Biology 10/31

Skeleton Laboratory B (Exercises 15, 16, and 17 in the lab manual)Do all of the following figures in exercises 15, 16, and 17. You do not have to label any exercise figures that are not listed below.Lab 15Figure 15.1: Skip blank 6.Figure 15.2: Skip features 1, 3, 4, and 8Figure 15.3: Skip features 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9Figure 15.4: Skip blanks 1, 2, and 4 – 8. Figure 15.5: Label all blanks.In addition to the above. Inspect textbook figures 7.16 and 7.17 and use those figures to fill in the table in assessment section B of exercise 15. The major goal is to be able to identify the three types of vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) .As a guide, use the spine model and the photos of the three vertebrae types that are shown in lab manual figure 15.3. Number column: In this column write the number of each of the three vertebrae types in the spine. Size column: In this column, write smallest, medium or largest to describe the relative size of each vertebrae type. Body: In this column, write thinnest, medium, and thickest to describe the relative size of the body (the disk shaped region) of each vertebrae type. Spinous process: In this column, describe the shape of the spinous process of each of the three vertebrae types. For answers, write either “Forked and straight”, “slopes downward and horse head shape”, or “Hatchet shaped”.Transverse foramina: In this column, describe whether each vertebrae type has transverse foramina (small holes in the sideways processes). For answers, write either “present” or “not present”.========================================================You are not required to do any of the assessment exercises in exercise 15. However, it is good practice to do them to check that you learned the concepts. Assessment A: Skip questions 5, 7, and 10. Assessment C: Answer all questions.Assessment D: Answer all questions.Lab 16Figure 16.1: Label all blanks.Figure 16.2: Label all blanks.Figures 16.3 and 16.4: On figures 16.3 and 16.4, skip labeling but be able to recognize the humerus, radius, and ulna, and know all the bones they articulate with.Figure 16.5: Skip blanks 1 – 4 and 8 – 11.========================================================You are not required to do any of the assessment exercises in exercise 16. However, it is good practice to do them to check that you learned the concepts. Assessment A: Skip question 1Assessment B: Skip questions 1-7, and 9-11. Assessment C: In figure 16.6, skip blank 2. In figure 16.7, label all blanks. In figure 16.8, skip blanks 4 and 5.Assessment D: Skip filling in the blanks, but be able to name group 1 – 8, group 9, and group 10 – 12. Lab 17Figure 17.1: Label all blanks.Figure 17.2: Skip blanks 2, 4, 5, and 6. Figure 17.3: Skip all blanks except 1. Figure 17.4: Skip blanks 1, 4, and 5. Figure 17.5: Skip blanks 3 – 10. ========================================================You are not required to do any of the assessment exercises in exercise 17. However, it is good practice to do them to check that you learned the concepts. Assessment A: Skip questions 4 – 7 and 9Assessment B: Skip questions 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 12Assessment C: In figure 17.6, skip blanks 2 and 6In figure 17.7, skip blanks 1 – 3. In figure 17.8, skip blanks 1 – 3.Assessment D: Skip blanks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 ................

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