Classic Jupiter 2 Corrections - CultTVman

Classic Jupiter 2 Corrections

#1,2,3 Ship Hull

Outer Hull—Testors 1246 Metallic Silver (see Note 5)

Interior Buff—Modern Desert Sand 1963

#4 Projector

Paint framing to match hull. Clear Lenses—side and bottom surfaces

Optional—Lenses Light Gray Acryl

#6 Top Viewing Dome

Clear (Note: the 4 foot model used an 85% hemisphere—sand down the base)

Optional—Inside Clear Flat Acryl(12015)

Outside—Spray Flat Clear 1960 (translucent clear, like full scale

mockup with landing gear down—this bubble was full hemisphere)

#9 Upper Floor2

Bottom surface—Buff

Top surface—center circle Radius = 65 mm (see note 3 for details)

Inner circle—Dark Tan

Outer circle—Brown

Finish with Clear Flat (1960)

Flight Control Consoles

Middle Console—aluminum/gray

center screen—Flat Black

depressions—Flat Gunship Gray

(red-orange lights in center of bottom depression)

Outer Consoles (2)—Dark Tan

center screen—Flat Black

depressions—Flat Gunship Gray

(red-orange lights in center of top depression)

Trim—(2nd, 3rd seasons) Pale Green on top surface surrounding consoles

Top Instrument Boxes(3)—Flat Neutral Gray , with

Flat Gunship Gray on front surfaces

Seats—Flat Neutral Gray, with Flat Black cushions

Stasis Bases—Aluminum1, with white top surfaces

Elevator Floor—Aluminum1, with white center circle

(same size as top of Stasis Base)

Astrogator Floor Ring—Sand1

#10 Astrogator

Sand, Flat Black top surface

Trim—Aluminum on edges of vertical fins, Sand Beige1 on outer horizontal edge.

3/32 inch horizontal trim below vertical fins—light tan/white

(2nd Season)—compass ring at base of bubble 1/16 inch (white)

(15º compass increments—24 total)

#11 Astrogator Electronics

1st season—Bright Silver

2nd season—Bright Silver top and upper base, Dark Tan lower base

3rd season—add Deep Yellow to top bulb

#15-22 Upper Level Support Walls

Buff, with Flat White inside edges (lighting)

#23 Communication Station

Buff, with Sand1 front. Viewing screen—Flat White

Rectangle depression below viewing screen—Aluminum

Circular depressions below rectangles—Flat Brass

Trim—(2nd, 3rd seasons) Pale Green around view screen and rectangular depressions

Pale Green center trim below rectangles, and between circles, to bottom of front vertical surface (3 surface)—see photo for details

#24 Air Lock Wall


Door—Flat Neutral Gray1, depressions—Flat Light Ghost Gray

#25 Control Wall


Raised Panels—Steel

Trim—(2nd, 3rd seasons) Pale Green upper trim around steel panels

LH Panel—Amber color gridded areas—Deep Yellow

Center Panel—Red ball, with Bright Silver details, and Flat Black depression

Aluminum panel above red ball, Flat White sign (center horizontal)

RH Panel

Recessed Panel—Flat Gunship Gray

Tape Reels & Heads—Aluminum (3rd season—Yellow reels, Blue heads)

Lower Half—Dark Tan, with Aluminum center horizontal details

See photo for details

#26 Ladder Wall


Door—Flat Neutral Gray, Depressions—Flat Light Ghost Gray


Cylinders—Flat Red, with Bright Silver brackets

Optional—Light panel above cylinders—see diagram

Aluminum, with Deep Yellow center squares, Flat Black vertical bars

see photo for details

#27 Elevator Wall


Door7—Flat Neutral Gray, Depressions—Flat Light Ghost Gray

Left Wall Section behind elevator—Dark Tan

#28 Stasis Walls

Buff, with control at top of each section—Steel

Trim (2nd, 3rd seasons)—Pale Green around steel panel on top section

Panels on vertical portion of each panel—(2nd, 3rd Seasons)—Duck Egg Blue

(1st Season)—Flat White—see Note 6

Frame & details—Bright Silver

3 round knobs on outside sections—Flat Brass

See photo for details

#29, 30 Stasis Chamber

Clear, with Aluminum1 top

Aluminum vertical trim along joints (1/16 inch)

3rd season—back of tube, lower section (¼ distance from bottom to base of alumunim top)—Aluminum

#31 Lower Level Floor

Bottom—Buff (optional)

Top—Center circle Radius = 50 mm

Inner Circle—Dark Tan

Outer Circle—Brown

Center Hub4—1 inch diameter with quads—see stencil

3rd season—Deep Yellow enamel

2nd season—Flat Gray enamel

(Note: Acrylic paints will not stick to Clear Flat lacquer)

Finish Lower Level Floor with Clear Flat 1960

#32 to 39 Lower Level Support Walls

Buff, with Sand1 panels

View Screen—Flat White

Raised horizontal details around screen—Sand Beige

Circular depression (Flat Gunship Gray), and oval (Flat Neutral Gray)

#41 Left Galley Wall2


Depressions—Light Gray acryl

(Note: These depressions contained jars of colored kitchen supplies)

#42 Galley End Wall

Buff, with Sand front Left & Right sections

Panels—Aluminum1, with Flat Neutral Gray1 depressions

Center Post at Table—Pale Green

#43 Right Galley Wall2


Depressions—Light Gray1

#44 Galley Table2

Flat Light Ghost Gray1 (or silver-gray)


#46 Elevator Wall


Left wall section behind elevator—Dark Tan

#49, 50 Stateroom Walls

Buff, with Sand1 doors

#52 Aux Flight Unit

Lower front section—Radome Tan1, with Sand1 doors

Middle section—Pale Green, with Flat Gunship Gray1 controls

Upper section—Earth Red

See photo for details

#53 Aux Flight Console2


3 top boxes—Light Ghost Gray1, front surfaces—Flat Neutral Gray1

#54, #55 Same as #52

#56 Lab Counter

Front panel—Radome Tan


Counter Top—center 1/3—Steel

outer thirds—Pale Green

#57 Lab Cylinder Unit

Front—Radome Tan, with Sand1 doors

Counter Top—Pale Green

Cylinder Frame—Silver

Cylinder Fronts—alternating horizontal layers of Yellow, Orange, Red/Orange

(lab crystals)

See photo for details

#58 Pylon Support

Optional—no paint (since this is not part of the original set)

Supplemental List

Acrylic Paints

Pale Green Acryl 34227

Earth Red Acryl 30117

Clear Flat Acryl 12015

Flat Neutral Gray Acryl 921571004

Flat Gunship Gray Acryl 921576004

Flat Light Ghost Gray 921577004

Light Gray Acryl 36495

Enamel Paints

Deep Yellow (21180)

Sand—33531 (17060)

Sand Beige (2710)

Radome Tan FS33613 (17090)

Dark Tan FS30219 (17420)

Flat Brass 1182

Spray Paints

Testors 1246 Metallic Silver

Buff—(Modern Desert Sand 1963)

Model Master 1942 Dark Tan

Testors 1240 Brown

Model Master 1960 Clear Flat


Model Master Precision Cement #8872

Testors Clear Parts Cement #3515

Note: These glues are highly recommended.

Remove paint from one surface, and apply glue to one surface only.

Do not wipe spilled glue! It dries clear, thin, and shiny, and will not warp paint

Seal visible glue with Clear Flat Acryl


1. Colors are approximately correct hue. These shades were chosen to give good contrast with other colors, and look right to the eye, for this scale of model.

2. The model plans show some incorrect colors for these parts, or the colors were taken from Season 1—see Note 6.

3. The original ship plan was for one level, 48 feet diameter. This model is scaled 1:60, or 60 foot diameter, to allow the lower deck to fit in. The floor radius was adjusted for the spreading effect of the larger diameter deck.

4. Lower deck center hub appears to be about 5 feet diameter, and scaled 1:60, yields 1 inch diameter. This coincides with the same diameter of the upper deck pylon support.

5. Metallic Silver paint is thin, and ship midsection is at 45 degrees. Use very light spray coats (5 or 6). This will leave pigment spots, but smooth paint . When dry, buff with a small rag with a few drops of thinner. No sealer is required for this enamel paint

6. Season 1 was filmed in Black & White, so they used more silver, gray, and white lights. The color trims were added in Seasons 2 and 3

7. In Season 3, the space pod was added, and this door was changed into an air lock door. This door was silver-gray until early Season 2





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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