
0000Generosity Grades 4-6 EnrichmentWhat is generosity? It is showing a readiness to GIVE MORE of something than is necessary or expected. Are you Generous? Do you use your God given talents and time generously with others? God has given us the whole world and every good thing in it. God gave us Jesus, His only son, to save us from sin. Think about how generous God is with you! Write down the first 10 things you think of that God has given you here (for example your life, your family, the earth,water etc.) Look up Galations 6:2 and fill in the verse“Bear one another’s ________________, and so you will _____________the law of Christ.”How can we show generosity by “bearing one another’s burdens”? what does it mean to “bear one another’s burdens”? Your family might be “burdened” with lots of cleaning after a tough day at work, or your friend might be “burdened” with something they want to talk about. Maybe someone you know is not as good in a subject at school that you have a talent for, or maybe you know someone who is not as good in a sport that you have a talent for. How can YOU show generosity by helping people by sharing your time and talents? (some examples are helping a younger sibling with school work, teaching or coaching someone younger or less experienced in a sport you are good at; you could help with more chores at home or take the time to share your talent in dance, song or art with a friend or family member) Write how you will show your generosity of time and talents here: Now look up the Bible verse- 1 John 3:17-18 “ If someone who has ____________means sees a brother in ______ and refuses him compassion, how can the love of _____remain in him? Children let us love not in word or _______; but in _______and Truth. This verse is saying that if you really love God you have to show it! We can’t just say we love God and want to be more like Jesus. If we are not generous, the love of God is not in us. How can we show our love of God by being generous with our material possessions? Think of all the things God and your family have given you; then think of some good ways for YOU to give to others. (some examples might be: donating clothes and toys/electronics to charity, putting some of your allowance or birthday money in the poor box at church, going with your family to grocery shop for foods to donate to our food pantry at St. Christopher’s, sharing your electronics with your siblings etc)Write how you will show generosity by sharing your material possessions here: What is the most generous thing someone has ever given or shared with you?Why is it important to God that we share our time, talents and possessions with others? ................

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