
3530895-4168261711842-30834300Castleview Primary SchoolSchool Closure Work – Miss Chapman’s Literacy and Numeracy group (P6)Updated Tasks Week Beginning – 11.5.2020Updated Core Learning – During school closure periods when possible teachers will post a weekly updated version of this document on the school website. They will change the three boxes below. Tasks may relate to the resource pack sent home or a website.All work should be done in the jotter that is in your home learning pack, unless otherwise stated.Remember, your work should have a title, the date and be written using neat handwriting.Any time you are writing, your sentences MUST have a capital letter and a full stop or other punctuation at the end ( ? !)Parents – if you have questions please contact me via Twitter (@MissChapman_CV).If you don’t have Twitter there is information on the school website under “NEWS’ that shows you how to access it.LiteracyNumeracyHealth and Wellbeing1. Read the next chapter of your book. Try to Summarise what has happened so far in 5 sentences. Summarise means to write a short statement that includes the main points. 2.Writing:You have hair down to your feet, and it is also the source of your secret superpowers. What are they?3.Each day complete one of the spelling activities from the grid below for 10 words from Frys Words – the third hundred (in your packs). You have until Friday to practise spelling your words, then your parents/carers should test you – use the back of your jotter for this.4. Watch this lesson about how to write a formal report. Choose a celebrity, sports person, musician or hero and write a formal report about them. to Danielle Radcliffe reading the first chapter of Harry Potter! Write down any WOW words you hear so you can use them in your own writing. your 4 and 8 times table, get a sibling or parent to test you.2.Number of the day 750 - multiply it by 2, half it, find 20%, find 3/5, subtract 587, add 894, write a word problem for the number.3.Roughly how long does it take you to:1) brush your teeth 2) eat breakfast3) shower/bath4) get dressed5) walk to school6) do Joe Wicks PE 4. Write down all the objects that show the time in your house (don’t forget all your electronic devices!). 5. If a car is travelling at 50 kilometres an hour, how many hours and minutes would it take you to travel:75km100km150km225kmCan you write down the sum you needed to get the answer in your jotter?Which operation did you need to use? + - x ÷1.Get your daily PE lesson on YouTube, with Joe Wicks, The Body Coach. 30 minutes of PE for kids. Available live at 9am every day . Resilience- Challenge your mindset: Achievements poster: create a poster illustrating all the things you have accomplished during your time in Castleview. It could be overcoming a tricky maths topic, overcoming fears about Junior Tour guides, making new friends, pushing yourself with a tricky PE activity or making up with friends after an argument. 3.Continue to do a daily walk or run4. Practise your Junior Tour Guide lines! 5. Spanish: practice saying different animals names in Spanish. Write each animals name in Spanish and draw an illustration of the animal beside 10 animals of your choice. Use this video to help you Core LearningLiteracyNumeracyHealth and WellbeingBug Club Learning Fry’s wordsStory Writing Read anything and everything!Sum DogLearning Number FactsMeasure and compareUsing the clock DancingFitness ActivityChat to real person not a screenYogaOngoing ActivitiesMake a den – tents, pillows, blanketsRaces – hopping, skipping, crawling Share a story from a book or imaginationA Treasure Hunt – You pick the treasureCreate a masterpiece – pens, paint or using objectsCreate a song or piece of music, make your own instrumentsWords within wordsMake a list of smaller words within each word33718521839the reSentence SmartWrite a sentence for each of your spelling words.Double UpWrite each word with your right hand then with your left hand.Back to frontWrite each of your words forwards and then backwordsCat - tacHangmanAsk someone to play hangman with each of your spelling wordsRap rulesWrite a rap using as many of your spelling words as possibleSort them outPut your words in alphabetical order, shortest to longest or reverse alphabetical orderSpelling searchFind as many of your wards in magazines, or newspapers and cut and glue them into your jotter.Cartoon connectionCreate a cartoon strip using as many of your words as you can.Word searchCreate a word search for a partner with your words hidden in thereBubble wordsWrite your words in colourful bubble writingDot spellingWrite each word using dotsRhyming rulesWrite as many words as you can that rhyme with your spelling wordsWacky wordsWrite your words in different directions, sizes and colours, filling up the whole jotter page!Rainbow writingWrite each letter of the word using a different coloured pen/pencil.soundSilly sentenceWrite a silly sentence using as many of your words as you canCode breakerWrite a code using numbers and then write your words in codeA B C D E F G H I1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9BAD= 214Letter lingoWrite a letter to someone using as many of your words as you canStory timeWrite a story using as many of your words as you can.Spelling pyramidsWrite each word in a pyramid adding one letter at a time39347929818TThThathat ................

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