

Unit Overview

1. Lessons provide repetition to enhance skills and teach rules and strategies.

2. Teach throwing (grip, stance, arm motion, follow-through) and catching (hand position, eye contact, footwork) from a stationary position and the applicable rules (completed pass, pass interference).

3. Teach football patterns, how to throw ahead of the player, and how to catch on the move (hook, square right and left, post, etc.).

4. Teach offensive options(quarterback sneak, handoff(as well as pass plays and applicable rules.

5. Teach defensive skills(how to legally use flags, break up pass plays, block, and stop the ball-carrying runner.

6. Teach football terminology: line of scrimmage, downs, fumble, rushing the quarterback, dead/downed ball

7. Introduce the strategies appropriate to the skill when the skill is being practiced.

8. Once the games are ready to begin, introduce whatever rules were not introduced during skills lessons. The following should be included: onsides/offsides, how to keep possession, the boundaries, scoring

9. Teach the common penalties for rules violations so students can assist in the games of others or monitor their own games:

( Holding(offensive/defensive(10 yards

( Pass interference(an automatic completed pass

( Unnecessary roughness(disqualification

( Illegal belts(15 yards and loss of down (disqualification)

( Flag guarding(10 yards

( Offsides(10 yards

10. Teach fundamental game strategies for offense and for defense.




Fun Facts


( The San Francisco 49ers made the “Shotgun” formation popular in 1960.

( Super Bowl I was won by the Green Bay Packers in 1967.

( The University of Michigan’s football stadium holds more than 100,000 fans.

( Today’s Super Bowl reaches an estimated 750 million viewers around the world.

Benefits of Playing


2. There are many different positions that you can play.

3. Depending on the position, football can give you a good workout.

4. You can play many types of football(touch, flag, and tackle.

5. Football is a lot of fun!

Time to Surf!


National Football League

Canadian Football League

National Collegiate Athletic Association

Football Unit Extension Project

Name __________________________

CLASS #_____________________


Item Where you would purchase it (be specific) Cost

Where you would play flag/touch football

Please explain where in the community you would play flag/touch football. Be specific.

Health benefit of playing flag/touch football

Please explain the health benefits of playing flag/touch football. Include how much badminton you would need to play each week to gain these benefits.

Reflection question

Do you think flag or touch football is an activity you would like to play as an adult? Why or why not? If you would like to play, would you rather play in an organized game in a recreation league or just in pick-up games at the park or in your backyard? Why?

Football Teaching Tips

1. Allow sufficient noncompetitive practice time with equipment for students to learn and improve skills without additional performance pressure.

2. Use as much football footwork, specific skill, and terminology as possible during the warm-up phase of the lesson.

3. After several lessons, when you have a feel for the depth of skill of the class, divide it up into equal teams, no more than five or six players per team. Do it on the basis of skill, gender, speed, and prior experience. Encourage working together as a unit. Promote leadership, feelings of belonging, and feelings of being needed.

4. Develop a short tournament that involves all students. Assign each to a team. Give the jobs of officiating, marking the ball, or keeping score to those unable to participate in the regular program.

5. Students clearly will have different amounts of experience with football. Advanced football athletes should be encouraged to help others and to improve their own skills while following class instructions. Those with prior experience should be looking to improve consistency, accuracy, distance, time, and speed.

6. Every effort should be made to assure students that improvement is what is valued, not a predisposition to be a great football player or great athlete.

7. If students are unable to fully participate in class activities, remember that they can be involved by coaching, officiating, keeping score, or conducting a research project.

Unit Setup


A large space, unencumbered by obstruction, permitting movement 30 yards forward and 10 yards right and left, without running into a wall, a person, or temporary obstructions

Clearly set boundaries for each simultaneous game


One football for every two students

One belt for every student and a set of matching flags for every teammate

Two complete sets of flags of different colors for teams to identify themselves

A visual aid and writing implements

Paper for each student

Round-robin tournament schedules and charts


Unit Timeline

There are three units in this chapter, one for each experience level. There are 12 to 16 lessons for the beginner groups:

6 lessons to develop skill competency in fundamentals and the basic game concept

6 to 10 lessons to compete so they can use the fundamentals in a challenging way

There are 11 lessons in this chapter for students at an intermediate level of play:

4 lessons to review skills, terminology, rules, and elementary football strategy

1 lesson to organize teams for the tournament

6 lessons for a small class tournament

There are 8 lessons for advanced groups that have mastered the basics of the game and its rules:

1 lesson for review, organization, and warming up skills previously learned

1 lesson to meet new teammates and set up starting strategies and responsibilities

6 lessons for a small class tournament

Unit Assessment

A student portfolio checklist is provided here for student use (table 12.1). Encourage students to track their progress as they master new skills. Students will conclude the unit with a written test. Their performance will be assessed on the basis of the performance rubric included at the end of their unit.

Additional Resources

American Football Coaches Association. 1995. Football Coaching Strategies. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

American Sports Education Program. 1996. Coaching Youth Football. Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics.

Flores, Tom, and Bob O’Connor. 1993. Coaching Football. Indianapolis, IN: Masters Press.

Football Student Portfolio Checklist

Student name____________________________________________


Is able to catch a football thrown from 10 yards away

Can run one football pattern of the following: hook, square out, square in

Understands the goal of the team in possession of the ball

Understands the goal of the team without the ball

Understands basic football terminology

Understands what offensive contribution can be made by offensive players without the ball

Knows how and can attempt to disrupt the successful play of opponents

Is able to follow basic flag football rules

Is able to exhibit good sporting behavior

Can play without endangering the safety of others

Football Lesson 1

Beginner level

Lesson Setup


Large, clear space for the entire class to move freely in


One football for every two students

Performance Goal

Students will learn how to hold, throw, and catch a football.

Cognitive Goals

Students will learn

how to handle the peculiar shape of a football,

how to throw with reduced wind resistance,

how to direct it where they want it to go, and

what a completed pass is and why it is important.

Lesson Safety

Have practice groups separated by a minimum of five yards per group with a ball.

Throwing and running should take place in the same line of direction.


Students will

1. Jog around the playing area

2. Practice football throwing mimetics: grip, wrist snap, elbow-level and arm follow-through, shoulder rotation, stepping forward

3. Practice football catching mimetics: lining up behind the path of the ball, the hand position, watching the ball into hands, pulling the ball into body

4. Perform stretches, with particular attention to the shoulder joint


American football is different from international games that are called football. What we call soccer is the international game of football. Ask your students how many of them play international football/soccer. Suggest they see if they can learn to enjoy American football. Some people who watch it on TV may think it is just a brutal game of contact. But actually, in this class they are going to play with no contact at all. You will teach them how to stop players with no contact. But first, they’ll begin learning how to throw and catch a football. It is different than throwing anything else because of its shape.

Lesson Sequence

1. Demonstrate a proper football throw. Emphasize stepping forward and the follow-through.

2. Have students get a partner and practice throwing back and forth, as shown in figure 12.1. Emphasize a spiral and reaching the partner “in the numbers.” Begin at close distances, separating partners as students seem proficient in their throws at close distances.

3. Emphasize the catch:

( Teach the rules about completed passes.

( Teach that to progress to the end zone and score using passes, those passes must be caught.

4. Make a practice contest so students do not get bored while developing skills. Change the goals of the contest to maintain interest. Some examples:

( Who can catch 10 passes first?

( If you run 10 yards from the thrower before turning to catch the pass are you still able to catch it?

( If you move forward each time your partner and you have a completed pass, which partnership can move the farthest down the field after four throws? (See figure 12.2, which shows the progress of four different groups attempting four passes.)


( Which group can get to the opposite side of the field first?

Separate partners by five yards to practice throwing and catching.


Advancing the ball by passing.


Ask students how their fingers should be lined up on the ball.

Ask who can show the class a proper follow-through.

Discuss why stepping forward on the opposite foot is so important.

Review what a completed pass is.

Discuss why a completed pass is important.


Observe each player throwing and catching, coaching students throughout the lesson. If students are able to reach each other at five yards, they can move on to the next lesson.

Football Lesson 2

Beginner level

Performance Goals

Students will

be able to throw from 5 yards and 10 yards to a stationary partner;

catch while stationary; and

run, catch, and throw to someone running a hook pattern.

Cognitive Goals

Students will

become more confident in their accuracy and ability to catch a football, and

learn a hook pattern.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend(allow 10 minutes for this today, making sure to coach and seeking out students having difficulty

2. Practice football throwing mimetics: grip, wrist snap, elbow-level and arm follow-through, shoulder rotation, stepping forward

3. Practice catching a football: lining up behind the path of the ball, the hand position, watching the ball into hands, pulling the ball into body

4. Complete large-body agility movements:

( Respond to teacher instruction

( Respond to directional calls

( Plant the foot before a sharp turn

5. Perform stretches


Since no one stands still to catch a football (why is that?), in this lesson, students are going to learn how to throw to someone running away from them and to catch while on the run. They’ll learn their first football pattern: the hook.

Lesson Sequence

1. Demonstrate running the hook pattern so that students see how it looks.

2. Emphasize running with the back to the quarterback and then planting the forward foot to turn. Tell students to:

( Watch the ball into their hands

( Realize that the quarterback must anticipate the need to throw the ball fewer than five yards


3. Have students alternate throwing and receiving. Proceed from five yards first. After a minimum of three successes at five yards, have the students increase the running distance and throwing distance. See figure 12.3 for how the setup can be arranged: the diagram shows the second in line being the quarterback, the first going out for the pass, and the last waiting his turn to become quarterback.

Hook pattern path of 5 yards.

4. After some practice, stop the class to emphasize the need for:

( running straight forward without looking at the ball,

( turning on a dime,

( running back to the ball, and

( completing the catch.

5. Assist students whose needs are more individual.

6. Make a practice contest so students do not get bored or drop from exhaustion. Change goals to maintain interest; for example, group two pairs together (teams of four):

( One quarterback throws five yards for completions to each of the three players running hook patterns, then becomes the first receiver for the next quarterback, who also throws to everyone on the team. When everyone has been quarterback, and every quarterback has thrown to every receiver, the team is done. Find out who gets done first.

( See who can move the line of scrimmage the farthest in four plays.

( Ask students if they can catch the ball if they run a 10-yard hook.

( Find out what quarterback and receiver can complete at 15 yards.

( Ask which group can get to the opposite side of the field first.


Ask the class what makes the hook pattern different from players throwing to someone standing in front of them.

Ask why they should learn how to throw to someone who is moving.

Review what the receiver should concentrate on while running the pattern.

Discuss what the receiver should concentrate on while trying to catch the ball.

Ask what the quarterback needs to do differently.


Observe each student, coaching throughout the lesson. Students need to hold on to their catches at 5 and 10 yards and have the stamina to run the plays. More work will be done on this in the next lesson.

Football Lesson 3

Beginner level

Performance Goal

Students will be able to throw from 5 yards and 10 yards to a partner on the run.

Cognitive Goals

Students will

learn to run a squared pattern,

improve their confidence in throwing and catching, and

improve their confidence in running a hook pattern.

Lesson Safety

Before beginning the square left and right patterns and practice, remind students of their left and right. This will avoid collisions of classmates running into each other and someone else’s pass.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Practice football throwing mimetics

3. Practice catching mimetics

4. Jog and turn left on signal, right on signal, and so on

5. Perform stretches


Tell the class that if everyone only ran a hook pattern, the defense would not be too confused. In this lesson you will teach another pattern so that students have a few choices once games begin.

Lesson Sequence

1. Demonstrate the square left (figure 12.4):

( How the pattern should look to the quarterback

( Where and which foot to cut on

( When the quarterback should throw

2. Reemphasize

( planting the forward foot before the cut,

( watching the ball into the hands, and

( the quarterback throwing in front of the receiver.

3. Have students alternate throwing and receiving. Start from five yards, and allow repetition and success before increasing the running and throwing distance.

4. After some practice, stop the class to emphasize whatever coaching hints still would help the majority. Go to students whose needs are more individual.

5. Have students practice the square right pattern.


6. Pair two couples together so that practice is now in groups of four, and create some interest by becoming the play caller for the class. Vary the distance that students have to run before they “cut,” and the direction(right, left, or hooking back in.

Square left path at 5 yards.


Ask the class why it is important to have different patterns.

Ask if anyone knows what an interception is.

Discuss what would happen if the quarterback called a play, expected the receiver to run it, and the receiver went the wrong way.

Review why it is important to throw the ball where the receiver is going, not where she is.

Ask who would rather be a quarterback and who would rather be a receiver.

Football Lesson 4

Beginner level

Lesson Setup


Game area bounded by lines or cones indicating sidelines, end zone, and first downs


Three cones for each game area and each squad of students

Belts and flags for each student

Performance Goals

Students will

learn and practice defensive techniques, and

learn and practice the handoff.

Cognitive Goals

Students will

learn why accuracy is important (they will be throwing through the defense), and

learn defensive priorities in person-to-person defense.

Lesson Safety

Clearly disallow rough play.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Complete agility runs(side to side, quick change of direction

3. Perform stretches


Now that the students are becoming good at throwing and catching the ball, tell them it is time for a little confusion. Ask if they knew that a team can advance the ball by running with it and never taking the chance of throwing it. Handoffs or quarterback sneaks occur all the time in the game. Ask students how they can stop opponents who are running with the ball in their hands when, as mentioned at the beginning of the unit, they will not be contacting anyone, much less knocking them down. Find out if anyone knows what the flags are for. First teach them how to give and receive a handoff(then they’ll use the flags.

Lesson Sequence

1. Teach the handoff:

( Demonstrate how to hand it and receive it.

( Organize class in groups of three.

( Practice handoffs a few times, so the receiver runs several steps after reception.

2. Demonstrate how to legally wear the belt and flags, with the applicable rules:

( The flags must be loose and unobstructed, as shown in figure.

( They cannot be wrapped around the belt.

( They cannot be covered by clothes, tied on, or blocked by the arms.

( The ball carrier cannot stiff-arm his opponents.

( Players should put on the belts first, then the matching flags.

3. With the cones set up in three per group, 10 yards apart, teach and do the defensive drill:

( Set up the drills so that the quarterback, ball carrier, and defender rotate.

( Explain the goals:

The ball carrier gets to the cone.

The defender gets the flag of the ball carrier before the ball carrier arrives at his destination.

( After one round, give defender hints and allow more practice:

Have players stay between the ball carrier and the cone.

Tell them to focus on the direction of their hips to know where they are going.

Instruct them to reach for the flags only.

( Tell players to defend against the pass, and rotate the quarterback, receiver, and defender.

( The receiver wants to

catch the ball, and

run to the cone after the catch without the flags being pulled.

( Defending players want to

not let the receiver get behind them;

reach the ball, bat it down or catch it if they can; and

if not, grab the flags on the catch.


( The quarterback wants an accurate pass.

Groups of three practicing the handoff.


Student with flags on waist.


Practicing defense against the run. The defensive player is circled.


Practicing defense against the pass. The defensive person is circled.


Ask the class how one legally stops a player from advancing the ball.

Ask if a player can run after catching the ball, and how one can stop her.

Review whether there is only one right way to wear the belt and flags(and how.

Discuss the penalties if these are not worn properly.


Observe each student as he throws and catches, providing coaching to the class throughout the lesson.

Football Lesson 5

Beginner level

Lesson Setup



Game area bounded by lines or cones indicating sidelines, end zone, and first downs

Football field with several alleys for simultaneous games.


Eight cones for each game area, marked off with game boundaries and a method of spotting first downs. Adjacent areas may share the same set of cones marking the sidelines.

Designated teams of five or six players with flags and belts of the same color for each team

Performance Goals

Students will

use their skills in a game,

continue improving their skills and confidence, and

play by the possession rules, giving up the ball to opponents if the ball was intercepted, or the team could not go 10 yards in 4 carries.

Cognitive Goals

Students will learn

to line up with their own team on their own side of the ball(the line of scrimmage;

the relevant rules and penalty(offsides;

to keep possession of the ball until they get in the end zone and the relevant rules to do so:

( First down

( Fourth down

( End zone

( Touchdown

the consequences of not moving forward 10 yards in 4 attempts.

Lesson Safety

Clearly disallow rough play.

Teach in a positive way that rules are set up to allow safe and equitable play.

Encourage appropriate penalties when rules are broken so that safety issues are attended to and do not get out of hand.

Be ready to remove students who disregard safety until you are satisfied they will be more careful or until the next lesson.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches

3. Complete general calisthenics, including mimetics for the throw and catch


Tell students that from now on, they will have to work to get the ball. Let them know that they all have done well, and now it’s time to try it in a game. Explain how to play the game.

Lesson Sequence

1. Group the class in temporary teams of five or six, making sure to put one or two experienced football students on each team:

( Announce the colors that each group should wear.

( Give students time to put the belts on properly.

2. Teach the following:

( The possession rules for the day (based on red and yellow flags):

All reds will have the ball first.

Games will begin at midfield for red’s first down.

After a touchdown, yellow takes over at midfield for its first down.

( The possession rules for every day:

After a play, all players must return to the line of scrimmage.

Opponents take over when they stop the opposition from reaching the first down marker in four plays.

3. Assign fields and start the games, reminding everyone that there will be no kickoff on this day. Play begins at midfield with red in possession.


Ask the class if any questions or arguments arose during the game.

Ask how many teams scored.

Discuss whether anyone was able to prevent their opponents from getting a first down.

Ask if the teams used the pass only.

Review who was able to run for a score.

Ask if anyone caught the ball and was able to gain even more yardage by running with it afterward.


Observe for common problems that can be addressed in the summary or at the beginning of the next class.

Teacher Homework

Divide the class into equally skilled teams, making sure to place the same number of students on each team who have

football experience,

throwing accuracy,

the ability to catch on the run a ball thrown from more than 10 yards away, and

running speed.

Football Lesson 6

Beginner level

Performance Goals

Students will

get into a game-playing routine, and

play with their tournament teams.

Cognitive Goals

Students will

understand the reason for efficient game preparation and what the routine is:

( Getting on the belts

( Listening to or reading the schedule for the opponent assigned and the field assigned

( Declaring colors and all team members wearing the same color flags

( Choosing for sides or possession

decide who guards whom based on size, speed, and knowledge of game; and learn

( when rushing the quarterback is allowed and why it is important,

( scoring on touchdown and the point after,

( how to start the game(the kickoff and its rules, and

( about identifying their natural team leader.

Lesson Safety

Be available to disallow rough play and arguments.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches


Inform your students that you have made up their permanent tournament teams. Before announcing them, let the class know that this is the last lesson before the tournament starts, which means that the games will not count. Suggest that the teams take time to organize and learn to work together before official games begin. Not only do they need to learn a few things about starting a game and preparing for the tournament but also they need time to get to know their new teammates and figure out how best to work together.

Lesson Sequence

1. Announce the teams and allow time for students to put on belts:

( Explain that from now on, they should put them on during free play.

( Inform them that their captains or games schedules can tell them their color.

2. Review or teach the following:

( The kickoff rules (a throw-off until the punt is taught)

( The score value of a touchdown, with no point after

( The importance of setting up a good defensive matchup, based on speed, size, and knowledge of the game

3. Direct opposing teams to the field for a game.

4. Start games with a throw-off and have students continue playing until the groups are called together.

5. Encourage teams to elect captains before they leave.


Have students elect captains and co-captains. The captains should report names to you.

Summarize how to return equipment properly, how to report scores, and the rules of throw-off and score values.

Answer questions.

Teacher Homework

Make and post the tournament schedule and tournament standings chart.

Football Lesson 7

Beginner level

Lesson Setup


A round-robin tournament schedule and standings chart posted so students can follow the schedule and see their standings.

Performance Goals

Students will

play games that rush the quarterback legally, and

begin the first round of their tournament.

Cognitive Goals

Students will be taught about the quarterback rush:

Why the quarterback rush is used

How to use the quarterback rush(“seven Mississippi” and then rush:

( Students must learn that the quarterback’s passing time is protected by a seven-second count.

( Once “seven Mississippi” is counted out loud, the quarterback can run instead of throw, and the player covering can cross over the line of scrimmage to grab the quarterback’s flag while she still has the ball and is behind the line of scrimmage.

Who does the rushing

What it allows the quarterback to do

The penalties if players rush too early

In competition, winning counts. The class should be guided toward playing with good sporting behavior and by the rules.

Lesson Safety

Be available to disallow rough play and arguments.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches


Announce to the class that the first round of their tournament is beginning. But before the players start, you will be teaching about the quarterback rush. (Cover the material in the cognitive goals section of this lesson.)

Once the games start, if the teams are having difficulty agreeing with their opponents, the best and first way to try to sort it out is to have the captains attempt to work out the problems together. If that is not possible, tell them to call you away from the game you’re at. You will be available if anyone needs any help.

Wish the class luck, and that the teams that best play together, win.

Lesson Sequence

1. Allow time for students to put on belts properly if they did not do so during the free-play warm-up period.

2. Teach the quarterback rush:

( The disadvantage of not rushing and why the rush is important

( How to legally cross the line of scrimmage at “seven Mississippi”

( The penalties for breaking the rule

3. Guide the class through game preparation (captains choose side or possession).

4. Announce the teams and team numbers and direct students to the field for game 1.

5. Start the games with a throw-off and have students continue playing until the groups are called together.

6. Attend each game, inviting students to work out their problems within the rules.

7. Call out a “last minute of play” warning so that teams can use the time wisely.


Ask students why they should leave someone back to rush the quarterback.

Ask when one is legally allowed to cross the line of scrimmage to rush the quarterback.

Discuss the penalty for going in too soon.

Review problems or rules questions.

Compliment good judgment and sporting behavior.

Collect game scores for the first round of the tournament.

Football Lesson 8

Beginner level level

Lesson Setup


An updated round-robin tournament standings chart

Performance Goals

Students will

learn to defend against the pass and play by the relevant rules, and

play round 2 of their tournament.

Cognitive Goals

Students will

review the strategy for defense against the pass:

( The number one rule for good defense: Never let your opponent get behind you.

( Grab the receiver’s flag.

( Try to knock down the ball.

( Intercept.

learn the rules for a pass interference, and

learn that good sporting behavior and playing by the rules are highly valued.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches


Tell students that they are in round 2 of their tournament. Announce what the standings are after one round. Remind them that the teams that best play together, win.

Lesson Sequence

1. Allow time for students to put on belts properly if they did not do so during the free-play warm-up period.

2. Teach or review defense against the pass in terms of priorities and relevant rules:

( Tell players to stay behind the receiver and grab her flags.

( If they can reach the ball, they should knock it to the ground.

( If they can catch it, it’s an interception(that is great.

3. Announce the team field assignments and direct students to begin round 2.

4. Coach each game, praising good defense and whatever is impressive.

5. Call out a “last minute of play” warning so teams can use the time wisely.


Ask the class the three ways a player can defend against the receiver getting yardage and scoring.

Discuss the difference between knocking down the ball and pass interference and how it is penalized.

Review problems or rules questions.

Compliment good judgment and sporting behavior.

Collect game scores for the second round of the tournament.

Football Lesson 9

Beginner level

Performance Goals

Students will

review and use quarterback options, and

play round 3 of their tournament.

Cognitive Goals

Students will be reminded of three ways the quarterback can move the ball forward:


Handing off

Running after “seven Mississippi” (the quarterback sneak)

Students will be encouraged to mix up their strategies to keep the defense guessing.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches


Tell the class that this is round 3 of the tournament. Announce what the standings are after two rounds. Ask if any team wants special coaching hints.

Lesson Sequence

1. Students should put on belts properly during the free-play warm-up period.

2. Teach or review three quarterback options:

( Handing off

( Running themselves

( Passing

3. Announce the teams and team numbers and direct students to the field for the round 3 game.

4. Coach each game, praising variety in offensive play making and good moments.

5. Call out the “last minute of play” warning so teams can use the time wisely.


Ask the class what three choices are available to every team on every play.

Review problems or rules questions.

Compliment good judgment and sporting behavior.

Collect game scores for the third round of the tournament.

Football Lesson 10

Beginner level

Performance Goals

Students will

play with a defensive “safety,” and

play round 4 of their tournament.

Cognitive Goal

Students will learn flexible defensive strategy and the need for considering it.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches


Remind the students that you have posted a chart for them to follow by themselves. Suggest they take a look at it. Announce that this is round 4 of the tournament and what the standings are after three rounds.

As students begin round 4, wish them all good luck and remind them, once again, that if they are frustrated or need any special coaching hints, to let you know and you’ll respond right away. This might be a good time to teach them how to deal with the ball handler who always seems to get away from his opponent, leaving the rest huffing to catch up. Some teams face this every day and cannot stop that person from scoring. Discuss what some teams do(use their “safety.”

Lesson Sequence

1. Students should put on belts properly during the free-play warm-up period.

2. Teach the strategy behind creating the position of “safety”:

( Use to protect one’s team against the breakdown in person-to-person defense

( Helpful if someone is too fast to be covered by anyone on the team

( What a safety is

3. Announce field assignments and direct students to the field for the round 4 game to begin.

4. Coach each game, encouraging the use of a safety and praising good moments.

5. Call out the “last minute of play” warning so teams can use the time wisely.


Ask the class if person-to-person defense always works.

Ask students if they are helpless when the other team has a player who is too good for any one player of theirs.

Discuss some alternatives.

Review problems or rules questions that came up

Compliment good judgment and sporting behavior.

Collect game scores for the fourth round of the tournament.

Football Lessons 11-16 or tournament conclusion

Beginner level

Lesson Setup


An updated round-robin tournament chart posted so students can follow the schedule and see their standings

Posted football performance assessment rubric for beginner level (on page 416)

Performance Goals

Students will

learn to plan and play as a team,

complete a round-robin tournament as developed, and

continue improving their football skills.

Cognitive Goals

Students will

understand routine class procedure, evidenced by their self-direction;

exhibit good sporting and ethical behavior;

develop an appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of teammates and learn to adapt to them; and

continue improving their confidence and understanding.


Students will

1. Play catch with a friend

2. Perform stretches


Announce the standings after so many rounds. Ask if any team wants special coaching hints.

Lesson Sequence

1. Students should put on belts properly during the free-play warm-up period.

2. Announce the teams and team numbers and direct students to the field for the continuing rounds.

3. Coach each game, drawing attention to individual achievements and teamwork.

4. Call out “minute of play” warning so teams can use the time wisely.


Announce that the class will be having a short football quiz on the next rainy day. Since that can happen at any time, tell students to remember their questions and feel free to ask them at any time. It might be a question on the quiz.

Review problems or rules questions that occurred during the games.

Compliment good judgment and sporting behavior.

Collect the game scores.


Assign a skills grading value for the minimum performance standard you might want to grade. Some examples include the following:

( The student can accurately throw a ball to someone five yards away.

( The student can catch a ball thrown within the target area.

( The student will leave the line of scrimmage once the ball is snapped.

( The student can run some type of pattern.

( The student assumes responsibility on defense by staying with the person or zone she is assigned to cover.

Or, follow the football performance assessment rubric Whichever you choose, announce the standards well in advance of grading the students.

Observe students as they play to see if they meet the standards.

Conclude the marking period with a quiz

Football Performance Assessment Rubric

Student Name ______________________________________________________

0 1 2 3 4 5

Throw No effort ( Uses proper body ( Ball wobbles in ( Ball reaches a ( Ball reaches a ( Has accurate

mechanics flight stationary 5-yard moving target variable range

( Uses correct grip, ( Ball drops before target accurately ( Is accurate to 10 ( Changes speed,

forward foot, and reaching a five- yards maintaining

follow-through yard target accuracy

Catch No effort ( Changes position ( Brings ball into ( Runs and catches ( Adjusts to an ( Catches a ball

so is lined up body a ball thrown to a inaccurate throw thrown over head

behind the ball ( Catches an target up to three steps ( Catches while

( Watches the ball accurate 10-yard from the target running full stride

in flight pass while area ( Catches a ball

( Uses proper hand standing ( Does not need to thrown with

position ( Watches the ball stop running in speed and/or

into hands order to catch distance

Pass No effort ( On command, ( Makes clean cuts ( Loses opponent ( Instinctively ( Changes running

pattern runs hook or ( Doesn’t watch the and still keeps the knows when to patterns without

square left/right ball until cut pattern cut back to the confusion

patterns ( Reliably runs a 10- ball ( Fakes opponent

( Turns at the yard pattern and ( Runs short and before making the

proper times and catch a ball long patterns well cut

in the correct thrown accurately ( If open, will catch

direction ball on target


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