GRADE 8 THEMES AND LITERATURE - Warren Township Schools


Theme:Choices and Consequences

Habit of Mind: Managing impulsivity Listening with understanding and empathy Persisting

Critical Thinking Skills: Cause and Effect Making Inferences Predicting Literary Analysis Synthesis

Vocabulary Focus: Usage and development Using roots to develop word meaning

Skills Focus: Identifying conflict Identifying mood Identifying theme Characterization Making inferences Writing persuasively Writing essays Using proper punctuation Using varied sentences

Reading Strategy Focus: Visualization Predicting Questioning Evaluating Engaging in literature circle discussion of studentgenerated questions

Literary Element Focus:Students will work to understand characterization and motivation. This understanding will lead to empathy and compassion.

Essential Question: How do we make positive choices that shape our lives?


Grade 8 ? Standard Correlation


RL.8.1 RL.8.4 RL.8.5 RL.8.6 RL.8.7 RL.8.9 RL.8.2 RL.8.3 RL.8.10

RL.8.2 RL.8.3 RL.8.4 RI.8.1 RL.8.9 RL.8.10 RL.8.2

W.8.2d W.8.3b W.8.3c L.8.5a W.8.4 W.8.2b W.8.1a W.8.4 W.8.3a


Skill/Strategy Reading: Develop comprehension, retention, and critical insight through use of visualization, prediction, and making inferences. Identify components of plot: exposition rising action turning point falling action

Complete character analysis: how are characters presented, what do they say, what do they do, how do they interact? Identify theme: What message is the author trying to share with us?

Employ reading strategies and apply them to a variety of classroom novels and independent reading. Apply critical and inferential skills to reading.

Recognize context clues and utilize in understanding word meanings. Cite the textual evidence that supports what nonfiction text says. Complete a character analysis from a novel. Read a play with comprehension and dramatic interpretation. Understand the importance of theme, plot and setting in novel study. Writing: Use vocabulary in writing to develop a sense of voice. Identify components of an author's "voice". Experiment with the development of "voice" in writing. Identify figurative language and begin to use it in writing. Distinguish between telling and showing skills in writing. Develop topic with relevant and wellchosen facts with concrete details. Write a persuasive essay. Utilize graphic organizers as a tool for prewriting. Create writing portfolio journal writing, and memoir vignettes. Other (vocabulary, speaking, listening, viewing, etc.): Use speaking and listening skills in collaborative discussions.




Habit of Mind: Persisting Applying past knowledge to new situations Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision Gathering data through all of your senses

Critical Thinking Skills: Considering alternatives Distinguishing between fact and opinion Distinguishing between reality and fantasy Identifying bias Recognizing relevancy

Vocabulary Focus: Usage and development Using roots to develop word meaning

Skills Focus: Identifying tone Identifying figurative language Information gathering Citing reference sources Comparing and contrasting Considering alternatives Writing poetry Writing essays Using proper punctuation Using varied sentences

Reading Strategy Focus: Making texttotext connections on the basis of theme and author's message. Comparing and contrasting a variety of authors' experiences in confronting the trauma of concentration camps. Creating mental images while listening to nonfiction text read aloud. Analyzing how the works of a given period reflect historical and social events and conditions.

Literary Element Focus:Students will work to identify and understand the importance of figurative language to the author's theme. Students will recognize how the author's language creates mood and tone.

Essential Question: In the face of catastrophe, how does one show courage?


Grade 8 ? Standard Correlation



RI.8.3 RI.8.2 RI.8.9 RI.8.4 RI.8.8 L.8.5

L.8.5b RI.8.6 RI.8.6 RI.8.9 RI.8.10 RI.8.5 RI.8.7



L.8.2a L.8.3


SL.8.1c SL.8.1 RI.8.7 L.8.1b

Skill/Strategy Reading: Identify nonfiction themes and integrate them into analytical writing about the work. Develop critical reading and comprehension skills through nonfiction study. Summarize main idea based on nonfiction reading. Recognize historical cultural biases and different points of view. Analyze character change in nonfiction text. Differentiate fact from opinion and recognize propaganda in writing. Recognize figurative language, poetic devices such as metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, and rhyme. Appreciate poetry. Recognize an author's point of view. Recognize author's purpose. Analyze two texts for comparable and contrasting information on same topic. Comprehend additional highend nonfiction text. Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text. Evaluate the advantages of using a film version versus text to present an historical event. Writing: Use figurative language, poetic devices such as metaphor, simile, personification alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, and rhyme. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing. Demonstrate command of the punctuation conventions for poetry. Use knowledge of language and conventions when writing & listening to poetry. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuance in poetry. Other (vocabulary, speaking, listening, viewing, etc.): Develop their speaking skills through a play reading and public speaking. Develop listening skills through drama. Make thematic connections between the class novel and related films. Create memorable images by using strong verbs and vivid adjectives.




Habit of Mind: Thinking independently Finding humor Responding with wonderment and awe Taking responsible risks

Critical Thinking Skills: Summarizing Paraphrasing Generalizing Sequencing Prioritizing

Vocabulary Focus: Usage and development Using roots to develop word meaning

Skills Focus: Literary analysis Sequencing Speculating Summarizing Understanding author's purpose Understanding author's style Writing essays Using proper punctuation Using varied sentences

Reading Strategy Focus: Comparing and contrasting the story plot, characters, setting and themes from novel to movie. Analyzing the author's style through her use of imagery and figurative language to extend meaning. Understanding the author's techniques for developing drama and suspense. Analyzing how the works of a given period reflect historical and social events and conditions.

Literary Element Focus:Students will work to understand the significance of setting and the historical context of the novel. Students will understand how the theme reflects upon the role of race and its impact on justice in the 1930's American South.

Essential Question: How can we create and maintain a sense of hope in the face of injustice?



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