
Rowe 1Jabril Rowe Eng 102-01Shannan WilsonApril 28, 2017The Moonlight In Black MenPsychoanalytic theory is a method of investigating and treating personality disorders and is used in psychotherapy. Sigmund Freud, the founder of the theory believed that the mind is split in multiple segments. The conscious mind and the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind causes people to make certain decisions that they don’t recognize on a conscious level, such as your five senses. The second level is the pre-conscious level, which is the data stored in the mind that can be brought back to the conscious mind at any time. For example, when we want to text someone it is easy to remember their number or where there name is at in your phone. This can also occur when you are walking around campus and are not as attentive to your surroundings. The third level is the unconscious level which refers to the memories and emotions that have not been repressed but are brought back to the consciousness. For instance, we are able to see, smell, or hear and it reminds us of a time in our life. Freud believed that the unconscious mind would eventually reveal itself in either our dreams or in our everyday conversation. Rowe 2In the movie “Moon Light” it really breaks down this Psychoanalytic theory. Chiron the main character, grew up in a rough neighborhood and was constantly bullied because of his sexuality. The director of the movie Barry Jenkins, used his trials and tribulations to make this movie. Jenkins created short films and unsuccessful movies before he made his best movie to date “Moonlight”. The film takes place with Chiron living with his single crack addict mother ‘Paula’, in a crime infested neighborhood in Miami. Chiron is a shy, and to himself, largely due to the fact that he's small and his mother neglects him. His mom is more concerned about getting her fixes and satisfying her needs than taking care of him. Chiron’s mother’s addiction leaves him with no guidance or love to become a succeeding african american male in society. Chiron is bullied through his childhood and early teen years. The slurs and harassment towards him, he doesn't understand but knows they are meant to be hurtful. Throughout Chiron’s childhood he was being guided and raised by a local drug dealer named ‘Juan’. This was Chiron’s first time experiencing love and affection by any sex. Juan was able to see how Chiron was being treated and he made an unconscious decision to take in Chiron. Juan gave Chiron a place to lay his head and even put food in his stomach. Teresa, Juan’s girlfriend also helped shape Chiron, giving him money for school. Throughout Chiron’s childhood he had another friend named Kevin. Chiron experienced his first sexual activity as a teen, but it wasn't with a female it was with his best friend Kevin. The experience is very critical in his life because he was at a age where your hormones in your body are stronger than ever for sexual activity. After the experience Chiron kept it close to him and never experienced any sexual activity for a while after. Throughout his life Chiron met people that cared for him and protected him, with two out of the three were Rowe 3males. His mom never left his life physically because he still made efforts to keep her around, however once he got older he ended up following his childhood mentors path and became a drug dealer as well. Chiron eventually reconnected with his childhood friend Kevin again and they talked about their past experience. Chiron’s life story bleeds the psychoanalytic theory. His experience as a child had a lot to do with his decisions when he became of age. As an african american male, it’s hard to become successful without any guidance in life. Chiron's only hope was his mom, because his father wasn't in the picture. His mom disciplined him but didn't give him attention or love. The neglect made him make an unconscious decision to find love and attention whether the attention was from his friend or his mentor. In the film, Chiron experiences the third level of the psychoanalytic theory. Chiron's memories and previous emotions made him the man he grew up to be. Growing up he was called “gay” but was raised to be a strong man. When he experienced his first sexual experience with a male. This experienced played apart on his life because he only had that one experienced which was with a male. As a child, it was beat into his head that he was gay and eventually he accepted the title. Chiron's relationship with his mom also played a part in his sexuality. His mom treated him so bad that he didn't look at women as the type to nurture. Chiron’s relationship with his mentor influenced his outlook on males. He was loved and given the necessary attention by his mentor. In a scene from the movie, it takes place at the beach. This is critical because it’s where Juan took him to learn how to swim, and is the same place where his sexual experience with Kevin took place. Later in the movie, he was by the beach with Kevin as an adult and it was a pause in his posture as he gazed at the beach. In that moment his unconscious mind reminded Rowe 4him of his previous experience with Kevin. Chiron never chose to be gay or a drug dealer because he needed to be, it was more of a play on his emotions and childhood memories. Growing up as a young african american male, you can relate to Chiron in a way. Growing up men are taught not to cry and keep your feelings bottled up. Were told “you better not cry” or “I can care less about you crying”. Theses responses came, even if you were right or wrong. It effects how males express there self in the world. If males are not comfortable with you they speak less if they know sometimes they out speak you which can causes problems. Still, to this day, we see grown men suffer from those consequences. This built up emotions lead up to numerous negative outcomes. Every story isn’t going to be like Chiron’s and the Facebook killer, but we have men crying out at young ages and getting pushed to the side. So in their adult age, people wonder why men are so angry, and violent. However this is not the only reason, but if men were allowed to express how they feel, and not be judged for it people would be able to bring more light to the moon. Rowe 5Work Cited HYPERLINK " HYPERLINK "


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