
10th Grade ELAUnit 1: Conflict, Setting, Mood, Character Traits, Character MotivationWith people, you can tell a book by its coverIt’s easy to tell when you are dealing with an evil personThe residents of Old Colony belittle others so that they can raise their self-esteemRacism stems from self-esteem/ lessons taught in the homeThe setting/residents of Old Colony influenced the racist culture mostA3 Old Colony was a/an community/individual based environmentThe setting of Birmingham, Alabama was essential to the racial events that occurred thereDynamite Bob was a product of Birmingham, AlabamaGeorge Wallace was a product of that settingMartin Luther King had to take the civil rights struggle specifically to BirminghamDynamite Bob’s actions and values were reflected in the white community of BirminghamRev Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s movement was supported by the residents of BirminghamRev Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s movement was supported by the world communityDynamite Bob’s actions and values were supported by the world communityUnit 2: Author’s Purpose, Inference, CharacterizationReaching Out by Francisco Jimenez has examples of direct/indirect characterizationThe author’s purpose in Reaching Out is to illustrate the struggles of a poor immigrant familyFrancisco Jimenez characterizes the power class as self-involved/fun loving/ frivolous/ indulged/ generous/ food obsessed/ distrusting/ deprived/ family based/ psychologically brokenBased the author’s purpose in Reaching Out, Francisco Jimenez would have supported the Dream Act most because of Self-actualization/Esteem/Belonging/Safety/Physiological needs found in Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsUnit 3: Theme, Universal Theme, Symbol, Conclusions, InferencesThe theme of “This Year’s Class Picture” was [ ]The universal theme of “This Year’s Class Picture” was [ ]The button is a powerful symbol of the universal theme in FollowedJebidiah Rains’ career as a reverend is essential to the universal theme of the story.The universal theme of Do Not Weep, Maiden, For War in Kind” by Stephen Crane is/is not the same as “The Interlopers” by SakiLord Randall still loves his true loveLord Randall is aware he is poisoned by his true loveLord Randall is more upset by the betrayal of his true love than by his impending deathBob Dylan would not have a dishwasherBob Dylan hated racismBob Dylan would have told Lord Randall’s mother to take action against her son’s true loveBob Dylan modeled “A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall” after Lord Randall to make a point about the earth being poisoned/being betrayed by his government/ the poisonous corruption found in governmentThe author’s universal in, “Interloper’s” by Saki infer that aggressive consequence, revenge, and even war are often required for change, as touted by social activistsThe author’s universal theme in, “A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall” by Bob Dylan infer that aggressive consequence, revenge, and even war are often required for change, as touted by social pacifistsUnit 4: Persuasive Techniques, Fact and Opinion, Rhetorical Devices, Summarize, Reasoning, Argument- CounterargumentAt the time Goodall visited Sema laboratory in Maryland, young chimpanzees were kept in mostly dark, small cagesThe chimpanzees at Sema, when Goodall visits, are depressed and have given up on life Jane Goodall uses effectively compares chimpanzees to children in “I Acknowledge Mine”Although both “I Acknowledge Mine” by Jane Goodall and “Use of Animals in Medical Research” by The American Medical Association are effective persuasive pieces, the rhetorical methods they use contrast. “I Acknowledge Mine” by Jane Goodall is persuasive because of its use of emotional appeals/loaded language“Use of Animals in Medical Research” by The American Medical Association is persuasive because of its use of counterargument/formal languageAnimals should be used in medical research to better the human speciesNot using animals in medical research betters the human speciesGraphic Images should/should not be allowed to accompany persuasive reasoning in articles featured in the popular pressThe group that has the most persuasive stance on animal testing is [ ]Unit 5: Poetic Form, Figurative Language, Imagery, Sound DevicesThe narrators of both poems used Figurative Language to describe the release of the animals for the same reasonThe organic poetic form of Free Verse structured as one long, unbroken stanza, as in “The Fish,” seems more like everyday speechThe imagery in “The Fish” appeals to the reader’s sense of sight and touch more than in “The Christmas Sparrow”Sound devices such as alliteration, assonance and consonance are the most essential element to the poemThe organic form of the poem use of unconventional grammar are the most essential element to the poemA sonnet is the best poetic form to illustrate a longing tribute to a faraway loveIn [poet]’s poem [title of poem—in quotation marks], the poetic form, figurative language, imagery and sound device create a tone of candidness , revealing [What observation about human nature does the poem suggest?]Unit 6: Writer’s Background, Historical Context, Cultural ContextThe motivation for German’s targeting Jews and other minorities in the holocaust was racial superiority/ to raise self-esteem through use of a scapegoat to counter national shame after WWI/ a desire for absolute power/ an intense isolationism brought on by non-stop dehumanizing fear due to extreme economic circumstanceConsideration was used in moving American Japanese citizens and “aliens”The US Government was helpful in this processJapanese Americans were treated well with respect and dignityThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a political allegory that demonstrates ______about totalitarian or dystopian governmentsOnly people who believe in a war should fight in a warA Writer’s Background is relevant when weighing the impact or “truth” of a work Every narrative element of a memoir must be true for it to be validUnit 7: Media Tactics, Covet and Overt Imaging, Media Spin, Interpretive Documentary Lens, Internet CredibilityThe media has no obligation to cover any particular news item in any particular way No one is obligated to follow the mediaFacebook is/is not “real” The US media represent the beliefs of American communities, cultures, and economic classes fairly and objectivelyUnit 8: Characteristics of Shakespearean Drama and TragedyShakespeare did not independently write all of the works written under his nameShakespeare was a classist/ pointed out the foolishness of classismOthello is full of insecuritiesOthello is a play about raceOthello is both loved and hatedLago is an evil manThe play’s characters represent a reversal of racial stereotypesRace prejudices in Othello are rewarded and lead to positive outcomes2A: Race is a non-issue/the main issue in Othello 3A: Characters with strong racial prejudices and characters that do not have strong racial prejudices pay/do not pay the same price for their actions Desdemona is treated as property in OthelloOthello is most relevant to today because of its discussion of Interracial relationships/Self-loathing and internal conflicts/Racial prejudice/Evil-the dark side of human nature ................

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