1. Look at the diagram of a plant.


(a) The table shows the jobs of some of the plant parts.

Finish the table by writing the correct letter next to the job it does.

|job it does |plant part |

|reproduction | |

|anchorage | |


(b) The plant photosynthesises.

The plant needs chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

Describe the job of chloroplasts during photosynthesis.




(c) Water is lost from the plant by evaporation from the leaves.

Describe how water moves from the soil to the leaves.





[Total 5 marks]

2. Kathy grows her own tomato plants.

(a) The soil Kathy uses does not have enough nitrate.

Some of her plants show signs of nitrate deficiency.

Describe two signs of nitrate deficiency the plants would show.

1 .....................................................................................................................

2 .....................................................................................................................


(b) Kathy decides to use fertiliser on her soil.

Look at the picture of the bag of fertiliser.


The bag contains nitrogen.

Write down the name of one other element shown on the bag.



(c) Kathy adds 1000 g of fertiliser to some water.

The fertiliser contains 3% nitrogen.

Work out how many grams of nitrogen she uses.

Put a [pic] around the correct answer.

0.3 g 3 g 30 g 300 g 3000 g


(d) The plants grown by Kathy use the nitrates.

What do the plants make using the nitrates?



(e) Kathy has grown too many tomatoes to eat all at once.

Suggest two ways she could preserve the tomatoes.

1 .....................................................................................................................

2 .....................................................................................................................


[Total 7 marks]

3. Look at the diagram. It shows a food chain.


(a) The lettuces are producers. They make biomass.

(i) What is meant by biomass?




(ii) What is the source of energy for the lettuce plants?



(b) (i) Finish the pyramid of numbers to include the caterpillars and blue tits.

Make sure the bars are drawn to scale.



(ii) A pyramid of biomass for this food chain would be a different shape.

Describe how the shape would be different.

You may use a diagram to help you answer.




(c) Energy is ‘lost’ from each stage of the food chain.

Write down one way in which energy is lost.



[Total 5 marks]

4. Look at the picture.

It shows a farmer spraying crops with chemicals.


(a) The farmer uses different chemicals to do different jobs.

Draw a straight line from each chemical to its job.



(b) Some farmers control pests without using chemicals.

Ladybirds can be used to eat pests called aphids.

Write down the name given to this type of pest control.



[Total 3 marks]

5. This question is about Intensive Farming.

(a) (i) Look at the list of chemicals.






What type of chemical would farmers use to kill weeds?

Choose your answer from the list.



(ii) Using chemicals to kill weeds and animal pests can cause harm to other living things.

Explain how.





(b) Some farmers do not use manufactured chemicals to kill weeds.

(i) What is the name of the type of farming that does not use manufactured chemicals?



(ii) Describe one technique this type of farmer could use to stop weeds.



[Total 5 marks]

6. This question is about decay.

When dead plant material decays it makes gases.

One of the gases is methane.

The methane can be collected using a methane generator

Methane can be used as a fuel.



Decaying plant material

(a) Look at the list of plant materials.

dry straw

coconut shells

grass cuttings

tree bark

wooden branches

(i) Chris wants to make methane more quickly.

Which material would be best to use in the methane generator?

Choose your answer from the list.



(ii) Explain your answer.




(b) There are living things in the methane generator.

These organisms make the plant material decay.

What kind of living things makes the plant material decay?



(c) The methane generator is not making much methane.

Suggest two things Chris could do to the generator to make more methane.

Explain your answers.

1. What Chris could do:..................................................................................

Explanation: ...................................................................................................


2. What Chris could do:..................................................................................

Explanation: ...................................................................................................


[Total 5 marks]

7. Mr. Jones has a hedge of conifer trees. The trees grow quickly.

(a) When it rains, puddles of water form on Mr. Jones’ garden.

Mr. Jones notices that there are no cracks in the soil near to the trees.

He also notices that the puddles near to the trees are always in shadow.

The puddles near to the trees disappear faster than the other puddles.

Suggest why.





(b) The table shows some information about the trees.

It also shows some information about the conditions in the garden.

|Month |Jan |Feb |

|cabbages |8 |250 |…………… |

|caterpillars |400 |2 |800 |

|thrushes |5 |80 |400 |

|hawks |…………… |200 |200 |

(a) (i) Complete the table.


(ii) Use the data in the table to complete the pyramid of biomass.

• Use 1 cm square = 200 g.

• Label the pyramid.

The bar for cabbages has been done for you.



(b) Some plant biomass can be used for fuel.

Write down one example of a fuel from plant biomass.



[Total 5 marks]

18. Chris is a farmer.

He grows cabbages in one of his fields.

Look at part of the food web in his cabbage field.


(a) Chris puts pesticide on his cabbage field.

(i) What is Chris trying to kill with the pesticide?

Choose your answer from the food web.



(ii) How does using the pesticide improve the cabbage crop?




(b) Chris puts herbicide on his cabbage field.

(i) What is Chris trying to kill with the herbicide?

Choose your answer from the food web.



(ii) How does using the herbicide improve the cabbage crop?




[Total 4 marks]

19. Look at the diagram. It shows some different types of household waste.


(a) Grass cuttings can decay.

Write down one other type of household waste that can decay.

Choose your answer from the diagram above.



(b) Bob puts his grass cuttings into a compost bin.


(i) The holes help the grass cuttings to decay.

Suggest how.



(ii) Grass cuttings decay faster in the summer than in the winter.

Suggest why.



(c) When grass cuttings decay, carbon dioxide is made.

What makes this carbon dioxide?



[Total 4 marks]

20. Look at the diagram of a plant cell.


(a) What is part X?

Put a [pic] around the correct answer.

cell membrane





(b) Chloroplasts are needed for plants to grow.

Explain why, as fully as you can.





(c) What is the job of the cell wall?



[Total 4 marks]

21. Kate is investigating water loss in plants.

She sets up three flasks, A, B and C.


(a) All the flasks weigh the same at the start.

Kate leaves the flasks for 24 hours.

Which flask would you expect to lose most weight after 24 hours? ...............

Explain your answer.





(b) Kate leaves the plants in the flasks to grow.

She keeps the water filled up and makes sure the plants have enough light.

However, the plants don’t grow very well and the leaves become yellow.

Kate’s teacher says that this is because the plants are not getting something from the water.

Suggest what Kate could add to the water to stop the leaves becoming yellow.



[Total 4 marks]

22. Kate is growing geraniums in her garden.


(a) Draw a straight line to match each part of a plant with its job.

One has been done for you.



(b) Geranium leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis.

Describe two ways leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis.

1 .....................................................................................................................


2 .....................................................................................................................



(c) Plants lose water from their leaves. This is called transpiration.

Describe how transpiration happens.





(d) Kate wants to put one of her geraniums in a pot.

She digs up one of them.

Unfortunately many of the roots break off.

She plants the geranium in a pot.

However, even though she waters it regularly, the geranium wilts (droops).

Explain why it wilts.





[Total 8 marks]


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