Middle School Tournament



Starred toss-ups require calculation and are allotted 10 seconds.

FIRST PERIOD: Ten Toss-Ups worth FIVE POINTS each.

1. In geometry, what undefined term indicates position but has no physical dimensions?


2. What early American author wrote “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle”?

Washington Irving

3. What mineral is the world’s hardest natural substance?


4. What is a fear of closed places called?


5. What is Spanish for “good night”?

Buenos noshes

6. In what country is the world’s tallest waterfall located?


7. During what season does Indian summer occur?


8. What was the first permanent English colony in the New World?

Jamestown Virginia

9. Corn, tomatoes, beans, and petunias are plants in which the life cycle is completed in a single year or growing season. What is this kind of plant called?


10. With what war’s events are The Illiad and The Odyssey associated?

Trojan War


Middle School Tournament



SECOND PERIOD: Ten Toss-ups worth TEN POINTS each and Ten Two-Part Bonuses worth up to TWENTY POINTS each.

*1. Given the line with equation five X minus six Y equals four. What is its slope?

Five-sixths (5/6)

Bonus: Solve for X in each of the following equations. Give the answer as a mixed number reduced to lowest terms.

A) Four X plus five equals seven X minus eight

B) Eight X plus thirteen equals 4 X plus three

A) Four and one-third B) Negative two and one-half

2. Who is the author of A Child’s Garden of Verse, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Treasure Island?

Robert Louis Stevenson

Bonus: I’ll name a novel. You tell me during which war it is set.

A Tale of Two Cities

All Quiet on the Western Front

A) French Revolution B) World War I

3. What is a drug that causes temporary loss of sensation, such as Novocain, called ?


Bonus: Identify the following scientists.

A) He, through his work on the nervous stimulation of the gastric system of dogs, discovered the concept of conditioned reflex.

B) As head of the department of agricultural research at Tuskegee Institute, he researched the use of peanuts and sweet potatoes.

A) Ivan P. Pavlov B) George Washington Carver

4. What author created the characters Sargent Tragg, Della street and Perry Mason?

Erle Stanley Gardner


Bonus: I’ll give you the name of a character in a popular children’s book. You tell the kind of animal associated with the name.

A) Curious George

B) Ferdinand

A) Monkey B) Bull

5. What term refers to the first day of Lent in the Christian church?

Ash Wednesday

Bonus: I’ll name some cities in a state. You name the state.

A) Lewiston, Bangor, Augusta

B) Tempe, Mesa, Phoenix

A) Maine B) Arizona

6. In what Victor Hugo novel do you find the character Quasimodo?

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Bonus: Give me the names of these characters.

A) He traveled around Spain dressed as a knight, battling windmills.

B) He traded a cow for beans and battled a giant.

A) Don Quixote B) Jack

7. Who attacked the Catholic Church’s practice of selling indulgences to the wealthy by nailing his Ninety-five Theses to a church’s door?

Martin Luther

Bonus: What do you know about the 1962 Cuban missile crisis?

A) What US President ordered the events that led to the crisis?

B) What Soviet leader responded to the US demands?

A) John F. Kennedy B) Nikita Khrushchev

8. He was the first professional baseball player to top Babe Ruth’s single season homerun record. Name this Yankee who hit 61 homeruns in 1961.

Roger Maris

Bonus: Good baseball players understand geometry. Identify these geometry terms.

A) A line from a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.

B) An angle that is formed by two opposite rays.

A) Median B) Straight (angle)


9. The Vistula, Oder, and Narrow are chief rivers in a European nation . What is this nation whose monetary unit is the zloty and capital is Warsaw?


Bonus: Identify these German leaders of World War II.

A) The commander of the Afrika Corps at the battle of El Alamein

B) The founder and head of the German secret police

A) Erwin Rommel B) Heinrich Himmler

10. The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to what color?


Bonus: What on earth is it?

A) This compound is a colorless odorless gas found in automobile exhaust.

B) This compound is breathed out by animals and absorbed by green plants.

A) Carbon monoxide B) Carbon dioxide


Middle School Tournament



THIRD PERIOD: One Twenty-Question Worksheet with each correct answer worth FIVE POINTS each.

Hand out two copies of the worksheet to each team. Remind each team that they may turn in only one copy of the worksheet and that each copy should have their school name printed neatly on the back of the sheet. Each team will have TWO MINUTES to complete their worksheet. The timer will warn each team when one minute remains and every fifteen seconds thereafter.


1. Romania

2. Raleigh (Sir Walter)

3. Revelation

4. Rockwell (Norman)

5. Rosetta

6. Refrain

7. Rabies

8. Rankin (Jeanette)

9. Rural

10. Raleigh

11. Requeim

12. Reagan (Ronald)

13. Ratio

14. Roots

15. Respiration

16. Rodin (Auguste)

17. Robert

18. Radio

19. Rain

20. Republic


Middle School Tournament



PERIOD FOUR: Ten Toss-Up Questions worth FIFTEEN POINTS each.

*1. A fence is 6 feet tall and 120 feet long. How many gallons of paint are needed to paint one side if one gallon covers 160 square feet?

4 and one-half gallons

2. Ancient Greek poets would appeal to a particular muse for assistance with their creativity. How many total muses were there?


3. What is the name of the musical scale that has 12 pitches in it?


4. What US President’s economic program was known as “The New Frontier”?

John F. Kennedy

5. When air temperature drops, a point is reached at which water vapor turns to liquid on any solid surface in contact with the air. What is this process of vapor turning to liquid called?


6. What 20th century Nobel Prize winner wrote The Spire, The Rites of Passage, and Lord of the Flies?

William Golding

7. The name’s the same. What is the name for God in Aramaic and Islam and the name for God by Arabic-speaking people of other faiths?


8. Archbishop Thomas a Becket’s death was only part of a larger struggle between church and state powers. Including his number in your answer, name the English monarch who ordered Becket’s execution.

Henry II

9. What term refers to the unit used to measure electric current?

Ampere (accept amp)


10. What is another name given to Mount Godwin Austin, the world’s second highest mountain?

K 2


Emergency toss-ups:

1. Rick Wright, David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Roger Mason were the original members of what musical group whose album The Dark Side of the Moon has been on the charts longer than any other?

Pink Floyd

2. This sour liquid, consisting mainly of acetic acid and water, is produced by the action of bacteria on dilute solutions of ethanol. What is this liquid, coming in a variety of flavors, that can be used as preservative, as a mild disinfectant, or in salad dressings?


Emergency bonus:

Complete each proverb.

A) Too many cooks _________

B) A clean broom __________

A) Spoil the broth B) Sweeps clean


_______________________1. Brasov, Timisoara, Bucharest

_______________________2. English adventurer and poet who organized the Roanoke colony

_______________________3. Last book of the New Testament, the Apocalypse

_______________________4. American illustrator for the magazine The Saturday Evening Post

_______________________5. Inscribed stone that provided the key to understanding ancient Egyptian


_______________________6. A regularly repeated phrase or line of poetry or song

_______________________7. Common name for hydrophobia

_______________________8. First woman elected to the House of Representatives (1916)

_______________________9. Characteristic of the country as opposed to the city

_______________________10. Capital of North Carolina

_______________________11. A musical mass for one or more dead persons

_______________________12. U. S. President who appointed Sandra Day O'Connor (first woman) to U. S.

Supreme Court

_______________________13. An expression of the relative size of two numbers by showing one divided by

the other

_______________________14. Alex Haley's chronology of Kunta Kinte

_______________________15. The pumping of air into and out of the lungs

_______________________16. 19th Century sculptor of The Thinker and The Kiss

_______________________17. First name of poets Browning, Burns, and Frost

_______________________18. Guglielmo Marconi's 1895 invention

_______________________19. Atmospheric water that reaches the earth in liquid form

_______________________20. A government in which citizens elect representatives to determine laws and



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