
BECAUSE OF BETHLEHEMLove is Born…Hope is HereAdvent Worship Series – Week 3God Guides the WiseDecember 15, 2019WORSHIP SERVICE OUTLINESEach worship outline contains all elements needed for your worship service. The order of each service presented is only a suggestion. No doubt changes will be needed to accommodate the flow and worship style of your corps. The outlines are flexible and allow opportunities to “cut and paste” as needed. If you are blessed with instrumental or vocal music resources, you may find there is more structured material here than needed. It is recommended that the headings of each section of the service be included in the bulletin.Theme:This Advent material is based on the book Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado. God Guides the Wise (combines chapter 7 – “God Guides the Wise” and chapter 8 – “Humility Shines”)Basic Theme: Story of the wise men/Herod. The way of Jesus is humility. The way of Herod is pride. Announcements and OfferingGod Guides the WiseCall to Worship:Holiday time is highway time. Christmas and travel. The first has a way of prompting the second and has done so ever since the delegation from the distant land came searching for Jesus.1Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1-2, NLT)Matthew loved the magi. He gave their story more text than he gave the narrative of the birth of Jesus. He never mentions the shepherds or the manger, but he didn’t want us to miss the star and the seekers. It’s easy to see why. Their story is our story. We’re all travelers, all sojourners. In order to find Jesus, every one of us needs directions. God gives it.2 “We have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:2, NKJV) (Adapted from Because of Bethlehem, pp. 73-75)HC#146 – Here I Am to WorshipSB#114 – Light of the worldHC-146TB-653 – Here I am to worshipHCD13-T16No CDAdditional Optional SongsSB#100 – Angels, from the realms of gloryCF#5 – Angels from the RealmsTB-407 –Regent SquareCF-5HTD4-T12 (4 vs.)HC#180 – A Starry Night SB#112 – It was on a starry nightHC-280TB-535 – A starry nightHCD16-T20No CDSB#113 – Joy to the world!CF#2 – Joy to the World!TB-87 – sameCF-2HTD4-T9 (3 vs.)SB#103 – Christians awakeCF#41 – Christians, Awake!TB-476 – sameCF-41HTD10-T1 (3 vs.)SB#104 – Come, Thou long expected JesusTB-370 – HyfrydolHC-114HTD1-T14 (3 vs.)HCD10-T14HC#140 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulSB#116 – O come, all ye faithfulCF#6 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulHC-140TB-496 – Adeste FidelesCF-6HCD12-T20HTD3-T1 (3 vs.)The Candle of JoyLighting of Advent CandleReader 1: The first Sunday of Advent we lit the candle of hope. We light it again today as we remember Jesus, who was born Christ and King. And we remember that He will come again to fulfill all of God’s promises to us. [Light first (purple) candle]Reader 2: The second Sunday we lit the candle of love. We light it again today as we remember that Christ, who was born in Bethlehem, has come as Savior and Redeemer. The babe of Bethlehem has come out of love to bring redemption. [Light second (purple) candle]Reader 1: Today we light the third candle of Advent; the candle of joy. [Light third (pink) candle] Reader 2:Our hope is sure, we have peace with God, and the Messiah is coming to set everything right in our sin-drenched world. Every tear will be dried, every hurting heart mended, every broken body healed, every torn relationship restored. We are treasured sons and daughters of the Most High God. The only reasonable response to God’s lavish love and goodness is joy—pure joy! (Because of Bethlehem, p. 163)Prayer:Almighty God, may the splendor of your glory dawn in our hearts, that all shadows of the night may be scattered and we may be shown to be your joyful children of light by the advent of your Only Begotten Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.SB#113 – Joy to the world!CF#2 – Joy to the World!TB-87 – sameCF-2HTD4-T9 (3 vs.)Additional Optional SongsHC#180 – A Starry Night SB#112 – It was on a starry nightHC-280TB-535 – A starry nightHCD16-T20No CDHC#140 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulSB#116 – O come, all ye faithfulCF#6 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulHC-140TB-496 – Adeste FidelesCF-6HCD12-T20HTD3-T1 (3 vs.)SB#126 – The first Noel the angel did sayCF#19 – The First NoelTB-857 – The first NowellCF-19HTD6-T18 (3 vs.)HC#121 – Joyful, Joyful SB#39 – Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeHC-121TB-367 – Europe HCD11-T11HTD3-T11 (4 vs.)Children’s Moment: The Wise MenHumility ShinesResponsive Reading:Leader:A recurring message of Scripture is that God loves the humble heart. Jesus said,All:I am gentle and humble in heart. (Matthew 11:29, NASB)Leader:Though the Lord is supreme, he takes care of those who are humble. (Psalm 138:6, NCV).All:These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite. (Isaiah 66:2, NIV)Leader:And to the humble, God gifts great treasures. He gives honor:All:Humility goes before honor. (Proverbs 15:33, NRSV)Leader:He gives wisdom:All:With the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2, NKJV)Leader:He gives direction:All:He teaches the humble his way. (Psalm 25:9, NRSV)Leader:And most significantly, he gives grace:All:God gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5, NKJV)Leader:And this reassurance:All:He crowns the humble with salvation. (Psalm 149:4, WEB)Leader:God loves humility. And by the same token he hates arrogance. All:Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord. (Proverbs 16:5, NKJV)Leader:Ponder your achievements less; ponder Christ’s more. Spend less time on your throne and more at his cross. Brag on his work, not yours. It is Christ who matters, not us.(Adapted from Because of Bethlehem, pp. 87-89)HC#136 – We All Bow DownHC-136HCD12-T16Additional Optional SongsHC#169 – HallelujahHC-169HCD15-T19HC#219 – King of Kings, MajestySB#376 – King of kings, majestyHC-219TB-722 – same HCD20-T19No CDSB#131 – When wise men came seeking for Jesus from farTB-507 – Normandy CarolTB-511 – The manger scene (Trad. “Away in a Manger”)HTD11-T6 (3 vs.)HTD6-T14 (3 vs.)HTD11-T10 (3 vs.)Pastoral PrayerDrama – A Matter of PerspectiveMessage – The Wise Still…HC#120 – In the MangerHC-120HCD10-T20Additional Optional SongsHC#89 – Knowing YouSB#565 – All I once held dearHC-89TB-725 – Knowing YouHCD7-T19No CDHC#123 – Shine on UsHC-123HCD11-T13HC#127 – How Deep the Father’s Love for UsSB#32 – How deep the Father’s love for usHC-127TB-663 – same HCD11-T17No CDHC#136 – We All Bow DownHC-136HCD12-T16HC#139 – There Is a MessageSB#439 – There is a messageHC-139TB-879 – same HCD12-T19No CDHC#156 – Enter InHC-156HCD14-T16HC#179 – Come to JesusHC-179HCD16-T19HC#186 – When I Look into Your HolinessSB#402 – When I look into Your holinessHC-186TB-927 – same HCD17-T16No CDHC#226 – I Worship YouHC-226HCD21-T16BenedictionHC#180 – A Starry Night SB#112 – It was on a starry nightHC-280TB-535 – A starry nightHCD16-T20No CDAdditional Optional SongsHC#140 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulSB#116 – O come, all ye faithfulCF#6 – O Come, All Ye FaithfulHC-140TB-496 – Adeste FidelesCF-6HCD12-T20HTD3-T1 (3 vs.)HC#151 – Fairest Lord JesusSB#77 – Fairest Lord JesusHC-151TB-206 – AscalonHCD14-T11HTD5-T1 (3 vs.)HC#260 – Go, Tell It on the Mountain SB#106 – Go, tell it on the mountainCF#43 – Go Tell It on the MountainHC-260TB-631 – sameCF-43HCD24-T20HTD11-T4 (2 vs., start with chorus)BECAUSE OF BETHLEHEMLove is Born…Hope is HereChildren’s Moment – Week 3December 15, 2019The Wise Menby Martyn Scott Thomas[The Narrator should call the children of the congregation forward and have them sit around his chair.]Narrator:Today is the third week of Advent – the four weeks before Christmas. For the past few weeks we’ve talked about different parts of the Christmas story. Last week, we talked about worshipping God. Today, we’re going to talk about the wise men. What can you tell me about the wise men in the Christmas story? How many were there? What gifts did they bring? [get responses from the children] Those are some good answers.The wise men saw a star in the sky and learned that it signaled the birth of Jesus. So they traveled a long way and arrived in Jerusalem. They met King Herod, whose advisors told them that they could find Jesus in Bethlehem. When they got there, they found Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus and presented him with their gifts and worshipped him. Some people think that we give Christmas gifts to each other because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus. Who likes Christmas gifts? [have the children raise their hands] Me, too.After the wise men gave their gifts, an angel appeared to them and told them not to go back to King Herod, because he wasn’t happy about Jesus being born. So they went home a different way. Let’s pray. Dear Jesus, we thank you for the wise men who went searching for you as a baby and brought you gifts and worshipped you. We thank you that we can also find you at Christmas and worship you. Bless us today. Amen.I’ll see you back here next week. [dismiss the children]Advent 2019 Week #3DRAMAA Matter of PerspectiveBy Martyn Scott Thomas? Copyright 2018 by Martyn Scott Thomas. All rights reserved. Used by ic:Christmas – King HerodScripture:Matthew 2:1-12, 16-18Synopsis:Three people react to Herod’s decree to kill all male children in and around Bethlehem under the age of two.Characters:HerodSoldierMotherProps/Costumes:Modern or Biblical dress.Setting:Bare stage.Running time:3 minutes[All three characters are standing across the front of the stage. Each steps forward as they speak.]Herod:I haven’t been sleeping well lately. You see, I’ve recently been given some news that was a bit ‘off-putting.’ It seems that I might not be in my current position much longer.Now, I’ve always thought that I’ve done a good job. I haven’t heard too many complaints about my performance. In fact, people are often quite complimentary of me. Those around me most know what kind of man I am. I wouldn’t say that I’m loved by all, but who is?So, when those gentlemen from the East showed up, I was curious to hear what they had to say. Surely, they had heard about my reputation and had come to observe me in action. But, after the usual introductions and pleasantries, they quizzed me about a baby – [almost spitting the words mockingly] the new-born ‘King of the Jews.’ [agitated] Don’t they know who is king in this region?Soldier:I haven’t been sleeping well lately. Our latest mission has been on my mind a lot. Being a soldier in the detail assigned to King Herod brings a great many types of assignments – most of them not pleasant. [explaining] We do the dirty work that no one else wants to. I understand that and do my job knowing that it is always for the greater good. At least that’s what I tell myself. But, that all changed last week.The king received news that a threat to his throne had appeared – a child born that would one day be crowned king. He would have nothing of it and immediately conceived a plan to identify the baby and the location. Once the information was confirmed, we would move in and eliminate the problem. Simple.But the informants working with the King betrayed his confidence and left the country without fulfilling their obligations. This made Herod even more furious. He devised a new plan – all boys under the age of two in and around Bethlehem would be killed. We had our orders and set out for Bethlehem.[pausing, choking up a bit] I didn’t realize how many boys there would be. In some cases, we had to tear the children out of their mothers’ arms. I’ve never heard so much weeping. [puts head down]Mother:[crying as she talks] I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I don’t know that I ever will again. Without warning – without explanation – the soldiers came. House by house they searched. One by one, the babies were taken. One by one, families were destroyed.I can still see the eyes of my Jacob looking at me as they took him from my arms – such fear at such a young age. That look will haunt me forever. I will never be able to erase it from my mind.[pause, emotional] They say that Herod is behind this – something about a future king. Does he really think that a baby from this little nothing town could ever be a threat to him? I would rip his heart out myself if I could ever get the strength to move again. My heart has already been torn out. They might as well have taken my life along with my son’s. [staring blindly, emphasizing each word] My life is over.Herod:[calmly, pleased] It’s been reported to me that the issues in Bethlehem have been resolved. And just like that, peace has been restored. I have a feeling I’ll sleep much better tonight.[Blackout]BECAUSE OF BETHLEHEMLove is Born…Hope is HereAdvent Sermon – Week 3December 15, 2019The Wise Still…By Captain Kristina Sj?grenScripture:Matthew 2:1-12Introduction: Who is the wisest person you have met? Not the most intelligent, but the wisest? The Bible is a book filled with many examples of wisdom and wise people. There was Noah. He was wise enough to walk with God in his day while the world around him refused to. There was Ruth. She was wise enough to say to her Jewish mother-in-law, “...wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you live, I will live; Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16), while her sister-in-law turned around and went back to sin. Ruth became an ancestor of Jesus.There was David, who was wise enough to say, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1).There was Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived (1 Kings 12:3).There was Martha. She was wise enough to entertain Jesus in her home. There was Mary, who was wise enough to sit at Jesus’ feet and hear his word. There was Andrew. He was wise because he brought people to Jesus.Then, there were the wise men, who came to worship the Lord Jesus when he was a child.There are still wise people in our world today. Some who have worldly wisdom and some who seek the Savior. People who are truly wise share some of the same qualities as the wise men who came to worship the Lord Jesus in Bethlehem. As we will discover from our text (Matthew 2:1-12) today, the wise men Sought after Christ, Worshiped Christ, Treasured Christ, and Recognized Christ. Those who are wise still do those things. This morning we are going to explore those 4 things: The WISE still SEEK Him (Matthew 2:1-10)Our text calls these men “wise men” or “magi” (v. 1). The word Magi is the Greek word used to describe men who were skilled in philosophy, medicine, religion, and natural science. They were also fortune-tellers and interpreters of dreams. They were greatly interested in astrology so their attention was captured by the star that led them to the Christ-child.We do not know for sure where these men came from. We are simply told that they came from the east (vv. 1-2). Most Bible scholars believe they came from Mesopotamia. That is, they most likely came from the area around ancient Babylon—which means they were Gentiles.If they were from that region, these men would have had access to the Jewish Scriptures. The Jews had been taken to Babylon years earlier as slaves. They lived in Babylon for several decades, and many even stayed behind when the rest returned to Israel.There were other people you would recognize from the kingdom of Babylon. Among them were Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel. Daniel wrote plenty about the coming of the Lord while he was living in Babylon.The prophet Ezekiel penned his book while living there. Several of the Psalms were written by the exiles living in Babylon. As a result, these educated men would have known of the prophecy of Numbers 24:17, which says, “…A star will come out of Jacob, a scepter will rise out of Israel…” I believe that these men were on a spiritual journey. I have no doubt that they were moved to go to Bethlehem by the Spirit of God. He impressed upon their hearts the truth of the words they read, and they were led to go find the Lord Jesus.Illustration:Have you ever been led to do something that you weren’t quite sure why? [Personal illustration about “the right thing to do.”]The Bible does not say how many wise men there were. There may have been few, or there may have been many. The Bible does not mention their names. Those pieces of information were not the point of what took place. What matters is what they did when they arrived in Bethlehem. What matters is that they sought after Jesus Christ and honored him.These men had traveled many miles to find this small child. They had traveled through deserts, crossed mountains, rivers, endured hardships and faced bandits—all for the sake of coming to Jesus. They felt that what they would find would be worth all the trials and hardships. They were right!The WISE Still Worship Him (Matthew 2:11)The wise men tell King Herod, in verse 2, that their desire is to find this young King and to worship Him. When they do find Him (v. 11), they fall down before Him and worship at His feet. Isn’t it amazing that these heathen astrologers had enough insight to recognize the glory of the One they had found? Here we are, 2,000 years later, with all the light and direction we have been given, and many in our day still seem incapable of seeing who He really is! In our society, the wisest among us are not the scholars, they are not the scientists, not even powerful leaders around the world. The wisest people in our world are those people, both young and old, who are willing to simply fall down at His feet and adore Him. One of the greatest and most sacred things is simply giving Him our worship and our praise.Think about what He has done in your life. Think about what He is doing in your life. Think about what He has promised to do in your life. When all these things are taken together, it is easy to see that we have much to praise and worship Him for. As it says in Psalm 126:3, “The LORD has done great things for us; and we are filled with joy.”The WISE still TREASURE Him (Matthew 2:11)When the wise men came before the Lord Jesus, they came with gifts in their hands. The gifts they gave Him were rather significant. The Gold symbolizes Jesus as Ruler/King/Royalty. In some countries, no one could approach a king without a gift. The wise men brought Him gold. This gift acknowledges Him to be a King. Although we will not meet Jesus the same way as the wise men did at that time, we should always bow before our Lord in our hearts and acknowledge Him as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Wise men do just that!The Frankincense symbolizes Jesus as Priest. “Frankincense,” was a priestly gift. It was used in the worship at the temple and when sacrifices were offered up to God. The frankincense was a gummy substance, which came from the Boswellia tree. It released a sweet smelling fragrance. The book of Hebrews tells us that His priesthood is permanently powerful, and it leads us into the presence of God (Hebrews 4, 7, 9, 10).The Myrrh symbolizes Jesus as our Atonement. Myrrh is a substance used to embalm dead bodies. It reminds us of why Jesus came into the world. He came to “satisfy” the holy demands of a just and righteous God in regard to sin (1 John 4:10; Isaiah 53:10-11). He stood in our place so that we would not have to endure separation from God, but have a proper and personal relationship with Him. Since the dawn of time, men have tried to reach God by their own efforts through religion and good deeds, but their efforts have always fallen short. People need someone who can span the gap. That is just what Jesus did when He died on the cross!Today I do not have gold, frankincense or myrrh to give to the King, but I can give that which I do possess. I can give Him my love, my worship, my attention, my tithes, my praise, my glory. I can give Him my labor. I can give Him all that I have and all that I am (Romans 12:1-2).The WISE Still Recognize (listen to) Him (Matthew 2:12)God warned the wise men in a dream that they were in danger and they should return to their homeland by a different route. They listened to the message and went a different way and survived the rage of Herod the King.Verse 12 says, “they departed into their own country another way.” The wise men were warned to flee from King Herod, so that they might avoid his wrath. God, in His Word, calls us to repentance. He calls us to faith. He calls sinners to come to Jesus so our sins can be forgiven and our souls washed white in the blood of the Lamb.Now, for just a minute, think with me about the great contrast we see here between Herod, the priests, the scribes, and the wise men. In verses 4-6, we see that the scribes had in their possession the very Words of God, but they didn’t believe, so they didn’t go to see the Messiah for themselves. Herod was clearly told that “the King of the Jews” had been born, that the wise men were going to “worship Him.” Yet, he refused to leave the comforts of his palace to travel a mere five miles to see the child for himself because this child was threatening His kingship. When Herod did make a move, he tried his best to kill the Lord Jesus by killing all the babies in and around Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16-18).The priests and scribes may have been called “men of God,” but they did not “know” the true and living God. The priests and the scribes with all their education were not actually wise. They were fools because they failed to follow the light they had been given. They “knew” the text, but they did not “know” what to do with that knowledge. King Herod was the ruling King in Israel when Jesus was born. He became King of the Jews through the favor of the Romans. He was able and courageous, but jealous and cruel. Herod became insane toward the close of his life and tried to murder everybody who seemed to threaten his throne. He even killed his wife Marianne and three of his sons. Herod—with all his power, prestige, treasures, and his position—was not wise. He was a fool because he failed to follow the light that came for all people, including himself.Conclusion:How would we describe ourselves today? Are we wise? We are wise if we have followed the light that has been given. We are wise if we have believed the Gospel. We are wise if we worship Jesus. We are wise if we give to Jesus the things that belong to Him. We are wise if we listen to Him and heed His voice. Has God been calling us to be in closer communion with Him? Are we seeking after Christ, and then worshipping Him? Is God calling us into a deeper relationship with His Son? Do we treasure Christ and recognize Him for who He is in our lives? Do we even consider Him on a regular basis? Do we need to come to Him in repentance for something particular this morning? Like the wise men, this morning, let’s worship Jesus in faith by sincerely seeking Him. BECAUSE OF BETHLEHEMLove is Born…Hope is HereAdvent Sermon (Max Lucado) – Week 3December 15, 2019God Guides the WiseScripture:Matthew 2:1-12Note: It is recommended that you read chapter 7, “God Guides the Wise,” and chapter 8, “Humility Shines,” in Because of Bethlehem before the sermon so you will be well aquainted with the stories and principles from Max Lucado.I.IntroductionA.Max makes a provocative observation about the main Christmas characters in Matthew 2: the magi and King Herod. He notes, “[Herod] and the magi share the same chapter, but not the same heart.”1.The magi acted in humility on what they saw and heard and were directed to Jesus.2.Herod, on the other hand, acted in threatened pride and sought to destroy Jesus.B.Many sentimental Christmas cards portray the birth of Jesus in subtle tones of endless peace, gentle animals, and adoring angels. Yet Herod’s murderous anger aimed at the newborn Jesus led to mass execution of two-year-old baby boys—the Bethlehem holocaust.C.In this message, we will explore the amazing benefits of genuine humility exhibited by the magi and the dangerous consequences of raging pride displayed by King Herod.II.TeachingA.The magi teach us that God will use all possible means to get us to Jesus.1.God used several means to bring the magi to Jesus:a.God used nature—the star (see Matthew 2:1–2; see also Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:19–20). The star was a sign from God.b.God used the written Word—the Scriptures (see Matthew 2:3–6). Herod’s scholars pointed to a word from Micah the prophet (see Micah 6:2).c.The magi followed the sign (the star) and obeyed the Scriptures. They found Jesus and worshiped him as King. They demonstrated humility.d.God used a dream to guide the magi from Herod’s threat (see Matthew 2:12).2.Illustration: Max recounts the story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan depicted in the movie The Miracle Worker.a.Helen—who was deaf, blind, and mute due to a childhood disease—strongly resisted Anne’s attempts to teach her to function is a world of sight and sound.b.Anne persisted, and finally a breakthrough came as she pressed the sign language for w-a-t-e-r into Helen’s hand.c.God, like Anne, will persist to lead us from our blindness to Christ into the light of Jesus’ presence. God will use all means necessary to guide us home to Jesus.B.Herod teaches us that not all will follow God’s direction to the new King—Jesus.1.Herod (and his Bible scholars) did not follow the star or obey the Scriptures. Out of despicable pride, Herod was threatened by the magi’s question, “Where is the one born ‘King of the Jews?’”2.Herod’s pride generated a detestable lie and a murderous edict (see Matthew 2:7–8; 16–18).a.The lie: “Find the child, and I will come and worship him, too.”b.The edict: “Kill all boys in Bethlehem age two years and under.”c.Dean Farrar, a nineteenth-century Christian scholar, has this sad commentary on Herod’s life: “His whole career was red with the blood of murder.?.?.?. Deaths by strangulation, deaths by burning, deaths by being cleft asunder, deaths by secret assassination, confessions forced by unutterable torture, acts of insolent and inhuman lust.?.?.?. The survivors during his lifetime were even more miserable than the sufferers.”3.God hates pride and vehemently resists the proud (see Proverbs 16:5). In 1 Peter 5:5, we read that “God opposes the proud.” The word oppose means “strong military resistance.”III.ApplicationA.We all need to do some serious soul examination. Are we so hooked on our own importance that we refuse to respond to all the ways God uses to guide us to Jesus? Do we want to have God “arrayed in battle against us” and our pride (see 1 Peter 5:5)?B.Reflect for a moment.1.How has God used something in creation to get your attention? A mountain vista? A roaring ocean? A baby’s birth? A doctor’s report?2.How has God used Scripture to nudge you toward Jesus? Perhaps you saw a passage of Scripture on FaceBook, or heard it on the radio or TV, or a friend shared it with you. How did you respond?3.How will choose to respond to God’s call: with humility or pride?a.The way of God and Jesus is humility. Jesus said, “I am gentle and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29).b.The way of Herod is pride. One way leads to ruin (see Proverbs 16:18); the other way leads to Jesus.c.It’s time for you to choose. This is the season to choose Jesus. ................

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