
B.3STATEMENT OF WORK/SPECIFICATION1.0BackgroundThe Department of Veterans Affairs furnishes headstones, markers and niche covers for the graves of veterans worldwide and to veterans and family members in national/State and federally-administered cemeteries. Memorial headstones, markers and niche covers are also furnished to memorialize eligible individuals whose remains are non-recoverable. 2.0PurposeThe purpose of this contract is to supply blank granite niche covers at Missouri State Veterans Cemetery @ Higginsville. Sources from different states are acceptable if the MPS, Program Support Unit’s evaluation of a sample confirms that a suitable match will result for color, visual texture, finish, and testing standards..Reference the photo below for color and shading of stone required for this contract. 3.0Material Specification3.1Description: Blank Niche Cover3.2Product Code: H13.3Drawing No.: A-BNC-1, Rev. 1 dated 11/11/133.4Quantity: 2000 3.5Material: Granite must conform to the definition of granite as defined by ASTM- C119. Granite provided under this contract shall be standard grade, fine to medium grained material as classified by the National Building Granite Quarries Association. It shall be free of cracks, seams, or starts which may impair its integrity or readability of the inscription. Niche covers containing two or more feldspar phenocrysts which exceed 10mm in any direction, shall be rejected.3.6Color: Granite shall be a uniform shade of fine to medium grain gray color of (N7.25 to N7.5) judged against the Munsell Neutral Value Scale, Matte 31 - step scale. 3.7Finish: The face and sides of each niche cover shall be uniformly machine honed with an 80 grit abrasive so as to display a smooth satin surface, free of scratches, saw marks, rust spots and skips. The back of the niche covers must have a smooth sawn finish or better. All edges along the front, back and corners shall be uniformly rounded with a smooth 1/16 inch to 1/8 inch eased-edge aris (or chamfer). The minimum 1/16” rounding along backside edges is preferred. Four holes are to be core drilled in each cover as shown on drawing. The holes must be perpendicular to the face of the cover. The holes shall have smooth side walls, with one centerline and no visible change in the side wall.Scope of Work4.1Source of supplyAll stone shall be obtained from quarries within the United States of America, having adequate capacity and facilities to meet the specified requirements. Cutting and finishing shall be done by a manufacturer equipped to process the material promptly and in strict accordance with these specifications. 4.2WorkmanshipEach niche cover shall be free from defects in workmanship. Chips, cracks, open seams, or abraded edges, will not be permitted and the repair or patching of any such defects is prohibited and will be cause for rejection. Any spalling that occurs around holes on the backside must not extend more than ?” beyond the holes’ walls and be ≤3/32” deep. The covers shall be free of ink, oil, crayon marks, dirt, coatings, sealers and dust. Workmanship shall be in accordance with industry standards and practices.Submittals by Potential OfferorsContractors having previous approval of a full size niche cover sample within the last 12 months may submit a copy of that approval in lieu of submitting an actual sample. A 6” x 6” x ?” sample representative of the stone to be used and finished per Sections 2.0 and 3.0 above will be required for review.Potential vendors will submit at their expense two (2) blank full sized granite niche cover according to the specifications listed in Sections 2.0 and 3.0 above. Sample shall be representative of the stone to be used, the finish to be attained and the placement and diameter of the holes to be drilled. Test results for the sample will be submitted per Section 6.0. The sample and testing results should be submitted by the closing date of the solicitation. The sample shall be marked clearly on the back with indelible marker, showing contractor name, solicitation number, quarry source, and name of stone. Any sample which arrives damaged will not be acceptable.A statement identifying the type of honing pads (or stone) used and its grit rating must be provided with the sampleThis sample shall be the basis for comparison of all blank niche covers produced under this contract. The dimensions of the sample submittal shall match exactly the dimensions outlined in drawing.NOTE: Contractors who have submitted, within the last 12 months, an approved full sized niche cover have the option of submitting a copy of the approval document and a 6”x6” sample representative of the finished stone to be used. . The sample shall be received by Memorial Programs Service (MPS) and the cemetery POC listed in section 10.0 prior to closing date.? If the sample is disapproved by MPS, potential vendors will receive notification by the Contracting Officer and potential vendors shall have until the closing date of solicitation to resubmit samples.? NO samples will be accepted after closing date.Once submitted, samples become the property of the Department of Veterans Affairs and will not be returned. Submit sample and test results to the following address:Department of Veteran AffairsMemorial Programs ServiceProgram Support Unit, Rm. 6501575 Eye Street, NWWashington, DC 200055.2DrawingsFull size copies of drawings are available upon request at no additional charge to potential vendors. The request should be e-mailed to the NCA Memorial Programs Service (MPS) Program Support Unit at MPSProgSupport@ and should include the contractor’s name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address and the name and drawing number of the drawing(s) being requested. MPS recommends full size drawing be obtained to help ensure all requirements are recognized.. Once the request is received, the drawings will be mailed directly to the vendors.Potential vendors should e-mail the request for drawings to MPS within a timely manner to ensure sufficient time for the drawings to be mailed. An extension to the solicitation closing date will not be granted under any circumstances.6.0Quality Assurance6.1TestingStone supplied under this contract shall conform to the following specifications. Stone shall be tested, for the standards listed below, by an approved testing laboratory and test results shall be submitted to MPS for approval prior to the production of the sample niche covers. Testing is required only once and should be from a representative sample of the quarry. Testing results are required for new sources of stone.NOTE:? Testing results are not required for the quarries located in the state(s) listed below: Vermont, Georgia, South Carolina6.2Granite Testing Specifications6.2.1Abrasive hardness:Granite shall have an abrasive hardness value Ha of 25.0 minimum, when tested as specified by ASTM C241.6.2.2Absorption:Granite absorption shall be 0.40 percent maximum, by weight when tested for a 48 hour period as specified in ASTM C97.6.2.3Compressive strength:Granite shall have a minimum compressive strength of 13,000 psi when tested as specified in ASTM C170.6.2.4Flexural strength:Granite shall have a flexural strength of 1,200 psi (8.27 MPa) minimum when tested as specified in ASTM C880.6.2.5Density:Granite shall have a density of 160-lbs/ft3 (2,563-kg/m3) minimum, as specified by ASTM C97.6.3Applicable Publications6.3.1Munsell Neutral Value Scale, Matte (31 - step scale)617 Little Britain Road, New Windsor, NY 12553 – 6148Phone: (800) 622-23846.3.2ASTM, Sections C97, C170, C241 and C880American Society for Testing and Materials1220 L. Street, N.W., Suites 100-167Washington, DC 200056.3.3Specifications for Architectural Granite National Building Granite Quarries Association P.O. Box 482, Barre, VT 056417.0Government Quality Assurance (QA)7.1Site InspectionsQuality assurance inspections of the contractor’s production processes or the contractor’s manufacturing facility may be conducted during the contract period by the designated Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR)s of the Memorial Programs Service (MPS) to assure contract performance and adherence. Visits to the contractor’s production facilities will be scheduled at a time so as to ensure inspection of the contractor’s marker production. The Government reserves the right to perform quality audit inspections without prior scheduling or notification to the contractor.During each QA visit, a complete assessment of the contractor’s operation will be made, to include the following areas:Packaging and palleting of product to ensure compliance with all contractual requirements.Contractor’s execution of quality control procedures.Contractor is accurately maintaining all QA records as required, with the records indicating the quality of the markers as shipped.The contractor’s handling of inventory or backlogged orders.The contractor must assist the COTR by providing an adequate, well lighted inspection area. Contractor personnel will provide assistance lifting, handling and moving of product.7.2Quality ComplaintsThe receipt of complaints concerning quality -which does not meet requirements will be considered reason for an immediate visit and review of the contractor’s quality assurance program. The Government reserves the right to impose 100% Government Quality Inspections for an indefinite period due to quality problems. Causes for Quality Inspections include:Nonconforming product shipment.Product that passed the contractor’s inspection system and are awaiting shipment.Deficiencies that adversely affect performance in areas such as:CraftsmanshipSafetyKnowledge/training of processes and measuring tools8.0Packaging8.1MaterialsAll covers shall be packed in accordance with normal industry standards and commercial best practices to assure acceptance by the common carrier.Non metal bands shall be secured around the pallet or crating for its entire height (from top to bottom) and two additional bands shall secure the pallet or crating around the width. Banding pressure should be such that it causes no damage to the edges of the stone when packaged. Colored materials or materials capable of staining the stone (ex. uncoated cardboard, certain kinds of wood) during outdoor storage is not permitted.The packaging and crating should protect the covers throughout the handling and storage process and during shipment and comply with the National Motor Freight Classification.8.2Palletizing, Markers or CoversEach crate or pallet must not exceed 3,000 lbs.9.0Point of Contact at MPSEmail MPSProgSupport@ of the projected delivery following the notice to proceed and of the delivery date/time following actual delivery.10.0Destination Point Deliver niche covers, F.O.B. Destination, within consignee’s premises to:Missouri State Veterans Cemetery @ Higginsville20109 Business Highway Higginsville, MO 64037Phone: (660) 584-5252POC: Teddie Velleri/DirectorIMPORTANT: The contractor must note on the Bills of Lading that palletized monuments must be placed at the rear or side of delivery vehicles so that direct access is permitted for off-loading with a forklift. 10.1Point of Contact for DeliveryConsignee must be contacted 24 hours prior to delivery to ensure appropriate personnel and equipment are on-site to off load product. Delivery should occur between 8:30am to 3:30pm unless other arrangements are arranged during pre-notification given to the cemetery director or the director’s delegated assistant. 10.2Special Site ConditionsNoneEND STATEMENT OF WORK ................

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