
Name:___________________ ______/80Fitness Plan Checklist/RubricTask: Follow the directions below to design a flexibility, cardio, and strength fitness plan following the instructions below.Directions: Fill out your planning sheet using the following instructions.Cover Sheet: 10 points totalBox 1: Name of your fitness routine (4 points)Box 2: Explanation of RoutineWhere will you perform your fitness routine (at home, at a gym, outside, etc.)? (3 points)What equipment is needed for your exercise routine? (3 points)List all equipment needed to perform all parts of your routine: Ex: dumbbells, medicine ball, mat, treadmill, swimming pool etc.Flexibility: 21 points totalDefinition (2 points)Box 1: Include 3 upper body stretches and 3 lower body stretches (6 points)Box 2: Total time spent on this component of fitness (1 point)How many sets/reps(secs) of each stretch will you complete? (6 points)How long will you hold each stretch? (6 points)Cardiovascular/Cardiorespiratory Endurance: 10 points totalDefinition (2 points)Box 1: what exercise/exercises will you do to practice cardiovascular fitness? Will you perform a circuit (consisting of various exercises combined?) (3 points)Box 2: Enter a total time duration (2 points)If performing multiple exercises in a circuit, explain time limit for each station, sets or rounds and repetitions List 3 other forms of cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory fitness activities/exercises (3 points)Body Composition: 10 points totalDefinition (2 points)Box 1: Describe how your exercise routine can help improve/maintain one’s overall measure of body composition. (2 points)Box 2: Complete (3 points)List 3 methods for assessing body composition. (3 points)Muscular Endurance: 24 points totalDefinition (2 points)Box 1: what exercises will you do to practice this component? You must include at least 2 upper body, 2 lower body and 2 core exercises (6 points)Box 2: How long will this section take you? (1 point)List sets and repetitions for EACH exercise (12 points)List any other (3) muscular endurance exercises that you can perform. (3 points)Muscular Strength: 5 points totalDefinition (5 points)-6381750Student Name:020000Student Name:Design a Fitness Routine/Activity Task CardTask: Design a 45-minute workout routine of your choice that addresses all 5 components of physical fitness. You can choose to create a fitness station circuit, a soccer workout, a weight lifting routine, etc. The goal is to design a routine/activity that is enjoyable to you, while also addressing the 5 components of physical fitness. right46037500Name of your fitness routine:right473075Here you need too:Explain where you will perform your fitness routine.What equipment is needed for your exercise routine.00Here you need too:Explain where you will perform your fitness routine.What equipment is needed for your exercise routine.Explanation of your routine:Flexibilityright47561500Definition:right473710Here you will need to list the specific movements that address this component.3 upper body stretches3 lower body stretches00Here you will need to list the specific movements that address this component.3 upper body stretches3 lower body stretchesAddressing Flexibility:right473075Total time spent on this component of fitness.How many sets/reps(secs) of each stretch will you complete?How long will you hold each stretch? 00Total time spent on this component of fitness.How many sets/reps(secs) of each stretch will you complete?How long will you hold each stretch? Total Time:Cardiovascular Enduranceright47117000Definition:right473075What exercise/exercises will you do to practice cardiovascular fitness?00What exercise/exercises will you do to practice cardiovascular fitness?Addressing Cardiovascular Endurance:right473710Enter a total time duration.If performing multiple exercises in a circuit, explain the time limit for each station, sets or rounds and repetitions.00Enter a total time duration.If performing multiple exercises in a circuit, explain the time limit for each station, sets or rounds and repetitions.Total Time:right473075List 3 other forms of cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory fitness activities/exercises.00List 3 other forms of cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory fitness activities/exercises.Other forms of Cardiovascular fitness:Body Compositionright47561500Definition:right473710Describe how your exercise routine can help improve/maintain one’s overall measure of body composition. 00Describe how your exercise routine can help improve/maintain one’s overall measure of body composition. Improving Body Composition:right473075What is the most reliable method for measuring body composition?00What is the most reliable method for measuring body composition?Answer the following question:right356234List 3 methods for assessing body composition.00List 3 methods for assessing body composition.Other types of methods:Muscular Enduranceright47117000Definition:right473075What exercises will you do to practice this component? You must include at least 2 upper body, 2 lower body, and 2 core exercises.00What exercises will you do to practice this component? You must include at least 2 upper body, 2 lower body, and 2 core exercises.Addressing Muscular Endurance:right473710How long will this section take you?List sets and repetitions for EACH exercise.00How long will this section take you?List sets and repetitions for EACH exercise.Total Time:right473075List 3 other muscular endurance exercises that you can perform.00List 3 other muscular endurance exercises that you can perform.Other forms of Muscular Endurance:Muscular Strengthright47117000Definition: ................

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