Fire Mountain Staff Alumni Association

Board of Directors Meeting

November 21, 2005

Members in attendance: Jim Hovis, Jason Walker, Steven Davis, Erik Maynard, Kari Nelson, Danny Lee, Cari Crabtree, Dave Henrichsen.

Meeting Convened at 7:03pm

Minutes: Kari Nelson moved to approve Oct 05 minutes as written, Erik Maynard Seconds. Motion carries: 4 yea, 1 nay.

Treasurer: not yet present, will present later in meeting.

Membership: has received dues paid list. Are we following up with Verizon? Will discuss that later. Brian Carpenter wants to pay lifetime dues using ½ matching funds from REI over a period of time. Will discuss later in meeting.

Scholarship: Met and read applications, not all applications were complete. Disappointed at the lack of cool superpowers, and no hand turkeys. The scholarships will be awarded to Dave Henrichsen and John Baunsgard. Kari N. to send thank you letter to other applicants. Discussed scholarship ’05. Tabled until later in meeting. Would like to see more responses next year. Discussed putting applications out earlier and promoting more. Jim H. to write article for Mt. Echo and Alumnus. Steven D. to write article for Everett Herald, Enterprise, etc..

Staff Area: Chris Dixon is not here to report. Major project yet to come is the bunkhouse floor – Steven proposes that we finish it on Decmeber 10th, while he is CampMaster for the weekend. Weekend is booked for the project with the office, Steven to procure supplies, 3 or 4 people committed to be there that weekend.

MB Weekend: need to finish MB lead confirmations, almost done. Dave to follow up with Gary A to see if he made contact with Derek. Leaders are to determine how many staff they need, recruit those they want to, and let us know how many others they will need. Online registration- David Anderson seemed enthusiastic about doing it. Jim H. to talk to Duane about using council server for the registration. Would prefer to host the program on our website even if it costs a little more, important to be separate from council server. January 1st is still the drop dead date for the forms to be out.

Elections 2006: Nominations will open at December meeting, they close at January meeting. Ballots need to be mailed immediately after the January Board meeting, and the election closes the night of the February meeting.

Newsletter: Write articles and get to Maynard by thanksgiving.

501(c)3: More discussion on REI contribution. Danny to get more details. Also discussed Microsoft matching gifts.

Budget: Revised draft 1 of the budget.

Newly recommended 2006 budget figures:


[fees and permits to remain unchanged]

Newsletters - $80

Postage for Newsletters - $312

Keepers of the Totem - $50

Christmas Party for Staff - $60

Alumni reunion - $0 (no reunion this year)

Alumni Meeting - $150

BM work party – remove

FM weekend - $100

Extravaganza Thank you - $500

MB Weekend - $1200 (including food services)

Merchandise for resale - $500

Uniform Bank Project - $500

Grants - $1000

Summer Staff Gift - $500

Historical Funds - ??? (secretary didn’t note)

Camp Improvements - $2000


MB Weekend 500 boys @ $7

Lunch for 500 boys @ $1

Membership Dues

(other income note noted by secretary)

Treasurers Report: Bank account current balance $11,249.79.

History: Springtime trail project is needed.

Cub Pack Charter: Opportunity to sponsor a Cub Scout Pack in Big Lake about 70% of the parents are in the Big Lake Fire Dept. Would be great PR for the association, and a great way to help out a local unit. Chairman of Association would be Chartered Organization Representative. Steven moved that we sponsor the pack if they are still in need of a Chartered Organization. Manyard 2nds, motion carries.

Christmas Party: Kari Nelson to bring big scholarship checks. Party will be December 30 (Friday night), Dave to head it up.

(Cari snorts)

Scholarship 2006: Steven Davis moves that we allocate $1000 for scholarships in 2006. Maynard seconds, motion unanimous.

Meeting adjourned 8:27pm

Next meeting: December 19, 2005.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Henrichsen

FMSAA Board Secretary


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