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1. No engineering is to be performed during the demonstrations. While malfunctioning parts may be replaced, no system improvements shall be allowed during the demonstration.

2. If the bidder decides to deploy more than one system for the purpose of these demonstrations, all systems must be inspected and validated by DND before any individual demonstration. These systems must be identical with no configuration changes allowed at the time of the individual demonstration.

3. The bidders have the duration of the demonstration to prove compliance to the demonstration plan.

4. All reasonable steps to demonstrate the system intended for the bid should be taken. Integration of third party, sub-contractor or bidder’s own equipment not intended to be a part of the bid but deemed necessary by the bidder for the demonstration must be identified during the inspection and validation process. An explanation for the equipment should be given including how the equipment intended for the bid works and compares.


Demonstration (D): Verification by demonstration involves demonstrating satisfactory device operation or function performance in accordance with the performance specification. Demonstration is a variation of the test method in which conformance of functional characteristics with specified requirements is verified by go/no-go criteria without the use of elaborate measurement equipment.

Previously Verified Data (PVD): Verification by PVD involves identifying the system component that has already been tested, shown to satisfy the requirement and is used unchanged.

Inspection (I): Verification by inspection involves the determination of physical characteristics by the use of sight, touch, smell, and hearing senses as appropriate. Inspection is generally non-destructive and consists of visual examinations or measurements.






| | |SURVEILLANCE RADAR) (DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TRL 8 OR HIGHER - | | |The inspection confirms that the bidder’s radar equipment | |

| | |ACTUAL RADAR COMPLETED AND QUALIFIED THROUGH TEST AND | | |(e.g. PSR, MSSR and Radar Data Processor) is integrated. | |

| | |DEMONSTRATION). | | | | |

| |7.2 |TCR System Performance and Design |

| |7.2.1 |General TCR System Requirements |

|2 | |AC Power. The radar must operate between 58Hz and 62Hz – |D |Verification by demonstration of the |The demonstration verifies that the radar operates on | |

| | |nominally 60Hz. The radar’s input voltage must be 120/208 VAC + | |operations of the radar (PSR, MSSR and |120/208 VAC three phase 60 Hz power source. | |

| | |2%, three (3) phase. | |Radar Shelter) on 120/208 VAC three (3) | | |

| | | | |phases 60 Hz power source. | | |

|3 | |Transmit Blanking. Each radar (PSR and Monopulse Secondary |D | Verification by demonstration of at |The demonstration verifies that at least five operator | |

| | |Surveillance Radar (MSSR) respectively) must have a minimum of | |least 5 operator selectable blanked azimuth|selectable blanked azimuth sectors are available. | |

| | |five (5) operator selectable blanking azimuth sectors. Sector | |sectors (PSR and MSSR separately). | | |

| | |width must be adjustable in increments commensurate with the PSR | |Verification by demonstration that sector |The demonstration verifies that sector width can be | |

| | |or MSSR beam width, respectively, from 0 to 360 degrees. | |width is adjustable in increments from 0 to|adjusted in increments from 0 to 360 degrees. | |

| | | | |360 degrees. | | |

|4 | |Analytical Software. The mission planner/ radar optimizer tool |D |Verification by demonstration of the |The demonstration verifies if the mission planner/radar | |

| | |should also be able to determine coverage patterns for a single | |mission planner/radar optimizer tool to |optimizer tool allows the determination of coverage | |

| | |radar, as well as, scenarios where multiple radars are available | |determine coverage patterns in a single or |pattern. | |

| | |to provide overlapping coverage. | |multi radar environment. | | |

| |7.2.3 |Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) |

|5 | |Detection Volume. The PSR must detect and report targets and on |D |Verification by demonstration (simulation, |The demonstration verifies if the PSR can detect and | |

| | |or off selectable clutter information during continuous radar | |feed horn, target of opportunity) during |report targets during continuous radar operation and | |

| | |operation and without shifting within the minimum coverage volume | |continuous radar operation and without |without shifting within the minimum coverage volume | |

| | |defined below: | |shifting of the PSR detection volume to an |defined below per the bid response: | |

| | |Range: Minimum range < 5 nautical miles (NM); Maximum range ( 200| |angle as low as -2 degrees, as high as 20 |a through c not required for demo; | |

| | |NM; | |degrees and Antenna Scan Rate of 5 RPM |d. Minimum Upper Limit: 20 degrees from the horizontal | |

| | |Azimuth: 360 degrees coverage; | |minimum. |plane of the radar; | |

| | |Altitude: 0 to 100,000 feet; | | |e. Minimum Lower Limit: -2 degrees; and | |

| | |Minimum Upper Limit: 20 degrees from the horizontal plane of the | | |f. Antenna Scan Rate: 5 RPM minimum. | |

| | |radar; | | | | |

| | |Minimum Lower Limit: -2 degrees; and | | | | |

| | |Antenna Scan Rate: 5 RPM minimum. | | | | |

|6 | |PSR Target Capacity. The PSR must process and report a minimum of|D |Verification by demonstration (simulation) |The demonstration verifies that the PSR processes and | |

| | |1000 target reports per 360-degree azimuth scan. | |of PSR target capability to process and |reports 1000 or more target reports per 360 degree azimuth| |

| | | | |report a minimum of 1000 target reports per|scan. | |

| | | | |360 degree azimuth scan. | | |

|7 | |Operating Frequency. The PSR must have a minimum of 50 distinct |D |Verification by demonstration of the |The demonstration verifies if the PSR has 50 or more | |

| | |operating frequencies within the operating band so that the TCR | |available operating PSR frequency |operating frequencies within the operating band per the | |

| | |System can be configured to prevent interference with other | |selections. |bid response. | |

| | |systems. | | | | |

|8 | |Tunability. The PSR frequencies must be manually selectable. |D |Verification by demonstration of the |The demonstration verifies that the PSR frequencies are | |

| | | | |capability for that t the PSR frequencies |manually selectable. | |

| | | | |are manually selectable. | | |

| |7.2.4 |Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). |

|9 | |Capacity. The MSSR must be capable of processing and reporting a |D |Verification by demonstration (simulation) |The demonstration verifies that the MSSR is capable of | |

| | |minimum of 1000 target reports per 360-degree azimuth scan. | |of the MSSR processing and reporting |processing and reporting 1000 or more target reports per | |

| | | | |capacity. |360 degree azimuth scan. | |

|10 | |The MSSR transmit power function must be electronically adjustable|D |Verification by demonstration of the MSSR |The demonstration verifies that the MSSR transmit power | |

| | |from all maintenance positions between 0 to 6 dB in increments in | |Transmit Power adjustments |function must be electronically adjustable from all | |

| | |order to minimize over interrogation within the overall detection | |(electronically). |maintenance positions between 0 to 6 dB in increments. | |

| | |envelope, with no interruption or degradation of the system. | | | | |

|11 | |The MSSR must allow the selection of Pulse Repetition Frequencies |D |Verification by demonstration of the MSSR |The demonstration verifies that the MSSR allows the | |

| | |(PRFs) over a minimum range of 180 to 450 Hz, inclusive, with | |PRF selection from 180 to 450 Hz |selection of Pulse Repetition Frequencies (PRFs) over a | |

| | |discrete incremental steps of 10 Hz or less at the system level. | |(inclusive) with discrete incremental steps|minimum range of 180 to 450 Hz, inclusive, with discrete | |

| | |The MSSR must be capable to automatically optimize the PRF based | |of 10 Hz or less at the system level. |incremental steps of 10 Hz or less at the system level per| |

| | |on the interlace patterns at the system level. The MSSR must also| |Verification by demonstration of the MSSR |the bid response. | |

| | |be capable of employing PRF stagger at the system level, when | |capability to automatically optimize the |The demonstration verifies if the MSSR is capable of | |

| | |needed, to avoid second-time around responses and FRUIT. | |PRF based on interlace patterns at the |automatically optimizing the PRF based on interlace | |

| | | | |system level. |patterns at the system level. | |

| | | | |Verification by demonstration of the MSSR |The demonstration verifies that the MSSR is capable of | |

| | | | |capability to employ PRF stagger at the |employing PRF stagger at the system level per the bid | |

| | | | |system level. |response. | |

|12 | |The Radar must interrogate aircraft equipped with Mode S |D |Verification by demonstration (simulation) |The demonstration verifies that the Radar system supports | |

| | |transponders. Mode S interrogations must be interlaced with all | |of the Radar system support of Mode S |Mode S Interrogations/Uplink Messages to the RDP. | |

| | |other Military and ATCRBS interrogations (Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3/ | |Interrogations/Uplink and Downlink Messages|The demonstration verifies that the Radar system supports | |

| | |A and C, Mode 4/Mode 5) to include roll call, all call, and | |to the RDP. |Mode S Downlink Messages to the RDP. | |

| | |selective interrogation in the coverage volume. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |The Radar system must support the features detailed below and the | | | | |

| | |data must be provided to the RDP for each associated reply message| | | | |

| | |dependent on aircraft ability to reply: | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Interrogation Mode “Mode S -all call; | | | | |

| | |Interrogation Mode “Mode S Broadcast”; | | | | |

| | |Interrogation Mode “Mode S Addressed”; | | | | |

| | |Uplink Format 4; | | | | |

| | |Uplink Format 5; | | | | |

| | |Uplink Format 11; | | | | |

| | |Uplink Format 20; | | | | |

| | |Uplink Format 21; | | | | |

| | |Downlink Format 4; | | | | |

| | |Downlink Format 5; | | | | |

| | |Downlink Format 11; | | | | |

| | |Downlink Format 20; | | | | |

| | |Downlink Format 21; and | | | | |

| | |Downlink Format 17. | | | | |

|13 | |Priority Filtering. The Radar Data Processor (RDP) must |D |Verification by demonstration (simulation, |The demonstration verifies that the Radar implements | |

| | |accomplish priority filtering by message type and must be | |video playback) of Priority Filtering by |priority filtering by message type when the radar target | |

| | |implemented when the radar target peak capacity as defined in | |message type when the Radar peak capacity |peak capacity as defined in is exceeded. | |

| | | is exceeded in order to allow system controllers to | |is reached. | | |

| | |continue to provide close control of aircraft. | | | | |

|14 | |Target Peak Capacity. The Radar must provide target-processing |D |Verification by demonstration (simulation, |The demonstration verifies that the Radar provides | |

| | |capacity at the output of the Radar in the presence of an | |playback) of the Target Peak Processing |target-processing capacity at the output of the Radar in | |

| | |additional three hundred (300) false PSR reports and one hundred | |Capacity. |the presence of an additional three hundred (300) false | |

| | |(100) false SSR reports, distributed in azimuth for a 360 degree | | |PSR reports and one hundred (100) false SSR reports, | |

| | |scan, and not be impacted by clutter processing must be as defined| | |distributed in azimuth for a 360 degree scan, and not be | |

| | |below: | | |impacted by clutter processing as defined below: | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |A minimum one thousand (1000) real aircraft tracks in any mix of | | |A minimum one thousand (1000) real aircraft tracks in any | |

| | |PSR only, PSR/SSR/Link merge, or SSR only targets; | | |mix of PSR only, PSR/SSR/Link merge, or SSR only targets; | |

| | |A minimum of four hundred (400) targets uniformly distributed in a| | |A peak of four hundred (400) targets uniformly distributed| |

| | |90-degree sector; | | |in a 90-degree sector; | |

| | |A minimum of one hundred twenty-five (125) targets uniformly | | |A peak of one hundred twenty-five (125) targets uniformly | |

| | |distributed across two (2) contiguous 11.25-degree sectors; | | |distributed across two (2) contiguous 11.25-degree | |

| | |A minimum of twenty-five (25) targets in a 1.3-degree wedge | | |sectors; | |

| | |lasting for not more than two (2) contiguous wedges; and | | |A peak of twenty-five (25) targets in a 1.3-degree wedge | |

| | |Targets per radial greater than or equal to sixty (60). | | |lasting for not more than two (2) contiguous wedges; and | |

| | | | | |Targets per radial greater than or equal to sixty (60). | |

|15 | |Target Overload Processing. When the target load exceeds |D |Verification by demonstration (simulation, |The demonstration verifies that the Radar has internal | |

| | |capacity, as per paragraph, the Radar must have internal | |playback) of Target Overload Processing. |processing capable of automatically decreasing the number | |

| | |processing capable of automatically decreasing the number of | | |of reports when the target load exceeds capacity, as per | |

| | |reports and must incrementally reduce target load in accordance | | |Para | |

| | |with the criteria established in paragraph When the | | | | |

| | |overload condition clears, full reporting of all targets must be | | | | |

| | |restored. | | | | |

| |7.4 |Miscellaneous System Requirements. |

| |7.4.2 |Operator and Maintenance Controls. |

| | |Maintenance Controls. |

|16 | |Maintenance Features/Controls. The maintenance console must have |D |Verification by demonstration of full |The demonstration verifies that the maintenance console | |

| | |full control of all operational features as well as control of the| |control of all operational features as well|has full control of all operational features as well as | |

| | |radar and radar subsystems maintenance features. | |as control of the radar and radar |control of the radar and radar sub-systems maintenance | |

| | | | |sub-systems maintenance features from a |features. | |

| | | | |local maintenance console. | | |







Table of Contents


1. Introduction 1

2. Bidders Responsibility 1

3. Bidder Demonstration Plan 1

4. Demonstration Safety 3

5. Demonstration Limitations 4

6. Demonstration Agenda and Minutes 5

7. Demonstration Readiness Review (DRR) 6

8. Pre-Demonstration Verification 6

9. Demonstration 7

10. Post- Demonstration Briefing 7

11. Communications 7

12. Non-Disclosure Forms 8


1. Purpose

1. The purpose of the Equipment Demonstration Verification Plan Overview is to detail the overall Equipment Demonstration Verification process, procedures and methodology to be followed by the Equipment Demonstration Verification team to assess the required demonstration criteria as detailed in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix of the Request for Proposal (RFP).

2. Verification Summary

1. The Bidders must arrange the demonstration to capture functional and operational parameters and must meet the mandatory requirements as detailed in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix of the Request for Proposal (RFP).

2. The Equipment Demonstration Verification will be conducted at each bidder’s proposed location, taking into consideration safety, access and security for the Equipment Demonstration Verification Team.

Bidders Responsibility

3. The Bidders must submit an Equipment Demonstration Verification Plan with their Bid Proposals covering all demonstration criteria as detailed in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix.

4. As part the Response to the RFP, the Bidders must request their proposed demonstration dates to Canada. The demonstration date range will be finalized in consultation with each of the bidder and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) Contracting Authority (CA).

5. The Bidders are responsible for transport to the demonstration location, set-up, operation and teardown of their proposed systems, subsystems and configuration items required for the Equipment Demonstration Verification. The bidders are also responsible for any associated demonstration equipment, test beds, etc. for the Equipment Demonstration Verification.

6. The Bidders are responsible to obtain all necessary frequency supportability and frequency assignment approvals prior to the start of the Equipment Demonstration Verification.

7. The Bidders must use configuration managed versions of hardware and software for their proposed systems, subsystems and configuration items for the Equipment Demonstration Verification.

8. The Bidders must conduct all of the demonstrations as detailed in the Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix.

9. If the bidder decides to deploy more than one System for the purpose of these verifications, all Systems must be inspected and validated by DND before any demonstrations. These systems must be identical with no configuration changes allowed at the time of Equipment Demonstration Verification.

Bidder Demonstration Plan

10. The Bidders must prepare and submit to Canada their Equipment Demonstration Verification Plan (in Bidder’s format) which incorporate the approach (Demonstration Readiness Review, Pre-Demonstration Inspection, Pre-Briefings, Post-Briefings, etc.) and the content detailed below (as applicable).

11. Content: The plan must prescribe the approach, procedures, methods and techniques governing the preparation/conduct and completion of all demonstrations.

12. Schedule. The schedule must provide the location and schedule for the following activities associated with the demonstration as applicable:

a. Demonstration Readiness Review (DRR);

b. Physical Configuration Inspection (PCI);

c. Pre-briefings;

d. Pre-demo activities (e.g., equipment and software preparation, facilities);

e. Demonstration;

f. Post-Briefings;

g. Data reduction and analysis; and

h. Submission of Demonstration Data Results.

13. Demonstration Identification. Name, identification and description of each formal individual demonstrations to be conducted during the Equipment Demonstration Verification period.

14. General Demonstration Requirements. Following is a description of pre-demonstration and set-up requirements that apply to the formal individual demonstrations or to a group of formal demonstrations.

15. Demonstration Details. This section must provide the information specified below for the demonstrations, some or all of this information may be presented graphically:

a. demonstration objective;

b. any special demonstration requirement (e.g. 48 hours of continuous facility time, simulation, real-time);

c. demonstration scenario(s);

d. record of adaptation data and/or switch settings required for the demonstration;

e. type of demonstration data to be recorded; and

f. demonstration assumptions and constraints.

16. Hardware and Software

1. Hardware Preparation. The hardware preparation section must describe the procedures necessary to prepare the hardware for the individual demonstrations. The following must be provided, as applicable.

a. the specific hardware to be used, identified by name, model, part number, etc.;

b. any switch settings, adaptation data and cabling necessary to configure and connect the hardware. These must be identified by name, type and location;

c. one or more diagrams to show hardware, interconnecting control, and data paths; and

d. precise step-by-step instructions for placing the hardware in a state of readiness.

2. Software Preparation. The software preparation section must describe the procedures, adaptation data and related information necessary to prepare the software for the individual demonstrations. Reference may be made to published software manuals for these procedures.

3. Interface Preparation. The interface preparation section must describe the procedures and related information necessary to prepare the interface(s) to be demonstrated.

4. Other Pre-Demonstration Preparations. This section must describe any other pre-demonstration preparations or procedures necessary to perform the individual demonstrations, including any preparations associated with test equipment.

17. Data Recording. Reduction, and Analysis. This section must describe the data reduction and analysis procedures to be used during and following the demonstrations identified in this plan. This section must document how information resulting from data reduction and analysis will be retained. This section must also detail the software and firmware used for the Data Recording, Reduction, and Analysis.

18. Initialization. This section must identify any prerequisite conditions that must be established prior to performing the demonstrations. When the information required in this section duplicates information previously specified, that information might be referenced rather than repeated. The following must be addressed, as applicable:

a. hardware and software configuration;

b. flags, initial breakpoints, pointers, control parameters, or initial data to be set/reset prior to demo commencement;

c. pre-set hardware conditions or electrical states necessary to run the demo case;

d. initial conditions to be used in making timing measurements;

e. conditioning of the simulated environment; and

f. special instructions peculiar to the demonstration.

19. Demonstration Inputs. This section must describe the inputs necessary for each individual demonstrations. The following must be provided, as applicable:

a. source of the input and the method to be used for selecting the input; and

b. whether the input is real/live or simulated.

20. Expected Demonstration Results. This section must identify all expected results for the individual demonstrations. Both intermediate and final demonstration results must be provided, as applicable.

21. Criteria for Verifications/Observations Results. This section must identify the criteria to be used for assessing the intermediate and final results of the demonstration. When the information required in this section duplicates information previously specified, that information might be referenced in this section. For each demonstration result, the following information must be provided, as applicable:

a. accuracy of the result data;

b. maximum and minimum duration of the individual demonstrations, in terms of time or number of events, in order to obtain the results;

c. conditions under which the demonstration results are inconclusive and re-demonstrations are to be performed; and

d. additionnal criteria not mentioned above.

Demonstration Safety

7 General Safety. The demonstration must be conducted in a safe and secure environment for all of the demonstration participants including the DND Equipment Demonstration Verification Team.

8 The Bidder must adhere to all safety, health and electrical safety rules and regulations in force in all jurisdictions where the demonstrations are to be performed.

9 The Bidder must ensure that Radiation Hazards (RADHAZ) protocols are followed, basing maximum exposure levels of Radiation Safety Regulations and rules as detailed in Health Canada Safety Code 6 (or equivalent US RADHAZ Regulations).

10 The Bidder must ensure that if a RADHAZ to personnel exists, the appropriate Caution, Warning or Danger identification is included in publications, device markings and hazard location.

Demonstration Limitations

13 Demonstration Duration

1. As part of the Demonstration Plan, the bidder must identify a preferred date for the start of their respective Equipment Demonstration Verification period.

2. After RFP closing and upon completion of the mandatory technical evaluations, Canada will finalized the demonstration date range in consultation with each bidder if the bidder’s proposal was deemed compliant. Demonstrations must be scheduled and conducted within two months of RFP closing date.

3. After an agreement of the demonstration dates in consultation Canada, the Bidder must prepare and submit a formal demonstration invitation letter to Canada which confirms the date, location, time and schedule with at least 20 calendar day’ notice prior to the start of the formal demonstration.

17 The Demonstration period must not exceed more than 5 consecutive calendar days, including all individual demonstrations, the Demonstration Readiness Review(s), daily pre-briefings and post-briefings.

19 The demonstration must be conducted between the hours of 8:00 am to 18:00 hours.

4. The demonstrations will be conducted at each bidder’s proposed location. Canada has no restriction on the selection of the location. However, the selected bidder’s location will be examined and reviewed for safety, security and accessibility.

5. Primary amenities such as washrooms, water, access roads, etc. must be available at the demonstration locations.

20 The Bidder demonstration period must be detailed in the Demonstration Plan and in the formal demonstration invitation letter.

22 The demonstration must be conducted between the hours of 8:00 am to 18:00 hours, Monday through Sunday. If it is necessary to extend the daily demonstration hours in order to meet the Equipment Demonstration Verification schedule, the Bidder must provide a written request in advance to Canada.

23 The demonstration must be conducted in a safe and secure environment for all of the demonstration participants including the DND Equipment Demonstration Verification Team and where primary amenities are available (washrooms, water, access roads, etc.)

24 Demonstrated/Not Demonstrated

a. The Bidder will not be assigned a status for each of the individual demonstrations.

b. The Bidder will be assessed on each of the Demonstration Criteria / Requirements outlined in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix.

c. The demonstration of any additional desirable requirements not outlined in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix will not affect the individual demonstration criteria as outlined in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix of the Request for Proposal (RFP).

25 Adjustments and Changes

26 No system, subsystems and configuration items set-up, configuration changes or adjustments are allowed once an individual demonstration has started.

27 No engineering is to be performed during the individual Equipment Demonstration Verification. While malfunctioning parts may be replaced, no system improvements must be allowed after the start of an individual demonstration.

28 Demonstration Retrials

29 If an individual demonstration under observation was not successful, the demonstration may be retried an additional two times. Any individual demonstration must be repeated in its entirety. All retries and their results will be logged in the Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix.

30 The Bidder is allowed three attempts for each of the individual demonstration during the complete demonstration period. After three failed attempts, the individual demonstration will be considered “not demonstrated”.

31 After each unsuccessful individual demonstrations, the bidder must report on the deficiencies encountered during the unsuccessful demonstration and on actions taken to correct the deficiency to Canada prior to proceeding to another attempt at the previously unsuccessful individual Equipment Demonstration Verification.

1. Demonstration Agenda and Minutes

33 Agendas. The Bidder can prepare and deliver a draft demonstration agenda with the submitted demonstration plan at the RFP. The demonstration agenda can be updated and re-submitted before and during the demonstration period for concurrence by Canada.

34 Minutes. The Bidder must prepare and deliver demonstration minutes at the end of the Equipment Demonstration Verification period. The demonstration minutes must as a minimum include a list of the demonstration participants, a checklist of all of the individual demonstrations executed, and any associated formal discussions.

a. If demonstration period is carried out over a period greater than one day, a progressive draft of the demonstration minutes must be compiled at the end of each day of the demonstration period.

b. At the end of every daily demonstration sessions, both the Bidder and Canada must agree in principle on the draft demonstration minutes. However, Canada will have final approval for all agendas and minutes of demonstrations.

c. The minutes must also include any formal discussions held during the Demonstration Readiness Review, pre-briefings, post-briefings and individual demonstrations.

35 Pre-Brief / Post Brief. Daily demonstration sessions are to be preceded by a pre-brief and succeeded by a post-brief, to present, discuss and conclude on the daily individual demonstrations.

Demonstration Readiness Review (DRR)

38 The Bidder must conduct a Demonstration Readiness Review (DRR) at the start of the formal demonstration period.

39 The following subjects must be presented for discussion and review at the DRR:

a. Demonstration plans, procedures, scenarios and cases;

b. Demonstration facility and equipment readiness;

c. Results of informal demonstrations;

d. Scope of demonstrations; and

e. Demonstration limitations, constraints and assumptions.


1. A Pre-Briefing before the session of individual demonstrations must be held daily (except when a DRR is being held). During the Pre-Briefing, the bidder must provide an update to Canada on the list of individual demonstrations planned for the day. The bidder and Canada will review the daily demonstration agenda.

2. The Bidder must also advise Canada of the necessary demonstration preparations (hardware, software and interface, etc.) and primary configuration parameters.

3. The Bidder must discuss the expected results for the individual demonstrations planned for the day. The Bidder must discuss any demonstration limitations associated with any of the individual demonstrations planned for this day.

4. The Bidder must discuss any coordination and travel arrangements associated with the individual demonstrations.

5. The Bidder must also advise on any security and safety guidelines to be followed by the Equipment Demonstration Verification participants at the demonstration location/site.

Pre-Demonstration Verification

6. Verification

1. The Bidder must prepare for and support the verification of the systems, subsystems and configuration items for each of the individual demonstrations at each Bidder`s location.

2. A physical verification must be accomplished before any individual demonstrations to ensure that the system, subsystem and/or configuration items being used in the demonstration are the ones being proposed in the Bidder’s Proposal.

3. Associated engineering drawings, specifications, technical data and manuals of the equipment must be provided to validate the demonstration configuration/installation is as reflected in the Bidder’s Proposal.

2. Demonstration

1. The Bidder must conduct formal demonstrations at its selected location(s) to fully demonstrate that the system, subsystems and/or configuration items provide the required functionality as detailed in Equipment Demonstration Verification Criteria / Requirements.

2. Scheduling of the formal demonstration must be closely coordinated with Canada to ensure proper coordination with Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC) Contracting Authority (CA), Equipment Demonstration Verification Team and any required Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

3. The Bidder must be responsible for all costs associated with the demonstration, including transportation of the demonstration system, subsystems and configuration items to the Bidder`s selected demonstration sites, the mobility of demonstration support personnel, etc. with the exception of the cost of government travel.

4. Every individual demonstrations will be assessed on the detailed criteria documented in Equipment Demonstration Verification Matrix.


5. A Post-Briefing after the session of individual demonstrations must be held daily. Canada and the Bidder should review and verify the list of all of the individual demonstrations conducted by the Bidder and witnessed by Canada during this demonstration day.

43 The demonstration minutes must be updated on a daily basis, as a minimum, to include a list of the demonstration participants, a checklist of all of the individual demonstrations executed, and any associated formal discussions.

44 The Bidder and Canada must review and agree in principle on the draft daily demonstration minutes.


6. Any communications related to this solicitation received outside the planned Equipment Demonstration Verification process from TCR Modernization bidders must be directed to the PSPC CA. Informal communications in regards to the Equipment Demonstration Verification assessment with the bidders will not be permitted.

7. During the Equipment Demonstration Verification process, it may be necessary to clarify issues on a specific individual demonstration. The Equipment Demonstration Verification Team Lead (EDVTL) and Contracting Authority are responsible for managing such clarifications.

8. If, after the demonstration period, additional clarifications are required, each formal request for clarification must be answered and recorded using the Clarification Request – Standard Form Appendix A to this document.

9. Clarifications can be requested and discussed during the demonstration readiness review (DRR) and/or the demonstration briefings. Any clarifications must be detailed in the demonstrations minutes.

Non-Disclosure Forms

10. All personnel assigned to the TCR Modernization Equipment Demonstration Verification Team are required to sign as having read, understood and concurred with the terms stated in the Statement of Non-Disclosure – Appendix B to this document.








Proposal Number:



Clarification Request:





Personnel assigned to take part in the TCR Modernization Equipment Demonstration Verification will, in the performance of their duties, be required to review bidder(s) information in the strictest confidence. Any and all material used or generated during the work on the TCR Modernization Project Equipment Demonstration Verification must be controlled and secured in accordance with standard DND and Project instructions.

Consequently, without the prior authorization of the Contracting Authority:

a. No reproduction of material (including working papers) must be allowed; and

b. Equipment Demonstration Verification Team members must not divulge any information relevant to the verifications and observations, during or after their involvement with the TCR Modernization Project Equipment Demonstration Verification, directly or indirectly, to other parties, including other Department personnel.

All personnel assigned to the TCR Modernization Project Equipment Demonstration Verification are required to sign as having read, understood and concurred with the terms stated above.

Having read and understood the terms of non-disclosure, I acknowledge by signing this document that I have read, understand and concur with the terms as stated.

__________________________________ ____________________________



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