Week 7, Term 2. Distance Learning. Cycle 3 PVIMSLanguageMathematics/GeometryCulturePractical LifeIllustration/meaning: Read for 30 minutes. Then draw a picture that summarises the story – or you might choose one setting from the story to draw. Time: How Long is a Minute?Read or listen to the story One Minute by Somin Ahn, you can listen at: Create a table similar to the one below and write down at least 5 things under each heading that take that length of time.1 sec1min1 hr1 day1 week1 yeare.g. hope.g. cut an applee.g. watch two episodes on TVe.g. drive to Brisbanee.g. Read Harry Pottere.g. grow 15cm of hair Zoology, Amphibians:Write a list of characteristics of amphibians. Use the provided Dichotomous key of amphibians to identify the 7 amphibians on the attached poster. Make a bird feeder:You will need an old plastic bottle, string, a pencil, bird food, and an sharp cutting tool. You may need an adult to help you cut with the sharp tool.Here is a suggested method: Writing: Watch The Lorax book on YouTube (or read it if you have it at home). about what you would do with the last Truffula tree seed. Fraction Equivalence:Use the attached fraction Equivalence Chart to identify the appropriate fraction equivalences. Natural History: Choose one PRE-HISTORIC animal or plant to research.Write 10 interesting facts about the animal or plant in your culture book. Spotting Character Strengths:Watch the following YouTube clip and follow the instructions on attached sheet, to identify character strengths from people in the clip. Word explorer: Write the letters of the alphabet in your language book (one letter for each line). Then take your book along and walk around your house/garden and find as many words as you can starting with each letter. Aim to find at least one word for each letter!A Asian cookbook B Book, board, C Coffee tableEtc. 10-min math sheet. Time yourself and check your answers with a calculator. If there are any times tables you keep struggling with, focus on those this week, for your times table practice.Astronomy: Explore the International Space Station using the following link; materials from your house to create a model of the International Space Station. Nature art: Collect autumn leaves from your garden (or the neighbourhood) and create a piece of artwork from it. Watch an entire episode of Kidsnews and write a DOT POINT summary of the episode. Coin chance: HEADS OR TAILS Find the attached sheet and follow the directions to explore chance with three coins. World Geography:Use the attached sheets to explore World Geography. Sweeping: Offer your help and sweep a path/paved area near your house (or inside the house). Grammar: Choose a paragraph in the book you are currently reading (different to last week). Copy the paragraph in your language book. Use the Montessori Grammar Symbols (see form from last week) to identify each parts of speech. Geometry: Which One Doesn’t Belong? Find the attached work sheet and follow the instructions. Coding: Spend at least 30 min on one of the following websites exploring coding. You may have to sign up to use the programs, but both are free.Count to 10: Teach yourself to count to ten in a different language (not one you already know).For example Korean Numbers 1-101 ??? hana2 ?? dhul3 ? sehtt4 ?? nehtt5 ??? da-seot6 ?? yeo-seot7 ??? il-gop8 ?? yuh-deol9 ?? ah-hop10 ?? yeolSimile/metaphor:Write a list of 5 similes and 5 metaphors. Then choose one simile or metaphor to draw as a picture.What are the missing numbers?Copy the equations with missing numbers in your math book. What numbers can you place in the boxes to make the equation true? There is more than one answer, can you find them all?7562852286010033024765470535222252 + 3 = 01067435273058388352730547053520955102235336552 6 + 7 = 3 137223541275118808541275100393541275826135412755340354127535623541275172085355600063535560 + = 4000Adaptations of living organisms: Explore various adaptations of living organisms. Try to explain what may have influenced the changes.Examples:Leafy sea dragons (Phycodurus eques) have evolved adaptations that allow them to blend in with their environment to avoid the attention of hungry predators. The stem of the cactus plant is swollen and contain numerous collapsible water-storage cells that store water for a relatively long period. Hand Shadows Figures:Find a room that is dark. Use a torch to make shadow figures with your hands. Each day you should:Complete spelling. Each week create a list of 10 challenging spelling words, do daily activities with them, as you would do in class. Break the words into sounds, write sentences, identify syllables, etc. (This work should be done daily, with a test on Friday).Choose one journal writing prompt and write in complete sentences and paragraphs in your language book.Read for at least 30 minutesChoose an activity from each learning area in the above grid and complete that taskChoose work from the “home packs” I have sent home ................

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