1. There are a total of ________ electoral votes in the United States Electoral College.

2. The electoral votes are only used in the election of the ___________________.

3. The number of electoral votes each state has is subject to change every _________ years when a ___________________ is taken to count the ________________________.

4. North Carolina has _________ electoral votes which represents its ______ Senators + _____ Reps.

5. In comparison to the other states, NC is the ______th largest in electoral votes. This means that NC is also _______th largest in population.

6. ______________________ with ______ electoral votes has the largest number of electoral votes. This means its ________________ is also the largest of all the states.

7. ______________________ with ______ electoral votes has the second greatest number of electoral votes and is _____________ of all the states in population.

8. _______________________ with ______ electoral votes is the third largest state in population and electoral votes (Pick one. There are two with the exact same number.).

9. The smallest number of electoral votes any state can have is ________. This number represents its ________ Senators and ________ Representative.

10. Washington DC has _______ electoral votes as a result of the _________ Amendment.

11. The eight states with only three electoral votes are ________________________, ___________________, ________________________, ______________________________, ______________________________, ________________________________, and _____________________________________.

12. Fill in the states with the corresponding number of electoral votes.

a. 55 __________________________

b. 34 __________________________

c. 31 __________________________

d. 27 __________________________

e. 21 __________________________ and ____________________________

f. 20 __________________________

g. 17 __________________________

h. 15 __________________________ , ______________________ and ___________________

The total number of electoral votes from the 11 states is __________________.

13. If you were a candidate campaigning for the office of President, what message would you receive from question 12?

14. How is it possible for a presidential candidate to win the popular vote but lose the election?

15. OPINION: Should the Electoral College be kept or eliminated? Why?


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