
Course Description

This course is called World History, which means we will study many different histories!

|First Semester |Second Semester |

|Aug. |Sept. |Oct. |Nov. |Dec. |Jan. |Feb. |March |

The approach in this class may be different from other history courses you have taken. This course will have essential questions that will guide each unit and that we will attempt to answer by the end of the unit. The teacher will attempt to have students see history through the eyes of those who lived it. Students will be critically challenged in the content and understand that history is a story with many global perspectives.

|Core Values |Consequences |

|1. Be prompt 2. Be polite 3. Be prepared |1. Teacher warning |

|4. Be productive 5. Be proficient |2. Behavioral intervention |

| |-Must meet within a 48 hour period |

|Rules |3. Phone call home. |

|1. “In Five,” means stop talking, raise your hand, and face the teacher. |4. Parent conference and/or room exchange |

|2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. |5. Dean intervention and/or school record |

|3. Respect each other’s person, space, and property. |*Teacher has the right to waive any steps and assign consequences as she |

|4. Stay on task and follow directions. |feels fit. |

|5. Follow school policies and rules | |

|(No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in class; no |Positive Consequences |

|electronics; dressing appropriately). |More choice in the classroom |

| |Contact parents personally for positive comments |

Values, Rules and Consequences

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned 4 to 5 times a week. Each assignment is due the next class period after it is assigned unless other specified. Homework is checked twice—on the day that it is due on time (full credit or no credit), and when notebooks are graded. If a student does not complete an assignment on its due date, he/she can still earn points when the notebook is graded. All other assignments such as debates, projects, essays, etc., are due when the teacher assigns.

Grading Policy

Students will track their grades through Engrade (). Students should remember their user name and password. Engrade will be used to turn in some assignments and take quizzes.


|GRADE |Percentage |

|A |90% - 100% |

|B |80% - 89% |

|C |70% - 79% |

|D |60% - 69% |

|F |Below 59% |

When guilty of cheating or plagiarizing from another student(s), all responsible parties (those who receive or give work or answers) will have an automatic zero on that assignment with no make-ups and possibly other consequences such as a parent/guardian conference. Additional consequences may be placed and established by the Counseling/Administrative Office and/or teacher upon repeat offenses.

|Grading Categories |Percentage |

|Participation (Answering questions, reading out loud, supplies, signatures) |10% |

|Homework |10% |

|Student Notebook (Class work, H.W., Warm-ups) |30% |

|Assessments (Debates/Exams/Quizzes/Projects/Essays) |50% |

| | TOTAL: 100% |

Work Habits

| |Excellent |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |

|Meets deadlines |Always meets deadlines |Usually meets deadlines |Rarely meets deadlines |

|Brings materials |Always brings materials |Usually brings materials |Rarely brings materials |

|Time management |Always uses time wisely |Usually uses time wisely |Rarely uses time wisely |

|Prompt |Always arrives to class on time |Student has fewer than 5 tardies |Student has more than 5 tardies |

|Organization |Always organized |Usually organized |Rarely organized |


| |Excellent |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |

|Follows directions |Always follows directions |Usually follows directions |Rarely follows directions |

|Listens to peers |Always listens to peers |Usually listens to peers |Rarely listens to peers |

|Open to correction |Always responds to correction |Usually responds to correction |Rarely responds to correction |

|Personal/Group |Always meets performance standards |Usually meets performance standards |Rarely meets performance standards |

|accountability | | | |

|Respects school/ personal |Always respects school and personal |Usually respects school and personal property|Rarely respects school and personal property |

|property |property | | |

Materials: Students will bring their classroom materials everyday without excuse.

1. Writing Utensils:

a. 2 or more pencils (regular or mechanical with lead refills)

b. 1 Eraser

c. 2 blue or black pens; and 2 red pens

d. 2 highlighters (different colors)

2. 1 set of color pencils (at least 12 colors)

a. Hand pencil sharpener with shavings lid

3. 2 glue sticks or mini stapler with extra staples

4. Pencil Pouch or box

5. A ream of college-ruled paper

6. Agenda Planner

7. Spiral notebook (College ruled, 150 pages, spiral binding, 8.5 x 11 inches, Five Star preferred)

8. Textbook cover (cloth or thicker paper i.e. paper bag) Please have this by Aug. 19th

Student Notebook (SNBie)

The organization of your notebook will be KEY in this class. Your notebook should have a completed table of contents for each unit with many assignments that include warm-ups, class notes, class work, character analysis, debate preparation, etc. The SNBie will be graded every two to three weeks. It should have your name and period on the front cover and no other writing.

As a member of Ms. Rhee’s class, you must participate, work to your full potential, and collaborate with others.

I, __________________________________, promise to do all of the following:

1. Follow all classroom rules and procedures as outlined in the syllabus.

2. Be prompt to enter the classroom quietly on time and start the warm-up immediately.

3. Bring and maintain all required materials to class everyday and replace them if necessary.

4. Complete class work and homework with my best quality on time.

5. Maintain an organized Student Notebook (SNBie) for the entire semester.

*When lost, the SNBie should be replaced right away.

6. Work cooperatively with all my team members in whisper mode.

7. Make up any work when I am absent by checking the absent binder.

8. Ask for help if I need it and come in before or after school for help.

9. Respect other people’s property, feelings and opinions.

10. Strive to be open to global perspectives and to be global citizens who value/accept others.

By signing this document, you are agreeing to the contract/syllabus. Please sign and date below.

Name of Student___________________________________Signature____________________________Date______________

Name of Guardian_________________________________Signature____________________________Date______________


John Marshall High School

3939 Tracy Street,

Los Angeles, California 90027

Telephone: 323-671-1400 ( Fax: 323-665-8682: mssmontes.

10th Grade History Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Rhee

Course: 10th Grade World History (Honors & ESL)

Textbook: The Modern World (Prentice Hall)

E-mail: esther.rhee@

Room No.: 506

Office Hours: 7:30 – 8:00 AM on Tuesdays/Thursdays or by appointment

Work habits and Cooperation: E=excellent, S=satisfactory, U=unsatisfactory.

Our History Learning Contract

Name of Student


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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