Ohio EPA

Terms Last Revised: 5/31/2016 Fx2Requirements for the Bulk Gasoline Terminals exempt from the requirements of OAC 3745-21-09(Q) because the maximum daily throughput is not more than 20,000 gallons of gasoline and the loading rack is equipped with a vapor balance system that meets the requirements of 3745-21-09(P)(1)(d)(i), (P)(2), and (P)(4) [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)]F.2.aAdditional Terms and Conditions 2 terms, for Bulk Gasoline Terminals exempt from the requirements of 3745-21-09(Q)(1) because the maximum daily throughput is less than or equal to 20,000 gallons of gasoline and the loading rack is equipped with a vapor balance system that meets the requirements of 3745-21-09(P)(1)(d)(i), (P)(2), and (P)(4) for the transfer from the loading rack to delivery vessel [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)]The total gasoline throughput for the bulk gasoline terminal shall not exceed 20,000 gallons during any day of operation.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)]For any transfer of gasoline from a loading rack located at the bulk gasoline terminal to a delivery vessel, the vapors displaced from the delivery vessel shall be processed by a vapor balance system with a vapor tight vapor line from the delivery vessel to the stationary storage tank being unloaded. The system shall be equipped with a means to ensure that the vapor line is connected before gasoline can be transferred, and it shall be designed and operated to route at least 90 percent by weight of the VOC in the displaced vapors to the stationary storage tank.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)]F.3Operational Restrictions 2 terms, Required operational practices for Bulk Gasoline Terminals which are exempted from the requirements of 3745-21-09(Q)(1) because the maximum daily throughput is less than or equal to 20,000 gallons of gasoline and the loading rack is equipped with and meets the requirements for a vapor balance system under 3745-21-09(P) [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [OAC 3745-21-09(P)(1)(d)(i) and P(2)]For any transfer of gasoline from a loading rack located at the bulk gasoline terminal to a delivery vessel, the vapors displaced from the delivery vessel shall be processed by a vapor balance system with a vapor tight vapor line from the delivery vessel to the stationary storage tank being unloaded. The system shall be equipped with a means to ensure that the vapor line is connected before gasoline can be transferred, and it shall be designed and operated to route at least 90 percent by weight of the VOC in the displaced vapors to the stationary storage tank.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [3745-21-09(P)(1)(d)(i)]The permittee shall maintain the bulk gasoline terminal’s tanks, delivery vessels, and transfer lines using the following operational practices:The vapor balance system shall be kept in good working order and shall be used at all times during the transfer of gasoline.The delivery vessel hatches shall be closed at all times during the loading of the delivery vessel.There shall be no leaks in the delivery vessel pressure/vacuum relief valves and hatch covers.There shall be no leaks in the vapor and liquid lines during the transfer of gasoline.The pressure relief valves on the stationary storage tanks and delivery vessels shall be set to release at no less than 0.7 pound per square inch gauge or the highest possible pressure (in accordance with State or local fire codes, or the “National Fire Prevention Association” guidelines).[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [OAC 3745-21-09(P)(2)]F.4Operational Restrictions, Operational practices for all Bulk Gasoline Terminals [OAC rule 3745-21-09(Q)(2)] and/or [OAC rule 3745-21-09(P)(3)]The permittee shall not permit gasoline to be spilled, discarded into sewers, stored in open containers, or handled in any other manner that would result in evaporation.[OAC rule 3745-21-09(Q)(2)]F.5.bOperational Restrictions, Leak repair requirements for Bulk Gasoline Terminals which are exempted from the requirements of 3745-21-09(Q)(1) because the maximum daily throughput is less than or equal to 20,000 gallons of gasoline and the loading rack is equipped with and meets the requirements for a vapor balance system under 3745-21-09(P) [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [OAC 3745-21-09(P)(4)]The permittee shall repair any leak from the vapor balance system within 15 days of detection, where the system is employed to meet the requirements of paragraph (P)(1) and (P)(2) of OAC rule 3745-21-09 and when such leak is equal to or greater than 100 percent of the lower explosive limit as propane, as determined under paragraph (K) of OAC rule 3745-21-10.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [OAC 3745-21-09(P)(4)]F.7.aRecord keeping Requirements for vapor leaks equal to or greater than 100 percent of the lower explosive limit as propane, for all Bulk Gasoline Terminals [OAC rule 3745-21-09(Q)(3)]The permittee shall repair any leak from the vapor collection system and/or vapor control system, that is equal to or greater than 100% of the LEL as propane (as determined under OAC 3745-21-10(K)), within 15 days of detection. The permittee shall maintain a record of each such leak that is not repaired within the 15 days.[OAC rule 3745-21-09(Q)(3)]OR if a more stringent compliance method is needed for BAT or a TV facility, use the following term instead; an inspection frequency might also be added to a potential significant source of emissions:The permittee shall monitor all potential sources of vapor leaks from the terminal’s vapor collection system and vapor control system while a gasoline tank truck is being loaded. Where vapor leaks are determined to be equal to or greater than 100 percent of the lower explosive limit as propane, as determined under paragraph (K) of OAC rule 3745-21-10, the permittee shall maintain a record of the following information:the date the leak was detected;the findings of the inspection for the leak, which shall indicate the location, nature, and severity of the leak;the leak detection method;the corrective action(s) taken to repair each leak and the date of final repair;the reasons for any repair interval exceeding 15 calendar days (from the time of detection to the date of final repair) for each leak equal to or greater than one hundred per cent of the lower explosive limit as propane, as determined under paragraph (K) of OAC rule 3745-21-10; andthe inspector’s name and signature.These records shall be retained and accessible for a period of 5 years.[OAC rule 3745-21-09(Q)(3), in part]and/or a Title V permit: [OAC rule 37457707(C)(1)]F.7.bRecord keeping Requirements for the throughput of Bulk Gasoline Terminals which are exempted from the requirements of 3745-21-09(Q)(1) because the maximum daily throughput is less than or equal to 20,000 gallons of gasoline, which is supplied to the loading rack from stationary internal or external floating roof tanks or the loading rack is equipped with and meets the requirements for a vapor balance system under 3745-21-09(P) [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)]The permittee shall maintain daily records of the gasoline throughput for the bulk gasoline terminal.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)]F.8Reporting Requirements for throughput of Bulk Gasoline Terminals which are exempted from the requirements of 3745-21-09(Q)(1) because the maximum daily throughput is less than or equal to 20,000 gallons of gasoline, which is supplied to the loading rack from stationary internal or external floating roof tanks or the loading rack is equipped with and meets the requirements for a vapor balance system under 3745-21-09(P) [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)]The permittee shall notify the Director (the appropriate Ohio EPA District Office or local air agency) within 30 days of becoming aware of any record that documents a daily throughput of gasoline to exceed 20,000 gallons, and where compliance is not demonstrated through the available options:the requirements of OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(1) were not met, orthe vapor balance system does not meet the requirements of OAC 3745-21-09(P), orthe gasoline is not supplied to the loading rack from storage tanks where each is equipped with either an internal or external floating roof.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)]F.6.bReporting Requirements for leaks from the Bulk Gasoline Terminals which are exempted from the requirements of 3745-21-09(Q)(1) because the maximum daily throughput is less than or equal to 20,000 gallons of gasoline and the loading rack is equipped with and meets the requirements for a vapor balance system under 3745-21-09(P) [OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [OAC 3745-21-09(P)(4) and (P)(7)(b)]Any leaks in the vapor balance system equal to or greater than 100 percent of the lower explosive limit as propane, as determined under paragraph (K) of OAC rule 3745-21-10 of the Administrative Code, that are not repaired within 15 days after identification, shall be reported to the Director (the appropriate Ohio EPA District Office or local air agency) within 30 days after the repair is completed. This report shall include the date the leak was detected and the date the leak was repaired.[OAC 3745-21-09(Q)(4)(b)] and [OAC 3745-21-09(P)(4) and (P)(7)(b)] (Fx2: current 4/08) ................

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