
4.5 -- Life in the Colonies

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|Main Idea: | |

| | |

|During the 1700s, | |

|England’s | |

|Thirteen | |

|Colonies | |

|became societies | |

|with their | |

|own ideas | |

|and | |

|traditions. | |

gentry – highest class in the 13 English colonies

middle class – a class that included skilled craftsworkers, farmers that owned

their land, and some tradespeople (3:4 whites were middle class)

indentured servant – a person that agreed to work for 4 to 7 years in return for

paid passage to the colonies in the Americas

Gullah – distinctive combination of English and West African language spoken

around the South Carolina colony

Great Awakening – a dramatic and emotional religious movement that swept

through the colonies in the 1730 and 1740s

public school – schools supported by taxes

tutor – private teachers

dame school – private school for girls, ran by a woman in her own home

Enlightenment – movement in Europe that emphasized the use of Reason and Logic

libel – act of publishing a statement that may unjustly damage a person’s reputation

dominated – ruled or controlled

bribe – money or a favor given to influence someone in a position of power

contract – a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties

sue – to seek enforcement of a law or a contract in a court of law

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS – 1st Amendment

This amendment is generally understood to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions.

( The Trial of John Peter Zenger

( Newspapers led to disputes over *** freedom of the press = AMENDMENT 1

( Zenger published Weekly Journal in NY

( Arrested for publishing stories that criticized the governor

( Put on trial for libel and found not guilty for telling the truth

( Freedom of press would become recognized as basic American right

John Peter Zenger (October 26, 1697 – July 28, 1746) was a German printer and journalist in New York City. In 1733, Zenger began printing The New York Weekly Journal, in which the journal voiced opinions critical of the colonial governor, William Cosby. He was accused of libel in 1734 by William Cosby, the royal governor of New York. On November 17, 1734, the sheriff arrested Zenger.

After John Peter Zenger had languished in jail for an entire year, his trial began on August 4, 1735 inside a small court room in the New York City Hall. After a grand jury refused to indict him, the Attorney General (A.G.) Richard Bradley charged him with libel in August 1735. A.G. Bradley opened the case, saying that the defendant had pleaded not guilty to printing and publishing a false, scandalous, and seditious libel against Governor Cosby.

Examples of the topics Zenger wrote his articles about:

( Governor Cosby's attempt to rig the 1734 elections

( Governor Cosby's stealing collected taxes

( Governor Cosby's appropriation of Indian lands

*** Which ALL turned-out to be true.

The jury withdrew to deliberate, When they returned, the Clerk asked whether they agreed on a verdict and whether John Peter Zenger was guilty of printing and publishing libels. The jury's foreman, Thomas Hunt, replied, "Yes, the verdict is 'Not Guilty'." Zenger's lawyer, Andrew Hamilton, had successfully argued that

“the truth is a defense against charges of libel.”

The jury acquitted Zenger, who later became a symbol for freedom of the press.

8.22B ¿¿ Why was the decision in the Zenger trial significant ?


|13 |Date |Leader |Reason Founded |

|Colonies |Founded | | |

|Massachusetts | | |Build new society based on biblical laws and teachings; set |

|Includes Maine | | |example |

|Connecticut | | |Religious and political freedom |

|Rhode Island | | |Religious freedom |

|New Hampshire | | |Trading and Fishing |

|New York | | |Expand trade and religious freedom |

|New Jersey | | |Expand trade, religious and political freedoms |

|Pennsylvania | | |Religious and political freedom |

|Delaware | | |Desire to set up separate assembly |

|Virginia | | |Settle America like Spain to gain riches |

|Maryland | | |Religious/political freedom; Catholics |

|North Carolina | | |Trade and Farming |

|South Carolina | | |Trade and Farming |

|Georgia | | |Home for Debtors |

Colonial Society

( Indentured Servants

( Indentured servants were the lowest social class

( Hired farmhands, indentured servants and slaves

( Servants would sign a contract to work for 4-7 years for passage to America

( When term was up, they received set of clothes, tools and 50 acres of land

( Women’s Work in the Colonies

( Colonial women took care of the household, cooked, tended children, milked cows and made clothing

( Backcountry women tended fields with husbands and killed animals for food

( City women worked outside home, delivered babies, sewed fine hats/dresses

( African Cultural Influences

( African culture remained strong in the colonies including language

( African artistic style were reflected in designs of their craftwork

( Worked along the docks, making rope and building ships

( Made fine wooden cabinets, silver plates, utensils; owned shops in market

¿¿ What cultural contributions did African Americans make to colonial society ?


The Great Awakening

( Powerful Preachers

( Jonathon Edwards set off Great Awakening – religious movement in colonies

( George Whitefield was the most popular preacher – huge crowds/big impact

( Impact of the Great Awakening

( Supporters split away from their old churches

( It encouraged a spirit of independence

( Opponents thought the movement was too emotional

( Growth of churches forced colonists to be more tolerant of different beliefs

( Contributed to the spread of democratic feelings in colonies

( People began to think differently about political rights and governments

Education in the Colonies

( New England

( Puritans taught people had duty to study the bible; learn to read

( Massachusetts ordered parents to teach their children to read about religion

( Towns with 50 families had to hire a schoolteacher

( Towns with 100 families set-up grammar schools to prepare boys for college

( Set-up 1st public school supported by taxes for rich and poor

¿¿ How did the ideas of the Puritans influence education in New England colonies ?



( Middle and Southern Colonies

( Churches and individuals set-up private schools – only wealthy could afford

( Planters hired private teachers; wealthiest sent sons to England

( Slaves were denied education

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( Apprenticeships and Dame Schools

( Boys were apprentices with masters to learn a trade or craft beginning at 12

( Lived with master for 6-7 years; no pay but food and clothes provided

( Apprenticeships – glassmaking, papermaking, printing and tanning (leather)

( Girls attended dame schools run by women in their homes to learn skills

( Skills – spinning wool, weaving, embroidering and some reading and writing

Spread of Ideas

( The Enlightenment Spreads

( Thinkers wanted to discover the natural laws that govern human behavior

( Thinkers believed in the light of human reason and started movement known as Enlightenment

( #1 John Locke England believed people could gain knowledge of world by observing and by experimenting

( Spread among better educated colonists who had leisure time to read books

|“The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who |

|will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions.” |

|John Locke, Second Treatise of Government |

( #2 Baron de Montesquieu France

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( ( #3 Benjamin Franklin America

( Best example of Enlightenment spirit was Franklin

( Studied literature, mathematics and foreign languages in his spare time

( Built successful printing business at age 17

( Wanted to use reason to improve the world around him

( Invented lightning rod, smokeless fireplace, bifocal glasses

( Set-up first lending library and organized a fire company

( Inventions and public service earned him worldwide fame

8.22B ¿¿ Why was the decision in the Zenger trial significant ?

Arrested for publishing stories that criticized the governor, Put on trial for libel and found not guilty for telling the truth, Freedom of press would become recognized as basic American right

1. What class differences existed in colonial society ?


2. How did the Great Awakening affect the colonies ?


3. How did the colonists educate their children ?


4. How were the colonies affected by the spread of new ideas ?



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