Bedford County Public Schools 11th Grade Curriculum Map


|10.1 The student will participate in collaborate in and report |11.1 The student will make informative and persuasive |12.1 The student will make formal oral presentation in a group |

|on small-group learning activities. |presentations. |or individually. |

|a. Assume responsibility for specific group task. |a. Gather and organize evidence to support a position. |a. Choose the purpose of the presentation. |

|b. Collaborate in the preparation or summary of the group |b. present evidence clearly and convincingly. |b. Choose vocabulary, language, and tone appropriate to the |

|activity. |c. Address counterclaims. |audience, topic, and purpose. |

|c. Include all group members in oral presentation. |d. Support and defend ideas in public forums. |c. Use details, illustrations, statistics, comparisons, and |

|d. Choose vocabulary, language, and tone appropriate to the |e. use grammatically correct language, including vocabulary |analogies to support the presentation. |

|topic, audience, and purpose. |appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. |d. Use media, visual literacy, and technology skills to create |

|e. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with diverse |f. Monitor listening and use a variety of active listening |and support the presentation. |

|teams to accomplish a common goal. |strategies to make evaluations. |e. Use grammatically correct language, including vocabulary |

|f. Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new |g. Use presentation technology. |appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. |

|understanding, make decisions, and solve problems. |h. Collaborate and report on small-group learning activities. |f. Collaborate and report on small group learning activities. |

|g. Access, critically evaluate, and use information accurately | |g. Evaluate formal presentations including personal, digital, |

|to solve problems. | |visual, textual, and technological. |

|h. Evaluate one’s own role in preparation and delivery of oral | |h. Use a variety of listening strategies to analyze |

|reports. | |relationships among purpose, audience, and content of |

|i. Use a variety of strategies to listen actively. | |presentations. |

|j. Analyze and interpret other’s presentations. | |i. Critique effectiveness of presentations. |

|k. Evaluate effectiveness of group process in preparation and | | |

|delivery of oral reports. |11.2 The student will examine how values and points of view are | |

| |included or excluded and how media influences beliefs and |12.2 The student will examine how values and points of view are |

|10.2 The student will analyze, produce, and examine similarities|behaviors. |included or excluded and how media influences beliefs and |

|and differences between visual and verbal media messages. |a. Use technology and other information tools to organize and |behaviors. |

|a. Use media visual literacy, and technology skills to create |display knowledge in ways others can view, use and assess. |a. Evaluate sources including advertisements, editorials, blogs,|

|products. |b. Use media, visual literacy, and technology skills to create |Web sites, and other media for relationships between intent, |

|b. Evaluation sources including advertisements, editorials, |products. |factual content, and opinion. |

|blogs, Web sites, and other media for relationships between |c. Evaluate sources including advertisements, editorials, blogs,|b. Determine the author’s purpose and intended effect on the |

|intent, factual, content, and opinion. |Web sites, and other media for relationships between intent, |audience for media messages. |

|c. Determine the author’s purpose and intended effect on the |factual content, and opinion. | |

|audience for media messages. |d. Determine the author’s purpose and intended effect on the | |

|d. Identify the tools and techniques used to achieve the |audience for media messages. | |

|intended focus. | | |

| |READING | |

| |11.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, | |

|READING |derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary |READING |

|10.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, |development in authentic texts. |12.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, |

|derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary |a. Use structural analysis of roots, affixes, synonyms, |derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary |

|development in authentic texts. |antonyms, and cognates to understand complex words. |development in authentic texts. |

|a. Use structural analysis of roots, affixes, synonyms, |b. Use context, structure, and connotations to determine |a. Use structural analysis of roots, affixes, synonyms, |

|antonyms, and cognates to understand complex words. |meanings of words and phrases. |antonyms, and cognates to understand complex words. |

|b. Use context, structure, and connotations to determine |c. Discriminate between connotative and denotative meanings and |b. Use context, structure, and connotations to determine |

|meanings of words and phrases. |interpret the connotations. |meanings of words and phrases. |

|c. Discriminate between connotative and denotative meanings and |d. Identify the meaning of common idioms. |c. Discriminate between connotative and denotative meanings and |

|interpret the connotation. |e. Indentify literary and classical allusions and figurative |interpret the connotations. |

|d. Identify the meaning of common idioms. |language in text. |d. Identify the meaning of common idioms, literary and classical|

|e. Identify literary and classical allusions and figurative |f. Extend general and specialized vocabulary through speaking, |allusions in text. |

|language in text. |reading, and writing. |e. Expand general and specialized vocabulary through speaking, |

|f. Extend general and specialized vocabulary through speaking, |g. Use knowledge of the evolution, diversity, and effects of |reading, and writing. |

|reading, and writing. |language to comprehend and elaborate the meaning of texts. |f. Use knowledge of the evolution, diversity, and effects of |

|g. Use knowledge of the evolution, diversity, and effects of | |language to comprehend and elaborate the meaning of texts. |

|language to comprehend and elaborate the meaning of texts. |11.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze | |

| |relationships among American literature, history, and culture. | |

|10.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze literary |a. Describe contributions of different cultures to the |12.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze the |

|texts of different cultures and eras. |development of American literature. |development of British literature and literature of other |

|a. Identify main and supporting ideas. |b. Compare and contrast the development of American literature |cultures. |

|b. Make predictions, draw inferences, and connect prior |in its historical context. |a. Compare and contrast the development of British literature in|

|knowledge to support reading comprehension. |c. Discuss American literature as it reflects traditional and |its historical context. |

|c. Explain similarities and differences of techniques and |contemporary themes, motifs, universal characters, and genres. |b. Recognize major literary forms and their elements. |

|literary forms represented in literature of different cultures |d. Analyze the social or cultural function of American |c. Recognize the characteristics of major chronological eras. |

|and eras. |Literature. |d. Relate literary works and authors to major themes and issues |

|d. Analyze the cultural or social functions of literature. |e. Analyze how context and language structures convey and |of their eras. |

|e. Identify universal themes prevalent in the literature of |author’s intent and viewpoint. |e. Analyze the social and cultural function of British |

|different cultures. |f. Explain how the sound of a poem (rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia,|literature. |

|f. Examine a literary selection from several critical |repetition, alliteration, assonance, and parallelism) supports |f. Explain how the sound of a poem (rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia,|

|perspectives. |the subject, mood, and theme. |repetition, alliteration, assonance, and parallelism) supports |

|g. Explain the influences of historical context on the form, |g. Explain how imagery and figures of speech appeal to the |the subject, mood, and theme. |

|styles, and point of view of a literary text. |reader’s senses and experiences. |g. Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary poems from |

|h. Evaluate how an author’s specific work choices, syntax, tone,|h. Explain how an author’s specific word choices, syntax, tone, |many cultures. |

|and voice shape the intended meaning of the text, achieve |and voice support the author’s purpose. |h. Analyze how dramatic conventions including character, scene, |

|specific effects and support the author’s purpose. |i. Read and analyze a variety of American dramatic selections. |dialogue, and staging contribute to the theme and effect. |

|i. Compare and contrast literature from different cultures and |j. Analyze the use of literary elements and dramatic conventions|i. Compare and contrast dramatic elements of plays from |

|eras. |including verbal, situational and dramatic irony used in |American, British, and other cultures. |

|j. Distinguish between a critique and a summary. |American literature. | |

|k. Compare and contrast how rhyme, rhythm, sound, imagery, |k. Generate and respond logically to literal, inferential, | |

|style, form, and other literary devices conveys a message and |evaluative, synthesizing, and critical thinking questions | |

|elicit a reader’s emotions. |before, during, and after reading texts. | |

|l. Compare and contrast character development in a play to | | |

|characterization in other literary forms. | | |

|m. Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout |11.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction | |

|the reading process. |texts. | |

| |a. Use information from texts to clarify understanding of | |

|10.5 The student will read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate |concepts. | |

|nonfiction texts. |b. Read and follow directions to complete an application for |12.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction |

|a. Identify text organization and structure. |college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. |texts. |

|b. Recognize an author’s intended audience and purpose for |c. Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about |a. Generate and respond logically to literal, inferential, |

|writing. |other texts. |evaluative, synthesizing, and critical thinking questions |

|c. Skim manuals or informational sources to locate information. |d. Draw conclusions and make inferences on explicit and implied |before, during and after reading texts. |

|d. Compare and contrast informational texts. |information using textual support. |b. Analyze and synthesize information in order to solve |

|e. Interpret and use data and information in maps, charts, |e. Analyze two or more texts addressing the same topic to |problems, answer questions, and generate new knowledge. |

|graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams. |identify author’s purpose and determine how authors reach |c. Analyze two or more texts addressing the same topic to |

|f. Draw conclusions, and make inferences on explicit and implied|similar or different conclusions. |identify authors’ purpose and determine how authors reach |

|information using textual support as evidence. |f. Identify false premises in persuasive writing. |similar or different conclusions. |

|g. Analyze and synthesize information in order to solve |g. Recognize and analyze use of ambiguity, contradiction, |d. Recognize and analyze use of ambiguity, contradiction, |

|problems, answer questions, and generate new knowledge. |paradox, irony, overstatement, and understatement in text. |paradox, irony, overstatement, and understatement in text. |

|h. Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to |h. Generate and respond logically to literal, inferential, |e. Identify false premises in persuasive writing. |

|monitor comprehension. |evaluative, synthesizing, and critical thinking questions |f. Draw conclusions and make inferences on explicit and implied |

| |before, during, and after reading texts. |information using textual support. |

| | | |

| |WRITING | |

| |11.6 The student will write in a variety of forms, with an | |

| |emphasis on persuasion. | |

| |a. Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing to | |

|WRITING |address a specific audience and purpose. |WRITING |

|10.6 The student will develop a variety of writing to persuade, |b. Produce arguments in writing developing a thesis that |12.6 The student will develop expository and informational, |

|interpret, analyze, and evaluate with an emphasis on exposition |demonstrates knowledgeable judgments, addresses counterclaims, |analyses and persuasive/argumentative writings. |

|and analysis. |and provides effective conclusions. |a. Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing to address a|

|a. Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing to |c. Organize ideas in a sustained and logical manner. |specific audience and purpose. |

|address a specific audience and purpose. |d. Clarify and defend position with precise and relevant |b. Produce arguments in writing that develop a thesis to |

|b. Synthesize information to support the thesis. |evidence elaborating ideas clearly and accurately. |demonstrate knowledgeable judgments, address counterclaims, and |

|c. Elaborate ideas clearly through word choice and vivid |e. Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, |provide effective conclusions. |

|description. |purpose, and situation. |c. Clarify and defend a position with precise and relevant |

|d. Write clear and varied sentences, clarifying ideas with |f. Revise writing for clarity of content, accuracy and depth of |evidence. |

|precise and relevant evidence. |information. |d. Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, |

|e. Organize ideas into a logical sequence using transitions. |g. Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and |purpose and situation. |

|f. Revise writing for clarity of content, accuracy, and depth of|publish writing. |e. Use a variety of rhetorical strategies to accomplish a |

|information. |h. Write and revise correspondence to a standard acceptable both|specific purpose. |

|g. Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and |in the workplace and in postsecondary education. |f. Create arguments free of errors in logic and externally |

|publish writing. | |supported |

| |11.7 The student will self-and peer-edit writing for correct |g. Revise writing for clarity of content, depth of information |

| |grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence |and technique of presentation. |

| |structure, and paragraphing. |h. Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and |

| |a. Use a style manual, such as that of the Modern Language |publish writing. |

| |Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association | |

| |(APA), to apply rules for punctuation and formatting of direct | |

| |quotations. |12.7 The student will write, revise and edit writing. |

|10.7 The student will self-and peer-edit writing for correct |b. Use verbals and verbal phrases to achieve sentence |a. Edit, proofread, and prepare writing for intended audience |

|grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence |conciseness and variety. |and purpose. |

|structure, and paragraphing. |c. Distinguish between active and passive voice. |b. Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use|

|a. Distinguish between active and passive voice. |d. Differentiate between in-text citations and works cited on |of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |

|b. Apply rules governing use of the colon. |the bibliography page. |c. Use a style manual, such as that of the Modern Language |

|c. Use a style manual, such as that of the Modern Language |e. Adjust sentence and paragraph structures for a variety of |Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association |

|Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association |purposes and audiences. |(APA), to apply rules for punctuation and formatting of direct |

|(APA), to apply rules for punctuation and formatting of direct |f. Proofread and edit writing for intended audience and purpose.|quotations. |

|quotations. | | |

|d. Differentiate between in-text citations and works cited on | | |

|the bibliography page. |RESEARCH | |

|e. Analyze the writing of others. |11.8 The student will analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and | |

|f. Describe how the author accomplishes the intended purpose of |organize information from a variety of sources to produce a | |

|a piece of writing. |research product. | |

|g. Suggest how writing might be improved. |a. Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and| |

|h. Proofread and edit final product for intended audience and |communicate information. |RESEARCH |

|purpose. |b. Narrow a topic and develop a plan for research. |12.8 The student will write documented research papers. |

| |c. Collect information to support a thesis. |a. Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and|

|RESEARCH |d. Critically evaluate quality, accuracy, and validity of |communicate information. |

|10.8 The student will collect, evaluate, organize, and present |information. |b. Frame, analyze, and synthesize information to solve problems,|

|information to create a research product. |e. Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by |answer questions, and generate new knowledge. |

|a. Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluation, |identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, |c. Critically evaluate the accuracy, quality, and validity of |

|synthesize, and communicate information. |conflicting information, point of view or bias. |the information. |

|b. Develop the central idea or focus. |f. Synthesize and present information in a logical sequence. |d. Synthesize information to support the thesis and present |

|c. Verify the accuracy, validity, and usefulness of information.|g. Cite sources for both quoted and paraphrased ideas using a |information in a logical manner. |

|d. Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by |standard method of documentation, such as that of the Modern |e. Cite sources for both quoted and paraphrased ideas using a |

|identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, |Language Association (MLA) or the American Psychological |standard method of documentation, such as that of the Modern |

|conflicting information, point of view or bias. |Association (APA). |Language Association (MLA) or the American Psychological |

|e. Cite sources for both quoted and paraphrased ideas using a |h. Revise writing for clarity of content, accuracy, and depth of|Association (APA). |

|standard method of documentation, such as that of the Modern |information. |f. Revise writing for clarity, depth of information, and |

|Language Association (MLA) or the American Psychological |i. Edit writing for grammatically correct use of language, |technique of presentation. |

|Association (APA). |spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence/paragraph |g. Edit writing for language, spelling, punctuation, |

|f. Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism and follow |structure. |capitalization, syntax, and paragraphing as appropriate for |

|ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using |j. Define the meaning consequences of plagiarism and follow |standard English. |

|information. |ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using |h. Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism and follow |

| |information. |ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using |

| | |information. |

|READING |Chronology: |Chronology: |Chronology: |This nine weeks should be skills |

|VDOE: Use this link | | |Realism: SOL 11.4 a, b, c, d, e |based in order to prepare the |

|for further resources |Native American (Time frame: 3 days): SOL 11.4 |Romanticism (Time frame: 1 week): SOL 11.4 a, b, |(bullet points for each time period |students for the Reading SOL. The |

|for the Reading and |c, d, e (bullet points for each time period may |c, d, e, f, g (bullet points for each time period |may differ depending on the reading |following skills should be taught |

|Writing SOL. |differ depending on the reading selections |may differ depending on the reading selections |selections chosen) |and applied to literature: SOL 11.4|

| |chosen) |chosen) | |g, j, k and 11.5 a, b, c, d, e, f, |

| | | |“The Narrative of the Life of |g, h |

| |Oral Literature |“Devil and Tom Walker” |Frederick Douglass” | |

| |“The Sky Tree” |Fireside Poets |“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” |-Inference |

| |“The Earth Only” |“Thanatopsis” |Bierce |-Prediction |

| |“Coyote Finishes His Work” |James Fennimore Cooper (created Romantic hero) |Bierce’s “The Devil Dictionary” |-Drawing Conclusions |

| |Personal Memoir | |“Celebrated Jumping of Calaveras |-Vocabulary in Context |

| | |Transcendentalism (sub-genre of Romanticism) (Time |County” Twain |-Compare and Contrast |

| |Puritanism (Time frame: 2 weeks): SOL 11.4 a, |frame: 1 week): SOL 11.4 a, b, c, d, e, g (bullet |After Apple Picking (can be adapted |-Cause and Effect |

| |b, c, d, e, f, g, I (bullet points for each time|points for each time period may differ depending on|for any Frost poem) |-Figurative Language |

| |period may differ depending on the reading |the reading selections chosen) |After Apple Picking Analysis Guide |-Summarize |

| |selections chosen) | |(can be adapted for any Frost poem) |-Main Idea |

| | |“Nature and Self Reliance” Emerson |The Things They Carried technology |-Supporting Details |

| |Anne Bradstreet poetry |Walden |lesson |-Authors Purpose |

| |“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” |“Civil Disobedience” Thoreau | |-Fact vs. Opinion |

| |The Scarlett Letter |Compare and Contrast Essay | |-Comprehension |

| |“The Crucible” |MLK Speech Persuasive Devices and Rhetoric (used | |- Internal Text Structure |

| |Understanding Puritanism Youtube |with Slave narratives) (can be used with Thoreau’s | |-Application of Literary Terms |

| | |Civil Disobedience) | | |

| |Colonialism (Time frame: 1 week): SOL 11.4a, b,|Speech Analysis Lesson Plan (can be used with any | | |

| |c, d, e (bullet points for each time period may |speech or oral presentation lesson |Naturalism: SOL 11.4 a, b, c, d, e, |Contemporary Fiction: |

| |differ depending on the reading selections |Understanding Transcendentalism Youtube |f, g, I (bullet points for each time |“Speaking of Courage” Tim O’Brien |

| |chosen) |Gothicism (sub-genre of Romanticism) |period may differ depending on the |“Everything Stuck to Him” Raymond |

| | |(anti-transcendentalists/dark romance) (Time frame:|reading selections chosen) |Carver |

| | |1 week): SOL 11.4 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, I (bullet | | |

| |“The Autobiography” Ben Franklin |points for each time period may differ depending on|“Mystery of Heroism” Stephen Crane |Contemporary Non-Fiction: |

| |Aphorism |the reading selections chosen) |Selected excerpts from “The Red Badge|“The Way to Rainy Mountain” Iaan |

| |“Speech to the VA Convention” Patrick Henry | |of Courage” Stephen Crane |Scott Momaday |

| |“The Crisis” Thomas Paine |Poe Video Project |“To Build a Fire” Jack London | |

| |Declaration of Independence |“Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” and “The Ministers |Modernism (Time frame: 1 week): SOL |Contemporary Poetry: |

| | |Black Veil” Hawthorne |11.4 a, b, c, d, e (bullet points for|“The Bean Eaters” and “My Father” |

| |Principals of Rhetoric |Poe: “The Pit and the Pendulum,” “The Raven,” or |each time period may differ depending|Gwendolyn Brooks |

| | |“The Black Cat” |on the reading selections chosen) | |

| | |Poe Lesson Plan | |*Cover as many paired passages |

| | |Moby Dick |The Great Gatsby |(fiction and non- fiction passages)|

| | |“I Hear America Singing” and “Song of Myself” poems|Where the Heart Is |as the analysis of the passages |

| | |by Walt Whitman |Catcher in the Rye |will be a vital skill for success |

| | |Emily Dickinson |The Things They Carried |on the SOL. |

| | |EMBED LESSON |“A Worn Path” | |

| | | |“The Jilting of Granny | |

| | | |Weatherall” | |

| | | |- “The Love Song of J. | |

| | | |Alfred Prufrock” | |

| | | |- “Nothing Gold Can Stay” | |

| | | |- Frost | |

| | | |- Steinbeck | |

| | | | | |

| | | |- “A Soldier’s Home” | |

| | | |Hemmingway | |

| | | |“A Rose for Emily” Faulkner | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Harlem Renaissance (Time frame:1 | |

| | | |day): SOL 11.4 a, b, c, d, e (bullet | |

| | | |points for each time period may | |

| | | |differ depending on the reading | |

| | | |selections chosen) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“I Too, Sing America” | |

| | | |- “Tableau” | |

| | | |- “Incident” | |

| | | |- “The Weary Blues” p.750 | |

| | | |- “Harlem” p. 754 | |

| | | |- “A Dream Deferred” | |

| | | |- A Raisin in the Sun | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|WRITING |Persuasive/Analysis SOL 11.6 a, b, c, d, e, f, |Research (Review the concepts each nine weeks to |SOL TESTING (The prompt will be |Analysis |

| |g, h and 11.7 b, c, d, e, f |ensure students remember the skills necessary) SOL |PERSUASIVE. Students should be |Persuasive analysis of a writer’s |

| |Identification and articulation of tone |11.8 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j |exposed to expository writing to |style |

| |Write in a variety of forms: persuasive, | |strengthen skills but the primary |Character analysis |

| |descriptive, narrative, and expository |Analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and organize |focus is on persuasive writing.) | |

| |(introduce all forms but focus on persuasive and|information to produce an informative research | | |

| |teach how to weave the other forms into |paper | | |

| |persuasive writing) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Use MLA style manual to appropriately punctuate | | | |

| |and format quotes |Read and follow directions to complete an |Expository SOL 11.6 a, b, c, d, e, f,| |

| | |application for college admission, scholarship, or |g, h | |

| |Speech/Persuasive: SOL 11.1.a, b, c, d, e, f, g,|employment |Students will continue to write in a | |

| |h |Organize information to form a thesis and a |variety of forms: persuasive, | |

| |Students will analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and|research product |descriptive, narrative, and | |

| |organize information for a mini-research oral | |expository | |

| |presentation. |Revise and edit to create a final product, |Use verb phrases to achieve coherence| |

| |Proofread and adapt writing to a specific |following proper conventions |Edit and revise writing to make | |

| |purpose and situation | |acceptable in the workplace and | |

| |Adjust sentence and paragraph structures for | |secondary education | |

| |purpose and audience | | | |

| |Active/Passive voice | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Research (pair the research project/paper with | | | |

| |an oral presentation, and have the topic be | | | |

| |career based to address the appropriate SOL’s) | | | |

| |SOL 11.8 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j | | | |

| | | | | |

| |*The research paper/project MUST be taught | | | |

| |during the first nine weeks. Follow up lessons | | | |

| |should be implemented throughout the remainder | | | |

| |of the year so the necessary skills are | | | |

| |reviewed. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Students will analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and| | | |

| |organize information | | | |

| |Proofread and adapt writing to a specific | | | |

| |purpose and situation | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Adjust sentence and paragraph structures for | | | |

| |purpose and audience | | | |

| |Active/Passive voice | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Plagiarism PowerPoint and practice citing sources | | |

| | | | | |

|TECHNOLOGY SOL 11.2 a,|The following Blogging lesson plan (and parts) |Thoreau introduction lessons with podcasts, etc. |Poems in Creative Writing (good for |Career Technology Lesson |

|b, c, d |can be used for all 4 nine weeks w/ any teacher |( |3rd or 4th nine weeks) |GLOG Poetry/Newspaper Article |

| |selected fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, |/morning/features/patc/ |Mark Twain Facebook (works for Tom |Lesson |

| |etc. |Waldon/) |Sawyer and Huck Finn) | |

| |Blogging Lesson Plan |Pair Contemporary Music and Canonical Literature |(marktwain | |

| |Blogging Reader Response |( |index. | |

| |Blogging Annotating |tunes/tunes_db.html) |php/4-teachers/ | |

| | |(can be used with any 9 weeks) |lesson-plans) | |

| |Google Docs – this can be used for student | | | |

| |journaling any 9 weeks | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Clickers (all 4 nine weeks) can be used to | | | |

| |assess any student understanding or | | | |

| |comprehension | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Cyber Conversation Journals (to be used anytime | | | |

| |across all 4 nine weeks) | | | |

| |( | | | |

| |/cyberjourn.html) | | | |

| |Flip Cameras (can be used all 4 nine weeks) | | | |

| |Ipad Touch (can be used all 4 nine weeks) | | | |

| |Literary Scavenger Hunt (can be used for any | | | |

| |literature teacher chooses) | | | |

| |( | | | |

| |/education/literary.mspx) | | | |

| |Windows Movie Maker and Digital Story Telling | | | |

| |( | | | |

| |CBTIA/cbtia.aspx?id=4172) | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|COMMUNICATION |All YEAR the students should: |

| |understand how reading, writing, and discussion can be used to generate ideas and plan presentations. |

| |understand how to support and defend their ideas. |

| |understand rhetorical devices and techniques. |

| |identify speech appropriate for audience, topic, and situation. |

| |understand effective oral-delivery techniques |

| |evaluate and critique content and delivery of oral presentations. |

| |understand effective oral-delivery techniques. |

| |evaluate and critique content and delivery of oral presentations. |

| |recognize that media messages express viewpoints and contain values to influence the beliefs and behaviors of the intended audience. |

| |understand the difference between objectivity, or fact, and subjectivity, or bias, in media messages. |

| |realize the purposeful use of persuasive language and word connotations to convey viewpoint and bias. |

| |analyze how the media’s use of symbol, imagery, and metaphor affects the message. |

|TECHNOLOGY |Incorporate one new technology tool each nine weeks. (Not all technology available at each school). See ITRTs for lesson ideas and assistance. Click here for other |

| |ideas for technology and web tools. |

| | |

|Internet Safety: |Suggested Activities: |

|1st Nine Weeks | |

|2nd Nine Weeks |iPod Touch/iPads |

|3rd Nine Weeks |Vocabulary and grammar activities |

|4th Nine Weeks |Drama – Act by act study guides of select works |

| |Collage activities |

| |Voice Memo: Collaborative Story building |

| |Audiobooks |

| |News articles and current events |

| |Analysis of tone, mood, and theme through music |

| |Podcasts |

| |Apps for Educators |

| | |

| |SmartBoard |

| |Interactive lessons |

| |Review games |

| |Proofreading and editing |

| |Pre-made SmartBoard Lessons |

| | |

| |Senteo/CPS Response Clickers |

| |Multiple choice quizzes, tests, practice |

| |Class polling |

| |Class assessments |

| |Review games |

| |Newer models – open response (short answer) questions |

| | |

| |Flip Cameras/Digital Cameras |

| |Class commercials |

| |Video projects |

| |Digital photography lessons |

| |Digital storytelling |

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| |Laptop Cart (PCs and Macs Available) |

| |In class writing and research |

| |Windows Movie Maker and iMovie – video projects |

| |Student created Podcasts |

| |Photostory and iPhoto – student created photo books |

| | |

| |Mobi Slate/Airliner Tablet |

| |Proofreading and editing |

| |Scanning meter in poetry |

| | |

| |GPS Units |

| |Interactive lessons for kinesthetic learners |

| |Geocaching lessons |

| | |

| |Web 2.0 Tools |

| |Glogster – Student Created Digital Posters |

| |Wall Wisher – Collaborative digital bulletin board |

| |Type with Me – Students can type on the same document from different computers in real time |

| |Bubbl - Digital brainstorming |

| |Livebinders – Organization of online resources (a digital three ring binder) |

| |Wordle and Tagxedo – Student created “word clouds” |

| |60 Second Recap – anticipatory and review activities for literature – lead into student created recaps |

| |Make Beliefs Comix – Student created comic strips |

| |StoryBird – Art Inspired Digital Storytelling |

| |Prezi – Student created presentations |

| |Voki – Online avatar and movie creator |

| |XtraNormal – Online movie creator |

| |Wikis |

| |Blogs |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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