _________________. A)ionic; crystalline solidB)covalent; amorphous solidC)metallic; crystalline solidD)covalent; crystalline solidE)None of the aboveExplanation:The compound formed has ionic bonds and is a crystalline solid. A metal plus a nonmetal chemical combine to form an ionic compound, with ionic bonds. Nearly all ionic compounds are crystalline solids at room temperature. 18) Which is a sub-atomic particle? A)compoundB)electronC)isotopeD)neuronE)None of the aboveExplanation:Electrons are an example of a sub-atomic particle, which is found outside of the nucleus of an atom. Isotopes are forms of elements with different numbers of neutrons, neurons are brain cells, and a compound is two or more elements chemically combined. 19)What is the result of the process that occurs in the image? A)two stable ions formed and able to exist independentlyB)one unstable compound that will only exist for a short periodC)two ions formed and attracted to one another to form a stable compoundD)two unstable ions which will immediately look for a substance with which to reactE)None of the aboveExplanation:Lithium fluoride is created when these two ions are formed and attracted to one another to form a stable compound, LiF. By moving one electron from lithium, its outer shell is now full (with two). Additionally, by adding this electron to fluorine, it gains a full, stable octet. 20) Which statement correctly explains how magnesium and chlorine combine to form magnesium chloride? A)A Cl atom donates two electrons to a Mg atomB)An Mg atom donates two electrons to a Cl atom.C)A Cl atom donates one electron to each of the two Mg atoms.D)An Mg atom donates one electron to each of the two Cl atoms.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Cl has 7 electrons in its outermost orbit. It needs one electron to attain stability. So, a Mg atom donates one electron to each of the two Cl atoms to form MgCl2. Quiz Standard 2 Answer KeyTeacher Name: Quiz Generated On: 04-28-20161) Lenny accidentally drops his matchbox car into a graduated cylinder. If the car has a mass of 10 grams and the water level in the cylinder rises from 41 ml to 46 ml. Determine the density of the matchbox car. The formula for density is D = mv. A)0.5 g/mlB)2 g/mlC)15 g/mlD)50 g/mlE)None of the aboveExplanation:The matchbox car has a density of 2 g/ml. Density = mass/volume = 10g/5mL=2 g/mL. 2) To find the density of an object you would use a graduated cylinder to find what characteristic of the object? A)lengthB)massC)volumeD)weightE)None of the aboveExplanation:Graduated cylinders measure volume. The height of a column of water indicates how many milliliters an object occupies. 3) A balanced chemical reaction obeys the law of A)ideal gases.B)definite proportions.C)conservation of matter.D)conservation of energy.E)None of the aboveExplanation:It obeys the law of conservation of matter because you are putting the same amount of matter on each side of the equation. 4) Which is a unit of density? A)cm3/gB)g/cmC)g/cm3D)ml/gE)None of the aboveExplanation:g/cm3 is a measure of density. It represents mass over volume, which is density. 5) What is the chemical formula for the binary compound nitrogen dioxide? A)(NO)2B)1N2OxC)NO2D)nitro1oxide2E)None of the aboveExplanation:The lack of a prefix on nitrogen tells you that there must be one nitrogen and the prefix di on oxide tells you that there must be two oxygen atoms. The number of atoms is denoted by its subscript. Therefore, the formula must be NO2. 6) When magnesium (Mg2+) and fluorine (F1-) combine in an ionic bond, the resulting formula will be A)Mg2F.B)Mg2F2.C)MgF.D)MgF2.E)None of the aboveExplanation:MgF2 is the correct formula because magnesium has an oxidation number of 2+ and fluorine has and oxidation number of 1-. The oxidation number tells you how many valence electrons the element is going to gain, loose, or share. 7) Lithium is a metal with an oxidation number of 1+ and oxygen is a nonmetal with an oxidation number of 2-. Which chemical formula represents the compound formed by these two elements? A)Li2OB)Li3OC)LiOD)LiO2E)None of the aboveExplanation:Li2O is the correct answer because lithium has one valence electron and oxygen has six. Therefore, oxygen bonds with 2 lithium atoms to complete the outer shell of 8. 8) Which compound is an example of a binary ionic compound? A)H2OB)H2SO4C)MgF2D)SF6E)None of the aboveExplanation:MgF2 is the only binary ionic compound because binary means two and an ionic compound is formed between a metal and a nonmetal. 9)NOName this compound according to IUPAC nomenclature rules. A)nitrogen oxideB)nitrogen oxygenC)nitrogen monoxideD)mononitrogen monoxideE)None of the aboveExplanation:Nitrogen monoxide is the correct answer. The first element doesn't need a prefix for one; but the second element does. 10) Which nonmetal would an ion of Ca2+ MOST LIKELY ionically bond with in a 1:1 ratio? A)one atom of neonB)one atom of carbonC)one atom of oxygenD)one atom of fluorineE)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct choice is one atom of oxygen. Ionic bonds form between oppositely charged ions, therefore, calcium has a 2+ charge and is attracted to oxygen with 2- charge. The others have too much or too little of a charge. 11)KClO3 ---> KCl + O2Balance the decomposition chemical reaction. A)KClO3 ---> KCl + O2B)2KClO3 ---> KCl + 3O2C)2KClO3 ---> 2KCl + 3O2D)2KClO3 ---> 2KCl + 6O2E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correctly balanced decomposition reaction is 2KClO3 ---> 2KCl + 3O2. The others are not balanced because the number of atoms do not balance on both sides of the equation. 12)CuCl2 + Al ---> AlCl3 + CuBalance the single replacement chemical reaction. A)CuCl2 + Al ---> AlCl3 + CuB)3CuCl2 + 2Al ---> 2AlCl3 + 3CuC)2CuCl2 + 3Al ---> 3AlCl3 + 2CuD)3CuCl2 + 3Al ---> 3AlCl3 + 3CuE)None of the aboveExplanation:The correctly balanced single replacement reaction is 3CuCl2 + 2Al ---> 2AlCl3 + 3Cu. The others are not balanced, the number of atoms on both sides of the equation do not balance. 13)Pb(NO3)2 + K2CrO4 ---> PbCrO4 + 2KNO3Classify the chemical reaction. A)synthesis reactionB)decomposition reactionC)single replacement reactionD)double replacement reactionE)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct classification is double recplacement reaction. The lead and the potassium replace each other making this a double replacement reaction. 14)NaCl + H2SO4 ---> Na2SO4 + HClBalance the double replacement chemical reaction. A)NaCl + H2SO4 ---> Na2SO4 + HClB)2NaCl + H2SO4 ---> Na2SO4 + 2HClC)3NaCl + 2H2SO4 ---> 2Na2SO4 + 3HClD)2NaCl + 2H2SO4 ---> 2Na2SO4 + 2HClE)None of the aboveExplanation:The correctly balanced double replacement reaction is 2NaCl + H2SO4 ---> Na2SO4 + 2HCl. This is the only equation in which the number of atoms is equal on both sides the equation. 15)NI3 is an extremely sensitive contact explosive.Use IUPAC rules to name this compound. A)nitrogen iodideB)nitrogen triiodideC)mononitrogen iodideD)mononitrogen triiodideE)None of the aboveExplanation:NI3 would be called nitrogen triiodide. The nitrogen, being the first element with only one atom, does not require a prefix. Iodine has the ending changed to "ide" and there are three, so a prefix of "tri" is added. 16)reactant → productIf there are 2 grams of product produced by the chemical reaction, how many grams of reactant were consumed? A)0 gramsB)1 gramC)2 gramsD)4 gramsE)None of the aboveExplanation:2 grams of reactants would be consumed by the chemical reaction. The mass of the reactants equals the mass of the products. This is the Law of Conservation of Matter. However much is reacted must be produced. 17)A + B + C → D + EDescribe the mass of the reactants and products given the balanced chemical reaction. A)The mass of the products is 2/3 that of the reactants.B)The mass of the reactants equals the mass of the products.C)The mass of the reactants is less than the mass of the products.D)The mass of the reactants is greater than the mass of the products.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The mass of the reactants equals the mass of the products. This is the Law of Conservation of Matter. Do not be fooled by the larger numbers of reactants. 18)4Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3Iron combines with oxygen to form rust. Given the chemical reaction, how many grams of 4Fe + 3O2 would produce 10 kg of rust? A)7 kgB)10 kgC)30 kgD)70 kgE)None of the aboveExplanation:10 kg of 4FE + 3O2 would be required to produce 10 kg of rust. This is the Law of Conservation of Matter. 19)K2OUse IUPAC nomenclature rules to properly identify this compound. A)potassium oxideB)dipotassium oxideC)potassium (I) oxideD)dipotassium monoxideE)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct name is potassium oxide. It is a binary ionic compound, so no prefixes are used. Since potassium is a representative metal with only one possible charge, no roman numerals are used. 20) Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical used to clean bacteria out of cuts. It does this through creating germ-eating oxygen in this decomposition reaction. What set of coefficients, respectively, balance this equation?H2O2 → H2O + O2A)1 → 1,2B)2 → 2,1C)2 → 2,2D)4 → 4,1E)None of the aboveExplanation:2 → 2,1 Start by balancing the O, by putting a 2 in front of H2O (this gives an even number of O). This creates a total of 4 O on the product side and 4 H. To balance the H, put a coefficient of 2 on the reactant side. 21)The correct chemical formula for magnesium sulfide is A)Mg2SB)Mg3S4C)MgSD)MgS2E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct chemical formula for magnesium sulfide is MgS. This is an ionic compound. The Mg ion has a charge of 2+, the sulfide a charge of 2-, so they bond in a 1:1 ratio. 22)Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) → FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)This chemical equation represents a ______________ reaction. A)synthesisB)decompositionC)neutralizationD)single replacementE)None of the aboveExplanation:The type of reaction represented by the balanced chemical equation is single replacement reaction. In this case, one metal, iron (Fe), replaces another metal, copper (Cu) in copper sulfate (CuSO4). 23) Carbon and flourine combine covalently to form a binary compound. What is the formula of the compound with the name carbon tetrafluoride? A)C4FB)C4F4C)CFD)CF4E)None of the aboveExplanation:When writing the formula for covalent compounds, remember that the name tells you the number of atoms for each. Carbon, having no prefix, is one and flourine has a prefix of four. So, the correct answer is CF4. 24)Data AnalysisElementsDensityAluminum2.698 g/mLCalcium1.54 g/mLIron7.8738 g/mLSilicon2.3296 g/mLSanjay is learning about the elements that make up Earth’s crust. Ms. Richards, his Earth science teacher, gives him an element and asks him to determine which element from Earth’s crust it is. She also provides Sanjay with this table. Sanjay weighs the element and finds that it has a mass of 17.98 g. By placing the element in water, he determines the volume of the substance to be 2.2835 mL.Based on the table from Ms. Richards, what element from Earth’s crust did Ms. Richards gave to Sanjay? A)ironB)calciumC)aluminumD)siliconE)None of the aboveExplanation:By using the table from Ms. Richards, Sanjay can determine what element from Earth’s crust he has by finding its density. To find density, Sanjay must use the formula density = massvolume. The equation he will use is density = 17.98 g2.2835 mL. Therefore, the density of this element is 7.8738 gmL. Based on the table, the element with a density of 7.8738 gmLis iron, which is the element from Earth’s crust Ms. Richards gave to Sanjay. 25) The law of conservation of matter states that during a chemical reaction, the amount of matter A)increases.B)decreases.C)disappears.D)stays the same.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The law of conservation of matter says that matter always stays the same during chemical reactions. Physical or chemical changes result in matter being converted to other forms. 26)8Fe + S8 --> 8FeSWhat type of chemical reaction is happening here? A)synthesisB)decompositionC)single replacementD)double replacementE)None of the aboveExplanation:This is a synthesis reaction. All synthesis reactions end up with one product being formed from two or more reactants. 27)Common Metals NameMelting PointDensity (g/cm3)Zinc419.53 oC7.134Nickel1455oC8.912Copper1084.62oC8.96Silver961.78oC10.501Gold1064.18oC19.282Determine the identity of a cube of metal that measures 1.5 cm on each side and has a mass of 35.45g. A)GoldB)NickelC)SilverD)ZincE)None of the aboveExplanation:Based on the density calculation, the cube must be made of silver. To determine the density, divide the mass by the volume. The volume = l x w x h. Since this is a cube, the volume = (1.5cm)3 = 3.375 cm3. D = mv= 35.45g3.375cm3= 10.50gmL, so this must be silver according to the chart. 28)How should you change this image to represent an ionic bond between sodium and fluorine? A)Move 7 electrons from fluorine to sodium.B)Move one electron from fluorine to sodium.C)Move one electron from sodium to fluorine.D)Nothing. The image already represents an ionic bond.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct answer is Move one electron from sodium to fluorine. Non metals take electrons from metals to form ionic bonds. 29) What is the chemical formula for potassium oxide? A)K2OB)KO2C)POD)PO2E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct formula for potassium oxide is K2O. First, be sure you have the correct symbols for each element. Then check the oxidation/valence number: potassium (K) is +1 and oxygen (O) is -2. Using the criss-cross method to be sure that the sum of the oxidation numbers equals zero, we have K2O. 30) What is the chemical formula for aluminum fluoride? A)Al3FB)AlFC)AlF3D)AlFl3E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct formula for aluminum fluoride is AlF3. First, be sure you have the correct symbols for each element. The symbol for fluorine is F. Then check the oxidation/valence number: aluminum (Al) is +3 and fluorine (F) is -1. Using the criss-cross method to be sure that the sum of the oxidation numbers equals zero, we have AlF3. 31) What is the chemical formula for the ionic compound calcium chloride? A)Ca2ClB)CaCl2C)Cl2CaD)ClCa2E)None of the aboveExplanation:CaCl2 Calcium has a positive 2 charge and chlorine has a negative 1 charge. It takes 2 chlorine atoms for every calcium in order to be neutral. 32) The IUPAC name for the common household cleaner, ammonia, is nitrogen trihydride. Identify the formula of ammonia. A)NHB)NH3C)N3HD)N3H3E)None of the aboveExplanation:The elements involved at 2 nonmetals that will form covalent bonds. NH3 33)Ca3(PO4)2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + H3PO4Balance this reaction if necessary. A)balancedB)1, 3, 3, 2C)1, 2, 3, 3D)3, 2, 1, 3E)None of the aboveExplanation:1, 3, 3, 2Ca3(PO4)2 + 3H2SO4 → 3CaSO4 + 2H3PO4 34)H2SO4 + NaOH → Na2SO4 + H2OBalance this reaction if necessary. A)balancedB)1, 2, 1, 2C)1, 2, 1, 4D)1, 2, 2, 2E)None of the aboveExplanation:1, 2, 1, 2H2SO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + 2H2O 35) What is the chemical formula for iron(II) oxide? A)Fe2O2B)FeOC)Fe2O3D)FeO2E)None of the aboveExplanation:FeO An iron(II) ion possesses a +2 charge (stated by the Roman numeral) and oxide ions have a -2 charge. It takes one iron ion to electrically balance an oxide ion. Quiz Standard 3 Answer KeyTeacher Name: Quiz Generated On: 04-28-20161) Positively charged particles consisting of two protons and two neutrons emitted by radioactive materials are A)beta particles.B)gamma particles.C)alpha particles.D)positron particlesE)None of the aboveExplanation:Alpha particles consist of the same number of protons (2) and neutrons (2) as a helium nucleus, but they are emitted from an atom during radioactive decay. 2)While working near a radioactive mine, workers usually wear heavy plastic suits. These suits protect them from all but A)beta radiation.B)gamma radiation.C)alpha radiation.D)ultraviolet radiation.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Alpha particles can be stopped by air. UV radiation can be stopped by a normal layer of clothing. Beta particles can be stopped by the thick plastic suit. Only gamma radiation can penetrate the heavy suit. It can only be stopped by thick walls of lead or concrete. 3) ________________ is a source of energy that utilizes uranium-235 in a fission reaction to vaporize water. The steam is then used to turn turbines to generate electricity. A)CoalB)GasolineC)Nuclear powerD)HydroelectricityE)None of the aboveExplanation:Nuclear power uses a fission reaction to heat water to steam. 4) One of the negative aspects of using nuclear power as an alternative energy source is A)it pollutes the air.B)finding a fuel source.C)the disposal of byproducts.D)it does not produce much energy.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Disposal of byproducts is a negative aspect of nuclear power because the waste products can remain radioactive for thousands of years. 5) Americium-241 is a radioactive substance used in smoke detectors. The half life of americium is 432 years. If a smoke detector initially contains 1 gram of Americium 241, how much will remain in 432 years? A)0.5gB)1.0gC)1.5gD)2.0gE)None of the aboveExplanation:Since the half-life is 432 years, in 432 years half of it will have transmutated into a different substance. Therefore, half of it will be left, or 0.5g. 6)Radioactive Decay of Carbon 14 Years since deathC14 atoms remaining per 1.0 x 108 C12 atoms010,0005,7005,00011,4002,50017,1001,25022,80062528,50031234,20015639,9007845,6003051,3002057,0001062,700568,4002Use the chart to determine the half-life of Carbon-14. A)5,000 yearsB)5,700 yearsC)10,000 yearsD)11,400 yearsE)None of the aboveExplanation:The answer is 5,700 years because the amount reduces by half from 10,000 to 5,000 particles over a period of 5,700 years. The amount of time to reduce by half is called the half-life. 7) Which is an example of nuclear energy being converted into heat and light energy? A)the sunB)a volcanoC)a rocket engineD)a coal burning power plantE)None of the aboveExplanation:The sun gets its heat and light energy from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei at its core. The other example all come from chemical energy - which deals with the electrons, and not the nucleus, of atoms. 8)The picture shown shows a practical application of A)magnetism.B)solar energy.C)nuclear energy.D)hydroelectric power.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Nuclear power is used thoughout the world safely and efficiently. It makes up approximately 20% of the US production of electricity. 9) The carbon-14 isotope is important because it allows scientists to determine the ___________ of an organic sample. A)ageB)densityC)evolutionD)massE)None of the aboveExplanation:Carbon-14 is the radioactive isotope that is used to help determine the age of an organic sample. The older the sample, the more the sample will have decayed, and the less radioactive it will be. 10) Many of the technological advances over the last 50 - 75 years have been in the area of weaponry and warfare, such as atomic/nuclear weapons, radar, biological weapons, etc. These advances have both positive and negative aspects. Which statement describes a negative aspect of these advances? A)The advances in body armor protect individuals and prevent deaths that previously could not be prevented.B)Advances in communication and transportation have made it easier to prevent attacks and rescue those who need be rescued.C)Advances in satellite imagery have made desired targets easy to hit with little destruction of innocent life and property.D)The lingering radiation after detonation of atomic weapons destroys the land and continues to harm people and animals long after the blast.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The lingering radiation after detonation of atomic weapons destroys the land and continues to harm people and animals long after the weapon is gone. The other choices are advances that have helped to prevent the loss of life and property. 11) There are many positive and negative aspects associated with nuclear power. Which is a negative aspect associated with nuclear power? A)Nuclear power is a renewable energy source.B)Nuclear power does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.C)It is more efficient than other methods of energy production.D)Exposure to radiation can lead to disease or genetic abnormalities.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Exposure to radiation can lead to disease or genetic abnormalities; is the correct answer. The other choices are all pros for nuclear energy; while the "exposure to radiation can lead to disease or genetic abnormalities," is a con to nuclear energy. 12) Which process is occurring at the center of all active stars? A)fusionB)fissionC)flatulationD)hydrogen decayE)None of the aboveExplanation:Fusion occurs at the center of all active stars. In this process, hydrogen atoms combine and form helium. The energy that is released in this process is what eventually appears outside the window. 13) Where does the energy that the sun emits come from? A)It is an essential component of helium.B)It is converted from the loss of mass of hydrogen.C)It is created in the balance with the gravitational force.D)It has always been present, but the heat of the sun releases it.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The energy from the sunis converted from the loss of mass of hydrogen. This is Einstein's formula, E=mc2, showing how mass is converted to energy. In fact, the sun loses over 8 BILLION pounds of mass every second. 14)Thorium-229YearsAmount01673408146804220202293601367000.5Thorium-229 is a highly radioactive isotope used in the treatment of certain cancers. Use the chart to determine how much thorium would remain after 7,340 years if a sample began at 20 pounds of pure Th-229. A)0.5 poundsB)5 poundsC)8 gramsD)10 poundsE)None of the aboveExplanation:The half-life for Th-229, based on the chart, is 7,340 years. This means that if you started with 20 pounds, in 7,340 years, you would be left with half that, or 10 pounds. 15)If there are 50 grams of U-238 on day zero of radioactive decay, how much will there be after 4.5 billion years? A)0.0 gramsB)10 gramsC)25 gramsD)50 gramsE)None of the aboveExplanation:25 grams would remain after one half-life (4.5 billion years). Find the point where percent remaining is 50% and that will tell you it is one half-life. 16) What is one reason nuclear fuel is a positive alternative to fossil fuels for the creation of electrical energy? A)Nuclear power is much less hazardous than coal or oil power production.B)Nuclear power is much more widely available than coal or oil power production.C)Nuclear power produces no carbon dioxide emissions unlike coal or oil power production.D)Nuclear power does not require the use of natural resources like coal or oil power production.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Nuclear power produces no carbon dioxide emissions unlike coal or oil power production. When burned, all fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide in emissions. The cloudy substance seen emitted from nuclear cooling towers is steam. 17)Alpha ParticlesBeta ParticlesGamma RadiationPut these different types of radiation in order from MOST to LEAST penetrating. A)Alpha > Beta > GammaB)Gamma > Alpha > BetaC)Gamma > Beta > AlphaD)Beta > Gamma > AlphaE)None of the aboveExplanation:Gamma > Beta > Alpha is correct. Gamma particles are light and travel at the speed of light and penetrate deeply. Beta particles are similar to electrons and can penetrate a fraction of the way in to the skin. Alpha particles are slow and heavy and are usually stopped by air itself. 18)Alpha ParticlesBeta ParticlesGamma RadiationPut these different types of radiation in order from HEAVIEST to LIGHTEST. A)Alpha > Beta > GammaB)Gamma > Alpha > BetaC)Gamma > Beta > AlphaD)Beta > Gamma > AlphaE)None of the aboveExplanation:Alpha > Beta > Gamma is correct. Gamma particles are light and travel at the speed of light and penetrate deeply. Beta particles are similar to electrons and can penetrate a fraction of the way in to the skin. Alpha particles are slow and heavy and are usually stopped by air itself. 19) Many smoke detectors use americium-241 to detect very small particulates in the air. This is done by using a stream of radioactive particles that can be stopped by the small smoke particulate. Which type of radiation is MOST LIKELY used in a smoke detector, as it can be stopped by something this small? A)neutronsB)beta particlesC)alpha particlesD)gamma radiationE)None of the aboveExplanation:Alpha radiation is the slowest and lowest in energy. It can easily be stopped by a tiny particle of smoke. 20) What is one way that fission and fusion are similar? A)Both processes begin with uranium.B)Both processes produce energy from mass.C)Both processes break nuclei into smaller particles.D)Both processes are used to produce commercial electricity.E)None of the aboveExplanation:Both processes produce energy from mass. Both processes use Einstein's famous E=mc2 to produce energy from a loss of mass. 21)Radioactive carbon, or C-14, is used to date fossil remains. When C-14 decays, as seen in the nuclear equation, it produces what nuclide of nitrogen? A)N-7B)N-13C)N-14D)N-15E)None of the aboveExplanation:When C-14 decays, it produces N-14. If you follow the rules of conservation of matter and add the mass numbers on both sides of the arrow, you see that the mass of nitrogen is 14 - 0 or 14. 22) Large amounts of energy are required in order to join two atom's nuclei into a single nucleus and, in turn, create a new element. What is the name of the process where two nuclei join to create a new element? A)combiningB)elementiumC)fissionD)fusionE)None of the aboveExplanation:The process of combining two nuclei together to form a single nucleus is called fusion. For example, our sun takes 2 hydrogen atoms, and using a tremendous amount of heat, combines them into a single helium atom. This also produces the energy of the sun. 23) Which process is the primary source for energy used by living organisms on Earth? A)Fusion in the Sun.B)Fission in the Sun.C)Combustion in the Sun.D)Disambiguation in the Sun.E)None of the aboveExplanation:The correct answer is A. Fusion is the main process that occurs in the core of stars, including our sun. 24) In the mid 1930s Enrico Fermi bombarded uranium with thermal neutrons and observed the release of a large amount of energy. This happened because the heavy uranium nucleus split into two lighter nuclei, releasing two or three neutrons along with a large amount of energy.What is this process called? A)nuclear fusionB)nuclear fissionC)nuclear synthesisD)nuclear unificationE)None of the aboveExplanation:Nuclear fission means to smash or split the atom. This process can continue in a controlled manner to produce nuclear energy in a nuclear power plant. In an uncontrolled setting, the entire material undergoes fission releasing a huge quantity of heat energy and causing a violent explosion. 25)Iodine-131 is a radioactive isotope that is used as a medical tracer to study and treat the thyroid gland. This radioactive element emits both beta particles and gamma waves. To effectively stop both beta particles and gamma waves, scientists use a chamber composed of A)concrete.B)lead.C)metal.D)plastic.E)None of the aboveExplanation:To stop both emissions, the chamber should be made of lead. Notice the illustration. Only lead will stop gamma waves, although copper will stop beta particle penetration. 26) This radioactive particle, emitted from carbon-14, has a negative charge. It contains sufficient energy to burn human skin and can pass through paper. It is a(n) ___________ particle. A)alphaB)betaC)gammaD)neutronE)None of the aboveExplanation:It is a beta particle. Beta particles can be stopped by either a thin copper or lead sheet. Gamma waves are electromagnetic waves; they are not considered to be particles. ................

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