Relief (physical) Map - Bonita Unified School District

Relief (physical) Map

Project Requirements:

• The base for the map (heavy cardboard, scrap wood, scrap paneling, etc.) must be a minimum of 12” x 12” and may be as large as 16” x 16” SQUARE. Please keep the length and width the same.


• The map must be molded to show relief (elevation). It must include mountain ranges and water features.


• The map must have a scale indicating how large this continent is (i.e. 1”=500 miles, ½ “ = 100 miles)


• The map must have a compass rose noting cardinal and intermediate directions.


• The map must be painted using physical map reference colors. Acrylic or tempera paint works well and washes off with soap and water. It can be found at most craft stores (Michaels, JoAnn Fabrics, etc).


• All geographic features used must be labeled (toothpicks or stick pins with flags or adhered to the map in some fashion). Don’t forget to give your new continent a name.

Recipe for salt and flour map:

Mix 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt and 3/4 cup water. (Add a little water at a time). This should make very thick dough. Add more flour if needed. Spread dough over map you've outlined on heavy cardboard or plywood. Shape mountains, valleys, plains, etc. You may dip fingers lightly in water to smooth out rough places in dough. Allow to dry and paint with tempera. This project is not for a rainy day because salt draws the humidity and your map runs. Don't forget a color key for your landforms.

Recipe for clay:

1 cup cornstarch

2 cups salt or baking soda

1 1/3 cups cold water

Food Coloring

This is gooey clay that is great for sculpting. Bring the salt and 2/3 cup water to a boil. In a separate bowl mix the cornstarch with 2/3 cup water. Add the cornstarch mixture to the salt water and knead into clay. This clay should be air dried and then painted. To prevent cracks when drying cove with a damp dish towel. Keep unused clay in the refrigerator in an airtight container. No-bake


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