Mi niñez… - WHS Spanish, Mr. Barile

Proyecto Final : Español II

Mi niñez y ahora…

Q3 & Q4

(nivel 2)

Revisado 6/5/14

A) Proyecto: Create a digital “album” to talk about your childhood and your life now!

B) Fecha de entrega (due date):

1. by 5pm on Tuesday, June 17th.

2. Your project must be turned in ELECTRONICALLY to the

3. WHS Student Portal/Student Hand-In/Barile.

4. Late fees will be -30 from 5:01 and after.

5. This includes the quiz questions on “Word,” as well as the PPT.

6. I will not accept any projects on flash drives.

C) Fecha de presentación (presentation date): ____________________________________

D) COMPONENTS: you MUST include the following components in your album.

1. Título

o Title (Mi niñez; Mi juventud, La niñez de___; Nombre, de niño(a), etc),

picture, name, period, date

2. SLIDES: 8-10 slides (no more than 10), EACH containing 3-4 SPANISH sentences

a. SENTENCES: each slide must contain 3-4 Spanish sentences

o Use the imperfect tense of ar, er, ir verbs and irregular verbs (ser,ir, ver)/expressions FROM CLASS

o *Use the preterite tense for an activity done only once (i.e. a one-time family vacation); irregular verbs (ir, ver, ser, dar, hacer)

o Use the present tense to talk about activities you do now

o Include expressions of time; presente/imperfecto – normalmente/casi nunca: pretérito – ayer, la semana pasada

b. VERB VOCAB: Do not repeat activities/verbs (i.e. jugaba al béisbol con mi

padre...jugaba al béisbol con mi equipo). You want to keep your reader’s interest!

c. TOPICS: include lots of the following…

o A physical and personal description of yourself and family members

o A behavioral description of family and friends – did you get along, who used to bother you, etc.

o Where you used to live or live now, a description of your house and neighborhood

o Activities you and others (siblings, friends, family) used to do/ and do now

o Where you used to go to elementary school, your favorite teacher/ subject

o A description of a playground, park or other location you often visited, with whom, and activities you did there

o Vacations or places you used to go every year and activities there / where you went this year

o Sports or hobbies in which you were involved / are involved now

o Things you used to love/hate to do ( / how about now?

o 10 slides is the MAXIMUM (not including the title)

d. VISUAL: each slide MUST contain at least 1 visual image (START GATHERING!!!)

o Visuals can be digital photos, scanned (actual) photo prints or clip art

o Label pictures with your age (cuando yo tenía 5 años…), names, etc.

3. Presentación: You will present/read your album to the class.

Speaking Spanish, good. Speaking English, bad.

4. Class Quiz:

a. Finally, you will create a 10 multiple-choice question quiz

b. Provide answer key for your teacher

c. While you present they will be listening to you and learning about your life. Students will take the quiz while you are presenting. THEY will earn a separate participation grade.


1. REMEMBER …if you did an activity many times, use the imperfect tense. However, if you did something just once, use the preterite tense. (ex. Un verano, my familia y yo fuimos a Virginia. ) The imperfect tense is the focus of your project! If you do an activity now, use the present tense

2. Your project is your FINAL EXAM. Your work will be evaluated on the variety, accuracy, organization and presentation of the information about your life. You will receive a zero for the FINAL EXAM if you don’t turn it in. Since you have more than a week to prepare, technological difficulties are not an excuse for tardiness.

E) TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions for saving your project to the Student Portal:

1. Copy Powerpoint (from your student file):

• Open "My computer" (on desktop)

• Open your student folder (the file with your name) from "School Network"

• Click "once" to highlight your PowerPoint project

• Select "Edit" in the toolbar and select "Copy"

2. Paste PowerPoint (in your Teacher’s grading file - "Student Hand-in" folder)

• Open "My computer" (on desktop, again)

• Open "Student Portal"

• Open "Student Hand-in"

• Open "Teacher’s” folder

• Open the folder with your "Period" for the Class

• Select "Edit" in the toolbar, again, and select "Paste"

• Make sure that the project is functioning properly after you put it in my folder!!

¡Diviértete! Estoy emocionado de leer sobre tu niñez y verle como niño(a)!

La rúbrica – Mi niñez PowerPoint Nombre: ___________________________________

(nivel 2)


1) Required Elements – 4 points 4 3 2 1 0

a. title, name, date--- on first slide

b. Q3 and Q4 vocabulary used throughout the project

c. project is appropriately saved to WHS Student Portal folder

2) Quizzes– 8 points 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

a. multiple choice quiz of 10 (ten) questions.

b. Answer key for teacher

c. Quality questions

d. Spanish, not English

3) Content –8 points 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

a. 8 - 10 photos/graphics

b. Variety of verbs –regular/ irregular, ar/er/ir

c. 3-4 sentence captions

d. Adverbs of frequency used i.e., cada verano, todos los días

4) Accuracy – 8 points 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

a. Verbs conjugations are correct

b. Present tense used for current activities

c. Imperfect tense used for repeated activities

d. Pretérito used for activities done once in the past

e. Spelling/accents**/masculine-feminine are accurate

f. Complete sentences

g. First word of sentences is capitalized

h. Adjectives and nouns/subject and verbs agree/ “match”

5. Variety & Creativity – 4 points 4 3 2 1 0

a. Variety of subjects – not just “yo”!

b. Creative sentence structures

c. Inclusion of concepts/vocab learned earlier in the year

d. Connectors (también, pero, etc.)

e. Technology: “font” is clear, photo/text appealing and easy

to read

6) Presentation to peers – 4 points 4 3 2 1 0

a. Spanish. No English.

b. Enthusiasm

c. Effort in speaking

Total Points __x___ out of 36 points → __x___ → x ÷ 36 = __________ %


A = Excellent The work is almost always complete and accurate

B = Very Good The work is usually accurate and complete

C = Average/Fine The work is sometimes accurate and somewhat complete

D = Poor The work is seldom accurate and is incomplete

F = Failing The work was not (or barely) completed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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