11th Grade English Language Arts

Middletown High School

Course Description

The 11th grade English course focuses on the refinement of reading, writing, speaking, listening, research, and language skills. Many skills developed in this course will prepare students for the SAT and career/college readiness.


➢ Class Time: Students are expected to be prompt, prepared, polite, positive, and productive during class time. The code of conduct will be enforced. Be mindful of unexcused lates (3+ = referral), the dress code, and the policy for electronic devices.

➢ Materials: Students are expected to bring English materials every day to class. Students are responsible for replacing damaged or lost books/materials.

➢ Course Readings: The course textbook is the Holt McDougal Literature: American Literature (Common Core Edition)—ISBN: 978-0-547-61841-8. There will be supplemental material throughout the year, including relevant prose and poetry. Required class reads include: To Kill a Mockingbird: ISBN—0446310786, The Crucible: ISBN— 0142437336, and The Scarlet Letter (Honors): ISBN— 0486280489. An English 11 text and media highlight list is provided on the school web site for parent and student review. Online access is available for the textbook. Please contact your teacher with any questions or concerns. All students are provided with textbooks and class novels. There will be online reading assignments and activities throughout the course that can be accessed through the Middletown High School homework web site. Students will also view the feature films To Kill a Mockingbird (1962; NR; ASIN: B006FE83UE) and The Crucible (1996; PG-13; ASIN: B00013F2S6) to achieve the Common Core Learning Standard of analyzing multiple interpretations of a literary text.

➢ Computer Use/Internet Access: Students will be expected to have access to a computer and the Internet for some readings and assignments. Sufficient time will be given for students to complete online assignments outside of class. All students should explore other options for completing computer/Internet based assignments (school or community library, after school by appointment, friend or family home) beyond the home. If you do not have computer/Internet access, see me immediately to establish a plan for how you will complete this component of the course. All glitches or difficulties with technology must be confirmed with a parent note (each time). Grade penalties will be at the teacher’s discretion.

➢ Course Progress: Students are expected to check the Home Access Center for course progress and grades. I am available by appointment for assignment questions, additional help/conferencing and make up assessments.


➢ Students and parents are expected to monitor grade progress weekly using the online home access center: Please email me with questions and or concerns.

➢ Online Textbook:

Responsible use is expected for the online textbook. Email me immediately with a clear explanation if issues arise.

o Default Username: mhscavs

o Password: x2v8k (password is CASE SENSITIVE)

➢ Students are expected to use the School Web Site to keep up to date on assignments and due dates. In the event of a weather delay or cancellation, students are expected to check for course assignment updates:


➢ All work falls into one of two categories: Process or Product.

o Formative/Process assignments are formative assessments (practice/preparation). This may include but is not limited to class work, homework, group work, presentations, rough drafts, some quizzes, and participation. These assignments will account for 30% of the overall marking period grade.

o Summative/Product assignments are summative assessments (performance). This may include but is not limited to essays, presentations, projects, tests, and quizzes. These assessments will account for 70% of the overall marking period grade.

➢ All papers must be typed and printed in black ink on white paper, so plan accordingly. Students are expected to have back-up copies of electronic assignments.

o USB Drives:

▪ We will not accept USB Drives, CDs, or handwritten papers in place of printed papers for full credit.

▪ If the file does not function for any reason, the paper will be marked as missing and late.

o Emailing Assignments:

▪ Students are responsible for making sure emailed assignments are printed and submitted on time with peers.

▪ The paper may be emailed to the teacher; however, papers must be readable and received by the start of the class period due. If the email AND file does not arrive on time, and/or the file does not function, the paper will be marked late.

➢ If you lose a handout you may not receive another one. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the information on that handout to have the homework (on time!), the notes, or the assignment.


➢ Grade reporting follows the schedule set by Middletown High School in the agenda book.

➢ Scores will be recorded in the computer grade book (E-School/Home Access Center). You must keep all assignments until you verify them on your grade sheet/home access.

➢ If you have a question or concern about your grade, please see me to schedule an appointment outside of class. If you do not have access to Home Access Center, you must notify me immediately.

➢ I utilize the Home Access Center as a communication tool for grades and course performance. It is beneficial for student and parent to have access to the Home Access Center to check grades and progress.

Common course codes include:

o RCV: the assignment has been received and is in the grading process( Code RCV does not impact grade

o ABS: the assignment was either assigned or collected during a student absence (excused or unexcused)(

Code ABS counts as a zero for the assignment until the make-up work is resolved.

o — : the assignment has been created and/or assigned, but completion or score report has not been entered yet(

Code — does not impact the grade

o EX: the assignment has been excused for the student( Code EX does not impact the grade


➢ Process work must be turned in on time. Late process assignments will not receive full credit.

➢ Product grade work will lose 10% of the points for each day late until it is worth 55%.

➢ All work submitted at a time DIFFERENT than designated class submission MUST be placed in the LATER basket with an explanation form.

➢ All work missed because of an excused absence may be made up for full credit. Students will be given one day for each day missed to make arrangements to make up missed work (see agenda book). Credit may not be given for make-up work, including tests and quizzes, completed after an unexcused tardy or absence. Please be mindful of being on time to class.

➢ Any tests or quizzes are to be made up within 5 days of returning to class. An after school appointment should be made for the make-up assessment or it will have to be done during class time. Tests/quizzes that are not made up within the time frame will receive a zero. Tests and quizzes are announced in advance. It is the responsibility of the student to make up assessments without teacher reminders.

➢ Unless an incomplete grade is recorded for a marking period, no work may be made up after the end of the marking period in which it was due. Incomplete grades must be reconciled by the deadline for interim notices for the following marking period. If this is not done, the incomplete grade is changed to an “F”(Please see agenda book for clarification).


▪ Three-ring binder

▪ White, ruled binder paper (lots of it)

▪ Printer Paper

▪ Folder

▪ Blue or black pens/Pencils

▪ Highlighter

Please see me if obtaining supplies is an issue

▪ Computer Disk for School Work (Flash Drive recommended)

▪ Extra printer cartridge—(Please plan for printer ink issues. Running out of ink is not a valid excuse for a missing assignment)

▪ Project materials such as markers, glue, colored pencils, etc. may be necessary throughout the course for different assignments and projects. Students will be given prior notice of these expectations, but you may want to have some on hand in case personal conflicts arise.

A course list of readings is provided on the high school website and a print copy is available for review upon request.

Please review the course texts, provided syllabus, and information regarding plagiarism on the back of this paper.

Sign and return this page.

Student Course Agreement:

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for English 11 and have shared them with my parent or guardian.

I am aware of the course, calendar and grade reporting information available to me through the school web site and student agenda book.

Student name _____________________________

Student signature_______________________________

Parent/Guardian Course Agreement:

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for English 11 and have shared them with my child.

I am aware of the course, calendar and grade reporting information available to me through the school web site and student agenda book.

Parent/Guardian name _______________________________

Parent/Guardian signature _____________________________

Parent/Guardian information:

1. Name and relationship to student: _______________________________ /___________________

Home phone______________________________ Work phone _________________________

e-mail _________________________________________________________________________


2. Name and relationship to student: _______________________________ /___________________

Home phone______________________________ Work phone _________________________

e-mail _________________________________________________________________________


I look forward to working with you this semester. Please take a moment to tell me a little more about your child:










I look forward to working with you this year.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the semester, please contact me by e-mail or by phone.


▪ Middletown High School takes plagiarism very seriously. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a zero on the assignment. There is no opportunity to receive credit if evidence of plagiarism is discovered. Please refer to the Code of Conduct for disciplinary actions related to plagiarism.


“Plagiarism means using another's work without giving credit. You must put others' words in quotation marks and cite your source(s) and must give citations when using others' ideas, even if those ideas are paraphrased in your own words” (sja.ucdavis.edu/avoid.htm).

“Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own. Plagiarism is theft of intellectual property. The most obvious form of plagiarism consists of stealing an author's exact words and failing to use quotation marks or to cite the author. However, other more subtle degrees of plagiarism exist” (springfield.k12.pa.us/rguide/page7.html).

“Provide citations whenever you use:

direct quotations

paraphrases and summaries

borrowed ideas

facts that are not common knowledge” (hamilton.edu/academics/resource/wc/ AvoidingPlagiarism.html).

“To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use

another person's idea, opinion, or theory;

any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings--any pieces of information--that are not common knowledge;

quotations of another person's actual spoken or written words; or

paraphrase of another person's spoken or written words.

These guidelines are taken from the Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct”




It is expected that you will:

✓ be on time to class.

✓ silence and store all electronic devices for the entire class period.

✓ have YOUR agenda book in class EVERY DAY (must have agenda to leave class)

✓ have all the items you need to be successful in class (e.g., book, paper, homework, pen).

✓ respect yourself, your classmates, the teacher, and the classroom.

✓ have a positive attitude.

✓ use your time in class to accomplish the class objectives.

✓ be the best possible you.

Please share with us:

How do you utilize the home access center (HAC) to monitor your child’s progress?





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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