

READING (40 points)

Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

|I |The Unforgotten Speech |

| |The Gettysburg Address is only 272 words long, but it’s considered to be one of the greatest speeches of all time. According to |

| |legend1, President Abraham Lincoln wrote it on the back of an envelope while traveling on a train. Although this speech is over a |

| |hundred years old, it’s still an inspiration. Some historians say this short speech not only helped the northern states win the |

| |American Civil War, but it also won the slaves their freedom. |

|II |The Civil War (1861-1865) was one of the most painful wars in the history of the United States. It divided the nation: the northern|

| |states against the southern states, and brother fought against brother. Over 600,000 young men were killed in that war; almost |

| |every family in the United States lost a son, brother, father or friend. The bloodiest battle of the war was the Battle of |

| |Gettysburg. Over fifty thousand soldiers from both sides were killed in that battle. |

| |President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address to honor the soldiers who had died in the battle. Lincoln realized that he had |

|III |to deliver a speech which would help the people face the difficulties of the war. He had only had time to write 272 words, but |

| |despite this fact, his speech was so inspiring that he had to stop speaking three times so the audience could cheer. |

| |Why was Lincoln’s speech so inspiring then, and why is it still inspiring today? In just ten sentences, Lincoln reminded the |

| |audience of the reasons for the soldiers’ sacrifice: equality, freedom and national unity. On April 9, 1865, the Civil War finally |

|IV |ended. Tragically, a week later, Lincoln was shot. Sadly, Lincoln did not live to see “a nation where all men are created equal”. |

| |The American Constitution2 was only changed to give the slaves their freedom in January 1865. |

| |Lincoln’s speech was never forgotten. In 1963, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech to|

| |end racism and segregation. Like Lincoln, he spoke out for human rights and equality. Tragically, Dr. King was also shot before his|

| |dream became a reality. |

|V |1 legend أسطورة / אגדה |

| |2 The American Constitution الأمريكي الدستور / האמריקאית החוקה |

| | |

1. The main purpose of paragraph I is to (-).

i) describe the reasons for the Civil War

ii) describe how the slaves won their freedom

iii) explain the significance of the Gettysburg Address

iv) explain how the Civil War ended

(4 points)


What can we understand from paragraph I?

According to historians, the Gettysburg Address was important in ..................................................

the Civil War and .............................................................................................................................. .

(4 points)

3. What does the writer explain in paragraph II?

i) where the Civil War was fought

ii) why the Civil War was so painful

iii) how the Civil War united the northern and southern states

iv) why so many people died in the Civil War

(3 points)

4. In paragraph II, the writer mentions that 50,000 men were killed in the Battle of Gettysburg in

order to explain (-).

i) how many soldiers died in the Civil War

ii) why the Battle of Gettysburg was shocking

iii) why the Civil War lasted for so many years

iv) who won the Civil War

(3 points)


Lincoln’s speech had two purposes. What were they?

(1) He wanted the speech to ......................................................................................................... .

(2) He wanted it to ......................................................................................................................... .

(2 x 3 = 6 points)

6. How do we know Lincoln’s speech had a powerful effect on the audience? (paragraph III)

ANSWER: ......................................................................................................................................

(4 points)

7. List THREE values Lincoln mentions in the Gettysburg Address. (paragraph IV)

(1) ........................................

(2) ........................................

(3) ........................................

(3 x 2 = 6 points)


The word “tragically” refers to the fact that .................................................................................... .

(4 points)

9. PUT A TICK (✔) BY THE TWO CORRECT ANSWERS. (paragraphs IV and V)

What do Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King have in common?

….. i) Both men were presidents of the United States.

….. ii) They lived to see their dreams become a reality.

….. iii) They dreamed of a future where all men were equal.

….. iv) They lived during the time of the Civil War.

….. v) Not many people agreed with their vision of the future.

….. vi) They are remembered for their inspiring speeches.

(2 x 3 = 6 points)


VOCABULARY (24 points )

A Match A and B to make sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold. (7 points)

|A |B |

|1. Everyone should have an equal opportunity |….. a. when he heard that he had won the lottery. |

|2. Our house is located |….. b. to recover from the surgery. |

|3. The play was memorable because |….. c. a police officer caught him texting while |

|4. She’ll need three weeks in rehabilitation |driving. |

|5. David was speechless |….. d. to get a good education. |

|6. Most teenagers are familiar with the music |….. e. the acting was outstanding. |

|7. John has been banned from driving for six months because |….. f. near the train station. |

| |….. g. of Rihanna because she’s so famous. |

B Circle the correct answer. (7 points)

1. In the 1950s, there was … , which meant that there were separate schools, movie theaters and bathrooms for African Americans.

a. surgery b. segregation c. generation

2. Natalie Portman’s … of Jacqueline Kennedy in the movie Jackie was excellent.

a. potential b. portrayal c. protest

3. The new principal is very … when he says he wants to improve the school.

a. brief b. ordinary c. sincere

4. Most democratic countries have laws against … and segregation.

a. justice b. racism c. determination

5. Linda is doing volunteer work in Nepal for a year because she wants to … in people’s lives.

a. take over b. deliver a speech c. make a difference

6. Sam was in … after the car accident.

a. drunk driver b. ripple effect c. critical condition

7. Malala’s story is important because it has given women all over the world the courage to … .

a. speak up b. bring about the best c. sneak out

C Answer the questions to show you understand the meaning of the words in bold. Write complete sentences using the words in bold. (10 points)

1. How do the police keep you safe?


2. Would you like to be a participant on a reality show? Why or why not?


3. What helped you overcome a problem?


4. What event left you speechless?


5. Who is your favorite character in a book or movie? Why?



GRAMMAR (26 points)

A Circle the correct answer. (10 points)

1. Elaine: “Sally, are you coming to the party tonight?”

Elaine asked Sally if she were coming / will be coming to the party that night / the previous night.

2. Teacher: “Please put your phones on my desk during the exam.”

The teacher told the students to put their / your phones on his / our desk during the exam.

3. Grandma: “Do you want ice cream?”

Grandma asked us / told us if we want / wanted ice cream.

4. Waitress: “We don’t have any chicken wings today.”

The waitress told us that they didn’t have / wouldn’t have any chicken wings that day / the following day.

5. Tour guide: “Does everyone have their passport here?”

The tour guide asked if everyone have / had their passport then / there.

B What did each person say? Complete the sentences using reported speech. (10 points)


1. My little brother asked me ........................................................................................................... .

2. Alison told me she ....................................................................................................................... .

3. Sam shouted that he ................................................................................................................... .

4. The guide told us ......................................................................................................................... .

5. Jane said that she ....................................................................................................................... .

C Circle the correct answer. (6 points)

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis is one of the most successful stars in Hollywood. Bruce, 1. whose / when films are often action movies, is famous for playing a brave hero. However, when he was a child, the kids at school bullied him because he stuttered. Luckily, Bruce had a mother 2. which / who understood his problem. She noticed

3. that / which when he was acting in plays, he did’nt stutter. Therefore, she made sure 4. that / when he always had the chance to act, first at school and later at the YMCA*. Bruce also worked with speech therapists 5. who / which taught him how to control his voice. Although Bruce is a hero in many of his movies, he still remembers what it was like to be a kid 6. who / whose was a victim.

* YMCA المسيحيين الشبان جمعية / הנוצרים הצעירים איגוד – ימק"א


WRITING (10 points)

Write an opinion essay on the following topic:

Today more and more children in elementary school have phones. When do you think a child should get his or her first phone?

Be sure to introduce the problem, define the problem and state your opinion.

Write 100-120 words.


1. Can you help me with my homework?

2. I am having a party on Saturday. night

3. I won first prize in the contest.

4. Don’t touch the paintings on the wall.

5. I will pick you up at 7:00.



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