
ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGECOLLEGE OF EDUCATIONThe mission of the Education Community is to prepare future educators who will promote lifelong learning and empower diverse communities.COURSE SYLLABUSHealth, Safety, and Ethics in Youth & Family SettingsThe syllabus course calendar and other attending documents are subject to change during the semester in the event of extenuating circumstances.Course Prefix:EDF 4650Section #:3762Credit Hours:2Co-requisites:N/APre-requisites:N/ADay, Time and Campus:OnlineEnter TimeOnlineModality:Online - Weekly participation is required for attendance. Participation in this course is defined as posting to the discussion board or submitting an assignment.Professor:Dr. Wanda SantosOffice Hours:Refer to Faculty pageClick here to enter text.Office Location:Tarpon SpringsBB 114Office Phone:(727) 398-8287Email ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: College of EducationDean:Kimberly Hartman, Ph.D.Office Location & Number:Tarpon SpringsBB 101COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course covers the laws, regulations, standards, policies, and procedures related to health, safety, nutrition, and ethics. Topics include illness and accident prevention, emergencies, basic nutritional needs of youths, child obesity, child abuse/neglect prevention, proper ethics in youth settings, and proper collaboration with families and health professionals.MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COURSE OBJECTIVES1. The student will demonstrate how to create and maintain a safe environment for children by:a. Identifying and correcting potential hazards in the environmentb. creating indoor and outdoor safety proceduresc. Describing policies and procedures for releasing children to authorized personsd. Creating safety regulations and proper emergency and disaster drillse. Describing safe food handling and creating proper sanitation proceduresf. Identifying health hazards in meals (choking, allergies, etc.) and describing steps to prevent dangerous situationsg. Identifying signs of common illnesses and developing procedures to avoid transmission of diseasesh. Developing a plan to prevent and reduce injuriesi. Creating policies for the administration of medicine and approved medical treatments, including relateddocumentation2. The candidate will explain proper health and nutrition to youths by:a. Identifying and explaining proper eating habits and elements of a healthy dietb. Planning appropriate meals and healthy snacksc. Identifying common health issues faced by youthsd. Identifying signs of abuse, emotional distress, and neglect of children and developing policies to document andreport any incidences immediatelye. Developing procedures for completing health appraisals and making health referralsf. Describing healthy behaviors and explaining how to make healthy living choicesg. Identifying the caregiver’s role and responsibilities in modeling good health, safety, and nutrition habitsh. Explaining the importance of the effects of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and other chemicals on life and learning.3. The candidate will communicate and apply proper ethics in youth and family settings by:a. Identifying indicators of issues regarding staff/youth interactions and developing a policy to document and reportincidences in a timely mannerb. Describing ethical issues and explaining the thinking process in solving moral dilemmas in youth and familysettingsc. Analyzing and evaluating youth and community ethical issues within the local and global communityd. Analyzing and explaining ethical principles and practices in various social settings affecting youths todayREQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S), RESOURCES AND MATERIALSRequired Textbooks Textbook(s)Required: Recommended: Chalk & WireChalk & Wire is a requirement for all COE students enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program and for all EPI studentsStudents using eBooks must have access to the eBooks during class sessions.Supplemental MaterialResources:Materials:Library: Technology is an essential tool for receiving and developing instruction. Students are expected to reference MYCOURSES continuously to assure all current content for class has been accessed. Additionally students are expected to be familiar or familiarize themselves with PowerPoint presentation methods.The instructor of this course frequently uses smart boards, ELMOs, power point, digital media, and web based resources to disseminate information and engage preservice learners and students.All work must be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (e.g.: .doc, .docx, .rtf)COURSE REQUIREMENTS & EXPECTATIONSSchool Based Hours (SBH) or Field Experience Hours (FEH) Course RequirementsThis course requires hours of observation/participation in an appropriate setting as approved by the Office of School Partnerships. Any student who is registered for a course with SBH / FEH is required to complete the Survey Level Field Experience Placement Application via the survey link: ALL Course AssignmentsCourse AssignmentsPointsEmail etiquette assignment15Introduction discussion10Safe Indoor Environments15Outdoor Safety15Four Phases Discussion10Hazard Analysis15Stone Soup Discussion10Infectious diseases Assignment15Vaccines Discussion10Nutrition Activity15MyPate Scavenger Hunt15Chronic Health Issues Discussion10Being Active Quiz25Maltreatment 15Substance Abuse Discussion10Complete the Professionalism Assignment15Intentional Ethical Action Discussion10Stereotypes Discussion10Final Exam50TOTAL290UCC Assignments: Teacher candidates must demonstrate Uniform Core Curriculum (UCC) competencies and earn a 2 or higher for each indicator on all UCC assignments [FEAP, ESOL, FSAC, Reading Competencies (RC), Other Elements and Florida State Standards (FSS)] in order to successfully pass the course.??If the teacher candidate has not successfully demonstrated the UCC competency as stated above, he/she may have an opportunity (within the term) to work with the instructor to improve the understanding of the concept. The assignment must then be corrected and resubmitted, and will not receive a grade higher than a C.? In the event of cheating or plagiarizing, see BOT Rule 6Hx23-4.72 for consequences.Students in a degree program must upload into Chalk & Wire all FEAP, ESOL, and RC assignments (identified as Critical Reading Tasks) as denoted in the Uniform Core Curriculum Assessments table at the end of the syllabus.For courses with lesson planning:Adapting or modifying a lesson plan from an existing source (i.e., the internet) does not mean “copy and paste.”? It means that, if you use someone else’s intellectual property for this purpose, you may read through the given source for ideas, but then rethink and rewrite the idea in your own words with your own modifications to meet the needs of the assignment.? Anything adapted or used verbatim must be cited with credit given to the author(s).? This includes specific citations on all supplementary materials (i.e., assignment sheets, graphic organizers, checklists) that are not originally your work.? This applies to all COE lesson plans unless the instructor directly specifies otherwise.GRADINGCourse assignment details can be found in MyCourses by clicking on the Course Content tab.Assignments submitted up to one week after the due date will receive a letter grade deduction.Assignments submitted more than one week after the due date will earn a zero in the grade book.Discussions and quizzes are only open during the times designated in the course syllabus; therefore you cannot make up a missed discussion or quiz.Incomplete assignments will NOT be graded. Required resubmissions will result in a letter grade penalty. Carefully reading directions, sample assignments, and rubrics will help you to be successful in this course. 10% can be deducted from assignments as a result of poor presentation, conventions (e.g. grammar, APA style), and support documentation as described in the course instructors assignment directions.Attendance is required for COE courses. Grading Scale:PercentageLetter Grade90-100%A83-89%B75-82%C68-74%D< 67%FSYLLABUS STATEMENTS COMMON TO ALL COE SYLLABICOE SYLLABUS STATEMENTS Syllabus Statements student must read all topics within this syllabus and the content of the links.? If the student needs clarification on any items in the syllabus or linked statements, he/she should contact the course instructor.If you remain enrolled after the drop date this signifies that you agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and any syllabus addendum.CALENDAR AND TOPICAL OUTLINEReadings – Complete during the week assigned, before the Monday of the following week.Assignments – Details for all assignments are located under the Content tab in MyCourses. All assignments are due on Monday nights by 11:30pm.Discussion Boards – There are two due dates for discussion boards. To receive full credit, initial postings must be posted by Friday, and at least two replies to your classmates must be posted by Monday at 11:30PM. Dates are noted in the calendar in the following way (x/x, y/y) where x/x is the Friday due date for your initial posting and y/y is the Monday due date for your replies to your icsReadings(All required readings are also under the Course Content in MyCourses. Readings are to be completed before the class meeting for the week after Week 1.)Assignments Due(Details for all assignments are located under the Lessons Tab in MyCourses. Assignments are due by 11:30 PM on Monday unless otherwise noted.)Week 1 Start HereReview the SyllabusReview the Start Here Module ResourcesComplete the Email Etiquette AssignmentComplete the Introduction DiscussionWeek 2Creating and Maintaining a Safe Environment:Indoor Physical EnvironmentPhysical Environment-Indoor spaces-Week Two Module ResourcesComplete the Safe Indoor Environments ActivityWeek 3 Outdoor Physical EnvironmentPhysical Environment-Outdoor spaces-Week Three Module ResourcesComplete the Outdoor Safety ActivityWeek 4 Emergency preparednessEmergency preparedness-Week Four Module ResourcesComplete the Four Phases DiscussionComplete the Hazard AnalysisWeek 5 Food SafetySafe Food Handling-Week Five Module ResourcesComplete the Stone Soup DiscussionWeek 6 Child SafetyChild Safety-Week Six Module ResourcesComplete the Infectious Diseases assignmentComplete the Vaccines DiscussionWeek 7 Health and Nutrition in Youth and Family Settings:Nutrition and Healthy eatingNutrition and Healthy Eating-Week Seven Module ResourcesComplete the Nutrition Lesson AssignmentWeek 8 Healthy behaviorsHealthy Behaviors-Week Eight Module ResourcesComplete the MyPlate Scavenger Hunt ActivityWeek 9Health IssuesHealth Issues and Special Needs-Week Nine Module ResourcesComplete Chronic Health Issues DiscussionTake the Being Active QuizWeek 10Abuse, emotional distress, and neglectAbuse, Emotional Distress, and Neglect-Week Ten Module ResourcesComplete the Maltreatment Week 11Tobacco, Drug and AlcoholTobacco, Drug, and Alcohol-Week Eleven Module ResourcesComplete the substance abuse discussionWeek 12Ethics in Youth and Family Settings:Ethical IssuesEthical Issues and Principles-Week Twelve Module ResourcesComplete the Professionalism AssignmentWeek 13 Ethics in Youth and Family Settings:Ethical IssuesEthical Issues and Principles-Week Thirteen Module ResourcesIntentional Ethical Action DiscussionWeek 14 Staff/Youth Interactions and PolicyEthical Issues and Principles-Stereotypes--Week Fourteen Module ResourcesComplete the Stereotypes DiscussionWeek 15 ReviewReview for Final Exam All Module ResourcesReview for Final ExamRead the directions for the final exam and start working on the project. Week 16 Final ExamREVIEW Required ReadingsFinal ExamUniform Core Curriculum / Program Learning Objectives AssignmentsN/A ................

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