Year 2 Activities Week Beginning 15.6.20Literacy (please remember to use a ruler to rule lines for all writing activities and ask your child to write the long date) Reading- Continue to read every day, either with books from home or using the e books on the Oxford Owl website or any other reading website you have found useful. The Renaissance website also has lots of books to explore so try it out. Book Genre Scavenger Hunt – Head to your home library. Search through the shelves to find a book for each genre and write the ‘Title’ and ‘Author’ of each book in your Literacy book. Explain each genre with your child if they are not sure about them. Genres to look for – Fairy tale / Non-Fiction / Poetry / Informational / Science Fiction Your child may even find some books that he/she wants to read in the process.Name 5 things challenge cards – Choose a card every day and ask your child to name 5 things that are …. whatever it says on the card. Good thinking is required here!!You may wish to do more travelling with Barnaby Bear. Go to BBC Bitesize Geography KS1 ‘Travel with Barnaby Bear The Class Clips’ and view different places he went to. Enjoy!Story Writing – If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? Barnaby Bear liked to go to places all over the world. You might have a holiday destination you would like to go to or it may simply be somewhere close to where you live since we have all been in Lockdown for 12 weeks and haven’t been able to go out and about visiting places. Remember to write in the 1st person and use the words ‘ I / We / My / Our’. Also remember to call out the COPS! C – capital letters at the start of a sentence or for names of people or places O – order of words P – punctuation like full stops at the end of a sentence S – spaces between words and spelling of words Make use of one of the lined sheets for your story and draw / colour a picture. You will find the lined sheets in your Literacy folder ‘Lined Portrait’ so choose your own.View story online ‘A Perfect Father’s Day-Children’s Books Read Aloud for kids’. Father’s day is on Sunday 21st June so make a card to give to your Daddy. In your Literacy folder a Superheroes cloze passage labelled ‘My Daddy’ has been included that you could fill in the missing words about your dad using the names of superheroes such as ‘Superman’ ‘Hulk’ ‘Spiderman’ etc. This could then be stuck on the front of your card and decorated with art materials such as sticky happy faces, shapes etc. Write a message inside the card with your best handwriting. Remember to start with ‘To Daddy’ and end with ‘Love from’ and your name of course. Don’t forget kisses and hugs. You may have a different idea for the front so feel free to use this. You may also wish to make a card for your Grandad as well. Happy designing!! Why not sing this song to your Daddy after giving him your card. Sing along to ‘I love my Daddy / Happy Father’s Day Song Father’s Day Songs / The Kibooners’ You Tube.Dictation Sentences – see folder for these sentences. Call out each sentence 2/3 times and ask your child to write them out in their book. Encourage them to do their best. Please do not be tempted to help your child with spelling any of the words. Mark these sentences together with your child and praise them for his/her hard work. Numeracy [Explore for counting, ordering, sequencing, money, shapes and pattern]Tigers & Monkeys – The focus for this activity is revision counting in 2s, 5s & 10s to 100. View online song ‘Work out and count / Skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s Jack Hartmann You Tube’. Complete sheet ‘Counting in 2s, 5s & 10s.Bears –Begin this activity by counting to 20. Can you count backwards from 20? Complete Superhero missing numbers to 20 sheet. Now try counting in 2s to 20. View online song ‘The Counting by Twos song / Counting songs / Scratch Garden You Tube’. Can you touch your toes / jump up high while you count in 2s to 20? If you have no difficulty counting forwards in 2s then try counting backwards from 20 to 2. Use your number cards and count in 2s to 20 [2 4 6 8 etc.] On your Superhero sheet count in 2s and colour the numbers. Write this number pattern at the bottom of your sheet. How far can you count on your own? Can you go beyond 20?Tigers & Monkeys – Give10 Post-Its to your child. Mum call out 10 random numbers between 30 and 50 and your child writes each one on a separate post it. Put the post its in a box or bag and your child pulls out a number and tells you what it is. Mum then asks what is 1 more and what is 1 less than this number. Continue in this fashion until all numbers have been pulled out. Make it harder at times by asking what is 2 more / 2 less / 5 more / 5 less etc. Complete the relevant less – more than worksheet. Finish by playing the ‘One more and one less card game’.Bears - Give10 Post-Its to your child. Mum call out 10 random numbers between 5 and 20 and your child writes each one on a separate post it. Put the post its in a box or bag and your child pulls out a number and tells you what it is. Mum then asks what is 1 more and what is 1 less than this number. Continue in this fashion until all numbers have been pulled out. Make it harder at times by asking what is 2 more / 2 less than the number. Complete 1 more / 1 less robot activity sheet. You are only required to complete the first robot sheet.Tigers & Monkeys – Play Snakes & Ladders Addition to 20 Board Game with a family member. Remember when you land on a square you have to complete the addition calculation. Can you do it in your head? Have fun!Bears – Find ‘Addition count the room for Summer’ in your folder. Get Mum to hide the addition cards around a room in your house. Get your child to find the cards and as each card is found write the addition calculation and the answer in the appropriate box. For eg If the card has the letter C on it then you find the letter C on your recording sheet and write the calculation and the answer – 2+2=4 Keep going until all cards have been found. Do you know these number facts? Get Mum to ask you these calculations and see if you can tell Mum the answer straight away using your head. Good luck and happy hunting! Everyone – Revise ‘o’clock, half past and quarter past’ time. Listen to the online song ‘What’s the time /Telling the time song/ Johnny and the raindrops’ You Tube. You can make use of your homemade clock when completing the mixed telling the time worksheet by moving the hands to the correct time shown on the clocks. You can discuss with your child ‘quarter to’ if you feel they are ready for it, otherwise just ignore the quarter to clocks on the sheet as this has not been covered yet!Everyone – Can you say the months of the year in the correct order? Move to this song to help you remember the 12 months of the year - ‘12 months of the year / Exercise song for kids’ You Tube. Call out a month and see if your child can tell you the month which comes next. Continue in this fashion. Complete ‘Months of the Year’ activity train sheet and colour.Other activitiesWAU Science experiments – Senses – Taste - We taste with our nose and eyes. It’s very rarely just our taste buds so highlight this by doing blind folded testing. Prepare a piece of peeled potato and apple. Blind fold your child and ask them to hold their nose. Taste each piece and see if they can tell the difference. They should taste the same when you take away the other senses.Touch - Put some objects in a tray. Cover it with a tea towel and let your child feel each object and describe them to you. Can they guess what the items are? [Why not try some cooked spaghetti which might feel like worms to the children!]Smell – Take an old tissue box and fill with some strong smelling items. This could be fresh mint or food flavouring essences like peppermint, soil or your perfume on pieces of fabric or cotton wool. Ask your child to identify the item through smell.Sight – On you daily walk you could talk about what sights you can see and if they’ve changed from yesterday. You could talk also about the changing seasons you can see in trees and flowers.Hearing – Ask your child to sit in the garden, close their eyes for a minute and then write down all the sounds they can hear. Then you could go on your daily walk and talk about what sounds are the same or are different to home!Continue working on ‘My Rainbow Journal’. Complete page entitled ‘7 things I can see smell touch and hear. This ties in well with the science experiments above.PE with Joe Wicks on You Tube. Remember he goes live at 9.00 am every morning for an energetic work out! Or choose ‘Core NI’ to do a family workout at 11am. Try singing and moving along to this exercise song. Google ‘Welcome to my Gym / Exercise Song for Kids/ Time for Kids TV You Tube’. Continue working on your ‘Time Capsule Activity Booklet’. Have a go at baking something for your Daddy as a surprise for ‘Father’s Day’ with help from a grown up. Research recipes and follow instructions. Make sure you have all the ingredients you need. Remember to wash your hands and take a photo of your finished bakes to send to your teacher. Yum! Yum! Check out some of these websites for recipes and Set up a writing station stacked with paper and pens so your child can draw and write when they want. You may wish to make use of the ‘Daily Journal’ page for writing on.Watch a good film or TV programme.Please keep sending photos of your best work [including outdoor and creative activities] to either lsimpson001@ [for Mrs. Hawke’s class] or jadams250@ to let us see how you are all getting on. We just love receiving them!Keep up the great work…..only 2 more weeks to go! ................

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