100 Most Common Words in Spanish (in order)

100 Most Common Words in Spanish (in order)

1. el / la 2. de 3. que 4. y 5. a 6. en 7. un 8. ser 9. se 10. no 11. haber 12. por 13. con 14. su 15. para 16. como 17. estar 18. tener 19. le 20. lo 21. lo 22. todo 23. pero 24. m?s 25. hacer 26. o 27. poder 28. decir 29. este 30. ir 31. otro 32. ese 33. la 34. si 35. me 36. ya 37. ver 38. porque 39. dar 40. cuando 41. ?l 42. muy 43. sin 44. vez 45. mucho 46. saber 47. qu? 48. sobre 49. mi 50. alguno


50. mismo


51. yo

that / what

52. tambi?n


53. hasta


54. a?o


55. dos


56. querer

to be

57. entre

pronoun, reflexive marker, himself / herself 58. as?


59. primero

to have, hay, hab?a

60. desde


61. grande


62. eso

his, hers, theirs

63. ni


64. nos

like, as

65. llegar

to be

66. pasar

to have

67. tiempo

to him

68. ella

the (lo mejor es estudiar mucho)

69. s?

it (lo compr? en la tienda)

70. d?a


71. uno


72. bien


73. poco

to do, make

74. deber


75. entonces

to be able to

76. poner

to say, tell

77. cosa


78. tanto

to go

79. hombre


80. parecer


81. nuestro

it (feminine)

82. tan

if, whether

83. donde

pronoun, me (?cu?ndo me va a llamar?) 84. ahora

already, still

85. parte

to see

86. despu?s


87. vida

to give

88. quedar


89. siempre


90. creer


91. hablar


92. llevar


93. dejar

a lot

94. nada

to know

95. cada

what, that

96. seguir


97. menos


98. nuevo


99. encontrar

same I also until year two to want between like that first since large, great, big that not, neither us arrive to pass time, weather her / she yes the day one well a little should then to put thing so much the man to appear our so much where now part after life to stay always to believe to talk to wear, carry to leave nothing each to follow minus, less new to find, meet

Next 100 Most Common Words in Spanish (in order)

101. algo 102. s?lo 103. pues 104. llamar 105. venir 106. pensar 107. aquel 108. momento 109. sino 110. esto 111. salir 112. volver 113. forma 114. antes 115. bueno 116. casa 117. aunque 118. mundo 119. tres 120. tal 121. mejor 122. tomar 123. cierto 124. conocer 125. hac?a 126. c?mo 127. mujer 128. vivir 129. aqu? 130. caso 131. sentir 132. luego 133. pa?s 134. tratar 135. lugar 136. te 137. persona 138. mayor 139. ?ltimo 140. propio 141. qui?n 142. mirar 143. hora 144. ninguno 145. trabajo 146. casi 147. punto 148. durante 149. cualquier 150. mano

something only, just then, well then to call to come to think that (over there) moment, time but rather this to leave to return form, shape, way before good house even though world three such better to take, drink true to meet, know toward, towards how? woman to live here case / ocasi?n to feel later country to try place you (?no te han hablado?) person larger, older, main last, final own who, whom to look, watch hour none, nobody work (noun) almost point, dot, period during any, anyone hand

151. nunca 152. manera 153. cual 154. mientras 155. contar 156. fin 157. tipo 158. gente 159. adem?s 160. solo 161. empezar 162. ejemplo 163. esperar 164. hoy 165. lado 166. hijo 167. all? 168. este 169. problema 170. cuenta 171. medio 172. contra 173. buscar 174. dentro 175. largo 176. palabra 177. existir 178. ni?o 179. entrar 180. embargo 181. ?nico 182. padre 183. trabajar 184. peque?o 185. alto 186. cambio 187. escribir 188. cuatro 189. ah? 190. perder 191. nosotro 192. historia 193. idea 194. agua 195. producir 196. noche 197. cuidad 198. modo 199. nombre 200. ocurrir

never way, manner which, who, whom meanwhile, while, whereas, as long as to count, tell end type, kind people in addition to, also, as well, besides lonely, alone to begin example (por ejemplo, for example) to wait today side (al lado, beside) son there this one problem bill, account means, middle against, opposite to look for within, inside long word to exist child to enter sin embargo, however, nevertheless only, unique, sole father to work small tall change to write four there to lose we history, story idea water to produce night city way, manner name to occur

Good words ranked between 200?300: familia, realidad, pedir (to ask for), recibir (to receive), importante, leer (to read), calle (street), libro (book), amigo, o?r (to hear), gracias, verdad (true / truth), se?or, cuesti?n, dif?cil, normal


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