1) Borneo is best described as a(n):

a) island.

b) archipelago.

c) subcontinent.

d) peninsula.

2) Which island is home to three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei?

a) Hokkaido

b) Borneo

c) Sumatra

d) Java

3) The Salween and Irrawaddy Rivers flow through:

a) Burma.

b) Cambodia.

c) Malaysia.

d) Vietnam.

4) The deadly tsunami of 2004 was triggered by a giant earthquake just north of:

a) Sumatra.

b) the Moluccas.

c) the Philippines.

d) East Timor.

5) The now-submerged shelf of the Eurasian continent that allowed ancient people and land animals to travel south to what later became the islands of Southeast Asia is known as:

a) Sundaland.

b) Gondwanaland.

c) Bechuanaland.

d) Indo-Europea.

6) What factor or factors account for the large amount of rainfall that Southeast Asia gets?

a) Monsoons

b) The intertropical convergence zone

c) El Niño

d) El Niño and the ITCZ

7) The dominant land use in Indonesia is:

a) tourist resorts.

b) paper factories.

c) palm oil plantations.

d) game preserves.

8) Which statement is NOT true of swidden cultivation?

a) It is an ancient method of shifting cultivation.

b) It allows land to restore its fertility and productivity naturally.

c) It helps prevent wildfires during an El Niño period.

d) It can be practiced successfully when population densities are low.

9) The Austronesians who settled Southeast Asia came primarily from:

a) India.

b) Africa.

c) Australia.

d) China.

10) The city of Angkor was located in what is present-day:

a) China.

b) Cambodia.

c) Laos.

d) Vietnam.

11) What is the predominant religion of mainland Southeast Asia?

a) Islam

b) Buddhism

c) Hinduism

d) Catholicism

12) On which Southeast Asian island is Hinduism dominant?

a) Bali

b) Borneo

c) Java

d) Sumatra

13) Most of what is today the country of Indonesia was controlled by what European power during the colonial era?

a) The Netherlands

b) Britain

c) Spain

d) Portugal

14) The passage for sea trade between China and Britain’s empire in India was the:

a) Bay of Bengal.

b) South China Sea.

c) Gulf of Tonkin.

d) Strait of Malacca.

15) Which was the only country in Southeast Asia NOT colonized by Europeans?

a) Thailand

b) Burma

c) Malaysia

d) Laos

16) Which of the following was a result of the Spanish-American War?

a) The French withdrew from Laos.

b) The Portuguese granted independence to Timor.

c) The Spanish ceded control of the Philippines to the United States.

d) The Japanese establish a military presence in Thailand (Siam).

17) The Southeast Asian country known for the violent and bloody actions of the Khmer Rouge is:

a) Cambodia.

b) Vietnam.

c) Laos.

d) Burma.

18) Why was trade among the countries of Southeast Asia low prior to the era of economic development?

a) Many of the countries were at war with one another (for example, Thailand and Cambodia).

b) Communist governments in Southeast Asia had a no-export policy.

c) All the countries exported similar goods and imposed tariffs against one another.

d) Most countries were self-sufficient and had little need for trade.

19) Which goods were the first to be exported en masse by Southeast Asia as part of its economic development strategy?

a) Clothes

b) Minerals

c) Computers and electronics

d) Agricultural products

20) Which statement best summarizes the status of working conditions in the factories and cities of Southeast Asia?

a) People are paid well, but work very long hours.

b) Working conditions are poor, labor unions are repressed, and international criticism leads to few changes.

c) Communist economic policies require a seniority system in which workers are split into four tiers, based on their amount of time in a particular job.

d) Watchdog organizations closely monitor employees’ health as well as industries’ impact on the environment.

21) Oil is the dominant sector of the economy in:

a) the Philippines.

b) Brunei.

c) Cambodia.

d) Malaysia.

22) Which of the following is the best characterization of the pattern of human settlement in Southeast Asia?

a) Most people live in dense urban settings along narrow coastlines.

b) Most people are sparsely settled on the broad river plains.

c) Most people are crammed into a handful of primate cities.

d) Most people live in patches of very dense rural settlement along coastlines.

23) Which Southeast Asian country ranks lowest on the Human Development Index?

a) Timor-Leste

b) The Philippines

c) Burma

d) Vietnam

24) Which Southeast Asian country has the highest rate of urbanization?

a) Brunei

b) Malaysia

c) The Philippines

d) Singapore

25) Which of the following has the best record of providing well for nearly all of its citizens?

a) Brunei

b) Singapore

c) Jakarta

d) Manila

26) Which statement best summarizes religious belief systems in Southeast Asia?

a) Southeast Asia is the native home of Confucianism and Buddhism, which explains why they remain the predominant religions of the region.

b) Due to the large number of religions practiced in Southeast Asia, many of the religions have adopted traditional ideas or practices of other belief systems.

c) Studies show that religion is a much less important facet of life in Southeast Asia than it is in most other world regions.

d) Religious tolerance is widely practiced, except in the case of Islam, which is outlawed.

27) Which best describes the physical geography of Burma and Thailand?

a) Mountainous in the north, urban development and modernization in the south

b) Landlocked on the west, seafront on the east

c) Densely populated in the interior, sparsely populated in coastal areas

d) Major rivers flowing west to east through both countries

28) Which country is the most developed in Mainland Southeast Asia?

a) Thailand

b) Cambodia

c) Laos

d) Vietnam

29) In Vietnam, doi moi was specifically designed to accomplish which of the following?

a) Improve efficiency by introducing elements of a market economy

b) Introduce an economic blockade against the United States

c) Nationalize “strategic” industries and fully control foreign investments

d) Reduce the economy’s dependence on externally financed development

30) Traditional conflicts in Malaysia were based on antagonism between Malays and:

a) Indians.

b) Overseas Chinese.

c) Tamils.

d) Muslims.

31) Which statement best describes Malaysia today?

a) It remains a divided country beset by apparently unsolvable religious and ethnic conflict.

b) It will be returned to China in 2025.

c) Despite occasional economic setbacks, the country is on the fast track of economic development and has begun calling for stricter environmental regulations.

d) Its economy, the largest in Southeast Asia, now rivals that of the United States and China.

32) The most economically productive islands of Indonesia are:

a) Java and Sumatra.

b) the Moluccas.

c) the Lesser Sunda Islands.

d) Sarawak and Sabah.

33) The wealthy people of the Philippines come primarily from what ethnic background(s)?

a) Spanish and Chinese

b) Malay

c) Indigenous populations

d) African

34) Which statement best describes the Philippines today?

a) Following the overthrow of the Marcos regime, the country has seen a substantial increase in standards of living.

b) Indigenous populations tend to hold the most power and wealth, creating resentment among people of Chinese and Spanish heritage.

c) Democracy is fragile, civil problems are common, and parts of the country have become home to terrorist groups.

d) Cut off from world trade, the country has managed to become self-sufficient and provide basic food staples for its population.

35) The most popular sport in Oceania is:

a) baseball.

b) cricket.

c) soccer.

d) rugby.

36) What do Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia all have in common?

a) They are all territories of the United States or Europe.

b) They are common names for island groupings in Oceania and are based on ancient cultural or ethnic links.

c) They are all dominated by agricultural production.

d) They are home to the world’s most active volcanoes.

37) Which of the following describes the basic physical landscape of Australia’s large interior?

a) Lowland desert

b) Lowland rainforest

c) Mountainous needle-leaf forest

d) Highland tundra

38) The youngest volcanoes of Oceania are located on or near the islands known as:

a) New Zealand.

b) Hawaii.

c) Tonga.

d) Fiji.

39) Which is the best explanation of the roaring forties?

a) The period in the 1940s during which the islands of Oceania achieved independence from their colonizers.

b) The temperature (in Fahrenheit) experienced by most of the islands of Oceania throughout the year.

c) The high westerly winds that circle the earth around the 40th parallel south, unimpeded by large landmasses.

d) The number of islands in most of the archipelagos of Oceania.

40) The country decimated by strip-mining of phosphates that were the natural result of eons of bird droppings is:

a) Nauru.

b) the Solomon Islands.

c) Kiribati.

d) Tuvalu.

41) The site of more than 100 U.S. nuclear bomb tests from the 1940s through the 1960s was:

a) the Solomon Islands.

b) the Marshall Islands.

c) the Gilbert Islands.

d) the Ellice Islands.

42) Which best describes Oceania’s trends in population?

a) Australians and New Zealanders tend to have more children than other islanders.

b) Pacific islanders tend to have more children than Australians and New Zealanders.

c) Overall in Oceania, the trend is for larger families.

d) Overall in Oceania, the trend is for the population to get younger.

43) Which of the following is NOT a reasonable explanation for the increase in the number of people in Australia and New Zealand who claim indigenous ancestry?

a) Changing attitudes toward indigenous cultures

b) A greater willingness by people to claim indigenous heritage

c) Government subsidies offered to those of indigenous ancestry

d) Higher rates of marriage between those of indigenous ancestry and European ancestry

44) Which statement best summarizes the Maori today?

a) They remain a discriminated-against minority, and people try to hide any Maori ancestry.

b) All of the Maoris’ traditional lands have been restored by the government of New Zealand.

c) While some Maori land has been transferred back to Maori control, the Maori as a whole still have lower employment and lower education levels than the New Zealand population as a whole.

d) In search of land, most of the Maori population of New Zealand has emigrated to the northern Mariana Islands, where they receive subsidies from the U.S. government.

45) Which is the best description of the Pacific Way?

a) A political and cultural philosophy based on consensus and respect for traditional leadership

b) A charity geared toward helping the poor and indigent of the Pacific Islands

c) The air currents that travel east to west around the globe at the “roaring forties”

d) The cross-country highway that unites Western Australia with Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef

46) Which of the following has NOT been a result of Fiji’s recent subversions of majority rule?

a) Fiji has been suspended from the Commonwealth of Nations.

b) Fiji is no longer available for Commonwealth aid.

c) Fiji cannot participate in Commonwealth-sponsored sporting events.

d) Fiji is now the subject of a Commonwealth embargo on its agricultural products.

47) Which statement best describes the role of sports in Oceania?

a) Sports are a unifying force that foster cultural identity and provide the people of Oceania with opportunities for travel within the region.

b) Sports are a primarily male pursuit; women are discouraged from taking part in any sporting activity.

c) Sports are seen as a result of colonial domination and are strongly discouraged by local and national governments.

d) Sports are primarily undertaken by the lower classes; the upper classes prefer more artistic pursuits, such as music and literature.

ESSAY QUESTIONS: Answer three (3) of the following questions. #3-5 sentences each.

-Explain how the introduction of rabbits into Australia by European settlers affected native plant and animal species. How well did efforts to control the growth of the rabbit population work, and what were some of their unintended effects?

-Describe why the resettlement of Javanese to other Indonesian islands has been a contentious issue in Indonesia. What is the government’s position on resettlement? How does resettlement affect indigenous populations?

-Describe three types of volcanic islands.

-Discuss three environmental problems associated with tourism, which is often touted as being an environmentally “clean” industry.

-How has the relaxation of immigrant restrictions in Australia and New Zealand changed (1) the ethnic diversity and (2) the attitudes toward indigenous peoples in these countries?

-Describe two reasons that resettlement (transmigration) schemes have been introduced in Indonesia.

-How has urbanization in Southeast Asian transformed traditional marriage roles and family arrangements?

-Explain how swidden cultivation helps preserve the fertility of farmland, and how population growth and logging activities can interfere with swidden cultivation and lead to climate change and other environmental side-effects.


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